Pagan work Doctor Zhivago. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago": analysis of the work. Reviews of the book "Doctor Zhivago"

Pasternak's novels show the problems of life at that time.

"Doctor Zhivago" main characters

  • Yuri Andreevich Zhivago - doctor, the main character of the novel
  • Antonina Aleksandrovna Zhivago (Gromeko) - Yuri's wife
  • Larisa Fedorovna Antipova (Guichard) - Antipov's wife
  • Pavel Pavlovich Antipov (Strelnikov) - Lara's husband, revolutionary commissar
  • Alexander Alexandrovich and Anna Ivanovna Gromeko - Antonina's parents
  • Evgraf Andreevich Zhivago - Major General, half-brother of Yuri
  • Nikolai Nikolaevich Vedenyapin - uncle of Yuri Andreevich
  • Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky - Moscow lawyer
  • Katenka Antipova - Larisa's daughter
  • Mikhail Gordon and Innokenty Dudorov - Yuri's classmates at the gymnasium
  • Osip Gimazetdinovich Galiullin - white general
  • Anfim Efimovich Samdevyatov - lawyer, Bolshevik
  • Liveriy Averkievich Mikulitsyn (Comrade Lesnykh) - leader of the Forest Brothers
  • Marina - Yuri's third common-law wife
  • Kipriyan Savelyevich Tiverzin and Pavel Ferapontovich Antipov - workers of the Brest railway, political prisoners
  • Maria Nikolaevna Zhivago (Vedenyapina) - Yuri's mother
  • Prov Afanasyevich Sokolov - acolyte
  • Shura Shlesinger - friend of Antonina Alexandrovna
  • Marfa Gavrilovna Tiverzina - mother of Kipriyan Savelyevich Tiverzin
  • Sofia Malakhova - friend Savelia
  • Markel - janitor in the old house of the Zhivago family, Marina's father

Yuri Zhivago is a little boy who is experiencing the death of his mother: “They walked and walked and sang “Eternal Memory” ....” Yura is a descendant of a wealthy family that made a fortune in industrial, commercial and banking operations. The parents' marriage was not happy: the father abandoned the family before the death of the mother.

Orphaned Yura will be sheltered for a while by his uncle living in the south of Russia. Then numerous relatives and friends will send him to Moscow, where he will be accepted as one of his own into the family of Alexander and Anna Gromeko.

Yuri's exceptionalism becomes obvious quite early - even as a young man, he shows himself as a talented poet. But at the same time he decides to follow in the footsteps of his adoptive father Alexander Gromeko and enters the medical department of the university, where he also proves himself as a talented doctor. The first love, and subsequently the wife of Yuri Zhivago, becomes the daughter of his benefactors, Tonya Gromeko.

Yuri and Tony had two children, but then fate separated them forever, and the doctor never saw his youngest daughter, who was born after the separation.

At the beginning of the novel, new faces constantly appear before the reader. All of them will be tied into a single ball by the further course of the story. One of them is Larisa, the slave of the elderly lawyer Komarovsky, who tries with all her might and cannot escape the captivity of his “patronage”. Lara has a childhood friend, Pavel Antipov, who will later become her husband, and Lara will see her salvation in him. Having gotten married, he and Antipov cannot find their happiness; Pavel leaves his family and goes to the front of the First World War. Subsequently, he would become a formidable revolutionary commissar, changing his surname to Strelnikov. At the end of the Civil War, he plans to reunite with his family, but this desire will never come true.

Fate brings Yuri Zhivago and Lara together in different ways during the First World War in the front-line settlement of Melyuzeyevo, where the main character of the work is called to war as a military doctor, and Antipova volunteers as a sister of mercy, trying to find her missing husband Pavel. Subsequently, the lives of Zhivago and Lara intersect again in the provincial Yuryatin-on-Rynva (a fictional Ural city, the prototype of which was Perm), where they vainly seek refuge from the revolution that destroys everything. Yuri and Larisa will meet and fall in love. But soon poverty, hunger and repression will separate both Doctor Zhivago’s family and Larina’s family. For a year and a half, Zhivago will disappear in Siberia, serving as a military doctor in captivity of the Red partisans. Having escaped, he will return on foot back to the Urals - to Yuryatin, where he will again meet with Lara. His wife Tonya, together with Yuri's children and father-in-law, while in Moscow, writes about imminent forced deportation abroad. Hoping to wait out the winter and the horrors of the Yuryatinsky Revolutionary Military Council, Yuri and Lara take refuge in the abandoned Varykino estate. Soon an unexpected guest comes to them - Komarovsky, who received an invitation to head the Ministry of Justice in the Far Eastern Republic, proclaimed on the territory of Transbaikalia and the Russian Far East. He persuades Yuri Andreevich to let Lara and her daughter go with him to the east, promising to transport them abroad. Yuri Andreevich agrees, realizing that he will never see them again.

Gradually he begins to go crazy from loneliness. Soon Lara's husband, Pavel Antipov (Strelnikov), comes to Varykino. Demoted and wandering across the expanses of Siberia, he tells Yuri Andreevich about his participation in the revolution, about Lenin, about the ideals of Soviet power, but, having learned from Yuri Andreevich that Lara has loved and loves him all this time, he understands how bitterly he was mistaken. Strelnikov commits suicide with a rifle shot. After Strelnikov's suicide, the doctor returns to Moscow in the hope of fighting for his future life. There he meets his last woman - Marina, the daughter of the former (back in Tsarist Russia) Zhivag janitor Markel. In a civil marriage with Marina, they have two girls. Yuri gradually sinks, abandons scientific and literary activities and, even realizing his fall, cannot do anything about it. One morning, on the way to work, he becomes ill on the tram and dies of a heart attack in the center of Moscow. His half-brother Evgraf and Lara, who will soon go missing soon after, come to say goodbye to him at his coffin.

Ahead will be the Second World War, and the Kursk Bulge, and the washerwoman Tanya, who will tell Yuri Andreevich’s gray-haired childhood friends - Innokenty Dudorov and Mikhail Gordon, who survived the Gulag, arrests and repressions of the late 30s, the story of their lives; It turns out that this is the illegitimate daughter of Yuri and Lara, and Yuri’s brother, Major General Evgraf Zhivago, will take her under his wing. He will also compile a collection of Yuri's works - a notebook that Dudorov and Gordon read in the last scene of the novel. The novel ends with 25 poems by Yuri Zhivago.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago has become one of the most controversial works of our time. The West admired them and categorically did not recognize the Soviet Union. It was published in all European languages, while the official publication in the original language came out only three decades after it was written. Abroad, it brought the author fame and the Nobel Prize, but at home - persecution, persecution, and exclusion from the Union of Soviet Writers.

Years passed, the system collapsed, the whole country fell. The Motherland is finally talking about its unrecognized genius and his work. Textbooks were rewritten, old newspapers were sent to the furnace, Pasternak’s good name was restored, and even the Nobel Prize was returned (as an exception!) to the laureate’s son. "Doctor Zhivago" sold millions of copies to all corners of the new country.

Yura Zhivago, Lara, the scoundrel Komarovsky, Yuryatin, the house in Varykino, “It’s shallow, it’s shallow all over the earth...” - any of these verbal nominations is for a modern person an easily recognizable allusion to Pasternak’s novel. The work boldly stepped beyond the tradition that existed in the twentieth century, turning into a literary myth about a bygone era, its inhabitants and the forces that controlled them.

History of creation: recognized by the world, rejected by the homeland

The novel Doctor Zhivago was created over ten years, from 1945 to 1955. The idea of ​​writing great prose about the destinies of his generation appeared in Boris Pasternak back in 1918. However, for various reasons, it was not possible to bring it to life.

In the 30s, “Zhivult's Notes” appeared - such a test of the pen before the birth of the future masterpiece. In the surviving fragments of the Notes, a thematic, ideological and figurative similarity with the novel Doctor Zhivago can be traced. Thus, Patrik Zhivult became the prototype of Yuri Zhivago, Evgeniy Istomin (Lyuvers) - Larisa Fedorovna (Lara).

In 1956, Pasternak sent the manuscript of “Doctor Zhivago” to leading literary publications – “New World”, “Znamya”, “Fiction”. They all refused to publish the novel, while behind the Iron Curtain the book was released in November 1957. It saw the light of day thanks to the interest of an Italian radio employee in Moscow, Sergio D’Angelo, and his compatriot, publisher Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.

In 1958, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize “For significant achievements in modern lyric poetry, as well as the continuation of the traditions of the great Russian epic novel.” Pasternak became the second Russian writer, after Ivan Bunin, to receive this honorary prize. European recognition had the effect of a bomb exploding in the domestic literary environment. From then on, large-scale persecution of the writer began, which did not subside until the end of his days.

Parsnip was called a “Judas,” “an anti-conscience bait on a rusty hook,” a “literary weed,” and a “black sheep” that got into a good herd. He was forced to refuse the prize, expelled from the Union of Soviet Writers, showered with caustic epigrams, and Pasternak’s “minutes of hatred” were organized at plants, factories and other government institutions. It is paradoxical that there was no talk of publishing the novel in the USSR, so most of the detractors did not see the work in person. Subsequently, the persecution of Pasternak went down in literary history under the title “I haven’t read it, but I condemn it!”

Ideological meat grinder

Only in the late 60s, after the death of Boris Leonidovich, the persecution began to subside. In 1987, Pasternak was reinstated in the Union of Soviet Writers, and in 1988, the novel “Doctor Zhivago” was published on the pages of the magazine “New World”, which thirty years ago not only did not agree to publish Pasternak, but also published an accusatory letter addressed to him with a demand deprive Boris Leonidovich of Soviet citizenship.

Today, Doctor Zhivago remains one of the most widely read novels in the world. It spawned a number of other works of art - dramatizations and films. The novel has been filmed four times. The most famous version was filmed by a creative trio - USA, UK, Germany. The project was directed by Giacomo Campiotti, starring Hans Matheson (Yuri Zhivago), Keira Knightley (Lara), Sam Neill (Komarovsky). There is also a domestic version of Doctor Zhivago. It appeared on TV screens in 2005. The role of Zhivago was played by Oleg Menshikov, Lara by Chulpan Khamatova, Komarovsky was played by Oleg Yankovsky. The film project was led by director Alexander Proshkin.

The novel begins with a funeral. They say goodbye to Natalya Nikolaevna Vedepyanina, the mother of little Yura Zhivago. Now Yura is left an orphan. Their father left them with their mother long ago, happily squandering the family's million-dollar fortune somewhere in the vastness of Siberia. During one of these trips, having gotten drunk on the train, he jumped out of the train at full speed and fell to his death.

Little Yura was sheltered by relatives - the Gromeko professorial family. Alexander Alexandrovich and Anna Ivanovna accepted young Zhivago as their own. He grew up with their daughter Tonya, his main friend since childhood.

At the time when Yura Zhivago lost his old one and found a new family, the widow Amalia Karlovna Guichard came to Moscow with her children - Rodion and Larisa. A friend of her late husband, respected Moscow lawyer Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky, helped organize the move for Madame (the widow was a Russified Frenchwoman). The benefactor helped the family settle in a big city, got Rodka into the cadet corps and continued to visit Amalia Karlovna, a narrow-minded and amorous woman, from time to time.

However, interest in her mother quickly faded when Lara grew up. The girl developed quickly. At the age of 16 she already looked like a young beautiful woman. A graying womanizer bewitched an inexperienced girl - before she knew it, the young victim found herself in his net. Komarovsky lay at the feet of his young lover, swore his love and blasphemed himself, begged him to open up to his mother and have a wedding, as if Lara was arguing and did not agree. And he continued and continued to shamefully take her under a long veil to special rooms in expensive restaurants. “Is it possible that when people love, they humiliate?” – Lara wondered and could not find an answer, hating her tormentor with all her soul.

Several years after the vicious affair, Lara shoots Komarovsky. This happened during a Christmas celebration at the venerable Moscow Sventitsky family. Lara didn’t hit Komarovsky, and, by and large, she didn’t want to. But without suspecting it, she landed right in the heart of a young man named Zhivago, who was also among those invited.

Thanks to Komarovsky’s connections, the shooting incident was hushed up. Lara hastily married her childhood friend Patulya (Pasha) Antipov, a very modest young man who was selflessly in love with her. After the wedding, the newlyweds leave for the Urals, to the small town of Yuryatin. There their daughter Katenka is born. Lara, now Larisa Fedorovna Antipova, teaches at the gymnasium, and Patulya, Pavel Pavlovich, reads history and Latin.

At this time, changes also occur in the life of Yuri Andreevich. His named mother Anna Ivanovna dies. Soon Yura marries Tonya Gromeko, whose tender friendship has long turned into adult love.

The regular life of these two families was shaken up by the outbreak of war. Yuri Andreevich is mobilized to the front as a military doctor. He has to leave Tonya with his newborn son. In turn, Pavel Antipov leaves his family of his own free will. He has long been burdened by family life. Realizing that Lara is too good for him, that she does not love him, Patulya considers any options, including suicide. The war came in very handy - an ideal way to prove yourself as a hero, or to find a quick death.

Book two: the greatest love on earth

Having sipped on the sorrows of war, Yuri Andreevich returns to Moscow and finds his beloved city in terrible ruin. The reunited Zhivago family decides to leave the capital and go to the Urals, to Varykino, where the factories of Kruger, Antonina Alexandrovna’s grandfather, used to be located. Here, by coincidence, Zhivago meets Larisa Fedorovna. She works as a nurse in a hospital where Yuri Andreevich gets a job as a doctor.

Soon a connection begins between Yura and Lara. Tormented by remorse, Zhivago returns to Lara’s house again and again, unable to resist the feeling that this beautiful woman evokes in him. He admires Lara every minute: “She doesn’t want to be liked, to be beautiful, to be captivating. She despises this side of the feminine essence and, as it were, punishes herself for being so good... How good everything she does is. She reads it as if this is not the highest human activity, but something simpler, accessible to animals. It’s like she’s carrying water or peeling potatoes.”

The love dilemma is again solved by war. One day, on the road from Yuryatin to Varykino, Yuri Andreevich will be captured by the Red partisans. Only after a year and a half of wandering through the Siberian forests will Doctor Zhivago be able to escape. Yuryatin was captured by the Reds. Tonya, father-in-law, son and daughter, who was born after the doctor’s forced absence, left for Moscow. They manage to secure the opportunity to emigrate abroad. Antonina Pavlovna writes about this to her husband in a farewell letter. This letter is a cry into the void, when the writer does not know whether his message will reach the addressee. Tonya says that she knows about Lara, but does not condemn the still beloved Yura. “Let me cross you,” the letters scream hysterically, “For all the endless separation, trials, uncertainty, for all your long, long dark path.”

Having lost forever the hope of reuniting with his family, Yuri Andreevich again begins to live with Lara and Katenka. In order not to appear once again in a city that has raised red banners, Lara and Yura retire to the forest house of the deserted Varykino. Here they spend the happiest days of their quiet family happiness.

Oh, how good they were together. They loved to talk in low voices for a long time, with a candle burning comfortably on the table. They were united by a community of souls and a gulf between them and the rest of the world. “I am jealous of you for the items of your toilet,” Yura confessed to Lara, “for the drops of sweat on your skin, for the infectious diseases in the air... I love you madly, without memory, endlessly.” “They definitely taught us how to kiss in heaven,” Lara whispered, “And then they sent us as children to live at the same time, so that we could test this ability on each other.”

Komarovsky bursts into the Varykin happiness of Lara and Yura. He reports that all of them are in danger of reprisals and implores them to save themselves. Yuri Andreevich is a deserter, and the former revolutionary commissar Strelnikov (aka the supposedly deceased Pavel Antipov) has fallen out of favor. His loved ones will face inevitable death. Fortunately, one of these days a train will pass by. Komarovsky can arrange a safe departure. This is the last chance.

Zhivago flatly refuses to go, but in order to save Lara and Katenka he resorts to deception. At the instigation of Komarovsky, he says that he will follow them. He himself remains at the forest house, without really saying goodbye to his beloved.

Poems by Yuri Zhivago

Loneliness drives Yuri Andreevich crazy. He loses track of the days, and drowns out his frenzied, bestial longing for Lara with memories of her. During the days of Varykin's seclusion, Yura creates a cycle of twenty-five poems. They are appended at the end of the novel as “Poems by Yuri Zhivago”:

“Hamlet” (“The noise died down. I stepped onto the stage”);
“On Strastnaya”;
"White Night";
"Spring minx";
"Summer in the City";
“Autumn” (“I let my family leave…”);
“Winter Night” (“The candle was burning on the table...”);
"Garden of Gethsemane" and others.

One day a stranger appears on the doorstep of the house. This is Pavel Pavlovich Antipov, aka Revolutionary Committee Strelnikov. The men talk all night. About life, about revolution, about disappointment, and about a woman who was loved and continues to be loved. In the morning, when Zhivago fell asleep, Antipov put a bullet in his forehead.

What happened next to the doctor is not clear; we only know that he returned to Moscow on foot in the spring of 1922. Yuri Andreevich settles with Markel (the former janitor of the Zhivago family) and becomes friends with his daughter Marina. Yuri and Marina have two daughters. But Yuri Andreevich no longer lives, he seems to be living out his life. He gives up his literary activities, falls into poverty, and accepts the submissive love of the faithful Marina.

One day Zhivago disappears. He sends his common-law wife a short letter in which he says that he wants to be alone for some time, to think about his future fate and life. However, he never returned to his family. Death overtook Yuri Andreevich unexpectedly - in a Moscow tram car. He died of a heart attack.

In addition to people from his inner circle in recent years, an unknown man and woman came to Zhivago’s funeral. This is Evgraf (Yuri's half-brother and his patron) and Lara. “Here we are together again, Yurochka. How God brought us to see each other again... - Lara quietly whispers at the coffin, - Goodbye, my great and dear one, goodbye my pride, goodbye my fast little river, how I loved your all-day splash, how I loved to rush into your cold waves... Your departure, mine end".

We invite you to get acquainted with the poet, writer, translator, publicist - one of the most prominent representatives of Russian literature of the twentieth century. The novel “Doctor Zhivago” brought the writer the greatest fame.

Washerwoman Tanya

Years later, during the Second World War, Gordon and Dudorov meet the washerwoman Tanya, a narrow-minded, simple woman. She shamelessly tells the story of her life and her recent meeting with Major General Zhivago himself, who for some reason found her and invited her on a date. Gordon and Dudorov soon realize that Tanya is the illegitimate daughter of Yuri Andreevich and Larisa Fedorovna, born after leaving Varykino. Lara was forced to leave the girl at a railway crossing. So Tanya lived in the care of Aunt Marfusha’s caretaker, not knowing affection, care, not hearing the book word.

There is nothing left of her parents in her - Lara’s majestic beauty, her natural intelligence, Yura’s sharp mind, his poetry. It is bitter to look at the fruit of great love mercilessly beaten by life. “This has happened several times in history. What was conceived ideally, sublimely, became crude and materialized.” So Greece became Rome, Russian enlightenment became the Russian revolution, Tatiana Zhivago turned into the laundress Tanya.

B. Pasternak's novel, dedicated to the tragic fate of the intelligentsia in the revolutionary whirlwind, was highly appreciated by international juries and awarded the Nobel Prize. This is a very complex and ornately written work that not everyone can understand the first time. To comprehend a text filled with symbols and images, you need to refer to it again and again. To make the book easier to read, the Literaguru team has compiled a brief retelling of the novel in parts and chapters. We also offer you a detailed one, with its help you will be able to penetrate deeper into the thoughts of the brilliant writer.

Part one: Five o'clock ambulance

  1. Little Yuri Zhivago (here is his) walked as part of a large procession that reported on a far from happy event - the death of his mother (Marya Nikolaevna). Already at the grave, the boy, who seemed too quiet and calm, sat down on the bare ground and sobbed with the languid howl of a “little wolf cub,” and only one person in all black was able to calm him down - Yuri’s uncle and Marya Nikolaevna’s brother (priest Nikolai Nikolaevich Vedenyapin).
  2. All night in the monastery chambers, where the orphan spent the night with his uncle, it seemed to the boy that the cold wind and drafts were harbingers of something terrible and frightening, and only the awakened uncle’s conversations about Christ somehow helped to cope with the seemingly impending danger.
  3. Little Yura didn’t really know anything about his father’s debauchery, the carousing that he organized, losing his million-dollar fortune at various fairs at a time when his abandoned mother fell ill with consumption. Treatment in the south of France did not give anything, the woman grew weaker. But he still remembered when factories, banks and manufactories, even rum women, were named after their surname - Zhivago. Now, only a barely visible trace remains, “they have become poor,” writes the author.
  4. In the summer of 1903, Yuri and his uncle went to Duplyanka, on the estate of the Kologrivoy silk-spinning factory and to the teacher Ivan Ivanovich Voskoboynikov. Yura liked Duplyanka because Nika Dudorev, a high school student (2 years older), lived with Voskoboynikov, with whom he had, one might say, friendly relations. While they were driving, the adults talked about how the people had become disorganized lately: they killed a merchant, burned a stud farm, etc. The interlocutors are inclined to believe that it is necessary to tighten the screws, otherwise ordinary people will interrupt and destroy everything that exists.
  5. While Uncle Yuri was discussing the “Christian question” with Voskoboinikov (the priest argued that Christ is the basis of culture and progress, and the gospel gives all living things an incentive to move forward), and the children were doing their “children’s things,” the whistle of a train was heard in the distance, which, according to Voskoboinikov , “there was no reason to stop.” Strangeness and nothing more.
  6. Loitering around the house, Yura rolled into a ravine and cried for a long time about his mother, called her from heaven, and prayed. Then he lost consciousness, but woke up and remembered that he had not prayed for his missing father. He put this activity aside because he didn’t remember it at all.
  7. In a second-class compartment on the train was 11-year-old Misha Gordon, a high school student from Orenburg. Someone said that a man jumped out of the car onto the tracks and fell to his death, which is why there was an emergency stop. Misha knew this man who often came into their compartment and gave him all sorts of gifts to make up for some “guilt” he mentioned. He also knew a lawyer - a man with a strange expression on his face, who was almost always near this man. This suicide was the father of Yuri Zhivago. Before the tragedy, he drank for three months and kept saying that he was suffering inhuman torment.
  8. Nika, to whom Yura came, ran away from home. This boy is a descendant of a political terrorist who is in prison for murder. He, too, can’t wait to get down to real business, but for now he plays with the neighbor’s girl Nadya and dreams of growing up.
  9. Part two: A girl from another circle

    1. While the war with Japan had not yet ended, and the revolutions were just beginning, the wife of an engineer, Amalia Karlovna Guichard, arrived in Moscow from the Urals with two children: Lara and Rodion. She had some savings, so she bought a small sewing workshop on the advice of her lawyer, Komarovsky, who also advised her to send the boy to the “cadets” and the girl to a girls’ gymnasium.
    2. Amalia Karlovna, a frivolous and loving woman, “received” Komarovsky quite often, which in every possible way provoked her workers to shout after him such as: “buffalo” and “woman’s damage.” To put it mildly, he inspired distrust and rejection. This widow was still afraid of losing her inheritance from her deceased husband, so she mercilessly saved the budget: she and the children lived in dirty furnished rooms.
    3. Lara became friends with worker Olya Demina. An atmosphere of honesty and decency reigned in the workshop. Only Amalia Karlovna did not feel like the mistress of this business, she was always nervous, afraid of burning out.
    4. Lara was a little over sixteen years old, but with her beauty and “forms” she looked like an adult lady. The relationship between Komarovsky and Lara can be judged not only by his private appearances with her in the “society”, but also by the “secret hatred” that Lara felt for her “patron”.
    5. Near the Brest railway, where the Guichard family’s home is located, Pavel Antipov, a road foreman who was infected by “revolutionary sentiments,” also lives. This chapter describes how he complains to his superiors about the poor materials for the road. His words are ignored, because the bosses are making good money from this business, because Fuflygin is wearing expensive clothes, he has his own trip, etc.
    6. Antipov and Tiverzin are coming from an underground meeting of revolutionaries, there was a conversation about a strike. Tiverzin goes to the city, where he gets involved in a fight, saving a boy who is being beaten by Master Khudoleev.
    7. Tiverzin comes home and learns that Antipov is being arrested for the strike he organized. They also recommend that he hide; they are already looking for him.
    8. Antipov's son, Pashka, now settled with the Tiverzins. Seeing the “uprising” of the Cossacks in 1905, he decides to choose his own path, consonant with his father’s.
    9. Yura, at the insistence of his uncle, was assigned to Gromeko’s “Moscow family” - educated people, true connoisseurs of music and good friends of Nikolai Nikolaevich.
    10. His acquaintance Vyvolochnov comes to Yura’s uncle, they argue about what will save humanity: beauty and faith, or schools and hospitals? Nikolai Nikolaevich is annoyed; he failed to convince his interlocutor of anything.
    11. It describes the luxurious life of lawyer Komarovsky in a bachelor's apartment.
    12. After intimacy with Komarovsky, which did occur, Lara feels like an immoral and fallen woman, while the lawyer begins to experience a new feeling for her, called “love.” Lara tries to find solace in something that will help her get rid of self-hatred.
    13. Komarovsky realizes that he is seriously in love with a girl, he gets angry with himself and beats his dog.
    14. Lara realizes that she is flattered by the attention of an adult man, so she is torn between the desire to end their relationship and the desire to continue it.
    15. The heroine understands how her lover depends on her. However, her family also depends on him, because her mother knows nothing about business without his help.
    16. Lara sees Komarovsky deceiving her, promising to marry her and open up to her mother.
    17. The girl goes to church and experiences a painful awareness of her fall from grace.
    18. After meeting Lara, he realizes that she is the meaning of his whole life... Lara does not reciprocate, because she believes that she is already much more mature than all her peers. Amalia Karlovna decides to leave for Montenegro for a while, until “the shooting subsides”; riots around the house become more frequent.
    19. The strike dragged on, Lara's family was cut off from the outside world by barricades. She is glad that she will not see her tormentor yet. The entire workshop staff is on strike. Amalia Karpovna cries and scolds the ungrateful servants.
    20. The Gromyko family, where Yura was sent, will lose their daughter Tonya, who becomes the “third” in the strong company of Yuri Zhivago and Misha Gordon. During the visit of cellist Tyshkevich, he urgently asks his family to come and visit him in “Montenegro”. This is what happens, but during the visit of Yura, Misha and Alexander Alexandrovich, an unforeseen circumstance happens that Yura will not be able to forget for a long time.
    21. Amalia Karlovna, lying in her room, tried to go, but was not successful: Alexander Alexandrovich comes to the call with Yura and Misha, the beautiful Lara and Komarovsky are standing in the room - their manner of communication leads Yura to strange thoughts. Lara strikes Yura's heart. As soon as Amalia Karlovna comes to her senses, Misha and Yura go out into the street, and there Yura learns from Misha that Komarovsky is the same lawyer from the train who was with Father Zhivago.
    22. Part three: Christmas tree at the Sventitskys

      In this part, the chapters are very small, so we reproduce their briefest content without division.

      Alexander Alexandrovich gives Anna Ivanovna (Tony’s mother) a large wardrobe, but the joy is overshadowed by imminent sadness: during its “assembly”, the wardrobe breaks, and Anna Ivanovna falls - as a result of which the body becomes predisposed to pulmonary diseases.

      In 1911, Yura, Misha and Tonya graduated from their educational institutions and became doctors, philologists and lawyers. At the same time, Yura begins to get carried away with poetry, what Misha reads becomes for him a “gift” that Zhivago possesses. Yura believes that there is no need to earn money from this, since poetry is not a profession, but “a matter of the soul.”

      Anna Ivanovna's pneumonia causes more and more pain, as a result of which Yura himself tries to treat the patient. He treats not only the body, but also the soul of Tony’s mother: he talks about the immortality of the soul and fearlessness before death. After this conversation, Anna Ivanovna feels much better and is on the mend.

      Anna Ivanovna sends Yura and Tonya to the Sventitskys’ Christmas tree, because she believes that young people should unwind and gives them prophetic instructions. If Anna Ivanovna gets worse and dies, then Yura and Tonya should get married, since they are “meant for each other.”

      While Yura and Tonya are studying (studied) at the institute, Lara, after that terrible incident with her mother, was always in the care of Komarovsky, and therefore decides to find an independent “field”. She got a job as a teacher for Nadya Kologrivova’s younger sister, Lipa, thanks to which she saved a considerable amount of money to finally find something “her own.” But this was not destined to come true, so her brother Rodion, having returned to Moscow, asks Lara for the money that he lost at cards, explaining that without it he would shoot himself. Lara gives him all her savings, while borrowing a certain amount of money from Komarovsky. Lara takes Rodion's revolver for herself while practicing shooting.

      Lipa, the girl Lara raised, has already grown up, so Lara believes that she has become superfluous to this family, but she does not dare leave yet - she is held by her duty to Komarovsky. The only salvation for young Lara is to go and live in the village, alone and calm. She again decides to borrow money from the lawyer Komarovsky, whom she hates; meanwhile, he is at the Svetnitskys’ Christmas tree. Lara decides to take a revolver with her in case of insults towards her. In order to finally “end” her past life, she decides to go to her longtime admirer Pashka Antipov and ask him to get married as soon as possible, so as not to “delay” because of her problems. Pasha Antipov agrees and puts a candle on the table - it is at this moment that Yura and Tonya are riding in a sleigh to the Christmas tree, and this is where the poem “The Candle Was Burning” is born in the mind of the aspiring poet.

      At the Christmas tree, Yura and Tonya rediscover each other: Tonya becomes not just a friend for Yura, but a charming girl who has become especially dear to him. However, his happiness from the “new feeling” is interrupted by a shot - it was Lara who tried to shoot Komarovsky. It turned out to be unsuccessful. Yura runs into the room from where shots are heard, and on the spot sees Lara lying almost unconscious on the sofa, Komarovsky and a fellow prosecutor - Kornakov, whom Lara hit while aiming at the lawyer. He is slightly wounded, so Zhivago becomes his doctor for the time being. Komarovsky, meanwhile, takes Lara away, trying to “hush up” this matter.

      Yura and Tonya are urgently called home. Anna Ivanovna dies, she is buried in the same cemetery as Marya Nikolaevna.

      Part Four: Rising Inevitabilities

      This part is also presented in abbreviation, without division into chapters, since they are all very small in volume.

      Lara lies almost unconscious, having a hard time experiencing what happened. She tells Pasha that she is “unworthy of his love,” so they must break up. Pasha is trying to attribute these words to the “delirium” in which she is.

      Pasha and Lara get married and decide to go live in Yuryatin, where Pasha was offered a job, but Lara is also not going to stay there “idle.” Komarovsky tries in every possible way to find the girl and come to her new house to “see” her, she resolutely refuses. Under pressure from Pasha, Lara decides to talk about her “special relationship” with the lawyer so that there is not a single secret between the lovers, but Arkhmpov’s reaction slows down Lara’s thoughts. He thinks that he has become a different person, but he will never be the same again.

      This is the second year of the war. Yuri and Tony have a son, Alexander, named after his wife’s father. Yuri was torn between good medical practice and guardianship of a new family member, so Tonya took full charge of caring for the child. Zhivago is sent to the army, where he meets Misha Gordon.

      Pasha and Lara’s daughter Katya is already 3 years old. The mother is busy with French, which she teaches to children in the lower grades, while the father teaches ancient history and Latin. But, despite the outward well-being, there is discord within the family: Pasha believes that Lara married him not out of love (she, in his opinion, does not love him at all), but because of a sense of self-sacrifice to rid herself of what had happened "horrors" of her fate. Late at night, Antipov leaves his daughter and wife for a military school, from where he goes to the front, so as “not to be a burden to them.”

      Pasha, being in the midst of hostilities, understands that his departure is stupidity, and therefore decides to return back, but disappears under fire from his company. Lara, having learned about this, gives Katya to Lipa's care, and she herself goes to the place where her husband served to find him. She feels the deepest guilt before this virtuous man.

      Yusupka, the son of a janitor in the yard in which Amalia Karlovna lived with her children, fought together with Antipov. It was he who was supposed to write a letter to Lara saying that he had died, but he could not - there were fierce battles. Lara, arriving at the hospital, becomes a nurse and sees Yusupka. He cannot tell the poor woman about the fate of her husband, so he tells her that he is in captivity, but the wife knows that this is a lie. Zhivago, seeing Lara, does not dare to tell her that he recognized her as the girl at the Christmas tree. Communication begins. The first revolution took place in St. Petersburg.

      Part five: Farewell to the old

      Inside the village where Lara and Yuri “work”, some changes begin to occur: they are assigned to a new place, where they will have to perform certain functions. They arrive at a large house, once the home of a wealthy landowner, who has now given it away as a “shelter” for soldiers. Lara and Yura live practically together, but still maintain official relations, despite their external nature. Tonya wrote a letter to Yuri in which she says that her husband should stay in the Urals with his “sister,” emphasizing in every possible way that she “loves him anyway.” Zhivago was supposed to leave for Moscow, but constant troubles with the sick do not allow him to do what he intended, so on the last day of his stay in the house, he decides to explain to Lara that there can be nothing between them except warm, friendly relations. However, his speech ends with a declaration of love to Larisa.

      Part six: Moscow encampment

      Yuri comes home to Moscow, Tonya kisses her husband from the doorway and tells him to forget everything that she wrote to him. Little Sasha does not recognize his father, both parents pretend that everything is fine, but the child begins to cry at the sight of Yuri, who is trying to hug him - Tonya understands that this is far from a good sign.

      Communication with Misha Gordon does not bring Yuri any joy; he believes that he is behaving too cheerfully, or rather pretending to be. Uncle Zhivago - Nikolai Nikolaevich - also does not help the man fit into the situation; every now and then he behaves too “strange”. The hero understands that there is nothing left of his “old” uncle - now he is haunted by “unfinished books, an unfinished novel and an unfinished stay in Russia.” The Zhivagos gather guests, where Yuri makes a toast that everything that they have experienced in 5 years is commensurate with what other nations have experienced over centuries.

      Yuri tries to feed his family and starts working at the Holy Cross Hospital in order to raise money at least for the firewood needed for the house. Part of the Zhivago building was given to the Agricultural Academy, the other part is barely heated. Yuri learns from the purchased newspaper that power has changed in Russia - from Tsarist to Soviet.

      The hero is trying to find money to feed his family, so he takes on any job. One day, he begins to treat a woman who is sick with typhus, but her hospitalization requires a signature and a referral from the house committee - she turned out to be Olya Demina, Larina’s friend. Demina tells Zhivago that Lara did not want to come to Moscow, despite all sorts of persuasion and outside help.

      Yuri falls ill with typhus. Evgraf, Yuri’s half-brother, comes to the house, brings food to the family and urgently tries to send it to the village of Varykino, where Tony’s grandfather’s house is located. Yuryatin is located nearby.

      Part Seven: On the Road

      The Zhivagos are traveling on a train to the Urals, to the village of Varykino. The carriages ceased to resemble “classrooms” and became a common “home” for all travelers. Among them was sixteen-year-old Vasya Brykin, who was “sold” into the army, which he himself could not understand until he ended up here. Driving through the Urals, Yuri's family learns that in the area there is a certain Strelnikov, whom everyone living is afraid of.

      He is incorruptible, angry and insane. Strelnikov is not white. During the train stop, Zhivago decides to get off the train, but notices Vaska and other people running away from the railway in a hurry, the sentries shoot at them. The hero will continue to refer to what he saw for a long time. At the same time, he is noticed and, mistaking him for a spy, they bring him to Strelnikov on a separate train standing on the rails. It turned out that the dead Antipov was the living Strelnikov. He tells Zhivago that they are still destined to meet, and therefore lets him go.

      Book two

      In this book, all parts are small, we will retell them in full, without dividing them into chapters.

      Part Eight: Arrival

      The new owners of Varykino are angry and distrustful people, because they believe that Tonya came to take away their lands, like her grandfather.

      The cold reception will end quite optimistically: the Mikulitsyns give Zhivago land and a house. Tonya and Yuri are trying to manage the household to feed their family.

      Part nine: Varykino

      Yuri Zhivago writes his diary, in which he reflects on the meaning of life and his place in it, and comes to the conclusion that his goal is “to serve, to heal, to write.” He and his wife live amicably, peacefully and alone, telling each other their opinions about home, art and nature - these reflections fill virtually all their evenings. But the formed idyll falls apart when Evgraf, Yuri’s half-brother, to whom he gave all the remaining inheritance, comes to them when Yuri was only sixteen years old.

      Zhivago, while in Yuryatin, wanted to go to the local library, where he saw Lara, but was unable to approach her. Every day he went to the city in the hope that she would see him and talk...

      Yuri finds out Larisa's address and decides to go to her house, but, seeing her near the house with full buckets of water, he understands that Lara is a strong person and decides to help her. She introduces him to her daughter, Katenka, and explains that Strelnikov is her husband, simultaneously asking Zhivago about his meeting with him.

      Lara and Yuri become lovers and commit adultery - adultery. Tormented, Yuri decides to tell Tonya about the betrayal and end his relationship with Lara, but on the way to Vyrykino he turns the cart around and goes back to see Lara again. Near her house, partisans grab him and take him away...

      Part ten: On the high road

      Yuri spent two long years in captivity, observing the hardships of life of the howlings, understanding his place in life and talking on philosophical topics about existence. One day he observes a terrible picture: a sick horse is mercilessly slaughtered, despite his healthy spirit and strength - this sight becomes a harbinger of fate for Zhivago.

      The civil war divides everything into friends and foes, and the doctor helps everyone in need.

      Part Eleven: Forest Army

      A shootout begins in the forests. Yuri, who has sworn to himself all his life that he does not waste lives, but saves them, takes a gun in his hands and kills three people, aiming at a tree. He notices that one person remains alive, but is seriously injured. Zhivago decides to take him under his supervision and nurses him, constantly putting himself in danger. After recovery, Yuri lets him go.

      The cruel killer Pamfil Palykh is a man who is in the detachment, kills his own children so that they are not killed by their enemies when they come for them. He was not the only one who was obsessed with his grief and vice.

      Part twelve: Rowan in sugar

      Yuri held back from the partisans. He headed to Lara's house, where he found a note saying that Yuri now has a daughter born from Tony. Yuri is preoccupied with thoughts about his family.

      Walking past the streets that were familiar to him, he does not recognize this city, in which new decrees from the new government are hanging. Zhivago does not understand how he could consider their language beautiful and direct.

      Yuri gets to Lara, but falls unconscious, waking up only when he sees Larisa in front of him. All the time when Zhivago lay delirious, she looked after him like a wife, telling him about the fate of Tony, who was in Moscow. Yuri confesses his love to the woman.

      Yura, Lara and Katya become a real family. Zhivago works in a hospital, where he is valued for his mental acuity and ability to quickly make decisions when “medicine requires it.” Soon, he notices that behind his thoughts people - the hospital authorities - see urges for revolutionary beliefs. Lara also has her own problems: Antipov Sr. and Tiverzin, who were appointed to the board of the Revolutionary Tribunal, return to Yuryatino. She fears for her daughter's life. Yuri suggests leaving for Varykino.

      A letter arrives from Tony, which says that Alexander misses his father, and his daughter’s name is Maria (in honor of Yuri’s mother). The doctor’s wife knows about the relationship between Lara and Yuri, but only says that Lara “leads him astray,” while she herself considers her a good girl. Tonya admits that she will raise her children with love for their father in Paris, where they are being sent from Moscow.

      Yuri falls unconscious after reading the letter.

      Part fourteen: Varykino again

      In Varykino, Yuri takes up poetry again, while Lara worries not only about the decoration of the house, but also about the owner himself.

      News arrives that Strelnikov has been caught and is about to be shot - this is reported by the arriving Komarovsky, who invites Lara and Yuri to leave with him by train to the Far East. To protect his beloved, Yuri agrees, while deceiving Lara. He sends his family with Komarovsky, promising to catch up with them.

      In Varykino, Yuri hears the voices of Katenka and Lara, but they are drowned out by the howling of wolves. The hero decides to go out into the street to drive them away from the house, but notices a man walking ahead - this is Strelnikov. Yuri lets him in and they talk about Lara. The guest says that he loved Lara, but tried to stand up for the freedom of the people, so their relationship did not work out. In the morning he shot himself.

      Part Fifteen: The End

      Yuri walks from Varykino to Moscow, but there he does not find anything dear to his heart. He decides to move to Muchnoy Gorodok, where he soon gives birth to two girls from the janitor’s daughter, Marina. Zhivago maintains communication with Tonya and Misha Gordon. Suddenly, he disappears, having transferred a large amount of money into Marina’s name. It turns out that he lives very close to his new family, and the money is the property of his brother Evgraf. He pays for his stepbrother, promising to take him to his family and settle all his “important issues,” while Yuri writes poetry and cannot do anything with his fate.

      Yuri is riding on a stuffy tram, he feels bad, he decides to get out and falls dead on the bare asphalt. Larisa came to say goodbye to him, who confesses to Evgraf that she gave birth to Yuri’s daughter, Tatyana.


      In the summer of 1943, General Evgraf found Tatyana, who worked as a linen maker in the Soviet Army. It turned out that Misha Gordon and Dudorev had known Tatyana for a long time when they were in the camps in the thirties. Zhivago's half-brother offers the girl to send her to college.

      Ten years later, Gordon and Dudorev decide to re-read Zhivago’s notebook, where it is written that

      The harbinger of freedom was in the air, despite the lack of liberation after the victory.

      Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Still from the film “Doctor Zhivago” (2005)

When Yurin's uncle Nikolai Nikolaevich moved to St. Petersburg, other relatives, Gromeko, took care of him, who was left an orphan at the age of ten, in whose house on Sivtsev Vrazhek there were interesting people, and where the atmosphere of the professorial family was quite conducive to the development of Yurin's talents.

The daughter of Alexander Alexandrovich and Anna Ivanovna (nee Kruger), Tonya, was a good friend to him, and his high school classmate Misha Gordon was a close friend, so he did not suffer from loneliness.

Once, during a home concert, Alexander Alexandrovich had to accompany one of the invited musicians on an urgent call to the rooms where his good friend Amalia Karlovna Guishar had just attempted to commit suicide. The professor gave in to Yura and Misha's request and took them with him.

While the boys stood in the hallway and listened to the victim’s complaints that she was pushed to take such a step by terrible suspicions, which fortunately turned out to be only a figment of her frustrated imagination, a middle-aged man came out from behind the partition into the next room, waking up the girl who was sleeping in the chair.

She responded to the man’s glances with a wink from her accomplice, pleased that everything worked out well and their secret was not revealed. There was something frighteningly magical about this silent communication, as if he were a puppeteer and she a puppet. Yura's heart sank at the contemplation of this enslavement. On the street, Misha told a friend that he had met this man. A few years ago, he and his dad were traveling with him on the train, and he soldered Yuri’s father on the road, who then threw himself from the platform onto the rails.

The girl Yura saw turned out to be the daughter of Madame Guichard. Larisa was a high school student. At sixteen, she looked eighteen and was somewhat burdened by the position of a child - the same as her friends. This feeling intensified when she succumbed to the advances of Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky, whose role under her mother was not limited to the role of an adviser in business and a friend at home. He became her nightmare, he enslaved her.

A few years later, already as a medical student, Yuri Zhivago met Lara again under unusual circumstances.

Together with Tonya Gromeko on the eve of Christmas, they went to the Sventitsky Christmas tree along Kamergersky Lane. Recently, Anna Ivanovna, who had been seriously ill for a long time, joined their hands, saying that they were made for each other. Tonya was truly a close and understanding person. And at that moment she caught his mood and did not interfere with admiring the frost-covered windows, glowing from the inside, in one of which Yuri noticed a black thawed patch, through which the fire of a candle could be seen, facing the street almost with a conscious gaze. At this moment, the lines of the poems that had not yet taken shape were born: “The candle was burning on the table, the candle was burning...”

He had no idea that outside the window Lara Guichard was telling Pasha Antipov at that moment, who had not hidden his adoration since childhood, that if he loved her and wanted to keep her from death, they should immediately get married. After this, Lara went to the Sventitskys, where Yura and Tonya were having fun in the hall, and where Komarovsky was sitting playing cards. At about two o'clock in the morning a shot was suddenly heard in the house. Lara, shooting at Komarovsky, missed, but the bullet hit a fellow prosecutor of the Moscow judicial chamber. When Lara was led through the hall, Yura was stunned - she was the same one! And again the same gray-haired man who was involved in the death of his father! To top it all off, upon returning home, Tonya and Yura no longer found Anna Ivanovna alive.

Through the efforts of Komarovsky, Lara was saved from trial, but she fell ill, and Pasha was not yet allowed to see her. However, Kologrivov came and brought “rewards”. More than three years ago, Lara, in order to get rid of Komarovsky, became the teacher of his youngest daughter. Everything was going well, but then her empty-headed brother Rodya lost the public money. He was going to shoot himself if his sister didn't help him. The Kologrivovs helped out with the money, and Lara gave it to Roda, taking away the revolver with which he wanted to shoot himself. Kologrivov never managed to repay the debt. Lara, secretly from Pasha, sent money to his exiled father and paid extra to the owners of the room in Kamergersky. The girl considered her position with the Kologrivovs to be false, and saw no way out of it except to ask Komarovsky for money. Life disgusted her. At the Sventitskys’ ball, Viktor Ippolitovich pretended to be busy with cards and not notice Lara. He turned to the girl who entered the hall with a smile, the meaning of which Lara understood so well...

When Lara felt better, she and Pasha got married and left for Yuryatin, in the Urals. After the wedding, the newlyweds talked until the morning. His guesses alternated with Lara’s confessions, after which his heart sank... In her new place, Larisa taught at the gymnasium and was happy, although she had a house and three-year-old Katenka. Pasha taught Latin and ancient history. Yura and Tonya also celebrated their wedding. Meanwhile, war broke out. Yuri Andreevich ended up at the front without having time to really see his born son. In another way, Pavel Pavlovich Antipov found himself in the thick of battle.

The relationship with my wife was not easy. He doubted her love for him. To free everyone from this fake family life, he completed officer courses and ended up at the front, where he was captured in one of the battles. Larisa Fedorovna entered the ambulance train as a sister and went to look for her husband. Second Lieutenant Galiullin, who knew Pasha since childhood, claimed that he saw him die.

Zhivago witnessed the collapse of the army, the outrages of anarchist deserters, and upon returning to Moscow, he found even more terrible devastation. What he saw and experienced forced the doctor to reconsider a lot in his attitude towards the revolution.

To survive, the family moved to the Urals, to the former Kruger estate Varykino, not far from the city of Yuryatin. The path ran through snow-covered spaces dominated by armed gangs, through areas of recently pacified uprisings, which with horror repeated the name of Strelnikov, who were pushing back the whites under the command of Colonel Galiullin.

In Varykino, they stayed first with the former manager of the Krugers, Mikulitsyn, and then in an outbuilding for servants. They planted potatoes and cabbage, tidied up the house, and the doctor sometimes saw the sick. The unexpected appearance of his half-brother Evgraf, energetic, mysterious, very influential, helped strengthen their position. Antonina Alexandrovna seemed to be expecting a child.

Over time, Yuri Andreevich got the opportunity to visit the library in Yuryatin, where he saw Larisa Fedorovna Antipova. She told him about herself, that Strelnikov was her husband Pavel Antipov, who returned from captivity, but hid under a different name and did not maintain relations with his family. When he took Yuryatin, he bombarded the city with shells and never once inquired whether his wife and daughter were alive.

Two months later, Yuri Andreevich once again returned from the city to Varykino. He deceived Tonya, continuing to love her, and was tormented by this. That day he drove home with the intention of confessing everything to his wife and not meeting Lara again.

Suddenly three armed men blocked his way and announced that the doctor was from that moment mobilized into the detachment of Liveriy Mikulitsyn. The doctor had his hands full: in the winter - rash, in the summer - dysentery, and at all times of the year - the wounded. Before Livery, Yuri Andreevich did not hide the fact that the ideas of October did not ignite him, that they were still so far from being realized, and seas of blood had been paid for just talking about it, so that the end did not justify the means. And the very idea of ​​​​remaking life was born by people who did not feel its spirit. Two years of captivity, separation from family, hardship and danger ended with an escape.

The doctor appeared in Yuryatin at the moment when the whites left the city, handing it over to the reds. He looked wild, unwashed, hungry and weak. Larisa Fedorovna and Katenka were not at home. He found a note in the key hiding place. Larisa and her daughter went to Varykino, hoping to find him there. His thoughts were confused, fatigue was making him sleepy. He lit the stove, ate a little and, without undressing, fell fast asleep. When he woke up, he realized that he was undressed, washed and lying in a clean bed, that he had been sick for a long time, but was quickly recovering thanks to Lara’s care, although until he fully recovered there was nothing to think about returning to Moscow. Zhivago went to serve in the Gubernia Health, and Larisa Fedorovna - in the Gubernia. However, the clouds were gathering over them. The doctor was seen as a social alien; the ground began to shake under Strelnikov. The emergency was raging in the city.

At this time, a letter arrived from Tony: the family was in Moscow, but Professor Gromeko, and with him she and the children (now they, in addition to their son, have a daughter, Masha) were being sent abroad. The grief is that she loves him, but he doesn’t love her. Let him build his life according to his own understanding.

Suddenly Komarovsky showed up. He is invited by the government of the Far Eastern Republic and is ready to take them with him: they are both in mortal danger. Yuri Andreevich immediately rejected this proposal. Lara had long ago told him about the fatal role that this man played in her life, and he told her that Viktor Ippolitovich was responsible for his father’s suicide. It was decided to take refuge in Varykino. The village had long been abandoned by its inhabitants, wolves howled around at night, but the appearance of people would have been worse, but they did not take weapons with them. In addition, Lara recently said that she seems to be pregnant. I no longer had to think about myself. Just then Komarovsky arrived again. He brought the news that Strelnikov was sentenced to death and Katenka must be saved if Lara does not think about herself. The doctor told Lara to go with Komarovsky.

In the snowy, forest solitude, Yuri Andreevich slowly went crazy. He drank and wrote poems dedicated to Lara. Crying for a lost loved one grew into generalized thoughts about history and man, about the revolution as a lost and lamented ideal.

One evening the doctor heard the crunch of steps, and a man appeared at the door. Yuri Andreevich did not immediately recognize Strelnikov. It turned out that Komarovsky had deceived them! They talked almost all night.

About the revolution, about Lara, about childhood on Tverskaya-Yamskaya. They went to bed in the morning, but when they woke up and went out to get water, the doctor discovered his interlocutor had shot himself.

In Moscow, Zhivago appeared already at the beginning of the New Economic Policy, emaciated, overgrown and wild. He traveled most of the way on foot. Over the next eight or nine years of his life, he lost his medical skills and lost his writing skills, but still took up the pen and wrote thin books. Fans appreciated them.

The daughter of a former janitor, Marina, helped him with the housework; she worked at the telegraph office on the foreign communication line. Over time, she became the doctor's wife and they had two daughters. But one summer day, Yuri Andreevich suddenly disappeared. Marina received a letter from him that he wanted to live alone for a while and not to be looked for. He did not say that brother Evgraf, who had appeared out of nowhere again, rented him a room in Kamergersky, provided him with money, and began to bother about a good place to work.

However, on a sweltering August day, Yuri Andreevich died of a heart attack. An unexpectedly large number of people came to Kamergersky to say goodbye to him. Larisa Fedorovna was among those saying goodbye. She came into this apartment out of old memory. Her first husband Pavel Antipov once lived here. A few days after the funeral, she suddenly disappeared: she left home and did not return. Apparently she was arrested.

Already in the forty-third year, at the front, Major General Evgraf Andreevich Zhivago, asking the linen worker Tanka Bezcheredova about her heroic friend, intelligence officer Khristina Orletsova, inquired about her, Tanina’s, fate. He quickly realized that this was the daughter of Larisa and brother Yuri. Fleeing with Komarovsky to Mongolia, when the Reds were approaching Primorye, Lara left the girl at a railway crossing with the guard Marfa, who ended her days in a mental hospital. Then homelessness, wandering...

By the way, Evgraf Andreevich not only took care of Tatyana, but also collected everything his brother wrote. Among his poems was the poem “Winter Night”: “Shallow, shallow all over the earth / To all limits. / The candle was burning on the table, / The candle was burning...”


This post was inspired by reading Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago". Despite the fact that I really liked the book, I “tormented” it for two months.

Summary of Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago"
Yuri Zhivago is the central character of the novel by Boris Pasternak. The narrative begins with a description of the funeral of Yura's mother, who was still quite small at that time. Yura's father, a once rich representative of the Zhivago family, soon passed away. He threw himself from a moving train and crashed. It was rumored that the reason for this was a certain very clever lawyer named Komarovsky. It was he who managed the financial affairs of Yuri’s father and thoroughly confused them.

Yura remained in the care of his uncle, who took charge of his development and education. His uncle's family belonged to the intelligentsia, so Yura developed comprehensively. Yura had good friends: Tonya Kruger, Misha Gordon and Innokenty Dudorov.

Yura decides to become a doctor, because his personality fits this profession perfectly (as we will see later, Zhivogo really became a good doctor). After completing his education, Yuri marries Tonya. But family happiness did not last long - the First World War began, and Yuri was still called to the front immediately after the birth of his son Alexander. Yuri went through the entire war and saw not only the horrors of the war itself, but also the revolution that caused the collapse of the army and the Russian state. After the revolution, the Civil War began.

Yuri made it to Moscow with difficulty and found it in a very sad state: there was no food, the Provisional Government was unable to cope with its responsibilities, and the Bolsheviks, incomprehensible to anyone, were gaining strength.

Another very important heroine of Boris Pasternak's novel, Larisa, was the daughter of Madame Guichard, who owned a small sewing workshop. Larisa was smart and beautiful, which Komarovsky, already known to us, who was in charge of Madame Guichard’s affairs, did not fail to notice. He seduced Larisa and kept her in some kind of irrational fear and submission. Larisa was friends with Pavel Antipov, whom he secretly helps with money. Pavel is the son of a man of Bolshevik views and beliefs. He was constantly persecuted, so Paul was raised by strangers.

Over time, Pavel and Larisa start a family and have a daughter. They go to the Urals, to Yuryatin, and work as teachers in a gymnasium. Pavel, obeying some strange urge, enrolls in an officer course and goes to war, where he goes missing. Pavel's comrade Galiullin considers him dead, but Pavel was captured. Larisa becomes a nurse and goes in search of Pavel. Fate brings them together at the front with Yuri Zhivago. They felt strong sympathy for each other, but their feelings had not yet become strong. Fate separates them - Zhivago returns to Moscow, Larisa - to Yuryatin.

The Zhivago family lives in Moscow in limbo: there is not enough money, there is no or little work, a civil war is raging in the country. They remember Tony’s grandfather’s estate in Varykino (not far from Yuryatin) and decide to go there to relive the horrors of war in a distant and abandoned corner. After a long process of obtaining the necessary documents, they set off on a long journey. Trains run poorly and irregularly, the whites and reds have not yet figured out who is stronger, the country is overrun with robbers and marauders. How long does it take them to reach Yuryatin and come to Varykino, where they first settle in the manager’s house, and then set up their home. They are engaged in agriculture and are slowly improving their life.

Zhivago heals people from time to time and becomes a very famous person in the city. He visits Yuryatin's library from time to time and one day meets Larisa there. Now their feelings have made themselves felt and they become lovers. Yuri loves both Tonya and Larisa very much. Out of great respect for his wife, he decides to confess to his betrayal and leave Larisa, but on the way home he is captured by the Red partisans. He spent the next almost two years with the partisans, performing the duties of a doctor. Therefore, he did not even see the child with whom Tonya was pregnant at the time of his capture.

Yuri Zhivago wanders with the partisans around Siberia, treats the sick and patiently endures all the conversations of the fanatical partisan commander Mikulitsyn (he was the son of the manager of the Varykino estate). One day he flees from the partisans, when the unknown and worry for his family could no longer keep him in the detachment. He gets to Yuryatin on foot and learns that his family is safe; they left for Moscow and are preparing for forced deportation abroad (as representatives of a layer of society that is unnecessary to the new government - the intelligentsia). Tonya informs him about all this in a letter and allows him to live as he sees fit.

Zhivago also finds Larisa; With her he again develops the closest relationship. She was leaving him after an illness caused by a long march to Yuryatin. Briy recovers and they try to improve their lives, both enter the service. As time passed, they felt that the new government was unlikely to be able to accept them. Therefore, they decide to leave for Varykino again in order to save themselves and hide from the raging new government there. Ironically, Larisa's father-in-law Antipov, who doesn't particularly love her, wants to send her into trouble. Larisa, as we remember. secretly helped him and Pavel with money when they were experiencing hardship. Shortly before Larisa and Yuri leave, the same Komarovsky finds them and invites them to leave for the Far East, where white power still remains. Zhivago and Larisa refuse and leave for Varykino.

They spent only about two weeks in Varykino: Larisa understands that Komarovsky is the only chance to save her daughter, but she categorically does not want to leave Yuri, who categorically does not want to go with Komarovsky. Komarovsky, meanwhile, arrives in Varykino and convinces Yuri to let Larisa go with him. Yuri realizes that he will never see her again, but allows them to leave.

After Larisa and Komarovsky leave, Yuri begins to go crazy from loneliness and degrade: he drinks a lot, but at the same time writes poems about Larisa. One day a stranger comes to Varykino; he turns out to be the once formidable Strelnikov, who terrified all of Siberia, and is now a fugitive. This same Strelnikov is opposing the Whites, who are led by Galiullil, already known to us. Strelnikov turns out to be Larisa's husband Pavel Antipov, who, being an idealist, wanted to make the world a better place and bring it to Larisa's feet (Antipov was Galiullin's colleague during the First World War). He thought that she never loved him, but Zhivago said that she even cheated him when she was with Yuri. Strelnikov-Antipov, shocked by this news, realizes how much stupidity and evil he has done. In the morning, Yuri finds him shot and buries him. After this, Yuri sets off on foot to Moscow.

Having reached Moscow through the territory of a destroyed and wounded country, Zhivago again begins to write and publish his books, which are popular among the intelligentsia. At the same time, he gives up, abandons his practice and enters into a relationship with his third and last woman - the daughter of the former janitor of the family, Tony. They have two children. 8 or 9 years pass like this.

One day Zhivago disappears and informs his family that he will live separately for a while. The fact is that he is found again by his half-brother Evgraf, who turns out to be a man with connections and opportunities. Many years ago, he helped Tonya get Yuri out after his illness, and now he rented him a room, which, ironically, turns out to be the very room where Larisa and Pavel once lived. Yuri tries to write again, gets a job, and dies on the day he goes back to work (his heart has failed). A lot of people come to Yuri's funeral; Larisa also attended, but after that she disappeared without a trace (probably was arrested).

The narrative of Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago" ends in the forties (during the offensive of our troops against the Nazis): his old friends Dudorov and Gordon meet and discuss all sorts of news, including the amazing fate of the daughter of Yuri and Larisa. Their daughter was an orphan and a street child, but she was eventually found and taken under his wing by Yuri’s half-brother Evgraf, who turned out to be a general. the general also took care of Yuri’s work.

Probably, the life of Yuri Zhivago should be associated with the existence of a forever lost layer - the Russian intelligentsia. Weak, impractical, but deeply sympathetic and sacrificial, the Russian intelligentsia ceased to exist, unable to find a place for itself in the new coordinate system. Just like Yuri Zhivago couldn’t find a place for himself.

I read the book for a very long time. At first I didn’t find it exciting, but I slowly read it and couldn’t put it down. I liked it very much. I recommend reading!