The problem of the roots in the work is poverty is not a vice. Analysis "Poverty is not a vice" Ostrovsky. Artwork test

Lesson topic: A.N. Ostrovsky. Pages of life and creativity. The play "Poverty is not a vice."

The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the biography of A.N. Ostrovsky, the content of the play "Poverty is not a vice" (overview), the repetition of literary concepts (drama, replica, stage direction).

educational: to give an idea about A.N. Ostrovsky as a person and playwright, to reveal his role in the development of the Russian national theater; get acquainted with the features of the plot of the play "Poverty is not a vice" (overview);

developing: to develop (or form) educational, cognitive and informational competencies; to form general cultural competence;

During the classes.

You alone completed the building, at the base of which

laid the cornerstones Fonvizin, Griboedov.

But only after you, we Russians can proudly say:

“We have our own Russian national theatre.

It should rightly be called "Ostrovsky's theatre".

I. A. Goncharov

Preparing for perception. Teacher's word.

Today we will once again visit the theater, whose name is the Ostrovsky Theater.

Formation of new knowledge. Appeal to the epigraph.

Today the topic of our lesson will be the life and work of the great Russian playwright - Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky (1823 - 1886).

Let us turn to the epigraph: how do you understand the words of A.N. Goncharova? What side of the gift of the writer is his contemporary talking about? (slide 2)

(that Ostrovsky is the creator of the Russian national theater) (slide 3)

Guys, what do you think, what goals for today's lesson can we set for ourselves?

(goals are formulated: acquaintance with the life and work of the playwright A. Ostrovsky, his role in the creation of the Russian national theater, acquaintance with the content of his play “Poverty is not a vice”).

Teacher's word.

Look at the portrait of Ostrovsky by the artist V. Perov (1871).

How do you see this writer? What did the artist pay particular attention to? (slide 4)

(The artist clearly did not make a formal portrait: there are few bright colors, an ordinary pose, a tired face, a serious look - in front of us is a worker, even his hands lying heavily on his knees speak of this. Ostrovsky is a writer - a hard worker, he wrote continuously. Perhaps, There are no Russian playwrights who could compete with him in the number of lifetime productions of his plays (there were about one and a half thousand of them in the capital's theaters alone!)

How did the life of A.N. Ostrovsky?

Implementation of homework.

Discussion of the article about A.N. Ostrovsky, answers to questions placed at the end of the article.

Formation of new knowledge. Preparation for reading the play by A. Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice."

Teacher's word.Knowledge update.

Remember, guys, what is "drama"? (slide 5)

What works related to drama have we studied? What is the main feature of dramatic works?

(drama is a kind of literature. Dramatic works are written for staging on stage. The main feature is that the characteristics of the characters are formed on the basis of speech - the characters' replicas, their actions on the stage. Studied plays - N.V. Gogol "The Government Inspector", D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth", A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit").

Teacher's word. The play "Poverty is not a vice."

By the end of 1853, Poverty is No Vice was completed. On December 2, Ostrovsky, after the first public readings of the comedy in literary circles in Moscow, wrote to M.P. Pogodin: “The success of my last comedy exceeded not only my expectations, but even my dreams” (slide 6)

None of the plays by A. N. Ostrovsky caused after its publication such heated and principled disputes as "Poverty is not a vice." Representatives of democratic criticism entered into a sharp debate about it with the Slavophiles, who saw in this comedy, and above all in the image of Lyubim Tortsov, the artistic embodiment of their social ideals (slide 7)

On the stage of the Moscow Maly Theater during the second half of the nineteenth century, "Poverty is not a vice" was staged more often than other plays by Ostrovsky. The best forces of the “Ostrovsky house” participated in the performances of this comedy (including O. O. Sadovskaya - Pelageya Egorovna, M. N. Ermolova - Lyubov Gordeevna, etc.; one of its best performers, an artist of the Alexandrinsky Theater, toured in the role of Lyubim Tortsov Pavel Vasiliev).

"Poverty is not a vice" enjoyed constant popularity on the stages of provincial theaters. This play from year to year occupied one of the very first places in the repertoire (slide 8)

Exchange of opinions about reading.

The critic N. Dobrolyubov called Ostrovsky's works "plays of life." How do you understand this expression?

Name the characters in the play.

What class do they belong to?

(the world of merchants).

Show on the example of the text that Ostrovsky is really interested primarily in the life of Russian society, the Russian person.

Review discussion on the content of the play.

What is the name of that part of the work that introduces us to the place and time of the action, represents the main characters and their relationships, but where there is no plot yet, the conflict has not been identified? (slide 9)


Why does Ostrovsky create such a detailed exposition?

(introduce us into the world of the Tortsov family, show the relationship of the characters, their characters).

(Decision of Gordey Karpych to marry his daughter Lyuba to Afrikan Korshunov).

What is the connection? How to explain its randomness?

(quarrel between Gordey Karpych and Korshunov. Intervention by Lyubim Karpych).

(main characters: merchant Tortsov and his family, Mitya; minor characters - Guslin, Razlyulyaev, etc.)

Why, in your opinion, does the playwright introduce Guslin, Anna, the boy, Razlyulyaev, and other characters that are not connected with the development of the action, with a conflict that determines the plot of the play?

(better, brighter to show Russian merchant life, its connection with folk life) (slide 10)

Summary of the lesson.

What is the contribution of A.N. Ostrovsky in Russian literature?

(The playwright was not just a "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye", but also the creator of the Russian national theater. His plays have not left the theater stages to this day.)


Characteristics of the heroes (Gordey Tortsov, Lyubim Tortsov, Lyubov Gordeevna, Mitya) by groups.

Lesson topic: Patriarchal world and the threat of its collapse. Love in the patriarchal world and its influence on the heroes of the play.

The purpose of the lesson: the analysis of a dramatic work.

teaching: to give an idea of ​​the patriarchal world of the play "Poverty is not a vice", a love conflict in the play;

developing: to help improve the skills of analyzing dramatic works;

educational: to promote the education of a sense of beauty through interest in dramatic art.

Type of lesson: learning new material.

During the classes.

Organizational moment.

Preparing for perception. Teacher's word. (Slide)

At the last lesson, I met the writer A.N. Ostrovsky, whose work we will study in detail in the 10th grade.

What associations can you have now, when you hear Ostrovsky's name?

(Writer, playwright, theater, Columbus Zamoskvorechya).

Theater… performance… spectators… For us guys, these are not empty words. Why?

(1) there is probably no such person who has never been to the theater; 2) our class attended several performances this school year, we watched ...).

And why is Ostrovsky called the "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye"? (slide)

(Merchants lived beyond the Moscow River, Ostrovsky first spoke about them in his works).

Artists will help us to enter the world of the merchants, to present it more clearly.

Implementation of an individual task.

Presentation "The world of merchants in the canvases of Russian painters" (slide)

How do artists show the world of merchants? (How did you see this world - the world of merchants?)

(He is funny and tragic at the same time).

Formation of new knowledge.

The topic of today's lesson is "The patriarchal world in the play" Poverty is not a vice "(slide)

Formulation of goals and objectives of the lesson.

Guys, what do you think, what issues should we focus on today?

(goals are formulated: acquaintance with the concept of "patriarchal world", what are the relationships between the representatives of this world, their moral values).

How do you understand the meaning of the word "patriarchal"?

You are right, all these questions will be discussed in the lesson, because they are at the heart of the play's conflict. No drama is complete without conflict.

Formation of new knowledge.

Teacher's word.Knowledge update.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "conflict"? (slide)

(Conflict(from lat. conflictus - clash) - confrontation, clash, embodied in the plot. It is necessary to distinguish between life and artistic conflicts. Conflict plays a particularly important role in drama.)

Which characters in the play, in your opinion, personify its conflict?

(Gordey Tortsov, Lyubim Tortsov, Mitya, Lyubov Gordeevna).

To better imagine the conflict of the play, let's look at one of the episodes.

Fragment staging.

Yes, Ostrovsky is a master!

He very vividly presents us with his heroes, whose character is captured in the very names and surnames.

Essay on the content of the play. Presentation (slide)

Gordey Tortsov.

How do you understand the words "pride", "pride". This is the same?

How do you see Gordey Tortsov?

Why is Gordey Tortsov a "villain" and under whose influence is he?

(Before us is a family of the old type, the head of which is a rich merchant, a tyrant, striving to make his will the law for those around him and understanding life only from this point of view. At the beginning of the work Gordey Torts ov seems to us a narrow-minded person, climbing out of his skin to show his significance, modernity, even secularity. “No, you say something,” he says to Korshunov, “Is everything all right with me? In another place at the table, a fine fellow in a coat or a girl waits, and I have a waiter in cotton gloves. Oh, if I lived in Moscow or in St. Petersburg, I would, it seems, imitate all fashion.")

Why does Ostrovsky give him the opportunity to improve?

(“And what happened to him? He still had a mind, but last year he went on a trip, but he took over from someone ... he took over all these things. Now everything our Russian is not nice to him; he gets along well one thing - I want to live in the present way, to engage in fashion. When drunk, he must have become confused. I already think that it is the enemy that confuses him! ”- Pelageya Yegorovna puts such a “diagnosis” on her husband. But it turns out that this the desire for "education", plebeian shame for his loved ones did not kill his best qualities in him. Love for his daughter makes him remember dignity and honor, drive Korshunov away. Insulted by Korshunov's impudence, the father agrees to his daughter's marriage to Mitya, saying to his brother: "Well , brother, thank you for pointing me to the mind, otherwise I was completely crazy. I don’t know how such a rotten fantasy entered my head. Well, children, say thanks to Uncle Lyubim Karpych and live happily.")

We love Tortsov.

- What feelings does this character evoke?

(Lubim was once rich, like his brother, but, not satisfied with the situation of the life of the wealthy merchants and not finding a way out of it, he indulges in drunkenness. His rich brother and Korshunov helped him "free himself" from his condition, and now Lyubim, in a tattered coat, wandering around the taverns, making a fool out of himself for a glass of vodka.Without a penny, dressed in rags, shivering from cold and hunger, he comes to the premises of the young clerk, Mitya, asking for permission to spend the night - terrible in his fall and yet retained in Lyubim Tortsov denounces Korshunov, reminding him, among other things, how he helped him, Lyubim, ruin, how he robbed the poor, how he tortured his first wife ... and points out to his brother what a crime he was going to commit by giving his daughter to such a scoundrel. kicked out of the room, but he, kneeling in front of his brother, asks: "Brother, give Lyubasha for Mitya - he will give me a corner. I'll get cold, I'm hungry. My summers have passed, it's hard for me to clow around in the cold because of a piece of bread; even under old age, but live honestly. The requests of the uncle are joined by the requests of the mother and daughter. It is Lyubim Karpych who is not afraid to speak the truth in the face of the powers that be. His "drunken antics" provoke a scandal between Gordey Karpych and Korshunov. And it is surprising that during this scandal the veil of pride falls from his eyes).

This is one side of the conflict, but there is another… What do you think, who should be discussed?

Lyubov Gordeevna and Mitya.

- What unites these heroes? And how are they different?

(Mitya characterized by softness of character, good disposition. Mitya is an extremely modest, timid, but honest guy, and the mother would very much like to marry her daughter to him: “The guy is so simple, soft at heart,” Pelageya Yegorovna says about him. But the despair of the possibility of forever losing his beloved makes him bold, impudent; he wants to take away Lyubov Gordeevna on the eve of the wedding and secretly marry her. True, he asks for blessings for this step from her mother. But it is impossible not to appreciate this impulse.

Lyubov Gordeevna- the daughter of the merchant Gordey Tortsov, who is in love with one of her father's clerks, Mitya, and, in turn, is loved by him, but cannot fight for her happiness. Lyubov Gordeevna firmly fulfills her father's will, refuses Mitya's offer. Obedience and humility - one of its main features, are also the main values ​​​​of Russian Orthodox civilization. Is it fitting for a modest girl to be disobedient, disrespectful to her parents! But love makes her bold too: she confesses her love to Mitya (a blatant violation of patriarchal traditions!) And decides to ask her father for consent to her marriage with Mitya).

So it is in Ostrovsky's play: behind the funny is the terrible, soft humor is combined with deep inner drama.

Does a comedy end with a happy or sad ending, and why? (Slide)

(The play “Poverty is not a vice” ends with the triumph of virtue, the punishment of vice, the wedding of the main characters. The fate of Lyubov Tortsova and Mitya would not have happened at all if their love could not resist the inert laws of patriarchal antiquity. The ability to love, a warm heart, Ostrovsky tells us capable of doing miracles).

Summary of the lesson.??? Reflection???

Assess yourself in class.

- Working in groups, you communicated. How did this affect the outcome of our lesson?

Article menu:

After the release of the play “Poverty is not a vice”, there was a sensation in society - criticism of the work was not unambiguous. There were those who praised the play and those who expressed bewilderment and scolded, but no one was indifferent. According to the author's idea, the play was to be released under a different title - "God opposes the proud." It should include two acts. But in the process of working on the work, both the theme changed (the author chose a more prosaic connotation) and plans for the volume of the play.

The plot of the play is quite simple – the merchant wants to marry his daughter against his will to an old but rich factory owner. A wedding with an old man does not attract a girl, the presence of a lover increases her dislike for the wedding - as a result of the developed conflict, the merchant's daughter marries for love an unattractive person in a financial situation.

The main characters of the play

Gordey Karpych

The play begins on the estate of Gordey Karpych Tortsov. This is where the main array of events depicted in the work takes place. This is a “rich merchant”, his age is not exactly indicated, the author limited himself to a vague mention of “under sixty”. His father was not of noble birth, but his son managed to achieve more in life - he significantly improved the financial situation of his family and now it is hard to imagine that "we had a man". Tortsov is a man with a complex character.

“Yes, unless you talk to him,” they say about him. He does not want to reckon with anyone's opinion, of course, if it is not the opinion of a rich man who occupied a higher position in society than he did.

He treats those around him unnecessarily (both servants and family members). He does not have the best attitude towards his impoverished brother - a sense of shame for such a state of affairs in front of people of the highest rank takes its toll. It would be natural in this case to help the brother change the level of his existence, but he does not want to. Gordey Karpych is interested in life in Moscow, everything new and unusual: “I want to live in the present, to do fashion,” he says.

Tortsov sees the only way for his daughter to improve her social status - to get married profitably, and he does not care much whether his daughter will live well with this man or not. After a quarrel and the cancellation of the wedding of Afrikan Savich and his daughter, Gordey Karpych becomes more gentle and accommodating, he understands that listening to the opinions of others, even if they are lower than you in status and financial situation, is not so bad.

Lyubov Gordeevna

The second most important character is Lyubov Gordeevna, the daughter of Gordey Karpych. She is very beautiful, but poorly educated because she "did not study at the boarding school", but she is sincere and kind, guided by the impulses of her heart: "I say what I feel."

The girl believes that the race for wealth is absurd, she sincerely believes that it is not high society, rank or money that makes people happy. Lyubov Gordeevna obediently fulfills her father's will, having learned about her father's intention to marry her off, she does not oppose his will, but still asks her father not to marry her to Afrikan Savich.

Love for Mitya overwhelms her and the feeling is mutual, but the hope for a successful outcome of their love is very small - the father does not look at her request. He thinks that it is better to live richly - it is impossible to achieve happiness in poverty.

Lyubim Karpych

Lyubim Karpych- brother of Gordey Karpych. Like his brother, Lyubim worked hard and was able to accumulate a decent capital. He lived well, often drank and led an idle life, but he did not go to extremes, until the moment Afrikan Savich took over him. Lyubim became a beggar, he had to wander and beg for alms, which he also did not always spend wisely - he drank. Returning to his brother, he realized his mistakes and decided “at least to live honestly in old age”, but not everything is so simple - his brother is busy with distinguished guests and plans to move further up the social ladder, he is not up to a poor brother. Lyubima is surprised that his brother puts material values ​​above moral ones and prefers to communicate with rich deceivers, and does not allow ordinary people who live according to the laws of morality to him. However, Lyubim Karpych hopes that things will get better in his life. He does not stand aside when he learns about his niece's wedding - Lyubim cannot allow such a misfortune in the life of Lyubov and Mitya (who treats him very well and often helps him in difficult financial situations) - the scandal he arranged not only allows him to avoid an unnecessary wedding, but also solves questions about relationships in the Tortsov family.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the summary of the play by A. Ostrovsky, which highlights the problems associated with unequal marriage.

African Savich Korshunov is a wealthy factory owner living in Moscow. That is why he is an excellent husband for Lyubov Gordeevna.

African Savich is a lover of drinking and walking, when drunk he behaves extremely violently and rudely, but at the same time he considers himself a kind person: “I am a good, cheerful person”, “I am a simple, kind old man”.

He treats his enemies cruelly, so the surest solution for those who fall into his disfavor is to run away. Although his attitude towards close people is no better - he tortured his first wife with jealousy. And, in general, about him "nothing good, besides the bad, is not heard."


Mitya- "Tortsov's clerk". He has practically few relatives - only one mother, and even then she lives far away from him. Mitya helps her financially, so she often deprives herself of even the necessary things. Gordey Karpych will always find something to complain about - this greatly upsets the impressionable Mitya. Tortsov reproaches him for squandering, because Mitya walks in an old frock coat and thus dishonors him in the eyes of visitors. The young man is calm by nature, kind and sympathetic, therefore those around him have a good opinion of him. He did not receive a good education and is now trying to achieve the desired result by his own efforts. He is well aware that he cannot be the groom whom Gordey Karpych will approve - a difficult financial situation, his poverty have become a significant obstacle to the desired action, but he is not in power to order his heart to forget Tortsov's daughter.

Minor characters in the play

Pelageya Egorovna

Pelageya Egorovna is the wife of Gordey Karpych Tortsov. Despite the fact that she, as a mother, must take an active part in her daughter's life, and therefore actively act in the play, Ostrovsky does not give her such powers, she is a minor character in the play.

In general, she is a sweet, kind and warm-hearted woman. Those around her love her. In her youth, the woman loved to dance and sing, and happily took up these activities. Now she is already old and her ardor has subsided. In addition, not entirely successful marriage did its insidious work. She considers herself deeply unhappy, her husband does not appreciate her, and in fact she does not consider herself a person “I dare not say anything to him; unless you talk to a stranger about your grief, cry, take your soul away, that's all. For many years of married life, Pelageya Egorovna resigned herself to such an attitude, therefore, even in critical situations, such as, for example, with the marriage of her daughter, she does not contradict her husband and does not try to point out his delusion, although she clearly sees that this marriage will bring a lot of misfortune to her daughter .

Yasha Guslin

The next acting character is Yasha Guslin. He is also related to Tortsov (nephew of Gordey). He is an honest kind person, but, unfortunately, poor, so his uncle does not indulge in attention and praise. He is loved by Pelageya Egorovna for his kind disposition and for his love of music, she invites him to visit her so that he sings and plays the guitar. Yasha is friendly with Mitya and helps him in difficult situations: he stands up for him before Grisha, helps him meet Lyubov Gordeevna. He himself is in love with the poor widow Anna, but it is not possible to marry a woman - his uncle does not want to give permission to the lovers for the wedding.

Anna Ivanovna

Beloved Guslin is a widowed woman, as poor as Yasha himself. Her name is Anna Ivanovna. She is a friend of the Tortsov family, but this does not help her but persuade her to agree to the wedding of Gordey Karpych .. At the end of the play, everything changes and Anna and Yasha receive the long-awaited permission.

Grisha Razlyulyaev

Grisha Razlyulyaev- a young merchant, a wealthy heir. His father, like himself, does not pursue fashion and does not seek to join new trends, which causes extreme disapproval from Gordey Karpych Tortsov, who has a low opinion of Grisha, reads him as a man of extraordinary intelligence. Razlyulyaev is a cheerful and good-natured person. He values ​​his friendship with Mitya.

Thus, two opposing camps formed in Nikolai Ostrovsky's play Poverty is Not a Vice. On the one hand, Gordey Karpych and Afrikany Savych, who are ready, in the pursuit of wealth and position in society, to step over moral prohibitions and foundations, to sacrifice anything. On the other, Lyubim Karpych, Lyubov Gordeevna, Pelageya Yegorovna, Mitya, Yasha, Anna and Grisha. They sincerely believe that there should be goodness in the world, and the main thing is to live honestly, decently and conscientiously. As a result, goodness wins - Gordey changes his views, realizes the fallacy of his actions - this makes it possible to avoid the life tragedies of almost all the characters in the play. Ostrovsky shows us, using the example of Tortsov, that there is no need to chase after something ghostly and distant - you need to look for happiness nearby and appreciate those who are trying to bring at least a little happiness to you.

Ostrovsky pushes the love line into the background. It is important for him to portray the existence of true family values, the desire to break into high society at any cost, ignoring personal qualities and desires, the persistence of patriarchal traditions, because the play will take on a new meaning - this is not just a story with a good ending, but a way to point out in a comic form the flaws of society .

Literature lesson in grade 9. A. N. Ostrovsky. The play "Poverty is not a vice." Lesson objectives:  To reveal the features of Ostrovsky's dramaturgy on the example of the analysis of the conflict in the comedy "Poverty is not a vice". Tasks:  To develop the ability of schoolchildren to think logically: find the main thing, compare, generalize, draw conclusions; Develop the ability to discuss a given topic; Develop monologue speech;    To bring up the right attitude to the moral values ​​of the Russian mentality;  Raise interest and respect for Russian literature. 1. Introductory speech of the teacher. Today we have to get acquainted with the playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky and his play, written in the early period of his work, "Poverty is not a vice." Write in your notebook the topic of the lesson: “A. N. Ostrovsky. "Poverty is not a vice". In high school, you will study his famous play The Thunderstorm. But now this name is new for us, so a few words about the playwright himself. Features:  Demonstration of important all-Russian problems through family and domestic conflict;  Bright, recognizable characters; 2. Analysis of the conflict of the play. (Sl. 9) Today we begin our acquaintance with Ostrovsky's comedy "Poverty is not a vice." Name. So, poverty is not a vice. How do you understand this saying? What genre does this expression belong to? In addition to this title, among Ostrovsky's plays there are also such: Our people - let's settle!, Every wise man is quite simple, Don't sit in your own sleigh, Hangover in someone else's feast, An old friend is better than two new ones, Your dogs squabble - don't pester someone else's, Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat, There was no penny, but suddenly Altyn, Guilty without guilt. From fifty drama productions. About a dozen plays are called proverbs. You won't find anything like this in any other writer. Feature:  Originality of names. Working with slide 9 Reading the slide text. You have read the play. You know that any dramatic work is built on conflict. A conflict is a confrontation, a collision, on which the development of the plot in a work of art is built. Anya, remind me what is the basis of conflicts in the plays of the young Ostrovsky. Find antonyms in this sentence. (patriarchal (old) life - innovations). In what do you think Ostrovsky sees the ideals of folk morality? (the strength of family foundations, the trust of children in their parents, the inviolability of the customs that reign in this merchant family, the integrity and clarity of the worldview). What is the opposite of this world? (innovations, modern, so-called "civilization"). Notebook entry (missing lines):

Comedy Conflict: The patriarchal world of popular morality opposes the modern world of power and money. So, we have identified the problem of the all-Russian, which is shown through family and everyday conflict. Who is involved in it? (Dec. 10). Poster. Reading the names and surnames of the characters. How do you explain the fact that the author gave the name Lyubim to one of the Tortsov brothers, and Gordey to the other? What qualities of people are suggested by names and surnames - Afrikan Korshunov (predator), Lyubov, Guslin, Razlyulyaev, Mitya? (Gordey is a proud, rich merchant, Lyubim is loved by everyone, a good person, but a loser, Guslin is a simple, cheerful guy (from the word "gusli" an old folk instrument), Razlyulyaev is a simple, cheerful guy (from the outdated word "spoiled" fun ), Mitya - dedicated to the Greek goddess of the earth and fertility Demeter) P. Already in the poster, O. secretly commented on his heroes. How? W. - gave them speaking names and surnames. Feature:  Speaking names. Once again I draw your attention to the author's presentation of the characters in the poster. Which name does not fit into the general series of names? Why? What is the purpose of O. thus indicating the status of the characters? Why, among familiar names, the name Gordey does not evoke positive associations? Feature:  An unusual presentation of the characters in the playbill, which determines the conflict that will develop in the play. Between which characters is the main conflict brewing? Why? (The merchant Gordey Karpych Tortsov is fascinated by the manufacturer Korshunov, he wants to live in fashion, in a new way, and is even ready to give his only daughter for an old man) And what about the mother? (Near-minded, weak-willed, indecisive, she cannot resist her husband) What is the role of Lyubim in this family conflict? (Exposes Korshunov - a predator, upsets the wedding of Lyubov and Korshunov, stands up for Lyubov and Mitya, helps his brother to see clearly.) With what words does Lyubim Tortsova start a conflict? (Read out: D. 1, yavl. 12. We love Karpych (takes). We need a dime. It’s all silver, I don’t need silver. Give me another seven rubles, that will be in real time. (Mitya gives.) That’s enough "You are a kind soul, Mitya! (Lies down.) Brother does not know how to appreciate you. Well, yes, I'll do a trick with him. Wealth is evil for fools! Give a smart man money, he will do the job. I walked around Moscow, I saw everything, everything ... Big science has happened! And don't give money to a fool, otherwise he will break down ... fu, fu, fu, trr! ... like a brother, but like me, a beast ... Come in. Now the office is empty... the holidays... We love Karpych (falling asleep). And I'll do something funny with my brother. (Falls off.) (Dc 11 - read as a summary of the answer to the question) 5. A brief overview of the actions. Task: Divide by actions: exposition, tie; action development, climax; denouement.

(Dp. 12) 1 action. The first act is a voluminous, bright, spectacular plot of the entire upcoming action. This is the initial moment in the development of events, prepared by the exposition. Here the reader gets the first idea about the characters depicted, about the conflict between them. In the first act, Lyubim Tortsov’s words about his brother, important for the development of the action, are heard: “He, the fool, needs science”, “Well, I’ll do a trick with him. For fools, wealth is evil!”, “And I’ll do a funny thing with my brother.” The conflict is planned. In a secret letter addressed to Mitya, a love affair is also indicated: “I love you too. Lyubov Tortsova. P. How do we get to know the main characters: Gordey Karpych and Lyubim Karpych? W. - We hear about them from other characters. About Gordeya from Yegorushka: he swears, gets angry at Lyubim Karpych, from Pelageya: he drinks with Afrikan, as if he had been replaced. (d. 1, yavl. 3) About Lyubim from Yegorushka: he made everyone laugh at dinner, Gordey kicked him out, Lyubim quarreled in revenge: he stood with the beggars at the cathedral. Feature:  "Prepared appearance" of the main characters, they are first talked about by others. P. From what replicas do our heroes come into action directly? U. - Lyubim's first remark (he saw Lyubov Gordeevna and Mitya alone in the room), covering his face with his hands: “Stop! What kind of person? What kind? For what business? Take doubt! I am niece! What, scared? Get up, don't be afraid! I am not a prover, but I put everything in a box…” (d.1, yavl. 11) Gordey’s first remark (d.1, yavl. 7) enters the room where the youth is having fun: “What are you singing about! They bawl, just like a man! (Mitya) And you are there too! It seems that you do not live in such a house, not with men. What a half-beer! So that I don’t have this ahead! P. - What can you say about the characters from their first line? (L. - jokes, jokes, "not a prover"; G. - rude, humiliating, "male" swearing). Feature:  Significance of the first replica of the hero) Second action. The action is rapidly developing, involving new characters, all of them (Dk.13 they play their role in the course of the drama and the development of the conflict. The atmosphere of a common young love, holiday and cheerful mess with songs and music, fortune-telling, mummers, performances with a bear and a goat is destroyed with the appearance of Gordey Karpych and Korshunov. The possibility of happiness for young heroes becomes illusory. "Zyatyushka Afrikan Savich" is sure that he has no reason to worry, orders the girls a "wedding" song. Lyubov Gordeevna is in alarm, her friends surround the excited girl. P. About what holiday Speech? Why does Ostrovsky correlate the time of the play with the time of the celebration of Christmas time? U. - Observance of folk religious traditions. The main meaning of St. period, according to popular ideas, was the revival of order in the world and in the life of every person as a particle of this world. (Traditions of oral folk art - folklore) Feature:  Folklore moments.) Third act. The conflict of the drama, the clash of characters is coming to an end. Despite the fact (c. 14 that the denouement logically follows from the development of the action, it still has an unexpected character: this is really a happy ending, because the development of the action was dramatic.

The “thing” that Lyubim came up with helps the young couple out. This “thing” saves Gordey from the ruin that threatened him if he became related to Korshunov, who was dishonest in money matters. Thus, the denouement is directly related to the development of the action in the second act, it is the final moment in the development of conflict and intrigue. Lyubim Tortsov intervenes in the natural course of events, prevents the triumph of evil. He puts a protest against the powerful of this world in a catchy form: "It is good for him to live in the world, who has no shame in his eyes." Another proverb! It is aptly said that Ostrovsky's theater is a speech theater. He has a beautiful, poetically rich language in his plays. In fact, in Ostrovsky, one who is a poet at heart speaks poetically. In Ostrovsky, each character speaks his own language. The speech of the characters is the most important means of their characterization. Let's prove it. Reading passages. (Pelageya, Loved) Gordey Karpych. No, you say this: is everything all right with me? In another place, a fine fellow in a coat or a girl waits at the table, and I have a waiter in cotton gloves. This waiter, he is a scientist, from Moscow, he knows all the rules: where to sit down, what to do. What about others! They will gather in one room, sit in a circle, peasant songs will sing. It is, of course, and fun, but I think it is low, there is no tone. Yes, and drink that, due to their ignorance! The liqueurs are there, the cherries are different ... but they don’t even understand that there is champagne for it! Oh, if I lived in Moscow, or in St. Petersburg, I would, it seems, imitate every fashion. Explain the speech features of those characters whose monologues we read. (Gordei is illiterate, he believes that education is useless, the main thing is to live in fashion. We love: his speech has an element of undoubted intelligence; his speech is not patriarchal, not folklore, but belongs to modern Ostrovsky urban culture; one of all the characters he uses some snatches of foreign phrases are quite correct and appropriate). Feature:  The originality of the speech characteristics of the characters. P. - If I asked you to identify the similarities and differences between certain heroes of the play, who would you compare, compare? Why? (Mitya - Korshunov. Similarity: intention to marry Lyubov Gordeevna; difference: Mitya's honesty - Korshunov's actions on the sly; Lyubim Tortsov - Gordey Tortsov. Similarity: brothers, in the end, Gordey begins to see clearly, it turns out to be no stranger to the truth. Difference: G. - tyrant , external gloss is important to him, and not the human soul; L., who in his youth also succumbed to the supposedly mandatory maintenance of status and squandered all his fortune, realized that the main thing in life is not money, because you can remain a good person without money; We love Tortsov - Korshunov. Similarity: former associates. Difference: honesty of the first and dishonor of the second.) Feature:  Parallel consideration of compared heroes. 6. This comparison will be your homework, and you also need to answer the question: why is Lyubim Tortsov - Ostrovsky's favorite hero? 7. Let's summarize the lesson. (Sl. 15) Let us list the features of the dramaturgy of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky: If time permits, we can discuss the words of A. I. Goncharov: “You alone completed the building, at the base of which Fonvizin, Griboyedov, Gogol laid the cornerstones. But only after you we, Russians,

we can proudly say: “We have our own, Russian, national theater. It should rightly be called "Ostrovsky's theatre".

In the early 1950s, the playwright came up with comedies tinged with a Slavophile mood. Such are the plays "Do not sit in your sleigh" and "Poverty is not a vice." At this time, Ostrovsky became close to the literary critic and poet Apollon Grigoriev, Tertiy Filippov, Boris Almazov and other members and employees of the so-called "young editorial staff" of the Moskvityanin magazine.

Under their influence, he approaches the depiction of the types of Russian merchants somewhat differently than before: he admires the patriarchal relations that have developed in the merchant's house between the owners and workers, condemns the claims of merchants to live in a new, "European" manner, sympathetically reproduces the traditional customs preserved in merchant life , rituals and old songs (“Poverty is not a vice”).

Even evil petty tyrants who seize the life of their household, it turns out, are sometimes able to do truly kind, generous deeds: at critical moments they suddenly find “enlightenment”, they change anger to mercy, and everything ends well. So ends, for example, the comedy "Poverty is not a vice." Its main character, the provincial merchant-tyrant Gordey Tortsov, offended by another merchant, Korshunov, suddenly changes his mind to marry his daughter to Korshunov and, touched by the speeches of his brother Lyubim, marries his daughter to the clerk Mitya.

However, Ostrovsky's Slavophile sentiments were not deep and lasting. The events of the 1950s (the Crimean War, the collapse of the old, serf order) were supposed to dispel Slavophile illusions about patriarchal life.

Ostrovsky, even in the Muscovite period, sees the social conflict of the life he depicts, shows that the idyll of a patriarchal family is fraught with drama. True, in the first play, “Don’t get into your sleigh,” the drama of intra-family relations is emphatically devoid of social coloring (“I don’t need either a noble or a rich man, but to be a kind person and love Dunyushka,” says the father, justifying his right decide the fate of his daughter). Social motives here are associated only with the image of Vikhorev, a noble life-burner, whose mercenary claims violate the peaceful life of the Rusakovs and the alleged fiancé Dunechka Borodkin.

The best play of this period is rightfully considered a folk comedy. "Poverty is not a vice"(1854). Once again, the playwright focuses on the patriarchal merchant family, whose harmonious life has been disrupted under the influence of the temptations of time. The head of the family, Gordey Tortsov, falls under the strong influence of the manufacturer Afrikan Savvich Korshunov. Tortsov is blinded by "capital", the opportunity to live in the capital "in a lordly way", a new, "imitating fashion" life, and not the one that his whole family and household live and lived. For this, he is ready to give his daughter in marriage to the villain old man Korshunov. The tyranny and tyranny of Gordey Tortsov in the house is a distortion of ideas about the important role of the owner and head of the family. His wife and daughter cannot resist his power and self-imposed decisions. Lyubov Gordeevna emphasizes that her obedience is a manifestation of loyalty to the "law", the patriarchal tradition of respect for the younger to the elders, faith in the justice of her father's decisions.

The merit of Ostrovsky is the creation of the image of Lyubim Tortsov, a man who has broken away from the patriarchal merchant "home" environment. He has the best moral qualities - kindness, mercy, responsiveness. Lyubim is able to look at what is happening from the height of the bitter life experience he has acquired. The "squandered", "bulldocker" Lyubim is entrusted with a very important role in the play. Being largely an exponent of the author's point of view, Lyubim brings the action to a happy ending: he admonishes his brother, exposes Korshunov and shows his true face, saves his niece from misfortune and arranges her marriage with her lover.

An important role in the play is played by the folklore element - Christmas games, dressing up, folk songs. Poetry of folk ceremonial and folklore elements is inextricably linked with the life of a merchant's house. Only Gordey Tortsov and the manufacturer Korshunov do not accept this patriarchal-idyllic world. Folklore symbolism is also palpable in the names of the characters: Korshunov is an evil predatory kite, an enemy who wants to take possession of Lyubushka Tortsova, and the name African in the context of the comedy emphasizes his foreignness and hostility. The onomastics of the names of the heroes of the comedy characterizes Ostrovsky's view of the modern Russian person, contributes to understanding the conflict of the work. The two Tortsov brothers are named Gordey and Lyubim.

Ostrovsky thought that an organic part of a single folk culture was the culture of the middle urban social strata, which included both the “old” - Christmas customs, wedding folk poetry, lyrical songs, and the “new” - Koltsov’s work, merchant-urban vernacular, turns of “clerk politeness”. The representative of the urban social strata in the play is the clerk Mitya - a respectful son, an honest worker, a sincere and devoted groom.

The happy denouement of the play "Poverty is not a vice" and other works of Ostrovsky of this period, at first glance, do not follow from the very development of the action. ON THE. Dobrolyubov was one of the first in the article "The Dark Kingdom" to note their "accident" and far-fetchedness. But, according to the playwright himself, the pattern of such happy endings was natural for a world in which the traditional ideals of goodness and beauty were preserved.

In the next period of A.N. Ostrovsky (1855-1860), preference is given to drama rather than comedy. Ostrovsky writes "Hangover at a strange feast" (1855-1856), "Profitable Place" (1856), "Pupil" (1858). At this time, the playwright collaborated with Sovremennik (since 1857 - a regular contributor to the magazine), he was close to the democratic trend in literature. Sovremennik also publishes articles by N.A. Dobrolyubov dedicated to the work of Ostrovsky.

Exploring life, Ostrovsky gradually comes to understand the utopian idea of ​​a return to the patriarchal idyll; his plays of the second half of the 50s are based on the contradiction between natural feelings, people's aspirations and rough, often cruel everyday life. Themes traditional for Russian literature (“fathers and sons”, merchant tyranny, extortion and arbitrariness of officials, the life of a landowner's estate, etc.) are received in the works of A.N. Ostrovsky new artistic comprehension. Considerable attention is paid to the issue of a person's choice of his own path, "going out into the people." From "Profitable Place" - the playwright's first anti-bureaucratic play - threads stretch to "Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man".

The play "Poverty is not a vice."

Lesson Objectives:

    To identify the features of Ostrovsky's dramaturgy on the example of the analysis of the conflict in the comedy "Poverty is not a vice".
    To develop in schoolchildren the ability to think logically: find the main thing, compare, generalize, draw conclusions; Develop the ability to discuss a given topic; Develop monologue speech; To bring up the correct attitude to the moral values ​​of the Russian mentality; Cultivate interest and respect for.

Introduction by the teacher. Today we have to get acquainted with the playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky and his play, written in the early period of his work, "Poverty is not a vice." Write in your notebook the topic of the lesson: "Poverty is not a vice". In high school, you will study his famous play The Thunderstorm. But now this name is new for us, so a few words about the playwright himself.

(Sl. 2) was born in 1823 in Moscow: in Zamoskvorechye, in an old merchant and bureaucratic district. The father of the future playwright, an educated and skilled court official, and then a well-known lawyer in Moscow commercial circles; rising through the ranks, he received the rights of a hereditary nobleman, became a landowner; it is clear that he wanted to let his son go on the legal side as well. (Sl. 3) Alexander Ostrovsky received a good education at home - from childhood he was addicted to literature, spoke German and knew Latin well, willingly studied music. He graduated with honors from the gymnasium and in 1840 was admitted to Moscow University without an exam. But Ostrovsky did not like the career of a lawyer, he was irresistibly attracted to art. He tried not to miss a single performance: he read a lot and argued about literature, passionately fell in love with music. At the same time he tried to write poems and stories.

(Sl. 4) Having cooled down to study at the university, Ostrovsky left the teaching. For several years, at the insistence of his father, he served as a minor official in court. Here the future playwright had seen enough of human comedies and tragedies. Finally disillusioned with judicial activities, Ostrovsky dreams of becoming a writer. In 1867, together with his brother, he bought the Shchelykovo estate from his stepmother, in which the great Russian playwright lived from spring to late autumn for many years and wrote his wonderful plays: The Snow Maiden, The Dowry, Guilty Without Guilt, etc.

P. Unfortunately, there are few dramatic works in the school curriculum, and after all, each playwright is unique, each has his own style of writing, his own merits, but, nevertheless, they are only called in the world of art and literature "the father of the Russian theater."

In this regard, the question arises ... Which one? (How did he deserve this title? What are the features of his work?) This is what we have to find out today.

Let's skip 2-3 lines after the specified topic of the lesson, add:

Features of dramaturgy (during the lesson we will mark and write down, be careful).

What did Ostrovsky write about in his works?

Presentation by a prepared student.

Wealthy, but only yesterday living in the old fashioned way and the new demands that modern life imperiously imposes on them, where power and money rule the world - this is the basis of young Ostrovsky's comedic conflicts, and even those where the funny is intertwined with the sad: after all, the whims of those in power do not only amusing, but also dangerous for the poor: the dependent and the oppressed. (Sl. 5) His all-Russian fame began with a comedy - “Own people - let's settle!” (or "Bankrupt" in 1849), published in the magazine "Moskvityanin", whose young employees gravitated towards Slavophilism, preaching the ideas of national identity, preserved among the peasantry and the patriarchal merchant class. The play was a huge success. However, its production was banned at the direction of Tsar Nicholas 1 himself. The censorship ban lasted eleven years. (Sl.6 - the student reads). (Sl. 7) Already in the comedy “Our people - we will settle!” the main features of Ostrovsky's dramaturgy appeared: the ability to show important all-Russian problems through family conflict, to create vivid and recognizable characters. Juicy, lively folk speech sounds in his plays. Ostrovsky wanted to show positive heroes, capable of resisting the immorality and cruelty of modern relations. It is precisely such sympathetic characters that appear in the comedy Don’t Sit on Your Sleigh (1853) (the first of Ostrovsky’s plays that went on stage) and Poverty is not a vice (1954). (The original title is God Opposes the Proud) . In subsequent periods of Ostrovsky's work, more than 50 original plays appeared, which made up a whole folk theater, where the history of all the classes of Russia passed before the reader.

In addition to writing, he was successfully engaged in social activities. He organized the Moscow Artistic Circle, the Society of Russian Dramatic Writers and Composers. But his main merit is the creation of a huge dramatic repertoire for the Russian theater. (Sk. 8)


    Showing important all-Russian problems through family and everyday conflict; Bright, recognizable characters;
Analysis of the play's conflict.

(Sl. 9) Today we begin our acquaintance with Ostrovsky's comedy "Poverty is not a vice."

Name. So, poverty is not a vice.

How do you understand this saying?

What genre does this expression belong to?

In addition to this title, among Ostrovsky's plays there are also such: Our people - let's settle!, Every wise man is quite simple, Don't sit in your own sleigh, Hangover in someone else's feast, An old friend is better than two new ones, Your dogs squabble - don't pester someone else's, Not everything is carnival for the cat, There was no penny, but suddenly, Guilty without guilt.

From fifty drams. prod. About a dozen plays are called proverbs. You won't find anything like this in any other writer.


    The peculiarity of names.

Working with slide 9

Reading the slide text.

You have read the play. You know that any dramatic work is built on conflict.

A conflict is a confrontation, a collision, on which the development of the plot in a work of art is built.

Anya, remind me what is the basis of conflicts in the plays of the young Ostrovsky.

Find the terms in this sentence. (patriarchal (old) life - innovations).

In what, in your opinion, Ostrovsky sees the ideals of folk morality? (the strength of family foundations, the trust of children in their parents, the inviolability of the customs that reign in this merchant family, the integrity and clarity of the worldview).

What is the opposite of this world? (innovations, modern, so-called "civilization").

Notebook entry (missing lines):

Comedy Conflict: The patriarchal world of popular morality opposes the modern world of power and money.

So, we have identified the problem of the all-Russian, which is shown through family and everyday conflict. Who is involved in it?

(Dec. 10). Poster. Reading the names and surnames of the characters.

How do you explain the fact that the author gave the name Lyubim to one of the Tortsov brothers, and Gordey to the other? What qualities of people are suggested by names and surnames - Afrikan Korshunov (predator), Lyubov, Guslin, Razlyulyaev, Mitya?

(Gordey is a proud, rich merchant,

We love - loved by everyone, a good person, but a loser,

Guslin - a simple, cheerful guy (from the word "gusli" - an old folk instrument),

Razlyulyaev - a simple, cheerful guy (from the outdated word "spread out" - fun),

Mitya -. dedicated to the Greek goddess of the earth and fertility Demeter)

P. - Already in the poster, O. secretly commented on his heroes. How?

W. - gave them speaking names and surnames.


    Speaking names.

Which name does not fit into the general series of names? Why? What is the purpose of O. thus indicating the status of the characters? Why, among familiar names, the name Gordey does not evoke positive associations?


    An unusual presentation of the characters in the playbill, which determines the conflict that will develop in the play.

Between which characters is the main conflict brewing? Why?

(Tortsov is fascinated by the manufacturer Korshunov, wants to live in fashion, in a new way, and is even ready to give his only daughter for an old man)

But what about the mother? (Near-minded, weak-willed, indecisive, she cannot resist her husband)

What is the role of Lyubim in this family conflict? (Exposes Korshunov - a predator, upsets the wedding of Lyubov and Korshunov, stands up for Lyubov and Mitya, helps his brother to see clearly.)

With what words of Lyubim Tortsov does the conflict begin?

We love Karpych (takes). We need a dime. It's all silver, I don't need silver. You give me another seven, that will be in real time. (Mitya gives it.) That's enough. You are a good soul, Mitya! (Lies down.) Brother does not know how to appreciate you. Well, I'll do something with him. For fools, wealth is evil! Give a smart man money, he will do the job. I walked around Moscow, I saw everything, everything ... Great science has happened! And don’t give money to a fool, otherwise he will break down ... fu, fu, fu, trr! ... like a brother, but like me, a beast ... (Half-sleepy voice.) Mitya, I’ll come to spend the night with you.

Mitya. Come. Now the office is empty… holidays…

We love Karpych (asleep). And I'll do something funny with my brother. (Falls off.)

5. Brief overview of actions.

Task: Divide by actions: exposition, tie; action development, climax; denouement.

(Dp. 12) 1 action. The first act is a voluminous, bright, spectacular plot of the entire upcoming action. This is the initial moment in the development of events, prepared by the exposition. Here the reader gets the first idea about the characters depicted, about the conflict between them.

In the first act, Lyubim Tortsov’s words about his brother, important for the development of the action, are heard: “He, the fool, needs science”, “Well, I’ll do a trick with him. For fools, wealth is evil!”, “And I’ll do a funny thing with my brother.” The conflict is planned. In a secret letter addressed to Mitya, a love affair is also indicated: “I love you too. Lyubov Tortsova.

P. - How do we get to know the main characters: Gordey Karpych and Lyubim Karpych?

W. - We hear about them from other characters.

About Proud from Egorushka: swears, gets angry at Lyubim Karpych,

from Pelageya: he drinks with Afrikan, as if he had been replaced. (d. 1, yavl. 3)

About Lyubim from Yegorushka: he made everyone laugh at dinner, Gordey kicked him out, Lyubim quarreled in revenge: he stood with the beggars at the cathedral.


    The "prepared appearance" of the main characters, they are first talked about by others.

P. - From which remarks do our heroes come into action directly?

U. - Lyubim's first remark (he saw Lyubov Gordeevna and Mitya alone in the room), covering his face with his hands: “Stop! What kind of person? What kind? For what business? Take doubt! I am niece! What, scared? Get up, don't be afraid! I am not a prover, but I put everything in a box ... ”(d.1, yavl. 11)

The first remark of Gordey (d.1, yavl. 7) enters the room where the youth is having fun: “What are you singing about! They bawl, just like a man! (Mitya) And you are there too! It seems that you do not live in such a house, not with men. What a half-beer! So that I don’t have this ahead!

P. - What can you say about the characters from their first line? (L. - jokes, jokes, "not a prover"; G. - rude, humiliating, "manly" - a curse word).


    Significance of the hero's first line

(W.13) Second act. The action is rapidly developing, new characters, all of whom play their part in the course of the drama and the development of the conflict. The atmosphere of a common young love, a holiday and a cheerful mess with songs and music, fortune-telling, mummers, performances with a bear and a goat is destroyed with the appearance of Gordey Karpych and Korshunov. The possibility of happiness for young heroes becomes illusory. "The son-in-law African Savich" is sure that he has no reason to worry, he orders the girls a "wedding" song. Lyubov Gordeevna is in alarm, her friends surround the excited girl.

P. - What holiday are we talking about? Christmas time. What holiday? By what signs can you guess that these are Christmas time?

Why does Ostrovsky correlate the time of the play with the time of the celebration of Christmas time?

U. - Observance of folk-religious traditions. The main meaning of St. period, according to popular ideas, was the revival of order in the world and in the life of every person as a particle of this world. (Traditions of oral folk art - folklore)


    folk moments.

(Dep. 14) Act three. The conflict of the drama, the clash of characters is coming to an end. Despite the fact that the denouement logically follows from the development of the action, it still has an unexpected character: it is really an emphasized happy ending, because the development of the action was dramatic. The “thing” that Lyubim came up with helps the young couple out. This “thing” saves Gordey from the ruin that threatened him if he became related to Korshunov, who was dishonest in money matters. Thus, the denouement is directly related to the development of the action in the second act, it is the final moment in the development of conflict and intrigue. Lyubim Tortsov intervenes in the natural course of events, prevents the triumph of evil. He puts a protest against the powerful of this world in a catchy form: "It is good for him to live in the world, who has no shame in his eyes."

Another proverb!

It is aptly said that Ostrovsky's theater is a speech theater. He has a beautiful, poetically rich language in his plays. In fact, in Ostrovsky, one who is a poet at heart speaks poetically. In Ostrovsky, each character speaks his own language. The speech of the characters is the most important means of their characterization. Let's prove it.

Reading passages. (Pelageya, Love)

Proud Karpych. No, you say this: is everything all right with me? In another place at the table, a fine fellow in a coat or a girl waits, and I have a waiter in cotton gloves. This waiter, he is a scientist, from Moscow, he knows all the rules: where to sit down, what to do. What about others! They will gather in one room, sit in a circle, peasant songs will sing. It is, of course, and fun, but I think it is low, there is no tone. Yes, and they drink something, due to their ignorance! The liqueurs are there, different ... but they don’t understand that there is champagne for it! Oh, if I lived in Moscow, or in St. Petersburg, I would, it seems, imitate every fashion.

Explain the speech features of those characters whose monologues we read.

(Gordey is illiterate, he believes that education is useless, the main thing is to live in fashion.

We love: an element of undoubted intelligence is inherent in his speech; his speech is not patriarchal, not folklore, but belongs to modern Ostrovsky urban culture; one of all the characters, he uses some fragments of foreign phrases quite correctly and appropriately).


    The peculiarity of the speech characteristics of the characters.

P. - If I asked you to identify the similarities and differences between certain heroes of the play, who would you compare, compare? Why?

(Mitya - Korshunov. Similarity: intention to marry Lyubov Gordeevna; difference: Mitya's honesty - Korshunov's actions on the sly;

We love Tortsov - Gordey Tortsov. Similarity: brothers, in the end, Gordey begins to see clearly, it turns out he is not alien to the truth. Difference: G. is a petty tyrant, external gloss is important to him, and not the human soul; L., who in his youth also succumbed to the supposedly obligatory maintenance of status and squandered all his fortune, realized that the main thing in life is not money, because you can remain a good person even without money;

We love Tortsov-Korshunov. Similarity: former associates. Difference: honesty of the first and dishonor of the second.)


    Parallel consideration of compared heroes.

6. This comparison will be your homework, and you also need to answer the question: why is Lyubim Tortsov - Ostrovsky's favorite hero?

7. Let's summarize the lesson.

(Sl. 15) - We list the features of the dramaturgy of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky:

    Showing important all-Russian problems through family and everyday conflict
    Bright, recognizable characters; The peculiarity of names. Speaking names. An unusual presentation of the characters in the playbill, which determines the conflict that will develop in the play. The "prepared appearance" of the main characters, they are first talked about by others. Significance of the hero's first line. folk moments. The peculiarity of the speech characteristics of the characters. Parallel consideration of compared heroes.

If time permits, we can discuss the words: “You alone completed the building, at the base of which you laid the cornerstones of Fonvizin, Griboyedov, Gogol. But only after you, we, Russians, can proudly say: “We have our own, Russian, national theater. It should rightly be called "Ostrovsky's theatre".

MBOU "Kalininskaya OOSh"





teacher and literature