Street dance lessons. How to learn to dance street dancing: technique and instruction. Professional street dance training - quick and easy

Dancing is open to all social classes and people of all ages. With this art you can show freedom, despondency, passion, express love and other feelings. There are classical dances that appeared a long time ago, but also over time, new directions and styles have come that are danced differently. Street dancing has become very popular. In this article, UchiEto will help you learn the elements of street dance.

First steps to learning

In all big cities there are schools that teach dance. If you find a school that teaches street dancing, don't rush to sign up. Why? Because there are different directions in these dances, so figure out which style you want to learn. You will be surprised how diverse the spectrum of dance elements is. But how to learn street dancing if there is no special talent and data? Do not be discouraged, they appear with training, and also if you learn to feel freedom.

It is the possession to be able to body and the spirit of freedom that is the basis of street dancing.

home school

You can also learn to dance at home. Moreover, you will devote as much time to classes as more than one dance instructor can devote to you, you will deprive yourself of embarrassment in front of other people, and also save your time and finances. You will be able to awaken the excellent dancer in you. Now only desire and efficiency will show that you can. For learning, ready-made interactive lessons are required. They are needed to master the initial movements.

About 15 years ago, people did not even dream of video lessons for beginners. They did not even imagine that the video would help a person learn to street dance, and the street dancers themselves were called hooligans. No one could have imagined that these same hooligans would teach others, and even online. In our time, everything is different. Street dancers are not uncommon, and the internet has provided access to video lessons. Among the large number of lessons, it is worth giving preference to specialized video schools. Only professional street dancers teach there.

So, if you are ready to master the most demanded and popular dance direction, then read the article, and at the end you will find a pleasant surprise in the form of free video lessons. Try to repeat all the movements to find out the possibilities of your body and feel the freedom.

I want to dance, teach me!

In addition to an empty statement: “I want to learn how to dance street dances,” patience and desire are needed, because before starting training, you need to review all the styles of this direction and choose one. Regularly hone all the elements, bringing them to perfection, repeat even the simplest movements after the teacher.

If we are talking about tectonics, then there are exercises that develop the plasticity of the body. The main thing is to feel the music! Distinguish between weak and strong rhythms. Learn to perceive in order to be able to improvise.

At the heart of the Tut dance are elements that characterize the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. The dancers clearly change positions, a huge number of elements are done at right angles, the hands should always be as straight as possible, and the head must be kept at the same level. The essence of the dance can be seen in the illustrations depicting the rulers of Egypt.

A few more words need to be said about clothing. She does not have a particular style, since there are more than 20 varieties of this direction. It doesn't even matter what color it is. The main thing is that it does not hamper movement. You can wear sneakers with wide jeans, a hoodie, even a formal suit.

Stick to your training schedule and you will be able to achieve what you want!

Video lessons

Street dance (Street Dance) as a dance direction appeared in the USA in the last century. At that time, dancers learned to dance right on the streets, because they did not have special rooms. Now this style is one of the most popular among young people; many who want to stand out from the crowd want to learn it.


  • Street dancing is classified as freestyle. It is based on immediacy, as well as combinations of all kinds of styles that are incompatible with each other. For example, jazz and classical. The main street dance is the ability of the dancer to convey to the viewer how he feels the dance without any skills and abilities, and various tricks only complement the performance. Street dance includes a transition from fast and impulsive movements to slow ones. Also in the dance there may be elements of fading. This direction combines such genres as house, new-style, break dance, hip-hop.
  • To learn how to perform all the movements of this style, you can enroll in dance courses that are in your city. Choreographers will demonstrate basic movements, elements and transitions. However, this is only a technical basis. The performance requires the dancer to completely immerse himself in his world and relax the soul, and not just memorized movements that are performed to the music. Everyone can learn Street Dance and show their skills in public without much preparation, the main thing is to listen to your own body language and dissolve in incendiary music.
  • If you are too busy to go to choreography courses, but want to learn how to perform all the elements, then the video lessons that you can buy at any specialized store or watch at the end of this article will help you. The only disadvantage of such a training system is the lack of a teacher who can suggest the correct implementation. Otherwise, this method will allow you to plan your own time and save money. Since, in the courses, the teacher cannot physically pay attention to each dancer, so you will still need to study at home.
  • You can also read the article, it also provides some tips and tricks for training

The name Street Dance (street dancing) speaks for itself. This direction originates not from ballroom classes and choreographic circles, but from the streets. Street Dance was born on noisy roads, city streets. It is characterized by impulsive fast movements, unexpected transitions from fast to smooth elements, as well as unexpected fading.

Video lessons

Energetic, bold, emotional street dance that makes you hold your breath is truly mesmerizing. This direction is in demand at all levels - as a form of physical development, a form of choreography or for competitions (battles), which are practiced today in dance halls. Hip-hop and Krump, popping and locking, breakdancing and C-walk - all these types of dance originate in the streets and courtyards, discos and clubs, being the foundation for simple and complex movements. And in order to learn to feel the rhythm, you need to be trained in street dancing, and best of all from professionals.

Don't limit yourself, create your own style

In this direction, the performer is not limited in movement, which makes it possible to improvise and experiment, creating an independent and unique, only his own style, as well as interact with both other dancers and the public. Recently, street dances for adults among girls are gaining great popularity. They are based on the desire to learn how to move beautifully and plastically to the rhythm of music, to know and feel your body, enjoying freedom. Perhaps you have decided to join the culture of this direction on your own. But it should be remembered that mastering without a mentor will be long and sometimes traumatic. Self-study of street dances, video lessons on a popular portal, will teach you basic movements, but will not reveal all the secrets of mastering this direction.

Take the first step towards your dream

- this is a very large number of various landmarks, which will be introduced by a professional street dance school in Moscow, and the first lesson can be attended for free. It was created for everyone: beginners, dancers with experience, for young and older, for those who will not be indifferent to the incendiary and liberated movements of the STREET direction. A team of professionals will be happy to accept everyone who wants to join their ranks and teach them how to properly master and perform movements. Gender, age, fitness level, musical preferences and even hair color do not play a role - only your desire is important. Our street dance school and the best teachers will bring your dancing potential to the surface in a very short time. The very first step towards the dream of dancing beautifully and plastically is to sign up for street dance lessons for beginners by phone. Classes with choreographers can be assessed after the first lesson (by the way, it is free). Our teachers are ready to give you the secrets of mastery, teach you the basic steps, show you how you can win the real trust of the dance floor and conquer the audience.

Professional and modern street dances on Bratislava will change anyone who wants to master street dance and plunge into its atmosphere. Come visit us and find your direction.

Professional street dance training - quick and easy

Recently, more and more often, we hear about such a direction as STREET DANCE - street dancing. It is quite common among young people, and has widely covered such areas as hip-hop, jazz funk, break-dance, R&B, etc. The street movement came to us from America and in just a few years has gained incredible popularity among professional dancers and those who who likes to express their emotions through movement. That is why street dance training is so in demand in schools, studios and circles. Firstly, it is quite easy to master them even for children of preschool and school age. Secondly, the movements of this direction are extremely beneficial for health and the whole organism as a whole. Do not be afraid to send your child to this direction, because street dancing for children is an important aspect of their development and interaction with the outside world.

For all fans of this movement and not only this, street dance studios were created in Moscow and throughout Russia. Only in the hall you will plunge into the frantic atmosphere of complex and simple movements that will give you a feeling of freedom and a charge of positive emotions. Professional and modern street dancing has countless benefits, both physically and spiritually. STREET DANCE for boys and girls promotes physical development, develop posture and a slim figure, strengthen the respiratory and circulatory systems, develop a sense of rhythm, allow you to unlock your potential, and naturally get a powerful charge of positive energy and a lot of pleasure.

Street dancing in Moscow

If you don’t know how yet, but really want to learn street dancing in Moscow, classes are held at our school every day. Here you can attend lessons for both beginners and professionals. The choreographer will explain the basic elements step by step and it will be easy to join this culture with him. If you want to feel the real pleasure of the process, street dancing on Kievskaya (first lesson) can be visited for free. Under the guidance of professional teachers with many years of experience who will help direct your potential in the right direction, you will be able to master all the styles of street dance, and choose your own.

Our school provides an opportunity to develop not only adults, but also children in the first place, who will be taught here not only to control their bodies, but also to get rid of psychological clamps and barriers. Teachers work with the kids - winners of awards, winners of competitions and even current champions, so caring mothers do not have to worry about the safety of their children. Professional street dancing for beginners will reveal the dormant potential inside, give self-confidence.

Such different street dance lessons - master them all!

Warm days are coming into their own, which means that in the near future outdoor areas for dancing will be in demand. And if you have never tried this type of activity yet, this year you should definitely join the ranks of like-minded people. With the help of rhythm, you can show complete freedom of movement, express your individuality and attitude to something, as well as recharge your energy and positive. Why exactly street dance lessons, and not something else, oriental movements, for example? This direction connects simple and open people, and there are a lot of such people in our country.

Some people like to watch how street dancers move. There is something mesmerizing about this. It is especially interesting to look at children's movements, where little nimble people are already working on themselves at such a young age, diligently developing rhythm and endurance, striving to work in a team. The question arises: “How to master street dancing? Should I learn everything, or master the basic movements? How to take the first step? In almost all major cities, special dance studios or circles have been created, where there will certainly be a STREET DANCE class. Training is conducted by professional dancers, so under their guidance it will be easy to master this direction.

Variety of directions and dance movements

Each dance direction has a variety of movements that differ in style, pas and other specific points. If you just want to learn some kind of dance, or bring the movements to the ideal, then you'd better still enroll in a school. Here professionals will work with you, under whose guidance you will better and faster connect your thoughts with your movements. Here you can also find out what directions there are, you can try yourself in each of them and choose a style to your liking, and absolutely free.

There is no doubt that if you type the words “street dancing” in YouTube, you will easily find video lessons for beginners, but doing at home is dangerous. It will be quite easy to get injured, because you need to know that before you start trying any movements, you need to warm up the muscles and prepare them for training. In addition, STREET DANCE training will require a lot of space. In apartments, as a rule, there is not enough of it, there is nowhere to turn around and show class. Come to us, at the first lesson it will become clear whether this is your direction or you should try something else.

Our choreographers will help to awaken an excellent dancer in a person, the main thing is self-confidence and an irresistible desire to dance! More like street dancing! You can sign up now on this website.

Street dancing is a magnetically mesmerizing spectacle. Surely you have seen how the dancers turn into robots, simulating mechanical intermittent movements, or flutter above the ground, magically hardly touching it with their feet. Here is a video of one of the most famous street dancers Marquis Scott:

It all seems so impossible, out of reach. I would like to immediately dispel the doubts that most viewers have when watching the video.

Common misconceptions about street dancing

1. This guy is a genius because he improvises

I'll tell you a secret: everything you see here, every tiny movement, is the result of long training and repeated repetitions. Do you see how easily, for example, a “wave” passes through the Marquis’s hand? Before he could do it, he:

  • flexed the wrist a thousand times;
  • bent the elbow a thousand times;
  • pushed the shoulder forward a thousand times;
  • tens of thousands of times consistently connected these movements.

Over time, awkward hand rotations turned into a smooth wave. Actually, here, for clarity:

And so with any element that you see in the dance. Each of them first goes through a long process of cutting and settling in the motor memory of the body. Improvisation is a free combination of such elements.

2. This guy has talent, not everyone is given it

The movements of each dancer, no matter how free and easy they may seem now, were originally as timid and clumsy as yours. The same Marquis Scott, whom many will call a genius, before the start of dancing, moved no better than anyone else. Dance is not some school of magic inaccessible to mere mortals.

Dance is first and foremost a technique. Technique worked to perfection.

Do you hear music, try to move to it, but something extremely clumsy comes out? But the body of the masters "dances itself"! But how can your body dance if it doesn't know how to move? First teach it them, and then it will perform the dance for you. And everyone can handle it.

3. I will never succeed

With desire and effort, everyone can succeed. Get rid of conceited thoughts about your exclusivity.

Surely while watching the video in your head flashed “Wow! I wish I…”, but you don’t even dare to continue this thought to the end, because, of course, “such a talent is not given to everyone, but even more so to me.”

Most likely, many of you watched the video, went to the mirror, tried to portray a “wave”, instead of it you got a real storm with 11 points on the Beaufort scale, laughed and went on with your own business. For some reason, people think that a street dancer is gifted by nature. No, in the same way, he once approaches the mirror, tries to do something and laughs at failure. Only then does he approach the mirror again and again.

Street dance in most cases is an improvisation based on a free combination of elements of various dance styles honed to perfection.

Yes, street dancing is an extremely broad concept that includes breakdancing, locking, house and much more.

So, you understand that there is no magic and mystery in the masterful dance, and the secret of its lightness is completely contained in the study of various movements? Already good. Let's go further.


What is technology development?

  1. Choice of a certain movement.
  2. Breaking it down into its elemental components.
  3. Multiple repetition of each of them separately.
  4. Consistent their connection in the desired movement.
  5. Repetition of this movement, using it in conjunction with others.

Repetition, repetition, repetition - that is the basis of technique. Why? Because that's how our body learns. At first, the path to each movement will lie through great willpower, control and concentration. Everything will happen slowly. But with each repetition, the new movements will be adapted by the mechanisms of your motor memory. And in the end, the movement will be performed naturally and easily, like a wave of the hand. You don't have to think about it. It's like learning to ride a bike.

So, mastering the dance is available to everyone. But the way to it lies through the study of technology. And work on technology is work, long, difficult and sometimes makes you want to cry.

But there is also good news.

You can work at home. And most importantly, it will be interesting for you to work.

Because any routine, unpleasant work gets a motive and becomes much more interesting when it brings some result. And the sooner this result manifests itself, the more noticeable it is, the greater the desire to continue the person lights up.

Believe me, you can learn the simplest techniques of magical plastic surgery in the shortest possible time without leaving your home. Of course, you will not become Marquis Scott so quickly, but you will definitely succeed in surprising your friends and relatives, and even yourself. Let's take the mentioned "wave". By following the instructions from the second video of this article every day for at least 15 minutes, in a couple of weeks you will make the movement correctly, quickly and with the necessary automaticity.

Dancing at home

Now about the main thing. The studio has a professional choreographer who teaches and shows the movements. And at home? And at home there is YouTube, where no less professional dancers have already posted thousands of training videos.

If you are one of those people who thought “Wow! Wish I…” when watching the first video, the action plan is as follows: you go to one of the YouTube channels below, watch dance videos and determine whose style you like, open the training videos and, getting up from your chair, without leaving your monitor (well, if there is a mirror nearby), you start doing what is shown in them. That is, repeat, repeat, repeat the movement.

Don't worry about the small space: we are not learning the waltz, and you will have enough space to learn the basic movements and perform simple connections. Here, of course, much depends on the dance genre. For example, you can master the bottom break only if you have a lot of space and slippery flooring.

Lifehacker has chosen the most undemanding styles in terms of square area, united under the name dubstep. It doesn't matter if you like this music: the elements of the style itself can be used in completely different ways.

3. From foreign channels, one can distinguish TheRussianTiger and El Tiro. Thanks to the latter, you will learn how to perform the “robot dance” relatively quickly.

4. There are good breakdancing videos in schools Break Dance School and " Breakwater". Again, this style is not easy to practice at home due to the large space it requires and the special flooring.

Remember, the main thing is sincere desire and regular practice. Without one, there will be no other. At the same time, desire and practice are a universal remedy for all “failures”.

Good luck with your dancing endeavors!

Studio Balance Club invites everyone to study the fashionable direction of Street dance or Street dance. Street dance lessons are held in a large bright hall with the participation of professional teachers. There are 5-8 students in the class, so everyone manages to pay due attention.

What is street dancing

Street dance originated on the streets of major American cities. This direction is characterized by impulsive movements, a sharp change in rhythm and spectacular fading in static. Gradually, the dance was enriched with movements and techniques from such areas as funk, break, disco, RnB. As an independent direction, street dance emerged in the 70s in America.

It is curious that despite the chaotic interweaving of different styles in this direction, street dance has its own philosophy. In dance, a person talks about himself, shares his feelings and experiences - this is a small story in motion, where tricks and steps are just a way of self-expression.

Where to learn to dance Street Dance

The Moscow School of Street Dance is located in a convenient area of ​​the city, next to the metro station, just a 5-minute walk. In several groups, street dancing is taught to girls and boys of different levels of training.

Being engaged in street dance in our studio, you:

  • improve your physical fitness;
  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • work out the coordination of movements;
  • improve posture;
  • strengthen the muscular and respiratory systems;
  • feel your body and increase your self-esteem.

Recruitment for classes street dance open for beginners! You can sign up and find out the prices on the website, by phone or in the studio - come and dance with us for pleasure.


Cost of Street Dance classes

Trial lesson 350 rub.
One-time lesson 600 rub.
Subscription for 4 lessons 1 800 rub.
Subscription for 8 lessons 3 000 rub.
Subscription for 12 lessons 4 200 rub.
Unlimited subscription 6 500 rub.