Seeing a cow calving in a dream. Why do you dream about a cow? Running from a cow in a dream

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Seeing a Cow in a dream

Seeing a fat, well-fed cow means good news.

Just seeing a skinny cow means you have to eat and drink deliciously.

A cow is butting - expect a guest with bad intentions.

Cows butt each other - good luck awaits you.

Milking a cow in a dream means joy, prosperity, a pleasant surprise, joy from children, and receiving honors.

Hearing a cow moo means trouble or new responsibilities and worries.

A black cow dreams of illness or danger, of losses.

Milking a black cow means tears.

Seeing a milking cow means trouble.

You saw a milked cow - a date with friends.

If you saw a milkmaid, you will encounter the hostility of a woman you sympathize with.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does the dream Cow mean?

To see - you will know a lot of happiness; fat - wealth; thin - free life; milking yourself is an inheritance

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What do Cow dreams mean?

An ancient and very favorable symbol, signifying your well-being.

If the cow is beautiful and well-fed: this is a sure sign that your business is either already going well or will soon improve.

Milking cows in a dream: a very good sign, suggesting that if you do your business with love, then the success of your business is guaranteed.

Skinny cow: encourages you to pay increased attention to the state of your affairs. Perhaps you neglected them too much or overlooked something important.

Feeding or watering a cow: a sign that you can improve the course of your affairs if you put in enough effort and effort.

A lively cow: this is a warning that your ardor and emotional intemperance can greatly harm you and have a negative impact on your wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Dream about a Cow

If in a dream you milk a cow, this is a sign of wealth.

Chasing a cow means that your enemy will take you by surprise.

Interpretation of dreams from Sivananda's Dream Book

What does a Cow mean in a dream?

If a person sees himself covering a cow in a dream, it means that the day of love will be spent in his house.

Interpretation of dreams from the Egyptian dream book

Meaning of Cow dreams

Seeing a fat, calm, healthy, well-groomed cow is a sign of wealth, worries about the household, fulfillment of desires and fertility.

For childless people, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of a child.

Skinny, dirty, sick, running away, lost cows in a dream foreshadow illness, humiliation, loss of wealth, financial losses, failure of plans, and family breakdown.

For patients, such a dream predicts a deterioration in their condition, and sometimes death.

Especially if the cow dies in her sleep.

Milking cows in a dream means that your instincts will not let you down and you will successfully complete a profitable business.

Sometimes such a dream predicts the receipt of an inheritance.

A cash cow in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity and family happiness.

A dream in which you see someone milking a cow means that someone is looking at you as the source of their wealth.

This dream warns that someone is using you for personal gain.

A dream in which you saw a cow chasing you tells you about receiving an unexpected profit or inheritance.

Seeing a herd of cows grazing in a field in a dream is a sign of prosperity in the house. See interpretation: milk, animals.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Cow

Indicates bad or good years.

Fat cows are fertile and fruitful years, and thin cows are barren and lean years.

And whoever sees in a dream that he eats cow meat will increase his wealth and power.

A wild cow is a beautiful wife.

Milking a cow in a dream is a sign of success and joy that will accompany you.

Touching the horns of a cow means well-being for you.

Sitting astride a cow in a dream means getting rid of troubles and earthly joys.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Interpretation of sleep Cow

A cow walks in a meadow - to a calm and rich life.

Feeding a cow means great wealth.

A stranger drives a cow - to bankruptcy.

Seeing a cow running after you means loss of honor.

A woman drives a cow in a dream - to a new lover.

A woman milking a cow in a dream means trouble.

A big cow means a rich life.

Your cow gives a lot of milk - to great wealth and fame.

A thin, weak and sick animal means trouble.

A dog drives a cow into your yard - to wealth with the help of friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

If you dream of a cow that needs to be milked, this promises the fulfillment of your desires and a meeting with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

“Sacred cow” is something non-egoistic, giving.
"Cash cow" is a source of selfish consumption.

“Like a cow licking its tongue” the complete disappearance of an object.

"Cow" is about a plump woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Interpretation of sleep Cow

If you bring a cow or a ram into the house, it portends joy.

Riding a cow into the city - foreshadows a joyful event in the near future.

Leading a cow on a rope up a mountain means wealth and nobility.

A yellow cow comes to the house - wealth and nobility lie ahead.

A cow coming out of the gate indicates that something good is about to happen.

Entering the city riding a cow is a joyful event in the near future.

A cow gives birth to a calf - everything you wished for will come true.

A cow butting means failure in everyday affairs.

A buffalo entering a house portends mourning.

A cow or a bull climb the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

What does a Cow dream predict?

Cow - a symbol directly related to domestic life and home; for men it may indicate a not very smart woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

The meaning of the dream Cow

Fulfillment of long-standing desires and fulfillment of hopes.

Imagine that you are feeding a cow fresh bread.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

See a Cow in a dream

If you dream that a cow is chasing you, it means that you will have an enemy.

If in a dream you manage to escape from her, it means that this enemy will not be afraid of you.

You will become noticeably rich if you dream that you are milking a cow.

If a woman sees a cow calving in a dream, then it is very possible that her own birth will be difficult.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Cow dream prediction

Seeing a herd of cows: someone you know has committed an offense against you, which you are not yet aware of.

The person in question is very ashamed of what he did, but he cannot yet tell you about it, fearing that you will consider his action a betrayal.

If you saw one cow, it means that you have some difficult task ahead, to which you will devote a lot of time, but, alas, it will be wasted.

It is better to wait until the problem resolves itself, without your futile efforts.

A cow chewing grass: symbolizes your passivity towards some person who has certain hopes for you.

Perhaps you just don't want to take on unnecessary problems.

But still, you must understand that you cannot achieve anything without making any effort.

Take action! Herding cows: a dream means that soon you will have to face people who will envy you.

It may well be that this does not affect you.

However, the envy of ill-wishers is associated with gossip and rumors, so quarrels and conflict situations are possible.

Milking a cow: reconciliation with a person dear to you.

If you are not vindictive and do not, at the first opportunity, reproach your friend for the fact that there is a disagreement between you, then the peace will turn out to be durable, the rust of irritation will not corrode the metal of love.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

What does the dream Cow mean?

If you dreamed that a doe was eating grass, you will soon find a way out of any situation. To avoid any unpleasant situations, drink half a glass of milk in the morning for a week, and water a flower with the rest.

If you dreamed that a doe was running somewhere, you will be robbed very soon. To protect yourself from theft, light a fire at midnight and throw a few small coins into it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

What does a Cow mean in a dream?

Cows standing calmly awaiting milking portend the fulfillment of long-standing desires and the fulfillment of hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Meaning of Cow dreams

All over the world, the cow is considered a peaceful creature.

Do you feel peace in your soul, or should you strive for more peace in your life? The cow also: symbolizes patience and passive endurance.

Is there something in your life that you are forced to put up with or passively tolerate? In some cultures, the cow is identified with the earth, the moon and maternal care.

The heads of moon goddesses in various cultures are decorated with cow horns.

Hindus believe that the cow and bull symbolize the universal forces of reproduction.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Cow

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Cow

A cow is chasing - to an unexpected inheritance;

Seeing far into the field is a good sign.

Also see Beef.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

What does a Cow predict in a dream?

This animal represents the wet nurse, because in difficult times many families survived only on cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly related to home life, children and home.

Seeing a large, beautiful cow in a dream, but completely hornless, is a symbol of the fact that on your way you will meet a very capricious person, whose unpredictable actions can throw you off balance and disrupt the harmony in your home.

To see a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to dinner - pay attention to your other half, do not let your household get bored and suffer from idleness.

Holding your cow by the horns so that it can be milked by people who come to you from the street - this dream foreshadows losses, a difficult financial situation in the family, or a house robbery due to your oversight.

Seeing a cow with a star on its forehead in a dream is a symbol of the fact that someone you have been waiting for a long time, someone you have been thinking about lately, will come to visit.

Seeing a large herd of cows means profit for the house, the establishment of affairs that seemed to have no end.

Looking for a cow means solving a problem with a child who, for some reason, has lost interest in your opinion and began to demand complete independence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Cow in a dream?

Cow - soon your parents will receive a salary or rich relatives will unexpectedly come to visit you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Cow

A herd of well-groomed, fat cows standing in a meadow is a symbol of fulfilling desires, hopes, and making a profit.

Skinny cows signify poverty, mistrust, and disease.

If one cow follows you, as if chasing you, you will receive an inheritance.

Selling or slaughtering cows means losses and failures.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does a Cow dream predict?

A lonely cow - to prosperity in the house, comfort, love, mutual understanding between family members.

Cows are grazing - the fulfillment of a basic desire, including those related to your health. Peace, moderation and meditation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Cow

They stand calmly waiting for milking - the fulfillment of many desires, the fulfillment of hopes.
Also see Boar, Cattle (herd), Calves.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream books analyze the image of a cow in great detail and suggest paying attention to details and the smallest details.

In general, this is a very positive dream, a symbol of well-being, satiety and prosperity. But when interpreting dreams, what a cow dreams about, details and circumstances can make significant adjustments. Sometimes this will be a warning of danger, and in some cases it will shed light on your secret desires.

Single cow

An animal wandering in splendid isolation symbolizes harmony in relationships with others and the world. You are in a state of balance, in relationships with friends and loved ones there is complete mutual understanding and friendliness.

A cow lies on the lawn and peacefully chews the cud - a tempting offer that you will soon receive will in fact turn out to be empty and unpromising, dream books warn. Don’t rush into making a decision, appreciate your work and time spent.

Seeing a cow's udder is a good sign. It's even better when you dream about how you milk a cow. Expect profits in the near future.

Eating an udder in a dream is a sign warning of bad company.

Seeing a bull in a dream marks a meeting with an embittered and powerful enemy, a charismatic person. Be careful in your deeds and actions, do not enter into disputes with management. A large white bull is considered a sign of good luck and wealth in a dream.

Who dreamed it?

If a woman sees a dream

When interpreting a dream, the gender of the sleeper is important. Let's look at why a woman dreams of a cow.

This image should be interpreted as the appearance on the dreamer’s life path of an influential person (male or female) who will help in resolving life’s difficulties and troubles.

For a girl, a dream about an animal can promise a quick marriage. The more beautiful and well-fed the cow, the more prosperous the family life. The cattle is thin and shabby - the experience of starting a family will be unsuccessful.

The meaning of sleep for a man

A dream in which a cow helps you find a way out.

I recently had a dream in which I was looking for my wife and child on the bank of a river. I know that they are further along the shore on a clean beach, but in front of me there is a barrier made of metal mesh and I cannot pass. Suddenly I break down and fall into the pool with...

Towards me a cow begins to swim, I was scared, but she turns sharply and shows the way, how can I swim around the barrier? True, the cow was also dirty.

In the end, I found a family and was happy that we were together again.

I wonder what the cow is dreaming about and why it helped me? There are many dream books and opinions differ in them.
– Igor

For men, the image of a cow in a dream is interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, the dream may portend meeting a girl who will be attractive. On the other hand, a warning about danger, the source of which will be the lady. Perhaps troubles are already waiting for you in the office, the source of which is a colleague or client.

Far, far away, KOs are grazing in a meadow...

Did you dream about a herd of cows? Remember the details of the dream, they are important for a correct interpretation. Animals mooed loudly - there is a high probability of great crying, grief and tears.

Cows graze peacefully in a meadow - this plot reflects your desire for spiritual growth, inner harmony and peace. Your thoughts are pure, your hopes are connected with comfort, a family hearth, and the well-being of your loved ones.

You had to herd cows in a dream, perhaps you even chased them with a rod, this is a sign that loved ones need care or material help. The work ahead will be troublesome, but you will have to help.

The meaning of a running herd must be interpreted depending on the direction of movement and your control over the development of the situation.

In general, the dream indicates that one or more close people are going to commit a bad act against you. Cows run where you direct them - you will be able to overcome the problem with dignity.

Cow with calves

Dream interpreters view a cow and calf as a kind and positive symbol. Such life-affirming images indicate that you have chosen the right path and will definitely achieve your goal.

An animal calving in a dream means new prospects and opportunities. Soon you will make a decision that will surprise others. A non-standard approach to the problem will help your plans come true. If a man dreams about a cow giving birth, then what he sees can be interpreted as making a profit or the birth of an heir.

Color and appearance features

Let's look at the color scheme:

  • A white animal is a valuable gift, good news, wish fulfillment.
  • Black skin is a sign warning of future adversity. It is strengthened by an animal coming out of the gate; perhaps your loved one will be sick.
  • Red color means great success, increased material well-being. Ahead of you are a rise up the career ladder, victory in a competition, or marriage to a famous person.
  • A cow of unusual color, for example, red, warns: do not play with fire. During this period, the likelihood of fire is high. Check to see if the appliances in your home are working properly.

A dream where a head is present carries a connotation of mysticism.

On the head, horns are a symbol of the growing Moon, profit and the beginning of a new business.

Dream books promise that Seeing a big cow in a dream promises the fulfillment of a wish. And not a momentary whim, but a serious long-standing dream that will now definitely come true. The fatter and more well-fed the carcass, the greater the reward awaits you.

The little cow is skinny and sickly: don’t rush to implement your plans, hold off on your plans. Now is not the best time to fulfill your desires; the cause of apathy may be simple fatigue. A short vacation can help you refresh yourself and think about your actual desires.

If the cow is dead

Seeing a dead cow in a dream is explained by impending material problems.

You have a huge risk of being left without financial security, and this will happen at the most inopportune moment. For example, you borrow a large amount of money and immediately lose your job.

In the case when you killed the cow, everything goes well. In real life, luck and success accompany you. Did you have the opportunity to cut up a carcass and? Then make a wish, it will certainly come true.

What if the animal shows aggression?

Cow butts

If a cow butts in a dream, then it should be interpreted as the appearance of an enemy nearby. An ill-wisher may come from outside, or one of your close people decided to annoy you.


A cow attack should be considered aggression. More often than not, it is your own anger and intemperance that needs to come out. Hot temper and unrestrained character will lead to conflict at work and in family life.

A cow that is chasing you is also not a good symbol. Perhaps in the coming days everything will fall out of your hands, things will go awry. The dream book suggests that in this case there was an energetic intervention, someone deprived you of energy, so try not to take responsibility on your shoulders and beware of injury.

It will help you understand what this means. In his dreams, the sleeper can graze or milk this animal, simply watch it, and so on. The interpretation depends on the details that are important to remember.

Cow: Miller's dream book

What interpretation does Gustav Miller offer? Are happy or sad events predicted by his dream book? A cow may appear in night dreams for various reasons:

  • If the animal just stands nearby, such a plot promises happiness. You should not count on an improvement in your financial situation. An event that brings moral satisfaction is more likely to happen.
  • Walking into a pen and seeing cows standing in it - what does this mean? If animals look intently at the dreamer in his dreams, then in reality you can safely count on the fulfillment of your cherished desires. Sorrows and sorrows will be left behind, the black stripe will be replaced by a white one.
  • Did you dream about a skinny cow? Miller's dream book predicts an easy life for the sleeper. However, he needs to monitor his health and listen to every alarming symptom.
  • A large and well-fed animal dreams of big profits. Now is the right time to invest in new projects. They will certainly be successful.

What other options does the dream book consider? Milking a cow means receiving an inheritance in the near future. You also cannot exclude the possibility of winning the lottery or receiving a valuable prize. In any case, the sleeper will not have to worry about lack of money for a long time.

Vanga's Dream Book

What does the dream book compiled by Vanga predict for a person? A cow, appearing in night dreams, symbolizes an obstacle in business. The dreamer is faced with a serious problem and is trying to solve it. It is better to wait some time, as the obstacle may disappear on its own.

Why do you dream about a talking cow? If an animal enters into a conversation with a sleeping person, in reality he lacks communication. Perhaps it’s time to remember old friends, get to know colleagues better, and pay attention to relatives.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Did you dream of a peacefully grazing herd of cows? The dream book predicts changes for the better. Luck will finally turn its face to a person, he will forget about his problems and failures.

An animal that follows the dreamer everywhere is also a good dream. In reality, the sleeper will experience big profits. Money can come from implementing a successful idea or winning the lottery. There is also a possibility that a person will receive an inheritance.

What does it mean to dream that a cow is walking nearby? The sleeper has a patron who does not deprive him of his attention. If the dreamer continues to ignore this person, then he may lose his help.

Cow attack

What other subjects does the dream book consider? In a dream, seeing a cow trying to bite means welcoming guests in the near future. Dreams in which an animal is butted have a similar meaning. Guests in your home should be received with caution, as among them there may be a person who is secretly intriguing against the dreamer.

If a cow manages to butt or bite a sleeping person, in reality it is better to refuse the planned meeting. If the animal’s attempt to harm the dreamer fails, then he has nothing to fear.


What other events is being considered by the one who is chasing the sleeping person? Such a plot warns of the appearance of a dangerous enemy or competitor. A dream in which a person is being chased by a whole herd has a similar meaning.

The outcome of the chase plays an important role. If the dreamer managed to escape from animals in his dreams, then in reality he has nothing to fear. If the cows still overtook him, it is better to be on guard in the near future. The enemy is powerful enough to cause serious harm.

As described above, the attacker is also considering the opposite option. If a person chases an animal in his dreams, such a plot does not bode well. In the near future he may quarrel with one of his relatives or friends. Repairing your relationship won't be easy, so it's best to avoid conflict by being kind and patient.

Herding a cow

Suppose that in his dreams a person is herding an animal or leading it on a rope. In this case, why do you dream about a cow? The dream book predicts wealth for the sleeping person. He can advance his career and find a new source of income.

Why do you dream about riding a cow? A joyful event will soon occur in a person’s life, which will come as a complete surprise to him. A dream in which an animal disappears and the sleeper is forced to search for it has a negative meaning. Such a plot indicates that a person is not able to find a common language with his own son or daughter. It is possible that the child has lost trust in his parent and no longer has respect for him.

Cow's milk

Why do you dream about cow's milk? The sleeper has absolutely nothing to worry about. Cow's milk is a kind and bright symbol. If in his dreams a person drinks it or offers it to others, then in reality prosperity awaits him. The dream takes on a negative connotation if milk is spilled. You need to pay more attention to your health and beware of diseases.

Did you dream about milking a cow? This story has a positive meaning. Changes for the better will occur in the life of the sleeper; he may receive good news and experience a pleasant surprise.

Black, red, yellow

What else useful can a dream book tell about a cow? The interpretation of a dream in which a black animal appears is also of interest. Unfortunately, a person risks losing a large amount of money in the near future. This can be avoided if the dreamer handles money and property more carefully. It is also worth refraining from risky transactions for some time, even if a large sum is at stake.

Why do you dream of yellow and red animals? The person's efforts will finally be appreciated. He can move up the career ladder and get a salary increase. Any reward will be well deserved.

Mooing cow

Does a cow moo in her sleep? The dream book offers various interpretations. If a person hears mooing, but there are no cattle nearby, then this is an alarming sign. In the near future, the sleeper will have to experience disappointment. An event may also occur that will sadden him.

Seeing mooing animals - what does it mean? Such a plot promises the dreamer sadness, which will be associated with a specific event. Perhaps a person will be offended by someone whom he is accustomed to completely trust. Or someone important will leave his life forever. There is no need to worry, because in any case everything will end well.

Freud's Dream Book

What does it mean to see a cow in a dream? Freud's dream book claims that this symbolizes the desire to have a child. In some cultures, this sacred animal is revered, which is why this interpretation is connected.

  • Cattle are dreams of those who dream of having an heir. This desire is not necessarily explicit. It is possible that it is located deep in the dreamer's subconscious. It is also possible that the children of the sleeping person ask to give them a brother or sister.
  • What other options does the dream book consider? Why does a woman dream of cows if in her dreams she is engaged in milk production? Milking, if you rely on the opinion of Sigmund Freud, symbolizes sexual intercourse, as a result of which the lady has every chance of becoming pregnant.
  • A sick animal symbolizes the dreamer's fears. Most likely, a person fears for the health of his son or daughter. This plot does not mean that the child is sick. These are just fears that may have nothing to do with reality.
  • Walking through a field with a cow means worrying about the child’s future. The dreamer is worried that he cannot provide his heir with everything necessary, the reason for which is financial difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

What does it mean to see a cow in a dream? Hasse's dream book also offers an interesting interpretation. If a person in his dreams watches someone else milk an animal, in reality he will experience changes in his personal life. For single men and women, such a plot promises an acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex, who can become his soul mate.

Do you have to milk a cow yourself? Such dreams predict a romantic relationship with a wealthy person. the dreamer will not become an obstacle to starting a relationship. There is a possibility that the romance will develop into something more.

Maly Velesov dream book

What interpretation does this dream book offer? A cow can appear in a dream for various reasons. A white animal dreams of good things. While black cattle promise the dreamer danger, illness and even death. A red cow dreams of a fire, as a result of which the property of the sleeping person or someone close to him may be damaged.

A milking animal appears in night dreams as a sign of big trouble. The sleeping person will not be able to cope with the problems on his own; he will have to turn to relatives and friends for help. Milking a cow means tears; soon a tragedy will happen in the dreamer's life. A thin animal may dream of experiences and internal conflicts. Selling cattle - such a plot predicts large material losses. A thin cow dreams of poverty and hardship, while a well-fed and well-fed animal predicts profit.

To stroke - someone maintains a relationship with a person for reasons of self-interest. It is possible that he does this himself. If an animal butts in night dreams, in reality you should beware of visitors with bad intentions. Herding red cows means a change in weather.

Dream Interpretation by Y. Longo

What does this dream book say about a cow? Interpretation traditionally depends on the details. A herd of cows is not a good dream. A man was betrayed by someone whom he was accustomed to completely trust. This someone regrets what he did, but he is afraid to admit his wrongdoing.

A lonely animal dreams of someone who has faced or is about to face a difficult task. Finding a way out of this situation will take a lot of time, but the result will be zero. Cattle chewing grass symbolizes the dreamer's passivity. Someone hopes for the help of the sleeping person, but he does not intend to provide it.

Herding cows means envious people will appear on the dreamer’s life path. They will try to ruin his life with the help of gossip. As a result, conflict cannot be avoided. Milking an animal means reconciliation with an important person. The peace achieved will be lasting if both sides find the strength to leave grievances in the past.

Various stories

What other options does the dream book consider? A cow that enters a house promises mourning. The dreamer may soon lose someone who plays an important role in his life. If an animal goes out of the gate in night dreams, positive events await the person in reality. If cattle butt, then you should prepare for failures in business.

Watching a bull climb a mountain means improving your financial situation. A person's efforts will finally be duly rewarded. If a cow gives birth to a calf in a dream, then happiness awaits the sleeping person in reality. His wildest dreams will come true, for which he has long given up all hopes.

A cow with horns symbolizes aggression. It is up to the dreamer himself to manifest it, who will lose control over his emotions. Blood on the horns indicates that a person is acting dishonestly towards others, behaving assertively and unceremoniously. A cow with a calf can be a dream for someone who has chosen the right path. Under no circumstances should one turn off this road; happiness awaits a person at the end of the road. Watching an animal give birth means making a profit. For pregnant women, such a plot can promise complications during childbirth.

For women, it reflects the feeling that the dreamer is underestimated.

Large, fat cow- to health and new acquisition.

Skinny cow - your efforts will be useless.

English dream book

If you dream that a cow is chasing you- this means you will have an enemy.

If in a dream you manage to escape from her- this means that this enemy will not be afraid of you. You will become noticeably rich if you dream that you are milking a cow.

If a woman sees a cow calving in her dream- It is very possible that her own birth will be difficult.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If you are being chased by a cow in a dream- this means that your enemy will take you by surprise.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about a Cow in a dream according to the dream book?

Cows - dream of roaring; for some reason you will cry bitterly.

Children's dream book

Cow - soon your parents will receive a salary or rich relatives will unexpectedly come to visit you.

Idiomatic dream book

"Holy cow"- something non-egoistic, giving; “cash cow” is a source of selfish consumption; “like a cow licked it with its tongue”- complete disappearance of the object; “cow” is about a plump woman.

Lunar dream book

Milking a cow is a win.

Maly Velesov dream book

Cow - profit from strangers, care, you will be a guest / death, tears (“to roar”), illness, for worse, enemy, captivity, trouble; sell - loss; thin - worries; white - for good / death; red - fire; black - illness, death, danger; kick out the black one- death; milking - tears, good, joy, winning, surprise, talking about good things, profit or acquisition, profitable business; milked - trouble; not milked - meeting with friends; bodnet - guests will arrive with bad intentions; well-fed - good, profit, wealth; thin - poverty; calving - to the appearance of offspring (for a man) / misfortune; iron- self-interest, profit in the economy; left the yard - death is in that yard; a herd of cows - whoever dies in the family means a fire; you graze cows - snow, rain; you graze reds - good weather, frost (in winter).

Newest dream book

In a dream, why does a Cow dream?

A lonely cow - to prosperity in the house, comfort, love, mutual understanding between family members.

Cows are grazing - the fulfillment of a basic desire, including those related to your health. Peace; moderation; meditation practice.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Russian dream book

A cow mooing means tears; fat, well-fed cow- profit, wealth.

Russian folk dream book

The cow is a symbol directly related to domestic life and home; for men - may indicate a not very smart woman.

Family dream book

If you saw in a dream a cow standing calmly waiting to be milked- the fulfillment of many of your desires and the fulfillment of hopes lies ahead.

Slavic dream book

Cow - dreams of profit.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing a cow in a dream- portends profit; milking cows means benefiting from the business started; sell a cow- means to suffer a loss in your affairs.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Cow?

A dream in which you see cows waiting to be milked- promises fulfillment of desires and fulfillment of hopes.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A cow is a reflection of peace and/or indifference, passivity. The need for care in selecting information.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did the Cow dream in a dream?

Seeing a fat, well-fed cow in a dream- to good news, skinny - to lack of home, need.

Just to see a cow- this means there is delicious food and drink to be had.

Cow and bull climb the mountainside- great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

Lead a cow on a rope uphill- portends wealth and nobility

Blood on the bull's horns- predicts the achievement of three highest positions in public administration.

A cow butting means failure in everyday affairs.

Cow comes out of the gate- indicates that something good is about to happen.

Buffalo enters the house- foreshadows mourning.

A cow gives birth to a calf- everything you wished for will come true.

Riding a cow into the city- foreshadows a joyful event in the near future.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Cow in a dream?

Dreaming of a cow standing in her stall- to profit and prosperity. Cows grazing in a meadow- a harbinger of a happy life in which your dreams and hopes will come true. Well-fed, fat cows- to wealth, thin, with protruding bones- to need.

Dark cows foretell prosperity through hard work, light cows foretell a free life without worries and hassle.

See how cows are milked- to an unexpected event or news; milking a cow means receiving a significant inheritance.

A mooing cow means that the undertaking will not be completed soon, but will be successful.

Cow lying and chewing cud- means that you will receive a completely empty and thoughtless offer.

Slaughtered cow- portends losses and failure in business.

Cooking beef in a dream- in reality you will receive significant financial assistance.

Drink cow's milk- take a successful trip and be enriched with impressions.

Herding a herd of cows in a dream- lead a small but close-knit team.

Taking care of cows on a livestock farm- you will soon experience unusual circumstances from which you will benefit.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Cow - to swearing, quarrel, tears.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Cows standing calmly waiting to be milked- portend the fulfillment of long-standing desires and the fulfillment of hopes.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Cow according to the dream book?

Cow - care, concern, troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a cow- your house is in danger of fire. Remember, a dream is a warning - so pay close attention to possible sources of ignition.

Milking means bad changes in life.

In a dream you watched someone milk a cow- soon someone close to you will do something that will change your life.

You dreamed that you were herding a cow- know that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness.

Killing a cow is good luck.

Buying a cow- warns against wasting money.

If you dreamed that you were selling a cow- soon you will be able to get rid of something bulky and unnecessary.

Cow - you need to pay attention to people who need your help.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Cow - care; pursues one - to an unexpected inheritance; see a herd far away in the field- a good sign.

Aesop's Dream Book

A cow - this animal personifies the wet nurse, because in difficult times many families survived only on cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly related to home life, children and home.

Seeing a big beautiful cow in a dream, but completely hornless- a symbol that on your way you will meet a very wayward person, whose unpredictable actions can throw you off balance and disrupt the harmony in the house.

Having a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to lunch- pay attention to your other half, don’t let your household members get bored and suffer from idleness.

Hold your cow by the horns so that it can be milked by people who come to you from the street- this dream foreshadows losses, a difficult financial situation in the family, or a house robbery due to your oversight.

Seeing a cow with a star on its forehead in a dream- a symbol that someone you have been waiting for a long time, someone you have been thinking about lately, will come to visit.

Seeing a large herd of cows- profit for the house, establishing affairs that seemed to have no end.

Looking for a cow means solving a problem with a child who, for some reason, has lost interest in your opinion and began to demand complete independence.

A cowshed is a profitable job offer, a promising marriage, especially if there is a lot of manure in the barn.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Cow according to the dream book?

Do you see one cow?- there will be prosperity in your home, it will always be cozy, you will have mutual feelings with your household.

More interpretations

If they are grazing- the dream book says that your cherished wish will come true, especially if it concerns your state of health.

The cow is huge and fat- in the near future you will not be sick with anything, and you will also buy something for yourself. If you dream about her being thin, all your efforts at work will be useless.

I dreamed that some cow was chasing you- wait for a new enemy.

If an animal butts in a dream- soon some person will visit your house, but her intentions will not be honest, and if they butt with each other, expect happiness and luck in the future.

Milking her means that soon you will be happy, you will not deny yourself anything, the children will please you excessively, and everyone will respect you.

If she hums, all the things you have started will be completed successfully, but it will take a lot of time.

A cow was slaughtered - big expenses await you, you may even become poor.

I dreamed of slaughtering a cow- negative emotions have accumulated inside you, get rid of them, throw them out alone with yourself so that they do not develop further. .

The cow calved- a sudden increase in income, profit and enrichment at someone else’s expense.

Cow with horns, according to the dream book- problems and troubles from an annoying work colleague.

Herding cows - endless daily labors and worries about loved ones await your attention.

Dreaming about you drinking cow's milk- the trip will be very successful, you will gain a lot of new sensations and impressions.

If you bought it, you will soon waste a large amount of money. If, on the contrary, you sold it, you will soon successfully get rid of some very large and unnecessary thing.

A herd of cows - you move with the flow, passively observing current affairs. Your time has not yet come, you are accumulating strength for further action.

I dreamed of milking a cow- you will jump for joy and jump with delight like a child. You will be able to make your deepest desire come true.

A cow is butting - uninvited guests whom you will not be happy with. Their visit will interfere with your plans.

The cow is dead, according to the interpretation of the dream book- cash expenses, large expenses with a decrease in income.

Black cow - joy from the company of family and good friends. Pleasant company in which you will feel easy and at ease.

Cow with calf- your efforts to implement your plans will be very fruitful. The result will not take long to arrive.

White cow in a dream- on the horizon there will be an opportunity to increase your income without any serious effort or expense.

Run away from a cow- a dangerous competitor, a strong adversary. You will immediately understand what he is capable of and will act according to the circumstances.

Managed to escape from the cow - find ways to neutralize a strong enemy. You can defeat your enemies, you know all the loopholes to do this.

Dead cow - material problems, domestic instability, anxiety about your future.

Video: Why do you dream about a Cow?

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In most cases, a cow in a dream represents prosperity, so it is considered a positive symbol. However, in some situations, this positive sign can become an important warning for a sleeping lady. Understand, why does a woman dream about a cow in a dream?, current dream books will help, the interpretation of which is discussed in this article.

Seeing a cow in a dream for a woman

In most interpretations it is difficult to find a negative message from such a dream. Most often, a dream in which a lady dreams of a cow is positive.

What is this for?

To identify what this animal dreamed about, you need to determine the meaning of the dream. It is worth remembering every detail: the appearance of the cow, the color of its coat, its character and actions, whether it was alone or whether a whole herd was involved in the dream, whether the cow was with a calf or a bull, whether it was horned or not, and the like.


Such a vision predicts the appearance in the fate of a representative of the fairer sex of a gentleman who is able to solve all material difficulties. If a sleeping lady has children, then prosperity will accompany them too. Physical condition and all important areas of life will be at their best.

A strong and large cow is seen as a sign of the realization of intentions. You can safely start any project, everything will turn out great.

A positive symbol is considered to be a vision in which you can not only see a large mammal, but also touch its horns. This is a symbol of the fact that material wealth will pour into the dreamer as if from a cornucopia.

Night dreams carry a negative context only in the situation if you had to touch a cow while someone was milking it. Such a dream is a harbinger of imminent losses and deprivation of income. It is necessary to be more attentive to your partners, since they can turn out to be deceitful people, they will use the sleeping woman for their own purposes, and as a result they will set her up.

Watch the video. Why do you dream about a cow?

If you dream that the lady herself is milking the artiodactyl, then such a dream can have two interpretations. The first is that a representative of the weak half of humanity wants to have children, and soon her intention will come true. The second is that the lady is trying to find ways to get rich, and will soon find them.

A peaceful cow dreams of a quiet life without difficulties and obstacles. A dissatisfied, aggressive animal in a vision indicates that in reality the dreamer has a large number of enemies who will soon rise to their full height. You should be more careful when communicating with people.


If an unmarried lady dreams of a representative of the animal kingdom, she should prepare for a quick marriage. What family life will be like, and what kind of chosen one will be, can be determined by the appearance of the cow you have seen. The kinder and calmer she is, the better.

To the girl

If a girl dreams of an animal, then in the near future she will meet a person who can become an excellent partner for her.

If a young woman dreams that a herd of mammals is “flying” towards her, it means that in reality she should be more attentive and avoid disagreements with others.

Watching a cow submerged in water in a dream means quick changes in life. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the water: if it is clean, then fortune will be favorable and your cherished dreams will come true. If the liquid is dirty, then you need to expect all sorts of difficulties. The dirtier the water, the worse the consequences of future problems. If you dreamed that someone drove a herd into the water, it means there is a possibility of betrayal.


For a pregnant woman, such a dream promises minor difficulties. An animal giving birth in a dream speaks of the possibility of premature birth or the severity of the process itself. There is no need to worry if you saw a cow giving birth in your night dreams, you just need to be prepared for certain surprises.

Dream Interpretation

The image of a cow in current dream books represents harmony, understanding and patience.

Here is how popular dream books interpret this symbol:

  • Miller's Dream Book. I dreamed of an animal eating hay - to have fun with friends. The heifer tasted the apples - the husband may have a mistress. The cow quenched thirst - to the receipt of easy money;
  • Dream book of Tsvetkov. A mammal constantly pursues in a dream - big earnings from bringing a brilliant idea to life. The cow had non-standard horns - to income from trade;
  • Freud's Dream Book. I saw a cow in a stall - a new addition to the family. An animal lying in a pasture means a noisy pastime. Scratching his back on a tree - to erotic events;
  • Vanga's dream book. A dream in which a ruminant talked to a sleeping person indicates that there are spoiled relationships with friends. A young lady saw a cow in a dream with a calf reaching out to her - indicating her desire to become a mother.

Why does a woman dream of a cow in a dream?

For a long time, people have associated a cow with something big, kind and homely. Therefore, it does not scare away even in a dream.

However, when trying to understand why a cow is dreaming, one must pay more attention to the nuances of the vision that has come. This facilitates accurate interpretation of signs.


A white cow in a dream indicates that good news is expected soon. If the animal itself leaves the yard in a drowsy state, then the positive meaning of the plot doubles.


The most negative symbol is the black mammal. It always represents health difficulties.

Problems can affect both the dreamer and people close to her.

If you manage to drive out or destroy a black cow in a dream, it means that there will be difficulties, but they can be solved very quickly.


The red cow predicts a reward for the time and effort spent by the lady. If there are many artiodactyls of this color in the dream, you can expect a prosperous time during which you will be able to fulfill all your grandiose plans.


If in a vision you come across a cow with red fur, it represents a reflection of the mental shock that you recently experienced. It is worth using the weekend to relieve tension and restore strength.


Such a dream symbolizes financial security, which is definitely expected in the near future. But it is not possible to say exactly how soon. With equal probability this can happen today or in two years.


It’s worth thinking about after such a dream, because over time the quality of life will rapidly deteriorate, there will be less money, and need may overtake you. It is advisable to carefully analyze the situation to determine why this is happening or will happen in the future.

It is worth noting that rapid loss will not happen, everything will happen slowly, so there will be no push that will give a signal for changes to occur.


To see a belly cow calmly grazing in a pasture in your night dreams means that the dreamer’s family will not feel the need in the near future.

What does a pregnant animal with black fur dream about? Fate will give you a meeting with your future mentor.


Any visions of dead cattle foreshadow financial difficulties.

8 out of 10 dreams promise problems with money

If a lady in a dream simply looks at the corpse of an animal, then due to risky actions she may soon be left literally “without pants.” For example, if he resorts to bank lending, borrows money, or intends to change his occupation.

With horns

Impressive and exquisitely curved cow horns promise a time of prosperity. The symbol is especially positive if in a dream the sleeping person touched them: in this situation, you can consider that you have touched a mythical cornucopia from which gifts of fate will fall.

Without horns

Did the animal in the vision have no horns? The mental state of all family members is in danger. You need to be more careful with new acquaintances and not trust strangers.

Why does a woman dream about a cow?

A mammal in night dreams predicts a prosperous fate for a lady - prosperity, strong family relationships, successful children. It happens that dreams predict difficulties, but, having learned about them, you can avoid them in time in reality.


If a cow ran near the dreamer, this means that it seems to the management that in reality the woman has already done enough at her workplace and is ready for something new. There is no need to be afraid to move to another position; it will be much better than in your previous position.


If a cow butts in a dream, then it can represent the rage and aggression of a lady.

Most likely, recently the representative of the weak half of humanity has often been a participant in disputes and conflict situations. She blames others for their appearance, but in fact, quarrels occur due to the too hot-tempered nature of the sleeper.

Most problems in a team and in a family environment will help eradicate self-control.


Such a dream symbolizes the desire for a better life. As a rule, if this desire is supported by active actions, in the near future the standard of living will become noticeably higher.


An attack by a cow in a dream is always interpreted as the appearance of enemies in reality. Either a new enemy will appear, or an old enemy will decide to return and take revenge on the sleeping lady for all the previous grievances.


Such a dream indicates that the dreamer has a lack of communication with people who hold a similar point of view. It is quite possible that disagreements with colleagues or relatives may soon arise. It is necessary to contact people of the same views.


A calving cow foretells that soon there will be a chance to prove herself, so it is advisable not to miss it. It is important to have time to earn honor and glory.

The dream suggests that the dreamer herself has no idea how much she can accomplish and what talents she has. You just need to believe in yourself.

With calves

If an artiodactyl appeared in a dream not alone, but with calves, it means that the lady is worried about her own children, or she recently made a fateful decision, and the woman has doubts about its correctness. You should calm down, everything was done correctly.

If a calf eats grass in a dream, you can expect profit.

When you see a calf, some dream books advise you to think about your own behavior in real life. Is there any dependence on another person? Can a sleeping nature make decisions independently?

A woman dreamed of a cow

Since ancient times, the cow has been revered as a wet nurse, the personification of a well-fed, successful life. The dream book often speaks about this animal in a positive way, promising changes for the better, as well as calm and harmony.