Can blood be implanted. Is it possible to have implantation on the day of the beginning of the menstrual cycle? Causes of bloody secretion during implantation


Implantation is the process of fixing an egg in the uterus after it has been fertilized. During this period, the process of formation of the vessels of the circulatory system begins, therefore, a woman may experience spotting of a small volume. In medical terms, implantation bleeding is a minor bleeding that occurs at the moment when a previously fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine wall.

Implantation bleeding is considered an almost normal type of vaginal discharge from a recently pregnant woman - these discharges are in no way connected with menstruation. Its cause is the introduction (i.e. implantation) into the mucous wall of the uterine cavity of a woman of the embryo, in connection with which the structure of this mucous membrane is partially destroyed, which, as a result, leads to the appearance of minor spotting.

However, it is imperative to take into account the fact that in some cases, bloody bleeding from the uterine cavity during a certain period of the monthly cycle may be a manifestation of a hormone deficiency called progesterone. In this case, it is a serious sign of the threat of termination of a just-onset pregnancy!

Many people mistake this type of bleeding for menstruation. But this is erroneous, because These types of bleeding phenomena are completely different! Implantation bleeding is relatively rare, but absolutely common physiological phenomenon and can occur in any woman. This type of bleeding is one of the many signs that a woman is pregnant.

If you suspect implantation bleeding, then to confirm this, you need to carefully read the symptoms of this type of bleeding or contact a competent gynecologist at the antenatal clinic.

What day after ovulation does implantation bleeding start?

If we talk about the timing when such bleeding can occur, then the following is obtained:

  1. Of course, in order for implantation to occur, the fertilization of an egg must first occur, which is sufficiently mature for this. This is possible only on the days of ovulation, i.e. approximately in the middle of a woman's cycle. Those. when yours, for example, is 30 days, then ovulation will normally occur around the 13-16th day of the cycle.
  2. After that, it takes another 10 to 12 days for the already fertilized egg to move into the uterine cavity - this happens through the fallopian tubes.
  3. Given the above, the introduction of the embryo into the mucosa can approximately occur on the 23-28th day of the cycle, respectively, and implantation bleeding can begin during this period.

Thus, speaking about, “How many days after ovulation does implantation bleeding occur?” Based on the above calculations, we can answer - after 10-12 days.

How many days does implantation bleeding last?

As a rule, such bleeding in most women lasts only a few hours. In this case, it can also be the other way around - sometimes there are deviations from this rule, when implantation bleeding is observed for several days.

Main features

It should be noted that not all pregnant women experience implantation bleeding. Often, it can go completely unnoticed, since it is not bleeding in the full sense of the word. In addition, in some cases (quite often) the discharge during such bleeding has a barely noticeable visually light pink tint.

Typically, implantation bleeding is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • slight change in basal temperature;
  • a slight feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the lower abdomen (severe pain is a sign of a threatened miscarriage!);
  • the discharge is quite scarce, and often not noticeable at all, therefore, a pregnant woman often learns about implantation bleeding directly at the appointment with a professional gynecologist;
  • after such bleeding, the woman has a feeling of weakness and some "brokenness".

Every woman needs to know that slight bleeding may occur shortly before the onset of the expected menstruation, which due to pregnancy will not occur. Such a slight bleeding during this period of the monthly cycle is quite possible and absolutely normal, despite the onset of pregnancy - it is called implantation bleeding.

What is extremely important to remember is that this type of bleeding cannot be pronounced, with copious discharge, too painful and resemble menstrual or uterine bleeding. In that case, you observe heavy bleeding in yourself, and the discharge, at the same time, is saturated red or burgundy in color, then you should look for some other causes of bleeding. Such causes may be an early miscarriage, for example, or dysfunctional uterine bleeding. In such a situation, you should immediately contact a qualified and competent gynecologist!

After ovulation and fertilization, the egg (which is called the "blastocyst") completes its movement through the fallopian tube and is introduced into the lining of the uterus. For some women, implantation may cause some bleeding or spotting. This is called implantation bleeding. The signs of this condition are very similar to normal menstruation, which is why such discharges are often confused.

What does implantation bleeding look like? How long does it take?

These secretions, which accompany the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterus, often last no more than a few days, more often it is generally a couple of hours.

The color is pinkish or red, but not saturated. The nature of the discharge is smearing - not as plentiful as during menstruation.

What day does it start

Implantation usually occurs 6-12 days after ovulation and fertilization.

When compared to monthly discharge, this type of bleeding usually begins a week or a few days before menstruation. If you keep a “calendar” and regularly write down the beginning and end of your periods, you will definitely be able to notice that you are not having a normal period. That is why it is so important for women who monitor their sex life and take care of their health to make these records. Also remember that normal periods begin weakly and increase in intensity the next day (at the same time, there are women who do not have a strong manifestation of bleeding every month, so you need to know the characteristics of your body). Implantation bleeding does not increase in strength and continues to be insignificant for several hours (days), and after that it generally disappears quickly.

Sometimes bleeding due to implantation begins exactly at that period (even on the same day) when the next menstruation was supposed to go. In this case, it is even more difficult for a woman to determine what it is: pregnancy has already occurred or just preparation for a possible next ovulation. Only expectant tactics will help here, and if there is no discharge for the next month, then we can safely say that the last time it was the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus.

If you suspect that pregnancy has occurred, then already 10 days after ovulation, you can try to take tests for hCG (in some cases, especially sensitive pregnancy tests can show a positive result - if you are not mistaken, of course).

Implantation or still monthly?

Implantation bleeding is a fairly common occurrence during pregnancy. Approximately 20-30% of women experience spotting in the early stages. That is why many girls continue to be unaware of the onset of pregnancy, because they believe that these discharges were a manifestation of menstruation, which is actually an illusion. Implantation bleeding is an early sign of pregnancy. By the way, immediately after attaching to the uterine mucosa, the blastocyst becomes an embryo.

There are also a number of other causes of bleeding during pregnancy, which you can read at.

The vast majority of women have never encountered the concept of implantation bleeding (abbreviated IR), considering the first and proven sign of pregnancy to delay menstruation.

However, it is embryonic (or IR) bleeding that is the main and earliest indicator of (possible!) conception. Only 20-30% of women of childbearing age experience this phenomenon.

A complete description of the process: everything about this, what it is, how to determine and what happens in the female body at the time of ovulation, we offer to find out in this article.

This phenomenon is observed only during conception, but before pregnancy. A fertilized cell, after being introduced into the uterine cavity, will have to try to take root in it so that the mother's body accepts the embryo to continue normal development.

The egg persistently begins to look for its place - this is a recess where you can gain a foothold. During exploration through the mucosa, it injures the delicate surface, causing spotting. This process is called implantation.

Difference from monthly

There are no practical differences

Due to the similarity in external signs, it is quite difficult to determine how implantation bleeding differs from menstruation. To understand what it is you need to know what happens in the body before and after conception.

For a complete understanding, let's explain what distinguishes ovulation from implantation. This is important when planning a pregnancy. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, an egg is released from the ovary, the maturation of which lasts two weeks (plus or minus 2 days).

After meeting with the sperm, the process of fertilization occurs, which forms the embryo. If this happens, then in some women the implantation of the cell occurs.

Without ovulation, conception is impossible. Physiologically, it is easy not to even notice or confuse bleeding with menstruation.

The vast majority perceive the appearance of drops of scarlet blood on the pad or pinkish, sometimes beige streaked secretions for premature menstruation.

Dark brown daub is rare. With a high degree of probability, the dark secret speaks of side symptoms, see the photo of the discharge. Recognizing bleeding and distinguishing it from ovulation is quite difficult, especially since the process may coincide with your cycle. But there are additional signs.

Very easy to confuse with menstruation

Bleeding during embryo implantation does not have an unpleasant odor. The amount is usually scanty, it is not strong or very copious as during menstruation. The intensity is short-term - from a few strokes to 48 hours. Thrush may occur due to increased secretion from the vagina.

Symptoms and signs (feelings)

As a rule, embryonic discharge is not accompanied by pronounced manifestations and often goes unnoticed. However, in 20 out of 100 girls, the following feelings may occur as a sign of pregnancy:

  • the most reliable and accurate indicator that is impossible without implantation bleeding is a decrease in basal temperature. At the very beginning of the process, when the cell is fixed, the indicators necessarily change;
  • heaviness, aching or pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • spotting discharge or droplets of scarlet blood (sometimes so insignificant that they do not cause attention);
  • color from cream or pinkish to light brown;
  • general well-being may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, slight malaise, sometimes nausea;
  • the duration is short - from several hours to a maximum of 2 days.

Knowing how the implantation process goes is especially important for couples who decide to resort to IVF reproductive technology.

How to determine

In order not to wonder whether you have menstruation or implantation bleeding, it is enough to know the manifestations of some features. We remind you that this process is not considered the norm and is not found in all women.

  • at the time of implantation, the stomach may hurt, the feeling lasts no more than 15 minutes;
  • the main aspect is that the discharge always begins 3-6 days before the onset of menstruation;
  • duration no more than 48 hours;
  • a small amount, which is usually not given importance;
  • pay attention to the color, which is not bright red like menstruation.

What does it look like

Small amount

It should be understood that a specific phenomenon occurs only when pregnancy occurs, that is, it is a guarantee of fertilization. If implantation has not occurred, then embryonic bleeding is excluded.

Let's try to identify all the signs, symptoms and indicators of what this process may look like and how this process manifests itself:

  • happens in no more than 30% of women;
  • begins 3-6 days before menstruation, at this time even the analysis of hCG is useless;
  • scarlet blood or smearing mucus with streaks, but homogeneous, without clots and other inclusions, as shown in the photo;
  • the color is different - from beige to brown, but not red;
  • no unpleasant pungent odor;
  • the amount of discharge is small, often this fact goes unnoticed;
  • for a short time there is a change in basal temperature;
  • within 3-4 days, sometimes there is a feeling of weakness, fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen or dizziness;
  • are found 4-6 days after sexual intercourse and only in the case of a successful conception;
  • duration from 2 hours to 2 days.

If you know what this phenomenon looks like and happens, then you can no longer confuse it with menstruation, the process is shown in the original video.

Abundant discharge a reason to go to the doctor

Please note that in case of severe pain, a longer cycle, or a suspiciously dark color of bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. With a high degree of probability, this is a pathology.

How many days after conception

If you know the timing when implantation bleeding usually begins, it is much easier to understand what exactly you are facing.

This will help to determine pregnancy earlier, prevent miscarriage, not overlook the disease or find out the diagnosis.

Usually, the fetal egg is attached to the uterine endometrium 4-5 days after conception. Add about two more days to the implementation process itself.

But it is not necessary that fertilization occurs exactly when sexual intercourse occurs. It happens that within 3 days the spermatozoa hide in the fallopian tubes, as shown in the photo.

In this case, the first symptoms of implantation appear only on the 8th day after sexual activity.

All women have a personalized monthly cycle schedule. On average, IC occurs on the 21st-26th day of menstruation or a week before it.

Does it always happen

As mentioned above, implantation bleeding during pregnancy may not be present in all women. This is not considered the norm, but it is not a deviation either. More common with multiple fertilization (twins or triplets)

There are no visible reasons for the occurrence of IC, the process occurs asymptomatically and is recognized as an individual feature of the female body.

In order not to be confused with PMS, you should know what spotting looks like, how many days it lasts, be able to disassemble color, uniformity without clots, and other indicators.

Don't get upset over trifles

Can it be abundant?

We remind you that implantation bleeding cannot be as strong as menstruation. Like everything inexplicable, such a pathology occurs in exceptional cases.

A similar picture with monthly menstruation during pregnancy. Phenomena belong to the category - one in a million.

Implantation is rarely accompanied by headaches or malaise. Even if your stomach hurts and it seems that it's just a meager period, there are many other distinguishing features. For example, color and timing.

In case of strong doubts, get pregnancy tests or get tested for hCG levels, but only after clots have ended.

During ovulation

On average, implantation bleeding occurs on 25-27, less often on 29-30, 31 days of the cycle, a week or 2-4 days before menstruation.

But for implantation to occur, the egg must be fertilized. This can only happen when you ovulate during your period in the middle of your cycle. It depends on the calendar of critical days.

Given the chronology of events, cell fixation can occur at different times after ovulation:

  • medium (common): 7-10 days;
  • early (rare): 6-7;
  • with late implantation (more often occurs with IVF): after 10.

Women in anticipation of pregnancy often ask themselves the question: is it always possible to determine the IC and whether there may be no signs of manifestation.

Depending on the individual cycle, implantation sometimes coincides with the onset or may occur on the day of the expected period.

The next cycle will answer your questions

In this case, it is difficult to figure out whether it is bleeding or menstruation. In the absence of obvious symptoms, the results will have to be known only before the next cycle.

With an ectopic pregnancy

The first signals appear 2-3 days after conception. The beginning of the manifestation of symptoms, doctors call a decrease in immunity.

On the 4-10th day, implantation occurs, when the basal indicators change, pain in the lower abdomen and discharge are possible.

However, tragic life situations also occur. In 2-3% of girls, an ectopic pregnancy is detected. In this case, the attachment of the embryo occurs outside the endometrium.

Then implantation bleeding is out of the question. The process is accompanied by severe pain and dark, brown-black discharge. It is recommended to urgently call an ambulance.

How much time goes by

Let's take a closer look at the basic points that are worth remembering:

  • how many days before menstruation occurs implantation bleeding depends on the menstrual cycle. On average, from 3 days to a week before the onset of PMS;
  • lasts from 2 to 48 hours;
  • how much daubing can occur during implantation manifests itself individually - this is one drop of blood or slight discharge of a pale color;
  • the maximum duration of embryo attachment during IVF is 10 days.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

What does implantation bleeding look like? Important figure out the reasons his appearance. How to distinguish it from pathology or the onset of menstruation? In order to identify a possible problem in time, you should study all the nuances of such a phenomenon.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what is this phenomenon. It is difficult to call moderate bleeding, sometimes clot-like discharge of a pinkish, less often brown color.

However, this term is used in the medical literature.

Does implantation bleeding always happen? This phenomenon occurs in 20-30% of cases and causes panic among those who dream of becoming parents, because the appearance of blood characterizes a failed pregnancy. However, depending on which day after ovulation the discharge appears, on the contrary, it is possible to confirm the conception of a new life.

The reason for the discharge that did not start on time (and sometimes on time) is quite natural. The fact is that the egg, trying to attach to the wall of the uterus, injures the vascular wall of the villous epithelium or the mucous membrane of the cervix, thereby causing spotting.

It's not monthly!

It is known that those who had implantation bleeding often mistook it for the onset of menstruation and therefore did not attach importance to it.

Additional signs of pregnancy, and subsequently its incorrect term, became a surprise at the same time.

In order to distinguish the rate of embryonic attachment from the onset of menstruation or the onset of the disease, you should know how long does it take implantation bleeding and on what day of the cycle occurs.

If the menstrual cycle is regular, then blood often appears on the 20-26th day of the cycle, which is equivalent to a period of about a week or a few days before menstruation or after 6-11 days after ovulation and subsequent fertilization.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

Slight bleeding may occur at the time of the introduction of the future embryo into the endometrium of the uterus. This is due to the fact that when the morula is immersed in the inner lining of the uterus, the trophoblast secretes special substances (enzymes), the task of which is to melt the surrounding tissues so that the unborn baby can gain a foothold. Of course, enzymes can also damage the small blood vessels in this area, which serve as a source of blood.

Does implantation bleeding always happen?

No, of course, not always and not for everyone, this only happens when blood vessels are damaged. And yet it can be attributed to those early signs of pregnancy before the delay, which a woman can notice in herself.

How many days does implantation bleeding last?

The very process of immersing the embryo into the uterine wall takes only 40 hours, which means that smudges cannot last longer than this time. Incomprehensible spotting for 3-4 days should alert you, they may indicate dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

What day does implantation bleeding occur?

Fertilization occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, approximately on the 14th day, then within 5 days the zygote moves along the fallopian tube towards the uterus, and only on the 6th day begins to sink. This means that the blood output occurs approximately at these times, a week before the expected menstruation. In the event that a woman has a late ovulation, the time when implantation bleeding occurs can also shift closer to the period of menstruation, and then the woman is at a loss to guess what is happening to her, menstruation or fertilization.

Implantation bleeding, discharge color

The way implantation bleeding looks like, you can immediately guess about its nature. It is very, very meager, just a couple of drops, and it is important what color these discharges are. They are stained with fresh blood and are therefore always pink. Pain in this functional disorder is not typical. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, the process can also be accompanied by bloody discharge, and then the substance will be brown, the blood has time to “age” and darken until it finds its way out of the fallopian tube. Implantation bleeding during an ectopic pregnancy may be accompanied by pain.

How to distinguish implantation bleeding from menstruation?

Sometimes, menstruation starts unexpectedly or is unusual.

The following symptoms and signs help to identify a violation in the process of introducing a fertilized egg:

Implantation bleeding occurs on the 20-21st day of the menstrual cycle and lasts no more than 2 days. Allocations before menstruation or, even more so, after a delay, most likely have nothing to do with the implantation of the embryo.

It is always very scanty, almost imperceptible, and the discharge is pink.

Basal body temperature is low.

Test after implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding during pregnancy means the beginning of the formation of the chorion, and the appearance of chorionic gonadotropin in the mother's blood. Already 3 days after it, it is determined during blood testing. The time when doing a pregnancy test makes sense is determined by its sensitivity. With a sensitivity of 10 IU, it can be positive as early as 3-4 days, shortly before the period of menstruation.

Important: Do not attach great importance to this symptom and do not jump to conclusions. If something bothers you in your condition, it is better to consult a gynecologist.