Fox muzzle drawing for children. stage - remove the extra lines. The cunning heroine of fairy tales

Now we will look at how to draw a real fox with a pencil step by step for beginners. The fox belongs to the canine family, which also includes wolves and dogs.

Step 1. We draw a circle, divide it with straight lines, mark with dashes where the eyes of the fox should be, and draw them, then draw the nose and muzzle.

Step 2. First, draw the forehead, then the ears, then the hairs in the ears. We paint over the side parts of the eyes, draw the lines around the eyes, then draw the hair of the head with separate lines.

Step 3. We draw a mustache, hair on the muzzle, which separates the color from the fox, a little hair on the head and below.

Step 4. First we draw the back, then the bottom line, the curves should not be drawn too much, because we will erase some of them.

Step 5. We draw paws and a tail at a fox, we draw paws not completely since. the fox is standing in the snow.

Step 6. We look at the picture, erase the lines and in their place draw the wool with separate small curves. We also make the tail magnificent.

Step 7. We finalize the picture, we also make wool on the legs, draw lines near the legs, showing that the legs have gone deep into the snow, you can also draw a snow mound with blades of grass in the foreground. So we learned how to draw a fox.

"Mom, draw!"

Every mother sooner or later hears from her child the cherished "Mom, draw me ...". And there are a lot of options for ending this phrase. Children are asked to draw a flower, a tree, a house, a dog, a cat, a butterfly and many other things. For parents who are not deprived of artistic talent, it will not be difficult to translate any request of their baby on paper. But what about those who can't draw? It remains only to learn how to portray all this. In many cartoons, there is such a character as a fox or a fox. How to draw a fox, we will discuss today. Everything is very simple. It is enough to follow the instructions, doing everything carefully and slowly. I want to offer several options for how to draw a fox with a pencil.

Fairy fox with mom

The cutest and most suitable drawing for children - a fox with a mother - is performed in several stages.

STEP 1. Let's start the drawing with four circles, two for each animal that we are going to draw. Connecting the circles to each other, we denote the lines of the neck. This will be helpful for the next step.

Step 2 Now we'll turn the top right circle into the mother fox's head. Let's place her face in profile. Then we will sketch the ears.

Step 3. Having drawn the contour of the face and ears, we apply additional lines to the latter. After that, we proceed to the image of the eye, nose and antennae. We finish on this work on the muzzle of the fox.

Step 4. In this step, we will give the bottom circle the shape of the fox's body. Carefully draw the torso the same as in the picture in front of you. Draw a tail large and fluffy.

Step 5 Draw small curved lines for the animal's thighs. Next, draw the necessary additional lines on the tail. Having completed this work on the adult fox, we move on to the fox.

Step 6. We draw his head, muzzle, ears and, of course, do not forget about the fluffy cheek.

Step 7. We put additional lines on the ears, draw his eyes, nose and antennae. Completely finish the muzzle of the fox.

Step 8. Now draw the torso, focusing again on the sample. Let's add a lush and beautiful ponytail. We draw all additional lines on the tail and torso.

Step 9. Let's clear the drawing from unnecessary details with the help of an eraser and outline the outline of the drawing more clearly. Now you can color your masterpiece.

I offer another option on how to draw a fox.

How to draw a fox in stages? The following method will help create a red-haired beauty, more like a real beast, and not a fairy-tale character.

Fox from the triangle

Here's an alternative - how to draw a fox, starting with a triangle instead of a circle. We make sketches. Draw a small triangle. We add two small triangles to it - ears. Next, draw a line of the neck, back and draw the tail. Then - a sketch of the front paw, then the back and the two remaining. Outline the lines, smoothing them and giving them softer shapes. We draw a muzzle, finishing the eyes, nose, antennae. We bring the ears and paws of the depicted animal to the final version. We do hatching for wool.

Our wonderful fox is ready!

This step-by-step lesson is prepared specifically for children and beginner artists. Each step is described in detail, how to draw a fox pencil. Many children are familiar with this predatory animal from numerous cartoons and fairy tales, or have seen it at the zoo, so sooner or later every child expresses a desire to learn how to draw a fox. In order to draw a beautiful fox, you need to follow 4 steps, thanks to which you will be able to create your own drawing step by step.


First you need to make the base lines around which the whole drawing will be built in the future. Draw one large circle for the head and two smaller circles for the torso. Then connect the circles as shown in the picture. Then make the base lines for the tail and paws. Draw 4 ovals on the paws.


Now that our base is ready, it's time to draw the outline of the fox. To do this, draw the head, ears, eyes, torso, paws and tail along the base lines. Pay attention to how it is done in our drawing and try to draw a fox as shown in it.


Since the fox is a furry animal, the painted fox needs to add some wool. Look at the drawing and try to repeat it on your sheet of paper. After that, start drawing the pupils for the eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows and auricles. After the muzzle is ready, all that remains is to draw the claws on the paws of our fox.


Ready! This is what your drawing should look like when you're done. Thanks to our lesson, you learned how to draw a beautiful fox step by step using a pencil for novice artists. Now you can safely paint your picture in bright and rich colors.

In the development of children, drawing occupies a separate niche. At first, the baby, wielding a pencil, clumsily depicts drawings in the style of “kalyaki-malaki”. Improving, over time, these pictures turn into whole plots. If you develop skills and help the baby draw, you can teach him to distinguish between figures and their position in space, determine the size, shape and ratio of the details shown on the sheet. In today's article, you will learn how to draw a fox using a pencil and step by step instructions.

Drawing geometric shapes and objects for children is not a very exciting activity. It is much more interesting to portray animals and embody stories with their participation, especially if the lesson is conducted in a playful and accessible form for a beginner.

To get started, prepare a simple set:

  • Paper.

Before you draw a fox with a pencil, you need to arrange the tools so that the baby can clearly see all your movements. At the same time, it is important to show an example to the child how to sit correctly, hold a pencil in his hand.

First stage

Before starting the process, you should imagine how the fox is best placed on the sheet and put the paper accordingly. Now you can start drawing step by step.

Let's do a sketch first. It should be a slightly elongated oval. This will be the body of the sitting fox. Then you can outline where the head of the beast will be. To do this, in the upper part of the oval, we begin to draw a figure resembling a mediator in shape. Having completed the action, you can begin to draw two high triangles with a pencil. These will be the ears, and should be placed at the top of the fox's head.

As previously mentioned, we are teaching children how to draw a sitting fox. Therefore, the front paws of the animal must be depicted as parallel, emanating from the upper part of the body-oval. The hind legs of the fox will be bent. So, they should be drawn behind the front. At the same time, you can focus on the contour of the animal, displaying the limbs with triangles with two rounded corners.

For some adults, as well as for children, the difficulty of drawing lies in the image of the muzzle. However, by drawing in stages, following this instruction, you will be able to quickly and easily transfer the image to paper. To do this, it is worth remembering how the English letter “W” is written, since the shape of the mouth and nose remotely resembles this particular symbol. We transfer it to the muzzle of our fox so that the image is located at the bottom of the form, resembling a plectrum for a guitar. But at the same time, one should be guided by a sense of proportion, since an overly wide symbol can easily turn a fox into an evil wolf.

Now you can apply the eyes. To do this, parallel to the ears of the fox, you need to place two almond-shaped shapes. In general, they are similar to the eyes of a cat. It should be noted that for children this stage of drawing can be difficult. Therefore, you should show patience and help the crumbs.

Final stage

Our sitting fox is almost ready. It remains to draw a tail with a white tip and a mustache. After that, along the entire contour of the animal's body, a "fringe" should be applied with light pencil movements. In conclusion, on the breast and throughout the body we draw wool with small thin lines. It is desirable to apply strokes heterogeneous and rather rare. You need to finish the drawing by erasing the main contour with a soft eraser in places where it is strongly manifested. It is also worth removing the strokes of the auxiliary lines and the fox, drawn with a pencil, is ready.

As you can see, drawing a fox, guided by step-by-step instructions, will be quite easy and quite exciting for children.

In this step-by-step lesson we will learn how to draw a fox. If you are perfectly able to draw cats, dogs, tigers or wolves, then you can easily draw a fox, because drawing techniques are practically the same.

Especially, the fox is similar to dogs, only a different muzzle and tail are more magnificent. Well, it's time to start drawing a fox.

An example of drawing a fox with a pencil

We will try to analyze the drawing of this fox in as much detail as possible, and we will show you further examples without description.

Stage 1
A fox can be drawn in two ways: sketch out its entire body, and then detail it, or immediately draw every part of it as detailed as possible. In this example, we will use the second method.

Let's start with the muzzle.
An important note, when drawing a circle and a muzzle, do not forget to leave space on the sheet for drawing the body.

Draw a circle divided into four equal parts. Then we draw a nose and a mouth (almost like in cats). Also, draw the eyes, try to draw them as similar as possible to each other. For beginner artists, different eyes is one of the main problems.

Stage 2
We make eye cuts. Around our circle with arbitrary strokes we outline the head. Also, at this stage we draw the ears and the fur inside them.

Stage 3
At the third stage, we add the antennae and a little wool under the muzzle to add volume. If you don’t really understand why wool is added here, then you can scroll this example to the beginning or to the end and look at the finished fox. This will allow you to understand what we are generally drawing.

Stage 4
Now we come not to the most difficult, but to the most important stage. In the fourth step, we sketch out the body of our fox. To do this, we need to draw two rounded lines. The upper will create the back and pelvis, and the lower abdomen and chest.

As mentioned earlier, if it is not clear to you where the paws and tail will grow from these lines, then you can look at the next stage before drawing them and everything will immediately become clear to you.

Why is this stage so important? It is important because if you draw these lines incorrectly, then your paws and tail may grow out of the wrong place and look not very beautiful. You may even have to redraw this stage several times.

Stage 5
At the fifth stage, we add paws and a tail to our fox. The front legs should be straighter than the hind legs. The tail and foxes should be very fluffy, do not draw a thin tail like dogs or cats.

Please note that we did not draw the paws to the end. Our fox will be standing in the snow, so a small part of the paws will not be visible.

stage 6
We cover our fox with wool and make the fox tip of the tail.

Stage 7
Draw snow and some grass.

Our fox is ready! Now you can color her in. Below we will give a few more step-by-step examples of drawing a fox.

More Fox Drawing Examples

Example #1

Example #2