Adventures of Tom Sawyer. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer": the main characters of the work of Mark Twain Key characters in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Adventure book Tom Sawyer written by a great American writer Mark Twain . He was born on November 30, 1835 on the banks of the Mississippi River, in the south of the United States of America, in a small town - Florida, Missouri. Mark Twain is the pseudonym of the writer, his real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens . He came up with a pseudonym in memory of his youth, when Clemens was a pilot on river steamers, and he often had to repeat the word “twain” (twain is “a dozen fathoms”, that is, sufficient depth). The writer's childhood passed in the small town of Hannibal, where his family moved in search of a better life (in the photo on the right is the house where Mark Twain spent his childhood and youth, now a museum. Hannibal, Missouri). Subsequently, it was Hannibal who would serve as the prototype of the town of St. Petersburg in famous novels. "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" .

Huckleberry Finn , closest friend Tom, this is an accurate portrait Volumes of Blankenship , boys from Hannibal. His father was a drunkard and paid little attention to his son. Tom Blankenship lived in a dilapidated shack on the outskirts of the city, slept in barrels or in the open air, was always hungry, walked in rags, and, of course, did not study anywhere. But he liked it: he despised "vile and stuffy houses." “He didn’t have to wash or put on a clean dress, and he knew how to swear amazingly. In a word, he had everything that makes life beautiful, ”- the writer writes about him. Boys from "good families" were forbidden to be friends with him, but he was fun, interesting, he was kind and fair. And became a true friend Tom Sawyer.

There is a prototype Becky Thatcher - this is Laura Hawkins , neighbor's daughter. The Hawkins lived directly opposite the Clemens' house in a large two-story house. This house still stands in the same place on Hill Street in Hannibal (pictured right). It is going to be renovated and the "Becky Thatcher house" open for tourists to visit.

If you accidentally find yourself in Hannibal, you can be sure that little has changed here since the time of Mark Twain. “There are no skyscrapers and high-rise buildings here(on the picture) . Tourists are shown the places where events from the novels of Mark Twain took place: a two-story house where the Clemens family lived, the legendary fence that the sly Tom handed over for painting, Dr. Grant's pharmacy - in bad times for the family, Clemens lodged with him and the writer's father died here. The shack of the drunken parent Huck Finn has not survived, it was demolished in the 40s of the last century. However, there is a memorial plaque in its place.- say tourists and travelers.

There are lines in Mark Twain's notes that he thought to continue the story of his heroes. He did not fully realize his plan: in 1894 a novel was published "Tom Sawyer Abroad" (or "Tom Sawyer - Balloonist" ), in 1896 - "Tom Sawyer - Detective" , three more unfinished works - "On School Hill" (Eng. Schoolhouse Hill), "The Tom Sawyer Conspiracy" (Eng. Tom Sawyer's Conspiracy) and "Huck and Tom Among the Indians" (Eng. Huck and Tom Among the Indians) - were published after the death of the writer. For us, the heroes of his books remained forever young. The author of unforgettable children's works died on April 24, 1910. He left behind more than 25 volumes of works of various genres.

1. Who did Tom choose to be?
a. Pirate.
b. Clown in the circus.
in. Soldier.

2. What was in the treasure chest?
a. Pistol.
b. Knife "Barlow".
in. Alabaster ball.

3. What was buried at the edge in a pile of brushwood behind a rotten tree?
a. Homemade knife and gun.
b. Homemade bow, arrow, wooden sword and tin pipe.
in. Homemade saber, hat and feather.

4. Joe Harper and Tom started a game - a battle. Who has Tom become?
a. Robin Hood.
b. Brave Pirate.
in. Indian Joe.

1. What country did Tom Sawyer live in? (In America.)

2. Genre of Tom Sawyer? (Novel.)

3. Favorite hobby of Tom Sawyer? (Reading books.)

4. What was the name of the river on which the city stood? (Mississippi.)

5. On what day of the week did Tom feel the most miserable? (On Monday.)

6. What kind of punishment was accepted in families and schools in the era of Mark Twain? (Rods.)

7. Who saved Muff Potter from the gallows? (Volume.)

8. What city did Tom Sawyer live in? (St. Petersburg.)

9. What remedy Huck considered the most correct for reducing warts? (Dead cat.)

10. What was Tom Sawyer "sick" when his aunt gave him painkillers? (Lazy.)

11. How many days was Tom in love with Amy Lawrence? (7.)

12. How did Tom save Becky Thatcher from punishment for a torn book? (Take the blame.)

13. Tom Sawyer is the Black Avenger of the Spanish seas, and Huck Finn? (Bloody hand.)

14. Robbers password... (Blood.)

15. Name a famous translator of the novel about Tom Sawyer? (N. Daruses.)

16. How long did Tom keep his diary during the holidays? (3 days.)

17. Did Tom manage to attend his funeral? (Yes.)

18. Why did the boys judge the cat? (For killing a bird.)

19. Who killed the doctor in the graveyard? (Indian Joe.)

20. Finish the saying "Time is..." (Money.)

21. What is the best time of day to dig for treasure? (At midnight.)

22. What country did Robin Hood live in? (In England.)

23. What did Becky want to put under her pillow to see Tom in her dream? (Pie.)

24. What animals lived in MacDougal's Cave? (The bats.)

25. Who was immured in a cave? (Indian Joe.)

26. What sign helped the children find the treasure? (Cross from candle soot.)

27. How many thousand dollars did the young treasure hunters get? (12 thousand)

28. What resented Huck the most about living at the Widow Douglas' house? (Purity.)

In America, on the Mississippi River, there is a small town of Hannibal, where the famous writer Mark Twain spent his childhood. In the center of the city rises the great Cardiff Hill. And on the hill - a monument to two barefoot boys in torn pants, setting off in search of another adventure - Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finnu. The guys are depicted as they are, obviously, many generations of readers - careless, mischievous, childishly direct. In addition to this, Huck holds a dead cat by the tail thrown over his shoulder. This famous cast-iron sculpture was discovered on May 27, 1876. Sculptor Frederick Hibbard .

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, in which the main characters take place during the American Civil War, is perhaps the story with which readers associate the author's name. Mark Twain, like John Tolkien, wrote several works united by one theme. Tom Sawyer is the central character in a number of books: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Tom Sawyer Abroad", "Tom Sawyer - Detective". The same character also appears on the pages of the book about Huckleberry Finn.

Let's talk about the plot of the book

The place where the main characters of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer live was invented by the writer. This is an imaginary town under the strange and ridiculous name of St. Petersburg. Funny name because the town is located in the state of Missouri, in America.

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The plot revolves around the life and adventures of a boy named Tom Sawyer. The young man is about 12 years old, brought up by his aunt. The reader is informed that Tom's mother has died. The time that the events of the book cover is several months. Despite such a short time, the main character manages to get a varied and rich experience: the boy falls in love, watches the commission of a crime, assists in revealing the identity of the criminal ... Tom also runs away from his aunt's house, dreaming of living a pirate life on the island, but during his wanderings the boy gets lost and finds himself in a cave. After getting out of the cave trap, Tom Sawyer shows that he is endowed with luck, because the boy finds the treasure - as befits a pirate. Tom shares the found treasures with a true friend and comrade - Huckleberry Finn.

Genre of Mark Twain

The writer's book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", the central characters of which constantly fall into various alterations, belongs to adventure literature. The work is intended for a children's audience: and indeed, probably, parents or grandparents gave each child to read this book in childhood.

The adventure genre took shape in literature at the end of the 19th century, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was written by the author in 1876. Romanticism and neo-romanticism are two trends that influenced the formation of this genre. The goal is the desire to escape from reality, a kind of escapism.

The idea of ​​an adventure tale (in this case we are talking about a fairy tale) is to entertain the reader. Of course, the book is replete with a significant number of episodes that teach children about good and bad deeds, true friendship, love, danger and loyalty.

Key characters in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer

The reader can easily guess from the title of the book who is the main character and the central character of the work. Tom Sawyer is a twelve-year-old boy who lives in his aunt's house. An aunt is the sister of the young man's mother, who has already died.

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Tom cannot be called a well-mannered and obedient boy: he is a cocky young man who constantly gets into trouble. Tom is a naughty man, and pranks are the usual way of life for a boy. The hero is curious and inquisitive. These traits lead Tom to adventure: the young man loves to "poke his nose into other people's affairs", to find out what "you don't need to know." The boy's adventures often turn into troubles and dangerous situations.

Meanwhile, Sawyer has many positive traits: a heightened sense of justice, kindness and honesty, responsiveness. Tom shows himself to be a devoted and generous friend, a reliable and generous comrade, a noble "pirate", a prudent gentleman.

The events of the work of Mark Twain unfold against the backdrop of the American Civil War. Since the author tells about Americans, the protagonist of the book also shows a trait typical of an American - a craving for entrepreneurship and the ability to get out of any situation.

In the first chapter of the book, the writer gives an extensive characterization of the hero: Tom shows cunning and wit, he is a rogue and a lazy person, however, at the same time adventurous and savvy. Sawyer is an avid reader. Most of the books that the boy reads also belong to the adventure genre.

The author frees the reader from the need to invent a portrait of the hero: the writer talks about the appearance of the boy. Tom is a short young man with blue eyes and blond, curly hair. On the boy's nose is a scattering of freckles.


Bosom friend of the protagonist. In the book, Tom and Huck (as he is sometimes called in the work) Finn is constantly together. The boys help those who need help, oppose the villainy of other characters. The life of the guys is full of adventures and alterations, both are restless and curious.

Huck has a father, who, however, does not participate in the life of his son. In fact, the hero leads a homeless life, the boy is left in his own care. Therefore, Huck is used to taking care of himself, the young man shows non-standard thinking, has an extraordinary mind. Huck is older than Tom, often acts as a ringleader and entertainer, showing a practical attitude to life and business.

Huck is a wise, experienced boy, life has taught Huck to be pragmatic and reasonable. The hero is independent. Despite this, the boy still loves to play pranks - like his friend Tom. Huck does not go to classes, parents have a negative attitude towards the friendship of their children with Huck. In the end, the young man's father leaves for a better world and Huck is left alone: ​​the boy has no other relatives.

These are the central characters of the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but there are also secondary figures.


Aunt of Tom Sawyer. After the death of her sister, Polly took her son to be raised. The aunt loves her nephew like a son. Polly wants to give Tom a good upbringing so that he grows up to be a respected and worthy man.

Tom is a naughty and entertainer, so his aunt is often strict with him, showing exactingness and rigidity. Polly eradicates Tom's laziness, teaches him to love work, to be a decent and honest boy.

Aunt has such qualities as kindness, wisdom, and therefore Polly manages to form positive character traits in Tom: responsiveness and generosity, sympathy, devotion ...


Aunt Polly's son, Tom's cousin. Sid is the opposite of the main character. Tom is not friends with his cousin, the boys often compete and clash. Sid cannot be described as a positive character: the young man is sneaky, mischievous and heaps the burden of responsibility on others. Sid can easily lie and commit meanness.

Sid's appearance is to match the nature of the character. Her hair is slick and her clothes are unnaturally clean. Sid is accustomed, as they say, "to rake in the heat with the wrong hands." A rogue, a hypocrite, a cunning, vindictive egoist and a liar, Sid often denounces his brother.


A dark-skinned guy whom the writer describes as a comrade and colleague of the protagonist. Among the other key characters in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Jim is perhaps the most interesting figure. A slave, Jim, however, thinks a lot about the nature of freedom. This is relevant, because the Civil War is unfolding, including around the problem of slavery in America.

Tom treats Jim as an equal. Jim is distinguished by superstition and innocence, honesty, naivety and openness. These traits are the reason for the frequent jokes on Tom's hero. But the jokes are light and good-natured: Tom has no intention of offending his friend. Jim calls Tom "mass", that is, "master".


Injun Joe appears before the reader's eyes in the chapter "Murder in the Graveyard". Joe is a negative hero, an antagonist. Tom witnesses how Joe commits a crime - murder.

As befits a negative, evil character, Joe is ferocious and vindictive. The hero embodies everything that is associated with evil: cruelty, meanness, betrayal, composure, inhumanity. Joe thinks of revenge, wanting to kill every person who has ever done him wrong or interfered.

The reader says goodbye to the hero in the chapter "The Death of Injun Joe". The death of a criminal is worthless and pathetic. Joe dies painfully when the cave rubble literally buries the killer alive.


Tom falls in love with a well-bred girl named Becky Thatcher. The girl comes from a judge's family. From childhood, Becky was spoiled, indulging all whims. The book describes a situation that clearly outlines the degree of spoiledness of Tom's sweetheart: one day, having learned that Tom was once in love with another, Becky quarrels with her lover.

Becky worries about the ruined book, pleasantly surprised at how noble and brave Tom can be, as the boy pleaded guilty to it. The girl perceives Sawyer as a direct, impudent boy. These traits endear Becky to Tom.

Becky is characterized by emotionality, impressionability. Tom takes care of his beloved, helps the girl. In the cave, trapped, Tom finds a way out and gives Becky food.

Rebecca has the typical appearance of a beauty: golden curls, blue eyes.

In addition, Tom has a cousin - Mary, as well as the main school friend - Joe Harper.

Mark Twain is a writer who has made many contributions to journalism and social work. His work was not limited to a certain direction. He wrote humorous and satirical works, journalism and even science fiction. On the other hand, the author has always adhered to a democratic and humanistic position. The description of life should begin with the fact that the real name of Mark Twain is completely different. The initials by which he is known to the whole world is a pseudonym. The history of its origin is quite interesting. The real name of the writer is Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

The emergence of a pseudonym

How did the idea for another name come about? Samuel Clemens himself said that "Mark Twain" was taken from the terminology of river navigation. In his youth, he served as a pilot's mate on the Mississippi. Each time the message that the minimum mark was reached, which was acceptable for the passage of river vessels, sounded like "mark twain". It turns out that there is nothing unusual in this story.

However, there is another version of why the writer changed his real name to Mark Twain. In 1861, the North Star magazine published a story composed in a humorous direction by Artemus Ward. One of the main characters was named Mark Twain. Clemens really liked the humorous section, and for his early performances he chose the stories of this particular author.

Childhood and youth

Samuel Clemens (real name Mark Twain) was born on November 30, 1835 in a small town in Florida, which was located in Missouri. When the boy was 4 years old, his parents, in search of a way to improve their lives, decided to move to the city of Hannibal. He was in the same state. The image of this particular town and its inhabitants was later reflected in most of Mark Twain's published books.

Clemens' father died in 1847 of pneumonia, leaving a large amount of debt. To improve the financial situation of the family, the eldest son decided to publish a newspaper, to which young Samuel made a great contribution. The boy was engaged in typing, and sometimes published as an author of articles. The most lively and interesting works were written by the future Mark Twain. Usually such materials were published when his brother was away. Clemens also occasionally traveled to St. Louis and New York.

Pre-literary activity

The biography of Mark Twain is interesting not only for his literary creations. Before devoting himself to the work of a writer, he worked as a pilot on a steamship. Clemens himself later said that if it were not for the Civil War, he would have continued to work on the ship. Since private shipping was prohibited, the young man had to change his type of activity.

May 22, 1861 is marked in the biography of Mark Twain by the fact that he joined the Masonic brotherhood. The writer knew firsthand about the people's militia, which he vividly described in 1861. In the summer of that year, he went west. Interesting facts of his biography include the experience of working as a miner in Nevada, where silver was mined. But the mining career did not work out, so Clemens decided to try himself as a newspaper employee.

The beginning of a literary career

In the Virginian newspaper, Clemens (Mark Twain's real name was listed a little higher), was first published under a pseudonym. In 1864 he moved to San Francisco, where he began working with several newspapers at once. 1865 was marked by the fact that Mark Twain had his first success as a writer. His story, written in a humorous genre, was published and recognized as the best.

In the spring of 1866, Twain went on a trip to Hawaii. On behalf of the newspaper, he had to tell in letters about what happened to him during the trip. After returning to their native lands, these descriptions were a huge success. Soon the writer received an offer to go on a tour of the state with interesting lectures that the public listened to with pleasure.

Publication of the first book

Twain received his first real recognition as a writer for another book that also contained his travel stories. In 1867, as a correspondent, he set off to travel around Europe. Clemens also visited Russia: in Odessa, Yalta, Sevastopol. Interesting facts about Mark Twain include his visit as part of a ship delegation when he visited the residence of the Emperor of Russia.

The author sent his impressions to the editor, then they were printed in the newspaper. Later they were combined into one book called "Simples Abroad". It was released in 1869, which immediately made a great success. For all his creative activity, Twain traveled to Europe, Asia, America and Australia.

In 1870, when Mark Twain was at the height of his popularity, he married and moved to Buffalo, then to Hartford. At this time, the writer lectured not only in America, but also abroad. After that, he began to work in the genre of sharp satire, criticizing the American government.

creative career

Mark Twain's books are still loved by readers all over the world to this day. The greatest contribution to American literature was made by The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It is difficult to find a person who would not be familiar with this work. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "The Prince and the Pauper" and other books also enjoy popular love and success. Today they are in the home libraries of many families. Most of his public speeches and lectures have not survived.

Interesting facts about Mark Twain include the fact that some works were banned by the writer himself for publication during his lifetime. The lectures were interesting to the audience because Clemens had a talent for speaking in public. When he achieved fame and recognition, he began to look for young talents and helped them take their first steps in the literary field. The writer used useful contacts in literary circles and his own publishing company.

For example, he was very friendly with Nikola Tesla. Mark Twain was interested in science, which confirms the description of various technologies in books. Periodically, his works were banned by censors. Some creations that could hurt people's religious feelings were not published at the request of the writer's family. Mark Twain himself, with his characteristic sense of humor, took censorship lightly.

The last years of the writer's life

Mark Twain survived the loss of three of his four children, the death of his wife. Despite his depressed state, he never lost his ability to joke. His financial situation was not in the best condition. Most of the savings were invested in a new model of the machine, which was never released. The rights to Mark Twain's books were stolen by plagiarists.

In 1893, the writer was introduced to the famous oil tycoon Henry Rogers. Soon their acquaintance grew into a strong friendship. His death deeply upset Twain. Samuel Clemens, who is known throughout the world as Mark Twain, died on April 21, 1910. This is the same year that Halley's comet flew by.

The biography of Mark Twain is rich in bright events, ups and downs. However, he always treated everything with humor. And his contribution to literature - not only American, but worldwide - is great. And now all the boys, and girls, too, like adults, continue to read about the adventures of two mischievous guys - Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

The work of the famous American publicist and writer Mark Twain about the adventures of two boys is still the most loved and read all over the world. And not only a favorite work for boys, but also for adults who remember their mischievous childhood. This is the story of young America, the romanticism of which touches the boys of the whole world to this day.

History of writing "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

The first work in the series of adventures of American boys was published in 1876, the author at that time was just over 30 years old. Obviously, this played a role in the brightness of the images of the book. America at the end of the 19th century had not yet got rid of slavery, half of the continent was "Indian territory", and the boys remained boys. According to many testimonies, Mark Twain described himself in the volume, not only his real self, but also all his dreams of adventure. Feelings and emotions are described real, which worried the boy of that time, and which continue to excite the boys today.

The main characters are two friends, Tom, who is brought up by his own lonely aunt, and Huck, a city homeless child. Inseparable in their fantasies and adventures, both boys are typical images, but Tom Sawyer remains the main character. He has a younger brother, more rational and obedient, has school friends, boyish love - Becky. And like any boy, the main events in life are associated with a thirst for adventure and first love. An ineradicable thirst constantly involves Tom and Huck in dangerous adventures, some of which, of course, are invented by the author, some are real events. In such as running away from home or going to the cemetery at night, it is easy to believe. And these adventures, interspersed with descriptions of ordinary boyish everyday life, ordinary pranks, joys and annoyances, become reality thanks to the genius of the author. The description of the life of Americans at that time is impressive. What is lost in the modern world is democracy and the spirit of freedom.

Chronicle of Young America (plot and main idea)

A town on the banks of the Mississippi, in which the inhabitants mixed into a single society, regardless of property, racial and even age differences. Negro Jim, enslaved by Aunt Polly, half-breed Injun Joe, Judge Thatcher and his daughter Becky, homeless child Huck and mischievous Tom, Dr. Robenson and undertaker Potter. Tom's life is described with such humor and such naturalness that the reader forgets in which country it takes place, as if he remembers what happened to himself.

The boy Tom Sawyer, along with his younger brother, who is clearly more positive than him, is brought up by an old aunt after the death of his mother. He goes to school, plays in the street, fights, makes friends and falls in love with a beautiful peer, Becky. One day, they met their old friend Huckleberry Fin on the streets, with whom they had a deep debate about ways to reduce warts. Huck told a fresh method of mixing with a dead cat, but it is necessary to visit the cemetery at night. From this began all the significant adventures of these two tomboys. Previous conflicts with my aunt, entrepreneurial ideas about getting a bonus bible in Sunday school, whitewashing the fence as a punishment for disobedience, which Tom successfully transformed into personal success, fade into the background. Everything but the love for Becky.

Having witnessed a fight and a murder, the two boys have long doubted the need to bring everything they saw to the judgment of adults. Only sincere pity for the old drunkard Potter and a sense of universal justice make Tom speak at the trial. Thus, he saved the life of the accused and put his own life in mortal danger. Revenge of Injun Joe is a very real threat to the boy, even under the protection of the law. Meanwhile, Tom and Becky's romance has taken a turn for the worse, and this has taken him away from everything else for a long time. He suffered. It was finally decided to run away from home from unhappy love and become a pirate. It is good that there is such a friend as Huck, who agrees to support any adventure. They were joined by a school friend - Joe.

The adventure ended as it should have. Tom's heart and Huck's rationality forced them to return to the town from the island on the river, after they realized that the whole city was looking for them. The boys returned just in time for their own funeral. The joy of the adults was so great that the boys were not even given a beating. Several days of adventure brightened the life of the boys with the memories of the author himself. After that, Tom was sick, and Becky left for a long time and far away.

Before the start of the school year, Judge Thatcher hosted a lavish party for the kids to celebrate the birthday of her returning daughter. A boat trip on the river, a picnic and a visit to the caves, even modern children could dream of. This is where Tom's new adventure begins. After reconciling with Becky, the two of them run away from the company during a picnic and hide in a cave. They got lost in the passages and grottoes, the torch that illuminated their path burned out, and there were no provisions with them. Tom behaved courageously, this showed all his enterprise and responsibility of a growing man. Quite by chance, they stumbled upon Injun Joe, hiding the stolen money. After wandering around the cave, Tom finds a way out. The children returned home to the joy of their parents.

The secret seen in the cave does not give rest, Tom tells Huck everything, and they decide to check the treasure of the Indian. The boys go to the cave. After Tom and Becky got out of the maze safely, the city council decided to close the entrance to the cave. This became fatal for the mestizo, he died in a cave from hunger and thirst. Tom and Huck endured a fortune. Since the treasure did not belong to anyone in particular, two boys became its owners. Huck received the patronage of the widow Douglas, falling under her care. Tom is also rich now. But Huck could endure the “social” life for no more than three weeks, and Tom, who met him on the shore at the barrel hut, frankly declared that no wealth could keep him from the career of a “noble robber”. The romanticism of the two friends was not yet crushed by the "golden calf" and the conventions of society.

Main characters and their characters

All the main characters of the story are the thoughts and feelings of the author, his memories of childhood, his sense of that very American dream and universal values. When Huck complained that he could not live in idleness, Tom answered him uncertainly: “But everyone lives like that, Huck.” In these boys, Mark Twain writes out his attitude to human values, to the value of freedom and understanding between people. Huck, who has seen more bad things, shares with Tom: “It just makes you feel ashamed of all people,” when he talks about the insincerity of relations in high society. Against the romantic background of the story about childhood, written with good humor, the writer clearly outlines all the best qualities of a little man, and the hope that these qualities will be preserved for life.

A boy who is brought up without a mother and father. What happened to his parents, the author does not reveal. According to the story, it seems that Tom received all his best qualities on the street and at school. Attempts by Aunt Poly to instill in him elementary stereotypes of behavior cannot be crowned with success. Tom is the perfect boy and a tomboy in the eyes of boys all over the world. On the one hand, this is hyperbole, but on the other hand, having real prototypes, Tom really carries all the best that a growing man can carry in himself. He is bold, with a heightened sense of justice. In many episodes, it is these qualities that he shows in difficult life situations. Another feature that cannot affect the feelings of an American. It's resourcefulness and enterprise. It remains only to remember the story of whitewashing the fence, which is also a far-reaching project. Burdened with various boyish prejudices, Tom looks like a completely ordinary boy, which captivates the reader. Everyone sees in him a small reflection of himself.

A homeless child with a living father. The drunkard appears in the story only in conversations, but this already somehow characterizes the living conditions of this little boy. Tom's constant friend and faithful companion in all adventures. And if Tom is a romantic and a leader in this company, then Huck is a sober mind and life experience, which is also necessary in this tandem. An attentive reader has the opinion that Huck is registered by the author as the other side of the medal of a growing person, a citizen of America. The personality is divided into two types - Tom and Huck, which are inseparable. In subsequent stories, the character of Huck will be revealed more fully, and often, in the soul of the reader, these two images are mixed and always receive sympathy.

Becky, Aunt Polly, Negro Jim and half-breed Injun Joe

These are all people, in communication with which all the best in the character of the protagonist is manifested. Tender love in a girl of the same age and real care for her in moments of danger. A respectful, if sometimes ironic, attitude towards an aunt who spends all her strength to raise Tom as a real respectable citizen. The Negro slave, which is an indicator of the then America and the attitude towards slavery of the entire progressive public, because Tom is friends with him, justifiably considering him equal. The author's attitude to Injun Joe, and hence Tom, is far from unambiguous. The romance of the Indian world at that time was not yet so idealized. But the inner pity for the half-breed who died of starvation in the cave characterizes not only the boy. The realities of the Wild West are seen in this image, a cunning and cruel half-breed takes revenge on all whites with his life. He is trying to survive in this world, and society allows him to do so. We do not see that deep condemnation, which it would seem should have been for a thief and a murderer.

Continuation of the epic adventure

In the future, Mark Twain wrote several more stories about Tom and his friend Huck. The author grew up along with his characters, and America changed. And already in subsequent stories there was no that romantic recklessness, but more and more bitter truth of life appeared. But even in these realities, both Tom, and Huck, and Becky retained their best qualities, received by them in childhood on the banks of the Mississippi in a small town with a distant name of the Russian capital - St. Petersburg. You don’t want to part with these heroes, and they remain ideals in the hearts of the boys of that era.