Exercises from Alena Krasnova. Positive thinking. Exercises from Alena Krasnova I want to tell you: You are perfect the way you are

Positive thinking, exercises, to improve all life situations. Positive thinking, exercises https://goo.gl/PMivdl for you, for your cherished dream, so that the innermost come true.

How to understand positive thinking?
00:10 Alena Krasnova often hears the question “What is this very thinking on a positive wave, how can you think positively when you need to be realistic? Take off your rose-colored glasses!” Here you need to turn your eyes to the fact that the ability to have a positive look and think is not at all wearing rose-colored glasses and being happy with everything and always.

Positive thinking exercise from Alena Krasnova
00:47 Today, Alena gives you one technique, doing it, you will see what the power of positive and exercises for its development is. What is the essence of this technique? This is a very chic exercise, if you take it into your habit and use it always, everywhere and in everything, then a successful result is guaranteed. Moreover, I guarantee it to you even after 7 days. So, get yourself a notebook, any, it is better if it is a notebook that you can carry with you. Every day, at a convenient moment, write down in this notebook everything that is around you: all situations, people, circumstances.
01:51 We need to see positive moments in every person around us, in every situation, circumstance. Something good is everywhere, seen and recorded. People, circumstances, and situations. Do it for a day, two, a week. In a week you will be surprised, firstly, how everything around you is changing, and how thinking is changing. Use this exercise. Apply it regularly.

Even more exercises for the development of positive thinking in the book by Alena Krasnova
02:29 Those who want to do more than just know and think “What is positive thinking? Or maybe rose-colored glasses? Apply this technique and you will see its power, what is the power of your thoughts. Of course, those of you who want deeper exercises, techniques, you can download and read my book “How to use the power of thought?” which I wrote in 2010 and which all my students have read.
02:59 And there are a lot of techniques, a lot of exercises, that is, this is a book for work. It is in pdf format and it is publicly available on the site and here you will have a link now. And follow this book. Practice, apply all the techniques and in a week the results will amaze you. And you will understand, you will realize on your own what it means to think positively, these are not rose-colored glasses.

To develop positive thinking, practice regularly
03:41 Yes, realists are wonderful. But, to think positively is, quite simply, to notice all that is good around you, and not vice versa. So download the book, read it.
04:01 Be sure to apply the technique and exercises that I just told you. Because very often people confuse positive thinking with thoughtlessness, when whatever happens around you, you will laugh, you will rejoice. No, for this we are given some emotions, even a bad mood. It is there for something, it will point you to something. Only, most importantly, you pay attention. Do the technique.

Conversations with students of the school of positive thinking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wtrSGbYiZM

How the law of attraction works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyFRQS9gp9k

«How to use the power of thought Alena Krasnova Copyright © 2010, Krasnova Alena, Table of contents Create what you want Create a mental movie Why do most programs...»

How to use the power

Alena Krasnova

Create what you want Create a mental film

Why Most Visualization Programs

self-improvement don't work? Train your subconscious and you will change

The hidden power within us is our life!

The Power of Thought How to Create Abundance

Create balance within yourself! How to be on good terms with people Useful technique (exercise) How to have good health What is our life How to have a positive emotional experience You deserve to be a happy experience Learn to "lead" your thoughts! How to happily continue your personal growth Copyright © 2010,Krasnova Alena, www.alenakrasnova.com Introduction Dear friend, attentive reader of my blog!

First I want to tell you "Welcome!" and from the bottom of my heart I greet you, with joy and gratitude that you are reading this little book, a kind of my special.

And now, let me introduce myself. My name is Alena Krasnova. My students say that I generously share knowledge in an easy and accessible way. They are understandable to anyone who is ready to let Unconditional love and well-being into their lives. 3 Unconditional Love is the only thing that money can't buy, you just need to be able to accept it.

I am a ThetaHealing® Master, certified by Science as completed ALL courses with the founder of ThetaHealing® philosophy, Viana Stibal. Having reached the pinnacle of Mastery in ThetaHealing, I can create custom courses using this technique. Moreover, being a Reiki Master, I subtly feel energies and places of Power.

But it wasn't always like that. I went FROM a teacher with a child in her arms, left without a job, without a husband during the years of perestroika in Tashkent, TO a financially independent Italian citizen with a happy family, a favorite business and more than 3,000 grateful students of my School of Positive.

And all of this is thanks to the acceptance FLOW and Open Heart system that I have been building over the past 15 years and generously sharing with you.

My students literally in 3 weeks remember who they are, through Deep Cognition. They easily learn to control their thoughts, control their consciousness, control emotions and develop Intuition. They get tools in their hands with which they can easily get rid of limiting beliefs that hinder progress ... And much more that inspires, inspires, raises self-esteem.

No matter what training (course, coaching) a person works with me, in the end he comes to the Realization that the most important thing that he has is HE I myself am with me ”

Okay, now let's get started... Are you ready?


Create what you want Have you heard that every path begins with one, the first step? Okay, you've taken that first step! Congratulations!

Surely you, like most people on this planet, have many unresolved issues in your head and in your life. So, over the next five to seven days, take the time to read this special. report.

Set aside 10-15 minutes a day for it! Do you have 15 minutes to do something that can change your life? I think yes.

I'll show you a "secret" that can change your life. And it will definitely change after you understand how some basic things work.

So, relax and take in with pleasure. Each subsequent chapter is based on the previous one, so please do not jump ahead and do not jump to conclusions until you have read to the end, so as not to break the global vision, which will help you better understand everything that has been said.

Now I want to start by asking you one question: "Do you know WHY you are reading this book right now?" Your answer could be: "I saw on your site...", or "I was looking for something...", or any other logical explanation. But after all, no logical explanation is absolutely unimportant, whether it exists or not!

No matter! What is important is the fact that you are reading these lines, that you have drawn them to you, because you are looking for "something", but have not yet found a way or method to realize "it" in your life. It can be something that has to do with your work, your finances, health, relationships, or something less tangible, such as inner peace, spirituality.

But until you understand what I'm about to reveal - which is how things flow in and out of your life - you will never be able to CONSCIOUSLY create what you want.

On the other hand, once you understand what can change your life, you will be able to achieve your goals and realize your dreams. Fast and without any stress.

I'm sure there's no need to remind you that your mind is the most powerful tool you have available to create the life you want.

But why, given that each of us has a mind, does not everyone use it to create the life of their dreams? Why do most people use the power of thought and mind AGAINST THEMSELVES instead of using it FOR THEMSELVES? You'll know about it in a minute...



That's right... I'm not a fortune teller, not a sorceress, but I will predict your future with 100% accuracy! How can I do this, you ask? You'll also think that I don't even know you...

And yet, I can predict it. Why? Everything is very simple. I just know one thing about you that will allow me to tell you about your future with maximum accuracy!

Here it is: "You are now continuing to THINK what you thought before, therefore you continue to DO what you did before and, as a result, you will continue to receive what you always received."

Let me explain in more detail: what you feel, experience and have NOW in your life and what you will experience and have in the FUTURE, is the result of your thoughts. Your FUTURE is predetermined by the thoughts (positive or negative) you have now, at this moment.

Do you want to change your future? Then you must change what you think right now! If I succeed on the pages of this book to convince you of this and, most importantly, to convince you to put into practice everything that you learn about, then be sure of a fantastic, exciting, full of emotion and joy in the FUTURE!

What will allow you to attract what you want?


What is Focus Power (AFF)?

Now I will explain to you. Everything that you have in your life - any little thing, any event, any person - EVERYTHING depends on what your attention is focused on!

Try throughout the day to ask yourself the question: "WHAT AM I


THOUGHTS?" After doing this exercise, you, like most people, will discover something very interesting about yourself! Namely, you realize that most of your time you focus on what you DON'T WANT, instead of thinking about what you WANT.

Why am I telling you this, and why is it very important? Because you can't expect to get what you want if your FOCUS (FFE), your attention is directed in the opposite direction from what you want.

Focusing is a stream of thoughts, stable and uninterrupted, resulting from persistence and regularity.

Simply put, you create and attract into your life what you focus your attention on. Do you want proof? Please...

Have you ever said this phrase: "I'm stressed, I don't even know why?" or "I feel down, loaded, hands down, but I don't know why?" From what you've learned above, it's easy to see why it's impossible to feel negative and not know "WHY?" If you are feeling stressed, depressed, sad, loaded, etc., it is because you have focused on what you did not want, i.e. You DID NOT WANT to feel bad.

It is necessary to understand that negative thoughts will NEVER give a POSITIVE result! Conversely, good POSITIVE thoughts cannot attract bad, negative events into your life.

Every time you feel that something is bothering you, when you are worried about something, afraid of something, i.e., when any other negative feeling arises, this means one of two things:

– You focus (concentrate, think) on what you DO NOT want to happen;

- You are focused on thoughts about the future, and not in the present moment of time.

It is impossible to feel fear, worry, worry, or any other negative state of mind if you are living in the present moment.

The ONLY way you can feel this way (negatively) is to focus your attention on what COULD happen in the future or what you DO NOT WANT. You don't want it to HAPPEN in an hour, in a day, in a week, etc.

Let me give you a banal example. Suppose you have a debt that you "pay off" every month (a loan from a bank). And there comes a moment when, looking at your bank account, you realize that you do not have enough money in your account to pay off the next monthly payment...

What's happening? You are in a panic: "God, what will I do??? I have nothing to pay this month!!! The bailiffs will come to me, they will put me in jail, they will confiscate my apartment ...", etc., who has what fantasies enough... Each subsequent negative thought entails an even more terrifying one..

But, if you collect your thoughts and instead of negative emotions, coolly ask yourself the question: "What can I do to solve this and pay the monthly fee?", then you will find that it is easy to find ways to solve this problem: maybe someone then he will lend you money, maybe you can agree with the bank to shift the payment date ... But you never know what else.

The main thing is that having tuned in positively, you will definitely attract a positive outcome of the event into your life. Your mood will begin to change, and the further you go, the calmer you will feel.

I hope I was able to explain a little, for starters, how thoughts affect our lives? This applies to absolutely all areas of our lives!

The task you receive in this section is to control your thoughts. From now until the next section, I want you to become the "observer" of your thoughts.

Don't discuss, don't judge, don't judge them (your thoughts), just OBSERVE. Observe what you focus on most of the time.

On the past? What would happen and how would you... if everyone... would have to do it like this... etc.?

Are you worried about the future? What will happen in a minute, an hour, tomorrow, etc.?

Start right now, at this moment, by reading these lines. Be aware of what thoughts you have most of the time!

I ask you, when you do this, keep in mind - that THAT YOU



Once you understand this, you too can predict your future.

If you still keep thinking about what you were thinking, then you will get what you got, but if you change your thoughts and shift your attention to what you want, and not to what you do not want, then you can start creating your unique, new and wonderful future!

I will explain this in detail in the next section, but now I will ask you to observe your thoughts and become aware of what you are thinking most of the time.

This is your homework. Please note that I will check it out! 19 Why do most self-improvement programs fail?

Well, let's see... Did you do your homework?

Did you remember that you had to watch your thoughts?

Have you controlled your thoughts?

Have you noticed what you focus on most of the time?

On what you want or on what you don't want?

Have you remembered that when you are focused and think about what you DO NOT want, you get it?

1-You did it!

2-You forgot about it!

3-You did not even think to do it and immediately proceeded to reading this section.

In the second and third cases, my advice is: "Put this book aside, give it to someone, throw it away... do whatever you want... You're not ready to change your life yet!" But not everything is so sad, perhaps "tomorrow" you will be ready to accept changes with joy.

For those who did, my compliments and continue! The very fact of becoming aware of your thoughts is a giant step forward!

I say this because most of the people on this planet have no idea what they think. They are simply subject to the flow of thoughts and are not aware of what they are thinking and where these thoughts are leading them.

By observing your thoughts, you have taken a real and decisive step towards finding the code (in fact, such a simple one) from the safe where the lifestyle you desire is located. This code is very simple, you will understand this after going through and mastering all the steps. After all, everything ingenious is simple! But let's continue now!

In this section, we'll talk about why most self-improvement programs don't work?

Surely, before reading this book, you had access to other information about the power of Thought, the Law of Attraction, personal growth ... Or maybe this is your first book on this topic? Perhaps I do not rule out that you have already tried to read some books, listen to audio trainings, seminars, courses or something else, but did not achieve any results or changes that you expected.

Otherwise, you would be happy, healthy, and wealthy in every area of ​​your life right now, and you certainly wouldn't be signing up for my mailing list to get this free book. You simply wouldn't need it.

In this case, I would ask you: "What are you doing here? Run, enjoy life, collect the fruits of your success, enjoy your happiness!" But you are here, and I will tell you why most of these programs do not bring you results?...

The answer that you will hear will allow you to climb a notch above most people who live in the hope of improving their lives.

So let's look at the reasons.

We are afraid of change...

Think about it. No matter what strategy you use, what techniques you use, what personal growth program you follow, at some point you have to make a change!

Changes in lifestyle, in the way of thinking. It doesn't matter if the changes are small or big, in any case, you must get out of your "comfort zone".

What does it mean?

Our mind is "under the control" of our subconscious, which has its own programs, laid down later by our traumas, insults, personal experience, the experience of others, and in general, the experience of the people, the culture to which we belong, and, of course, our beliefs, which also have been shaped and continue to be constantly shaped by the environment and by us personally (unconsciously).

The subconscious is planned to resist change, to maintain the state in which we are. It's like a mechanism of self-defense, "auto-survival", and in every change, change, the subconscious mind sees a risk.

And if we can't "bypass" this mechanism of "self-survival" in any way, then all our attempts at self-improvement fail.

We want it all...

Today people, influenced by the media, are subject to and tend to believe slogans like "You get instant results", and thus they want and expect results immediately, one day, the first week after reading a book.

But (be careful!), results are only possible when we bring our energy and our vibrations into line with our desires. In the absence of such alignment, we will never be able to achieve our goals.

The need for immediate results, giving too much importance to the results leads to a distance from our desires, namely, the mismatch of vibrations leads to the failure of the self-improvement program.

We give up too soon...

Yes, most people give up very quickly, and this happens for the reason stated above, i.e. desire to get results in a short time.

Another reason is that we take the temporary lack of results as "clear evidence" that we are not able to achieve results and all this does not work.

BUT... If you want it to work, then you just need to follow the instructions, even if nothing changes and you think it doesn't work. The thought "this doesn't work" also has its power, drive it away.

TRY to do instead of DO... What do I mean by this?

Most start with the words (thoughts): "I'll try, see how it works, and then we'll see ..."

This leads to 100% failure, because when you try you don't send enough energy, you lack concentration and purpose. And yet, by saying "I'll try", you tell your subconscious "I don't know if I can..." and "If it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work...".

For the result, you must declare to yourself "I WANT TO DO this and I INTEND to get a result!" It is necessary to start with the thought of success!

This brings us to another state of consciousness that gives us directions to achieve goals and results.

Thus, the result does not depend on what you TRY TO DO, but only on what you DO!

We focus on the WHAT, not the WHY...

Often, these things don't work because we focus on WHAT we need to do to get what we want instead of WHY we want it.

Let me explain in more detail... When we focus on WHY we want it, we experience certain (unconditionally positive) emotions that give more strength and energy to the goal we are moving towards.

No, I am not saying that we should not think about WHAT to do, what means and steps to take to achieve the goal. What I mean is that thinking only about WHAT to do makes us lose direction easily, and focusing on WHY we want to achieve it allows us to attract situations and opportunities into our lives that suggest WHAT we can or should do!

Now you have your homework for the next section! Ask yourself:

What would you like?

WHY do you want it?

"Because I want to be rich", "Because I want to be healthy", "Because..."

What are the benefits for you that the achieved result entails?

What kind of person will I be when I get what I want?

How will I feel?

What emotions will I experience?

I want to ask you to answer these questions before reading the next section, write down your answers, and I strongly recommend that you be honest with yourself and take it seriously.

Because if you yourself do not know why you want to change your life, then I advise you to stop wasting your time reading this book.

If you are determined to act and change your life, if you are ready to experience the emotions that will fall on you from life changes, then you are really ready and intend to attract everything you want into your life and are ready not to give up and go to the goal.

And just then something wonderful will happen in your life, something that you yourself will be amazed at! This will happen in the next few days.

I warn you that this can be a very difficult challenge, because you will have to "fight" with yourself, with your beliefs and attitudes laid down from childhood, but your commitment to the desire to change your life will help get the result!

Every day you will be visited more and more and will evoke emotions the thought of your dream, the thought that will attract more and more opportunities for the realization of your plans into your life!

I invite you to dedicate some of your time to learning and practicing the steps in this book.

Just 5-10 minutes a day to do it. You are embarking on a journey to discover your resources and possibilities that can truly change your life.

Do you think it's worth 15 minutes a day of your life?

You must know that everything in this world is subject to the power that is inside the human being, the power by which everything and everyone is realized. You don't have to look for this power or try to acquire it, because you already have it.

You just have to wake up, realize it and take it for granted. I understand that you, of course, want to discover it in yourself, find it, use it, manage it. Boldly moving forward, day after day, acquiring new self-awareness, filled with the inspiration of change, achieving, step by step, certain results, you will one day realize that the World is not a disorderly, chaotic and dead matter, but on the contrary is alive, healthy and energized body!

The world is made up of the pulsating hearts of humanity connected to life and beauty.

To understand this and feel it to the depths of your soul, you need to open your soul, your mind, only then you can trust yourself and see that your inner strength increases every day, your hopes come true, dreams come true, giving your life a deep meaning, filled with joy. .

Rejection and misunderstanding of one's strength, one's capabilities are associated with various reasons. Often this is a rejection of oneself, unclear thoughts, a lack of understanding of one's real goals and interests.

In principle, your main task is to hear, understand, accept and follow the laws of the Universe. If you don't do this, nothing will change. You continue on your way, and the laws will continue to work.

Whether you believe in them or not, accept them or not, and follow them or not, THEY WORK.

So, the most important thing, I would say a priceless treasure is the clarity of thought and intention. All processes, including thoughts, have a solid foundation. Everything in this world is energy.

The more observant you are, the sharper your sensitivity.

The more refined your thoughts, the more refined your feelings.

The finer your mind, the higher your aspirations.

The more pure and righteous your aspirations, the higher will be the reward that your life will give you.

Therefore, learning the laws of the Universe and yourself, you experience extraordinary pleasure and step by step you get rid of causeless pain.

Using our inner power of thought, generously laid in us by Nature, gives us an incomparable advantage - the ability to manage our lives.

Thought is energy that has its own frequency of oscillation. Vibrations of thoughts are the most subtle, i.e. the most powerful of all.

Active thought is active energy. The concentration of thoughts is the concentration of energy.

Therefore, when you concentrate mentally on achieving a specific goal, then you direct all your concentrated energy towards the implementation of your plan. Thus thought becomes a powerful Force.

For those who understand the basis and Power of thought, physical strength will not matter. Those who use the Power of Thought do not see and do not think about the "pluses" of a poor and limited life, about renouncing their desires, goals and intentions in noble impulses, do not believe in the force of circumstances, etc.

The ability to use this Power depends on the acceptance and recognition of the existence of Infinite Energy, which is inherent in a person, i.e. in each of us, and the readiness of this Energy to manifest itself through our thoughts.

The ability to use this Power depends on accepting that everything in this Universe is energy. This is you and your thoughts too. Whatever happens inside your mind is what you attract into your life.

Thought is a magnetic energy that attracts similar energy.

Therefore, your ability to use your Power to attract into your life what you desire is directly proportional to the acceptance and recognition of the above.

–  –  –

Now you, I think, understand that everything that has happened up to this point in your life has an explanation and it lies in the Law of Cause and Effect.

I explain: Your Thought is the Cause, and subsequent events and results are Consequences. As we have already said, for the most part a person thinks and thinks about what he does NOT want, but as a result he gets exactly that.

There is only one conclusion. It is necessary to stop thinking and thinking about what you do not want, to stop complaining about the past or about what you have in the present. Complaining and moaning will not change anything.

Accept calmly, with joy and gratitude your life today and start thinking about the best. Choose thoughts that will attract the necessary situations to you and prompt the necessary actions.

Everything depends on you. Take responsibility for your life and everything will change.

Focus all your Thoughts only on the good, notice only the good around you, look for positive moments in any negative event and over time you will develop this ability in yourself so that you simply cannot think otherwise than positively, this will be your habit.

Slowly accustom your subconscious to the fact that you can achieve your goal with the Power of Thought. How to do it? Start with some small, achievable goal. And, as soon as you get the result, tell yourself and your subconscious "I can do everything. And the impossible is possible."

Be persistent, don't stop, don't let the thought that you can't, that it doesn't work. Remember, Thought is energy!

And so, when you realize, feel this Power inside you to the depths of your soul, then you will understand that you have found a real source of power that allows you to control any situation in your life.

When we think about something, we radiate thoughts, creative thoughts, when we think positively. We live in a creative age. And today humanity, more than ever, thinks creatively, giving the World more and more new evolutionary discoveries.

Matter is passive and powerless, the mind has power and energy.

Mind gives form to matter, breathes life into it.

Whatever form matter takes, it is an expression of already existing thoughts. Everything starts with Thought.

But thought is not magically transformed into reality. Everything obeys the laws of Nature, is set in motion by the forces of nature.

Thought manifests itself in your behavior and in your actions, which, in turn, have an impact on the people around you, events, and then on the objects and things that surround you, on the entire environment around you.

You are able, you can launch the Thought, which, if it is creative, materializes.

Thought is material - this huge Power is inside you!

As you understand, the Power of Thought is a powerful creative, constructive, creative force.

But to be able to use this power. it must be studied, to know how it works, what laws it obeys, what advantages it has, and how to use this power for your own good and the good of the people around us.

By studying this Force, you will discover an extraordinary, amazing device.

A mechanism that allows you to create for yourself health, happiness, prosperity, success and everything else that you wish.

A need creates a request, and requests lead to actions, which in turn lead to results. The evolutionary process is working tirelessly in building our future. And he begins his work at the present moment, here and now.

Individual development, like the development of the universe, is a gradual process, step by step, with increasing power. Start by realizing that distrust of the future, seeing your future in dark colors, leads to an unhappy and miserable existence in the present and the same future.

Aspiration, desires, gratitude and the energy of love, together with perseverance and hard work on your inner self, bring concrete results.

An obstacle to all this is our self-limitations and beliefs about ourselves, our capabilities and about the world as a whole. To be in harmony with eternal truths, we must first of all have balance and harmony within ourselves.

You know that thought is a product of the mind. The mind has a constructive, creative essence, but this does not mean at all that the Universe must and can change its laws and mode of action in order to meet you and your ideas.

And this means that you can and must comply with its laws, harmonize with its mode of action, and only after that you can "order".

Mankind has always believed and believes in invisible forces, thanks to which everything was created in the Universe.

Someone calls this force God, the creator, the spirit that permeates all things, but no matter how you call "it" the effect will be the same.

Everything that concerns living and inanimate objects, a person perceives through his 5 senses.

A person is a well-organized mechanism (a machine, if you like), consisting of a body, brains, nerves....etc. Consciousness governs his physical personality.

Beliefs and life values ​​are controlled and controlled by the subconscious. The personality or consciousness is the judge and has the right to choose, moreover, it has the right to reject certain chosen methods when searching for a solution to the problem.

Consciousness, in turn, is controlled by the subconscious mind, which makes decisions based on acquired beliefs.

The spiritual part of a person (which is often called the sixth sense), which is directly connected with the source of the Force, in no way has the right to make choices and make decisions, and is often drowned out by a person, although it has unlimited resources. This is the part of you that is able to find solutions, methods and ways to achieve goals that are simply incomprehensible, inaccessible to the human mind.

It is up to you to decide whether or not you should use the endless possibilities by resorting to this help.

And in conclusion of this section, it should be noted that only using the forces of our soul, only listening to what the heart says, and developing a sixth sense in oneself, only then is it possible to find harmony with the Universe and find peace of mind.

Through the years of studying and successfully practicing the Law of Attraction, I have learned many techniques and exercises. I want to tell you about one of them.

This exercise helps to "make friends" of the subconscious with the soul, helps to synchronize the consciousness and subconscious with your desires and goals, with what you really want.

This exercise is really powerful, and its use gives amazing results.

So, suppose you really want to go on vacation at sea (be sure to specify where? for how long? and when? and the amount), but do not have enough money.

First, write down your wish. It may sound like this: "On December 20, I'm going to the Maldives for a week to relax at the sea, enjoy nature, sunbathe. Vacation money in the amount of 2000 € will come to me effortlessly from a source that the Universe deems necessary."

I advise you to start with small queries. After your subconscious mind receives "evidence", proceed to more weighty ones.

And do not do this exercise with the thought TRY. Just DO it and that's it, treat it like a game without attaching any importance.

Now inhale and exhale deeply, slowly and deeply, while pointing the index finger of your right hand to your heart, and place your left palm on your forehead and say your written desire. Repeat this several times a day.

This exercise synchronizes both the left hemisphere and the right, which is the subconscious.

When you put your left hand on your forehead, you connect, connect through energy forces, the left hemisphere (your intellect, logic, analysis - analytical thinking) with the right (your feelings, dreams, fantasies - imagination).

Pointing at the heart with the index finger of your right hand, you activate a mechanism that helps open the subconscious. But, in principle, it is absolutely not important to understand how it works.

Even if you do this exercise without understanding how it works, you will feel that something is happening inside you, and by continuing to do this exercise day after day, you will begin to feel calmer.

–  –  –

Life is....

Complete this sentence, take the notebook you have prepared and write down everything you think, all your thoughts about life in general.

Try not to turn on the mind (a rational filter, let's say so), be frank with yourself, write all the adjectives that come to your mind about life.

Believe me, it is enough to start writing, letting go of all the thoughts that are, without giving them an assessment, without thinking "do I really think so?".

If this word appeared in your head, then you think, believe me. So, write without giving any evaluation to what you have written.

Life... easy? wonderful? entertaining? full of possibilities?


Or is life... difficult? tiresome? dangerous? full of obstacles?

making you fight?

So what is the truth? What is life like?

"Life has only the meaning that we give it." Thornton Wilder The truth is that we filter our life experience according to our subconscious beliefs about it throughout our lives, from an early age.

But let's not delve into this theory. Please accept this as a fact, agree that everyone "sees what he believes in", or, which is basically the same thing, everyone "sees what he wants to see".

Do you believe that life is a struggle, that happiness must be fought for? Be sure that Life will justify your hopes.

Do you believe that life is easy, amazing and gives you a lot of opportunities? And in this case, you will receive evidence of your innocence.

Let me explain better. There are a lot of different theories on this topic, from scientific to esoteric, but in general, all these theories come down to one thing.

Namely, that our brain is so arranged that when it enters it from the outside world, on average, thousands of informational thoughts per second, it selects exactly those, brings to our consciousness the information that confirms our beliefs.

Do we have convictions and believe that life is difficult?... - then the radar of our attention will focus on difficulties, on problems.

It turns out that the question is not what is the truth of life, but that one must think what it is, the truth of life. It is our thoughts and beliefs that create our mental state.

Emotions, feelings, the quality of our life depend mainly on the quality of our thoughts.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND that the quality of your life does not depend on what is happening "outside", but only on what is happening "inside" you.

In addition to this, a certain way of thinking and beliefs will allow you to see all the wonderful things that are already in your life, but you simply did not see it, or took it for granted, for granted.

Don't misunderstand me: I'm not saying that the mind is our enemy, on the contrary, it works to give us "protection", "consolation", "reward", in general, it works for our benefit.

Only his "reactions" are limited by "his programs", some of which do nothing to help our happiness, our self-realization. The mind is your best friend, it just needs to be given the right instructions. And when you learn to "connect" the mind with the soul, when they "work in unison", then you will experience true happiness.

So, dear reader, let's proceed from the fact that Life is a great opportunity, and how to live is a free choice that each of us has.

What is the life you want to live?

What do you have to believe and think in order to achieve such a life?

And, since it is POSSIBLE (someone lives a happy life) to realize, do you think you deserve such a life?

Write down the answers to these three questions in your notebook.

Do you deserve to be happy?

As you well know, people on this planet have many styles and ways of life, everyone has their own dreams, their own thoughts, their own faith in God, in the Universe and much more, which makes each of us one and only.

But there is one common, let's say, moment: everyone, any person, an Earthling, has a desire to be Happy. Any desire of a Human includes Happiness.

There are no desires, the achievement of which would not bring Happiness.

Otherwise, why desire "it"?

Everyone strives for happiness. Everyone asks the question: what do I need to be happy? From here, in principle, dreams and desires are born, from this issue.

But there's one catch, and not everyone thinks about it, namely: Do you really think you "deserve" to be happy?

Each of us has been used to hearing since childhood: if you behave well, you will get “this”, if you enter the university, then we will buy you “this”, if ..., if ..., and so on all your life ...

We get something from someone if we meet certain criteria, behave in a certain way, and so on. And it is so rooted in our subconscious that we do not even think about it.

Roy Martin in his book Who Are We Really? refers to studies that say that at the age of 16 a person is told 180,000 times what he did wrong, what he does not know, cannot do, etc.

And how were these "messages" "processed" in the brains of a teenager?

"I do everything wrong, I'm slow-witted, helpless, bad, etc."

And what do you think, if this has been "settled" in the subconscious since childhood, what type of life can be created "unconsciously"? A happy and successful life or a life full of suffering and failure?

I want to tell you: You are perfect the way you are!!!

You are a beautiful, one and only person, a miracle of life. You have a lot of potentials inside, resources and advantages, but simply, no one taught you to express everything that was laid in you by the Universe, no one told you how you can use all this for the benefit of yourself and your neighbors.

Stop believing that you "can't". There is no mediocre person, there is a person with a “gift from the Universe” muffled inside himself!

Stop thinking that you "have" to do something extraordinary to "deserve" happiness.

–  –  –

Eliminate the word "SHOULD" completely from your vocabulary. Replace this word with "I choose, I want, I intend, I decided, I want, I can." Because of the gift allotted to you, the gift of Life, you have the freedom of choice in every moment of your life. And you CAN choose the path that leads to happiness and success.

This is your right from the moment of birth, it is like a bonus given to you at the time of acquiring Life. Why should one refuse such a gift?



Feel it with your soul and body, feel it! Don't you think this is the best prospect? Don't you feel that like a "mountain from your shoulders", that you began to feel much easier?

And the second, very important point is self-respect and self-love. It is so easy to lose, or not to know at all what it is, when everyone around you has been telling you about your shortcomings since childhood.

Start loving yourself (self-love and selfishness are completely different things!!!) and accept yourself the way you are! The whole secret is that ANY GROWTH,



Only by accepting and loving yourself can you begin to make changes in your life.

Now take your favorite notebook and write down the answers to the following questions. I ask you to be honest with yourself, do not think over, do not analyze, but simply write everything that comes to your mind.

What can you do "today" to be happy "now"?

How can I love myself more today?

What do I need to think, say and do to love myself more?

- What can I, want and intend to change in my behavior, in my attitude towards myself, in order to show this love?

Learn to "manage" your thoughts!

Have you started loving yourself?

Appreciate as a person?

Choose and let into your life what gives you joy, pleasure and avoid people and situations that bring discomfort?

So, we take as a basis the fact that life is a huge opportunity, that everyone rightfully deserves a happy life, because each of us is one and only.

We have also already said that the quality of life does not depend on what is happening "outside", but on what is happening "inside" you.

Until today, you have learned a lot in life, ie. you have your own life experience, but perhaps for the first time you will hear that there is another very important thing that you need to learn, namely Copyright © 2010,Krasnova Alena, www.alenakrasnova.com Learn to "lead" your thoughts!

You have certainly heard of Positive Thinking. Perhaps you have delved into this topic well, understood everything. Perhaps not everything, but only superficially.

But, it is possible that you have never been interested in this and, meanwhile, I want to note that your Happiness directly depends on what is happening in your head, in your thoughts!

Research scientists have shown that on average about 40,000 thoughts visit us per day, of which 98% are the same! Our brain is like a radio that works 24 hours a day and broadcasts the same program.

Simply the one that was recorded in the past. Do you understand what I'm talking about?

I say that you live now, in the present, while the brains "force" you to continue to "react" to the "old" programs, most often unnecessary and negative.

One of the "favorite" programs of this radio comes from those 180,000 statements about you that have settled in your brain, and this program makes you do unnecessary things: worry, complain, criticize yourself and others, feel guilty, etc., which creates inside you "suffering", "a feeling of uselessness", "inability," powerlessness "....

How to change the program and maybe even the channel of this radio?

1. Start monitoring your thoughts (I hope you already started doing this after reading my book!).

2. Stop BELIEVE in negative thoughts.

3. Bless them, wish them well and release them with love, you don't need them anymore.

4. Start "feeding" your brain with new thoughts.

What thoughts?

Thoughts that make you feel better, that evoke positive emotions, positive feelings and a desire to act, thoughts that tell you "You definitely can do it!" You may find yourself having many negative thoughts. Do not despair, believe in yourself, in your strength. As L. Hay says, "THE POWER IS IN THE PRESENT MOMENT."

Even if in the past you had negative moments, situations, disappointments, resentments that negative thoughts settled in your head, from today you can choose new thoughts: happy, joyful, which will fill you with self-confidence.

Day after day, these new thoughts will create a new "radio program", and the result of this "work" will be the morning when, upon waking up, you realize that only positive thoughts "float" in your head.

You will realize a miracle when you realize that what is "sweeping" in your head, what is broadcasting by your radio, i.e. what happens "inside" you starts happening "outside".

How much time will it take?

One day? A week? Month? Year? I don't know, it all depends on your faith, perseverance and strength of intention to do it!

So, Positive Thinking is "feeding" your brain with thoughts that "make" you feel calm, trust in yourself, self-confidence to realize what you want, joy and enthusiasm to start acting.

How can we "replace" our thoughts? A very effective means of affirmation.

You can learn about what an affirmation is, why it is needed and how to create your own affirmation from my book "207 Affirmations for All Occasions of Life" Your own affirmation is the best option, but listening to ready-made affirmations is also possible (they are easy to find on the Internet).

Looking through your favorite notebook, where you wrote down tasks from previous letters, you can easily find thoughts that need to be replaced.

And, as you may have guessed, the task is to create your own affirmation, or find a ready-made one and write it down in your notebook.

Making a mental film.

I will show you an easy way to focus on your goal with the Power of Thought.

It is very important when you have a goal to know that you will achieve it. And in 99% of cases, it is doubt that does not allow you to achieve a result.

I'm sure you've heard about this before, but how do you deal with it, you know?

Let me ask you a question: what stories do you tell, what stories do you listen to? Stories about love, happiness, success, joys, victories?

Or vice versa, stories that cause you regret, tears, bitterness, pity?

Maybe you will be upset by what I'm about to tell you, maybe you won't believe it, but it's the TRUTH!!!

In 90% of cases, your environment (friends, colleagues, relatives, relatives and acquaintances) does everything (I note that they do it UNCONSCIOUSLY, i.e. without bad intentions) to "prevent" you from achieving your goal (and moreover, this only happens because they love you and want the best for you.

They UNKNOWNLY put pressure on your subconscious (sometimes just wanting to warn you, protect you from any actions), "helping" you create your mental film. love, loved ones, teachers, friends, as well as collective ignorance) of problems and, most importantly, as an application to problems, their practical solutions.

The good news is that there are techniques for making your "movies" despite years of hard work from your environment to create your "movies" with them.

"Defined Winner, Motivated Collector" The technique is simple, entertaining and easy to do. To get started, look in books, on the Internet, among friends and acquaintances, i.e. anywhere interesting stories from people's lives.

So, the stories are positive and those that actually happened to specific people. Stories of people who really achieved results (and it doesn’t matter in a big or small business).

After you find these stories, you need to do 2 things:

1- Focus on the "Recognized Winner".

This means that while you are reading someone's biography, talking to someone, listening to someone's story, you will notice over the course of the story that her character is trying to solve what you already have "decided". I mean that he is trying to achieve the result that you have already achieved.

For example, a girl cannot find love and has an excellent profitable business, and another cannot lose weight and has a beloved husband, the third story is about a guy who cannot write a diploma in any way and he has a beautiful loving girlfriend...

Banal, perhaps, examples? But they are simple.

Look for stories and look in them for people's attempts to achieve (whether it be material or spiritual) what you have already achieved. Once found, stop and think! "Yes...it's someone's goal...and I've already achieved it...I already have it, at a time when there are people who are just on the way to achieve it...YES! But did I admit it? Noted for yourself? Or taken for granted?" Maybe you don't appreciate it enough?

You have what others crave!

You have something for which you can be grateful!

Check it out! Feel Powerful, Big, because you have done what others dream of, perhaps someone cannot achieve this for years!

Thus, you can feel your possibilities and trust, confidence that you can do more. And one more positive aspect of this technique: when others will "try" (unconsciously) to block you and your actions with their stories, then you can them, in their life story, to find "moments" that YOU have, and they are still striving for it. Thus, their "opinion" will have no power and influence on your mental movie.

Mark all your Achievements in life, Recognized Winner!

Achievements related to all areas of your life (from personal to professional level).

Now, after you have found out that you are the Declared Winner, you can move on to the second part of the technique.

2 - "Motivated Collector" Now you need to find the stories of people who have achieved the results you want. If there is such an opportunity, then ask what difficulties these people had to overcome on the way? Ask the person to describe how they felt when they didn't achieve that goal?

Reading biographies, listening to the stories of your friends, acquaintances, stories that tell about the achievement of important results, all this will help you create your "mental movie".

Become a Collector! This will help you understand the REALITY, the attainability of your goal, your desire.

And together with other techniques and exercises (which, if you practice them, will become a part of your life, a pleasant part), this will develop in you IMMUNITY, a persistent immunity to negativity, to defeat, to "I CAN'T" ...

Become a Motivated Positive Results Collector!

Let me summarize the above:

1) Find the stories of the Recognized Winner in the stories of other people, feel your Power (You have achieved what others cannot or are hardly moving towards it)

2) Become a Motivated Collector by finding stories of people who have achieved the outcome you are currently striving for.

It's very simple, right?

I wish you an entertaining search for stories from the lives of other people!

Just as we are able to control and manage our own internal dialogue, we are able to control and manage the images that appear in our minds.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember about visualization is that it is strictly forbidden to imagine your own failure or defeat.

You should always imagine only luck or success. I suggest you read and practice Positive Visualization.

Positive visualization is easy. It can be used when preparing to speak at a meeting, before an important conversation with a client, before a responsible public speaking, that is, in any situation that is important to you.

1. Calm down. Find a quiet place where you can relax and sit with your eyes closed for at least a few minutes.

2. Visualize with maximum clarity how you ideally act in the upcoming situation. Imagine also how others react to you when you say and do what you consider to be the highest level and quality of activity.

Try to imagine the most detailed details of everything that is happening around, try to hear voices, the sound of moving chairs or the ticking of a wall clock. Imagine how people take their places around the table or in the rows of the auditorium, think about who sits where. Feel the softness of the carpet under your feet and the hard cold surface of the table on which your hands rest, inhale the aroma of coffee, etc.

4. After completing the activity, mentally play it again in your imagination. Pay attention to weak spots. Once again, go back to those moments in which, in your opinion, you showed yourself not strong enough. Correct all these shortcomings in a new imaginary performance.

Through visualization, we accumulate successful experiences in ourselves when we imagine that we already have what we are striving for (appointment to a new position, signing a lucrative contract, or something else).

It is like creating a feature film in your imagination.

What is happening to you? Where are you, who is with you, what do you see? How do you look? What do you hear? Try to see this scene from above, front, back, right and left. Carry out arrival and departure of your "movie camera". Everything should look great, perfect.

We all face crises from time to time. However, the expectation of the worst plunges us into prostration and deprives us of the ability to act effectively.

But if we “throw” our mind and heart over an obstacle in our imagination, our physical body will also be able to overcome it. The result is an inevitable consequence of the direction of thought.

Visualization is the art of creating mental images.

Moving and still, colored or black and white, complete with sounds, smells, emotions, sensations, tastes, in short, as close to reality as possible. For more information on visualization, see the 3-Day Workshop "10 Mistakes That DO NOT Activate the Law of Attraction"

Copyright © 2010, Krasnova Alena, www.alenakrasnova.com Train your subconscious and you will change your life!

Great, now we will move on to practical exercises that can really change your life!

Here is what you read and understood from the previous sections: we have the power of thought, which helps to realize our desires.

If you don't know where to start, I can help by providing you with phrases that I highly recommend reading every day for at least 30 days. Make it a habit and then you will see the results and changes in your life!

No, I do not promise you that you will win the lottery in a month or be cured of any disease, no. Changes in your life depend only on you, on how much effort you put in, on how much you believe and, most importantly, on how much you really want changes in your life.

You have all the necessary tools and knowledge, you have a powerful Power of Thought and you know about it and it is up to you to decide whether to use all this for your own good or not.

Knowledge by itself is NOTHING!

The only thing I can 100% guarantee is that if you open your mind to everything new, stop making yourself a victim and constantly complain about everyone and everything, blaming circumstances, times, crisis, etc. for your failures. . Just don't tell me that you never did it - you did, you just didn't even notice it.

And start thinking, seeing, remembering, dreaming, wanting only good and positive, then, in an absolutely miraculous way, opportunities, people, events that you never expected will meet on your way, miracles will begin to happen to you in a literal and figurative sense. the words.

What do you think, is it worth making an effort for this and re-reading the phrases I have given for a month, re-reading with faith and deep feeling??? You decide!

How to create abundance.

Now I will give you a text, by reading it every day, you will attract abundance into your life. Repeat this text every day, and your subconscious mind will begin to absorb it and attract new opportunities.

It can be anything: a promotion, a new job, the return of a forgotten debt to you, an unexpected gift... in the end, you can just find money on the street. Here is the text: “I choose to be rich!

There is so much greatness in this beautiful world and economic wealth makes it all available to me.

Since I know that the Law of Attraction reacts to my thoughts, I have chosen to focus specifically on economic prosperity because I understand that it is only a matter of time before my prosperity thoughts will be answered in a continuous stream of wealth.

The law of attraction will attract the objects of my attention into my life, I choose material well-being.” I understand that it may seem strange to you that such a text in any way can change something in your financial condition. But we cannot even imagine what the power of our thoughts is, how our subconscious works and how it all works on an unconscious level.

Suffice it to say that scientists have long ago determined that a person uses a maximum of 10% of the potential capabilities of the brain.

How to be on good terms with people.

The text that I will give in this section, on the condition, as we have already talked with you, of repeating it for 30 days, will bring new colors, sensations and emotions into your life, because. You will begin to attract interesting, open and positive people into your life.

“I choose good relationships.

I like good people, smart, funny, kind, sympathetic (here you can list any qualities of people) and I am very glad to know that there are many such people on this planet.

I have met many interesting people and I love to discover in them the qualities that fascinate me.

The more I like people, the more people I like enter my life.

I love the magic of this exciting co-creation.” I repeat, it may seem strange to you, but you just take it and believe in the Power of Your Thought, it's so simple. Within two weeks, you will notice changes in relationships with people and new interesting people will appear in your life.

To do this, it is enough to read this text and believe, to put a spark of emotion into every spoken word.

How to have good health.

This is another text that I advise you to apply effectively from day to day so that you will see improvements in your life and in your health.

“I choose perfect health!

I like to feel good. I like my body when I am healthy.

I enjoy remembering every moment of my healthy life.

I see people around me in perfect health, and it is noticeable that they like to be healthy.

I feel good when I think about it. My thoughts are in harmony with my healthy body.” 97 It should be noted here that this text is by no means a substitute for traditional treatment for a sick person. But it will not interfere with treatment in any way, but on the contrary, it can speed up recovery How to have a positive emotional experience.

The following text, which I offer you, contributes to the improvement of your life and inner personal growth.

“I choose to attract into my life everything that is in harmony with me, whether it be people or objects and things.

I am fascinated by the Law of Attraction, and it makes me happy to know that when I feel good, I only attract into my life what makes me feel even better.

I am glad that I understand that there is pure positive energy at the core of what is not physical.” This text helps our subconscious to find contact with our soul, our spiritual "I". You must learn to follow your heart, to notice the feelings and sensations that YOU experience when you do something, desire and make decisions.

But, at the same time, you must learn to remain calm, otherwise you risk making hasty decisions that may move you away from your goal.

You need to learn to recognize this fine line.

At the moment when you need to make a decision, take a deep breath and exhale and try to focus on your heartbeat, listen to your heart, ask it a question, listen to how your feelings change.

Of course, this practice is not so easy to describe, it requires individual work in order to teach it.

Copyright © 2010,Krasnova Alena, www.alenakrasnova.com How to continue your personal growth with joy.

The following text will help you improve your life and engage in self-knowledge and personal growth with joy and happiness.

“I am a Person who constantly strives to grow and develop spiritually, and I am happy to realize that this development is not only natural, but also necessary.

I like to realize that my joy depends only on my choice. Since my development is inevitable, I decided to live it all with joy.” This is an important step in the search for your happiness.

Happiness should be part of our life, our inner growth. In fact, there is not a single goal that can be achieved by an unhappy person.

In principle, any goal that we set for ourselves contains HAPPINESS.

I suggest you sit comfortably in a chair, turn on your favorite music and ask yourself the question: What do I WANT from my life?

What can make me a truly HAPPY and JOYFUL person?

The texts given here will help you, but remember that words do not lead to the immediate appearance of what you want. This is not "sim-salyabim", not magic spells, etc.

But the more often, more frankly, more emotionally you read these texts, the better you will feel, the purer and stronger the vibration of your thoughts will be, and the sooner your life will begin to be filled with everything you desire.

I hope that you liked this book, and that it will give you real help in achieving your goals and help you really, consciously look at your life, at your HAPPINESS.

Copyright © 2010, Krasnova Alena, www.alenakrasnova.com I recommend re-reading everything and DOING, practicing what we have been talking about here, because if you really do it, you will DEFINITELY benefit greatly in many aspects of your life.

And always remember that the POWER that will allow you to take control of your life and realize your dreams is only INSIDE YOU and does not depend on other people, events and circumstances, it depends only on your readiness for change, your desire for change.

You are ready?

Then give yourself 10-15 minutes a day, do it for yourself and your happiness. Look inside yourself, figure out what you really want and then act!

I, in turn, is always open for communication.

You can find me on the websites:

"Theta-Universe", "Force of Thought" To attend my open webinars, leave your details here Connect to my groups on social networks Facebook, VKontakte. Be with me on Instagram Subscribe to the Youtube video channel With love and concern for your well-being Alena Krasnova
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I am Larisa. I will participate in the training in June because:
1. I want to raise my vibrations,
2. find like-minded friends on the stream,
3. learn to live on the highest choices, 4. I want to understand how to do it. 5. I want to learn how to read, 6. I want to meet Alena, 7. get rid of mental parasites, 8. get rid of verbal parasites, 9. be filled with positive, 10. live easily and confidently. 11. get downloads. to receive techniques, 12 to learn a lot of new things, 13. to join your daughter, who will also come to the stream. 14. I want to share my knowledge with others upon arrival.15. it is possible to get initiation into theta healer, 16. I just like it and it brings pleasure, 17. change my destiny, 18. apply knowledge and be happy, 19. give joy to myself and others, 20. I just want to see Alena, 21. come along to Moscow to see his daughter, 22. fulfill his dream.
23. learn to manage emotions. 24. improve family relationships
25. work out a generic program
26.increase financial well-being
27. be happy. 28. learn spiritual practices
29. gain new knowledge 30. love yourself
31. learn to save energy 32. get another level of Reiki 33. be healthy in body and soul
34. grow creatively 35. share your knowledge with others 36. discover thetahealing
37. find freedom and spiritual happiness
38. Be free 38. Be able to rejoice 39. Accept yourself 40. Let go of pain 41. Feel the taste of life 42. Learn to give and receive 43. Believe in your strength 44. Bare your heart to others 45. Forgive 50. Smile at failures 51. Appreciate 61. To be at peace with your emotions 62. To overcome laziness 63. To see the depth of your heart 64. To realize your talents 65. To see the best in people 66. To see the purpose of your life 67. To believe in yourself 68. To take care of yourself 69. Stop being afraid of change
70. Get new experience.
71. Get new useful and missing knowledge for further development.
77. Learn to always be on high vibrations.
78. Learn to live with unconditional love.
79. Learn to accept myself for who I am, with all the shortcomings.
80. Learn to live in harmony, first of all, with yourself.
81. Learn to be happy every day, every minute.
82. Harmonize relations with children and grandchildren.
83. Find the purpose of your Soul.
84. If possible, learn and work out generic tasks.
85. Work out the blocks that hinder the growth of the financial condition.
86. To understand what abundance from the Creator is.
87. Understand what happiness means to me personally.
89. Decide what exactly I want to do in my life.
90. I want participation in the Stream to become a kind of bridge to learning thetahealing.
91. Learn not to take on negativity when dealing with patients, complainers and whiners.
92. Find and pull out all your hidden resources and abilities.
93. Learn to be healthy in mind and body.
94. Learn to stay young, not grow old.
95. Learn new practices that I can apply daily to continuously improve my life and the lives of my loved ones.
96. Learn to receive energy from outside, as well as save it and use it to the maximum benefit for yourself.
97. I really want to take part in Alena's author's vacuum meditation.
98. Learn to be free and independent of circumstances.
99. Learn to transform negative emotions.
100. Learn to create your own reality.
101. Get knowledge that will help you become the mistress of your life.
102. Learn to attract only positive and happy people into your life.
103. Learn to manage your thoughts.
104. Get skills in meditation.
105. Learn to attract good luck in all endeavors
106. Learn to always be confident in your future.
107. Get the skill of attracting a man into your life.
108. Learn to build harmonious relationships with your man.
109. Learn to get some kind of support.
110. Learn to live for yourself, not for others.
111. Learn to get rid of guilt.
112. Learn to get rid of fears.
113. Learn not to stop there, but to constantly move forward.
114. Learn to keep a positive attitude in any situation.
115. Learn to accept others as they are, with all the shortcomings and without judgment.
116. Learn not to scold yourself, even if something does not work out.
117. I want to wake up to a new life.
118. Learn to see only the beautiful.
119. Learn to see abundance.
120. Learn to distinguish what is useful for you from what is useless.
121. Learn to productively apply the acquired knowledge.
122. Learn to help other people change their lives based on the knowledge gained.
123. Learn to name the cost of your services without hesitation.
124. Learn not to reject the help of others.
125. Obtain knowledge that will help heal your family seven tribes back and seven tribes ahead.
126. In general, I want to completely transform my consciousness to create the life of my dreams.
127. Learn to use all the power of your thoughts only to improve your life.
128. learn to always stay positive
129. look to the future with confidence
130. get a boost to further development
131. to achieve success in any undertakings
132. attract strong and reliable partners into your life
133. learn to live "here and now" 134. develop your talents
135.do a lot of meditation and interesting techniques
136. get healed 137. return good luck
138. start loving yourself 139. open your energy channels
140. you understand what you want from yourself and from life