Summer outdoor games that are guaranteed to take your mind off your tablet. Organization of different types of games in the summer in the dow

Outdoor games on the site in the summer

Consultation for educators

Outdoor games on the site in the summer.

One of the most important issues in the work of a preschool institution in the summer is the organization of children's leisure. On the one hand, good weather and the opportunity to spend enough time in the open air largely alleviate this problem. However, children quickly get bored of familiar games, and if their activity is not used, they tend to fill their time with a variety of forms of activity and, in the absence of guidance, are capable of harming both themselves and others.

It is important for the teacher to find a balance between the independent activity of children and pedagogically organized leisure.

Ball games.

Despite the simplicity, ball games are very useful for children, as they develop almost all types of muscles. And it doesn’t matter if the kid throws a ball or catches it, he trains coordination of movements and vision. You can come up with a wide variety of ball games that you can both leave and kick with your foot.

You can also play such games that develop the mental activity of the child, train concentration. For example, the game "On the contrary." Children become in a circle. The driver throws the ball to someone and says: “Light”, the catcher must say the word the other way around, i.e. opposite in meaning. The player answers: “Dark” and returns the ball to the leader, he continues the game (wide - narrow, hot - cold, etc.). You can pronounce different parts of speech: nouns, verbs, and adjectives. A player who does not answer or hesitates for more than 10 seconds is out of the game.

Flying saucer.

A very exciting game with a plastic plate (frisbee). It can be played by any number of people. For example, ten players stand in a circle at a distance of 4 steps from each other. Children throw the plate to each other in any direction, but not standing next to them.

With the help of a plastic plate, you can also play the Sniper game: at a distance of 5 meters from the starting line, various objects are placed on the ground - a cube, a pin, a box, etc. Children try to knock them down with a plate. Each player in turn approaches the starting line and throws the plate 3 times, trying to hit the target. The most accurate participant in the game wins, knocking out three items in three attempts.

Games with a hoop and a skipping rope.

You can also improve the physical fitness of the child with the help of a hoop and a skipping rope. Since the kids cannot use these shells for their intended purpose, at first you can offer, for example, a small hoop as a steering wheel, or put the hoops on an edge so that the child crawls through the tunnel.

Blowing soap bubbles.

Such a game will be not only useful, but also a lot of fun! The main thing is to be patient and teach the child to inflate soap bubbles. Summer games for children with the help of soap bubbles will become not only rosy, but also fun entertainment in the form of chasing bubbles. By blowing bubbles, kids train their lungs. Besides, blowing in one direction is not such an easy task! You can blow soap bubbles not only through a stick, but also through a straw, and the larger the hole, the bigger the bubbles will be.

Playing with pebbles

Children love to collect stones. Collect stones of different colors and sizes in a bucket, pour them into a bowl of water and wash. When you have washed the pebbles, you can start playing with them. You can put stones in a bucket and carry them to some place, you can do it with a spatula or a cup. You can overlay a flower bed, or a tree with pebbles. You can draw some figure on the ground with a stick, and lay it out with stones along the contour.

A mobile game with a didactic focus.

A mobile game with a didactic orientation, in contrast to strictly regulated movements, is always associated with an initiative moment in solving motor and didactic tasks and proceeds against an emotional background that stimulates motor activity and mental performance, pushing back the onset of fatigue. In a mobile game with a didactic orientation, two principles are harmoniously combined: educational and cognitive and game motor.

In a mobile game with a didactic orientation, children learn to combine movement and disparate knowledge and facts obtained in the classroom and in everyday life, systematizing them into a single holistic view of the surrounding reality.

In fact, there are a lot of options for summer games with children, just connect your imagination, and every day of the summer will be a holiday for you and your children.

Card file of summer games:

traffic lights

After the leader is chosen, everyone stands on one side of him at a distance of five steps. The driver turns away from the players and calls any color. Participants must find this color in their clothes, and holding on to it, they can freely go to the other side. Whoever does not have this color must run to the opposite side so that he is not caught. Whoever gets caught becomes the driver.

Grandfather Vodyanoy

Everyone stands in a circle and walks around, leading with closed or blindfolded eyes: “Grandfather Vodyanoy, why are you sitting under water! Come out for a minute! Let's play prank!" After that, Vodyanoy gets up and chooses any player at random, touches and tries to guess who it is. If you guessed right, then the guessed one becomes "Water".


Teams of 4-5 people participate in the game. Children stand in lines opposite each other and learn to weave wattle. To do this, they cross their arms in front of themselves and connect the right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left hand with the right hand of the neighbor on the right. Both ranks, lowering their hands, go towards each other with the words:

One two three four,

Must follow orders.

No, of course, in the whole world

Friendship is better than ours!

After that, the children disperse or scatter along the veranda. At the signal of an adult, they should stand in ranks and form a wattle fence. The rank that performs the action first wins.

Fishing rod

Participants stand in a circle. The leader in the center spins the rope, which should pass under the feet of the players. Whoever touches the rope is temporarily out of the game. Those who never hit the rope win.

Make a figure

Children run, jump all over the playground, and one child (the judge) stands aside. At the signal of the teacher "One, two, three - freeze!" all children stop and make a “figure”. The judge examines all the "figures", chooses the one he likes, and this child becomes the judge. The players stop on a signal and each time depict a new “figure”. The judge, choosing a “piece”, must evaluate a beautifully and accurately executed movement.


The number of participants is odd. Children stand in a row in pairs, hold hands and raise their arms above their heads. It turns out "corridor". The remaining participant, grabbing the hand of any person standing in a pair, runs with him along the “corridor”, and they stand together at the beginning. The participant left without a pair, in turn, does the same. During the game, each participant must change partners.

kite and klusha

Two drivers are selected: "Kite" and "Klusha". The rest of the players become chickens. They line up in a column, one at a time, and hold tightly to each other. The “kite” needs to drag the “chicken”, and the “klusha”, spreading his arms to the sides, protects his offspring. The one whom the kite catches becomes the driver

Bear on the forest

The leader is chosen - a bear, he stands in the corner of the site - a den. The rest of the players are children. They stand on the other side of the playground in their house. The space between the children and the bear is a forest. Children go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, gradually approaching the bear. During the collection of gifts, the children say in unison:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

And the bear sits

And growls at us.

Only after the last words, the bear, who pretended to be asleep, wakes up and runs to the children, and they quickly scatter in different directions from the bear. The task of the latter is to catch one of the children. Caught becomes a bear and goes to the den.

Find the flag

Children sit on the veranda, at the word of the teacher, the children stand up and turn to face the wall, the teacher hides the flags according to the number of children (Or one flag - whoever finds it faster). "It's time!" - says the teacher. Children turn to face him and go to look for flags. The one who found the flag sits down in his place. When all checkboxes are found. Children walk along the playground. Holding a flag in hand. Ahead of the column is the one who first found the flag. At the signal "In place!" the children sit down on the bench and the game starts again. You can turn to face the teacher only after the word "it's time!". Instead of verbal instructions, use a bell. In the summer they hide the flags in the bushes, behind the trees. It is possible that one of the children hid, while others searched.


Children stand close in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher, they say: “Inflate the bubble! Blow up big! Stay like that, but don't burst." While reciting verses, the children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says - “The bubble has burst”, all the children lower their hands and say in chorus “Clap!” and squat down. The teacher offers to inflate a new bubble: the children get up, form a small circle again, the game resumes. Say in chorus "Hop!" and squat down only after the words "The bubble burst."

Options: Perform swinging movements with your hands, first the ball is small, then large - wide swings of your hands. After the words "Don't burst!" the teacher says “Bubbles flew!”, the children scatter wherever they want. Speak loudly, in a whisper.

Fox in the chicken coop.

A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. In the chicken coop on the perch (on the benches) there are chickens, the children stand on the benches. On the other side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is appointed as a fox, the rest of the chickens - they walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the “Fox”, the chickens run away to the chicken coop, climb onto the perch (bench), and the fox tries to drag the chicken that did not have time to climb onto the perch. He takes her to his hole. The hens jump off the perch and play resumes. A fox can catch chickens, and chickens can climb a perch only at the signal of the teacher "Fox!". You can increase the number of traps - 2 foxes.


Children are divided into 2 equal groups. One group depicts grooms, the other - horses. A stable is outlined on one side. On the other - a room for grooms, between them a meadow. The teacher says: “Grooms, get up quickly, harness the horses!”. The grooms run to the stable and harness the horses (they put their hands on the shoulders of one of the “horses”. When all the horses are harnessed, they line up one after another and, at the direction of the teacher, walk or run. At the word of the teacher “Come!” The grooms stop the horses. The teacher says "Go to rest!" The grooms unharness the horses and let them graze in the meadow. They themselves return to their places to rest. The horses calmly walk around the area, graze, nibble the grass. At the signal of the educator "Grooms, harness the horses!" The groom catches his horse, which runs away from him. When all the horses are caught and harnessed, everyone lines up one after another. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says: “Take the horses to the stable!” The grooms take the horses to the stable, unharness them.


The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Smaller, forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice, they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, everyone ate. Beware of cheating, we will get to you, here we will put a mousetrap - we will catch everyone now. Children stop and raise their clasped hands up to form a gate. The mice run into the mousetrap and run out of it, according to the teacher “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children switch roles.

If there are many children in the group, then two mousetraps can be organized and the children will run in two.

"Guess Who Got Caught"

The children are sitting on the veranda, the teacher offers to go for a walk in the forest or in the clearing. There you can see birds, bugs, bees, frogs, grasshoppers, bunnies, hedgehogs. They can be caught and brought to a living corner. The players follow the teacher, and then scatter in different directions and pretend to catch in the air or crouching on the ground. “It's time to go home,” says the teacher and all the children, holding the living creatures in their hands, run home and occupy each of their chairs. The teacher calls one of the children and offers to show who he caught in the forest. The child imitates the movements of the caught animal. Children guess who was caught. Then they go for a walk in the woods again.


On one side of the site there is a place for "butterflies" and "bugs". A circle is inscribed on the side - "owl's nest". The selected child - "owl" gets into the nest. The rest of the children - "butterflies" and "bugs" stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. At the word of the educator: "day" butterflies and bugs fly (children run around the playground). At the word of the educator: "night" butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and do not move. At this time, the owl quietly flies to the hunting ground and takes those children who have moved (takes them to the nest). At the word of the educator: "day" the owl returns to its nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when the owl has 2 - 3 butterflies or bugs. The teacher marks the children who have never been taken by an owl to the nest.

forbidden movement

The teacher invites the players to perform all movements behind him, with the exception of the prohibited one, which was previously established by him. For example, it is forbidden to perform the movement “put hands on the belt” or “one hand up”. The teacher makes different movements, the players repeat them. Suddenly he makes a forbidden movement. Which of the players makes a mistake and fulfills it, he takes a step back and continues the game. The winners are those players who remain in their place.

All players must repeat the movements for the teacher. The player who does not repeat the movement takes a step back. Exercise should be done quickly.


Six players stand in pairs, holding both hands and raising them up. These are traps, they are located at a slight distance from each other. All other players join hands, forming a chain. They must move through the traps. By the cotton of the leader, the traps “slam”, i.e. the guys depicting traps lower their hands. Those playing who are caught in a trap form pairs and also become traps. In this game, it turns out the most dexterous and fastest of the guys - the one who managed to not fall into a single trap until the end of the game.

Summer in preschool

Summer is a ray of sunshine

Warm rain from under the clouds

Summer - bright flowers

unusual beauty,

Summer is a warm river

A flock of clouds in the sky.

Summer! summer is coming to us!

Everything rejoices and sings.

Summer is a country of eternal childhood, in which even adults sometimes feel a little like children. The life of children in our garden during the summer period is filled with holidays, entertainment, games, laughter and fun. To organize an emotionally rich life, teachers have created comfortable conditions, thanks to which children receive unforgettable impressions, the joy of communicating with peers and new discoveries.

Summer, summer is upon us!

The table is dry and warm.

Straight down the track

Walking feet barefoot

Bees are circling, birds are flying,

The kids are all having fun.

The motto of the summer company:

“Summer, summer, fabulous summer!

Miracles make my head spin...

How much sun! How much light!

What a beautiful summer time!”

Organization of different types of games in the summer in preschool

Summer is the most favorite time for all children, because in warm weather you can spend almost the whole day outside.

One of the most important issues in the work of a preschool institution in the summer is the organization of children's leisure. On the one hand, good weather and the opportunity to spend enough time in the open air largely alleviate this problem. However, children quickly get bored of familiar games, and if their activity is not used, they tend to fill their time with a variety of forms of activity and, in the absence of guidance, are capable of harming both themselves and others.

It is important for the teacher to find a balance between the independent activity of children and pedagogically organized leisure, so that events and holidays do not become an end in themselves, but are organically woven into the life of a preschool institution.

The optimal form of organizing children's leisure in the summer can be an event that does not require significant preparation on the part of children, has a developing and educational function, is carried out in an emotionally attractive form. In addition, it is important that this event does not also require cumbersome preparation on the part of teachers. This type of activity is a game.

game clock

During the game hour, children get acquainted with various games (folk and modern). As practice shows, modern kids often do not know folk games. Older preschoolers are interested in lotto, checkers, chess, etc. Learning these games with children and further consolidating them in everyday gaming activities greatly enrich children's leisure.

Travel games.

A game-journey is a sequential visit to various points on a previously prepared route. The children are given a task that has a playful character (they go to Tsar Berendey, to a sweet tree :). On the route, it is necessary to organize stops where children will be offered various games and tasks. Teachers share functions among themselves: some of them accompany children along the route, while others are at their points and organize tasks for them.

Children's sports belong to the category of mobile competitions. They vary considerably depending on the age of the child. Indeed, for such fun, dexterity is very important, which, in fact, develops in the process of such competitions. Dexterity is determined by the ability to master new motor reactions and quickly rearrange their movements, if necessary, depending on the changing situation.

Agility, so necessary in sports competitions, develops rather slowly. It makes no sense to talk about sports competitions for young children, for their sports development at first it is enough to use simple fun, children's swings and bicycles.

Children's sports competitions develop dexterity, the ability to coordinate movements, action in a limited time and space (playground). Team competitions develop a healthy spirit of competition, and suspension swings have a beneficial effect on coordination of movements and the vestibular apparatus.

Ball games. Despite the simplicity, ball games are very useful for children, as they develop almost all types of muscles. And it doesn’t matter if the kid throws a ball or catches it, he trains coordination of movements and vision. You can come up with a wide variety of games for summer boys with a ball that you can either leave or kick with your foot.

A special place among children's sports games is occupied by ball training. For example, such an exciting competition as "Children's Volleyball". The site is marked. A rope is stretched in the middle at a height of two meters. The children divided into two teams (the number is not important, as long as it is equal), stand on opposite sides of the rope. The first two participants go to the start line, marked two meters from the rope. They each take the ball and throw their ball over the rope at the same time. The task of the rest of the team members is to catch the ball in order to prevent it from falling to the floor. Next, the serve is carried out by the second competitors and so on. The victory remains with the team on whose court the ball of the opponents fell less often. In the process of competition, dexterity, accuracy, speed of reaction develop.

Another ball game that is no less beloved by children is "Bouncers". Here, the participants of one of the teams stand on opposite lines of the outlined area. And the members of the other team move into the field between these lines, dodging the ball thrown by the opponents with the intention of hitting the competing team in the field. When the ball hits the target, the child who was hit leaves the area. But if a participant in the court catches the ball, then he has the right to return the retired loser or count this point for the future. After all team members in the field are eliminated, the teams change places. In this sports battle, speed, agility, accuracy and coordination of movements are also trained.

"Bowling". All children love fun, which is a children's version of bowling. Skittles and a ball are required for this competition. A strike on pins set in a row in the amount of ten is carried out from a distance of ten meters. Each participant has the right to five attempts. A point is scored for each pin knocked down. The one who knocked down the most wins. Here accuracy and coordination of movements develop, the ability to inform the ball of the necessary acceleration.

And in no way can one ignore such a children's sports competition as Pioneerball. For the pioneerball competition, a volleyball court is used. Team fun. Each team consists of 7-9 guys, located on both sides of the net in three rows. Those participants who stand in the second row have a ball. At the referee's whistle, play begins and the ball is sent over the net to the other team's court. Balls flying over the net are caught or picked up and, as quickly as possible, sent over the net to the opposite side. If at any time there are two balls on one side of the court, the competition stops and the team with no balls on its side receives a point. A point can also be earned if the opponent passes the ball under the net or sends the ball out of bounds.

The duration of a sports battle can be either up to 15 points, or five minutes for each of the two periods. The third period is carried out in case of an equal score in the first two. If the ball hits or hits the net while serving, the serve is retaken and no points are awarded to anyone. When a point is won, the rows of participants on the court change. In this game, in addition to dexterity and quick reaction, the team spirit is brought up, the coherence of interactions between the competing teams.

Also relevant in the summer folk outdoor games with different objects (with a ball - “Candles” (Russian folk game), “Lord of the Hole” (Kabardian folk game), “In a Bundle” (Tatar folk game), etc.); games with jumping, balance, accuracy and power games (“Guess” (a game of the peoples of Dagestan), “Cockfight” (Mari folk game), “Lame Fox” (Tatar folk game), running games (“Snake” ( Russian folk game), Sticky Stumps (Bashkir folk game), Vestovye (Yakut folk game), Pegs (Mari folk game), etc.) .

In nature, one of the simplest, most accessible and entertaining games for children 6-7 years old is badminton. A very exciting game with a plastic plate (frisbee). It can be played by any number of people. For example, ten players stand in a circle at a distance of 4 steps from each other. Children throw the plate to each other in any direction, but not standing next to them.

With the help of a plastic plate, you can also play a game Sniper: at a distance of 8 meters from the starting line, various objects are placed on the ground - a cube, a pin, a box, etc. Children try to knock them down with a plate. Each player in turn approaches the starting line and throws the plate 3 times, trying to hit the target. The most accurate participant in the game wins, knocking out three items in three attempts.

You can also play such games that develop the mental activity of the child, train concentration. For example, the game "On the contrary." Children become in a circle. The driver throws the ball to someone and says: “Light”, the catcher must say the word the other way around, i.e. opposite in meaning. The player answers: “Dark” and returns the ball to the leader, he continues the game (wide-narrow, hot-cold, etc.). You can pronounce different parts of speech: nouns, verbs, and adjectives. A player who does not answer or hesitates for more than 10 seconds is out of the game.

A game " Please take your seat." Children form a circle, and the driver counts them in numerical order. The driver becomes in the center of the circle. The host loudly calls out two numbers. The named numbers should change places. The task of the driver is to get ahead of one of them and take his place. Left without a place, goes to the place of the driver. The numbers that were assigned to the players at the beginning of the game should not change, even when one or another of them becomes a temporary driver.

Drawing with crayons.

It is much more interesting to draw with children on the street. Take a set of colored crayons with you and boldly paint the asphalt. Moreover, you can draw not only little men, pictures, but also study letters, numbers, etc. With older children, you can play hopscotch and other similar games.

Games with a hoop and a skipping rope.

You can also improve the physical fitness of the child with the help of a hoop and a skipping rope. Since the kids cannot use these shells for their intended purpose, at first you can offer, for example, a small hoop as a steering wheel, or put the hoops on an edge so that the child crawls through the tunnel.

Blowing soap bubbles.

Such a game will be not only useful, but also a lot of fun! The main thing is to be patient and teach the child to inflate soap bubbles. Summer games for children with the help of soap bubbles will become not only rosy, but also fun entertainment in the form of chasing bubbles. By blowing bubbles, kids train their lungs. Besides, blowing in one direction is not such an easy task! You can blow soap bubbles not only through a stick, but also through a straw, and the larger the hole, the bigger the bubbles will be.

The most popular summer games in kindergarten are related to water and in water.

But even with a minimum amount of water, you can organize a relay race of water carriers. For this game, you will need two stools, on one of which a container of water is placed, and on the other an empty similar vessel. The task of children is to transfer water from one vessel to another by means of other objects. Water can be carried in molds, ladles, plates. The team that splashes the least amount of water wins. It is possible to complicate the game that develops accuracy and coordination of movements by establishing a specific method of carrying water: in one hand, on a flat saucer.


The leader lowers several well-visible objects under water to the bottom. Players take turns diving, retrieving items from the bottom. The child who gets the most items at one time wins.

Dwarfs - Giants

Children stand waist-deep in water. The leader gives a signal by shouting the word: "Dwarfs!". Everyone gets into the water. Behind the signal: "Giants!" - all players jump up. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Whoever is left wins.


Players stand in a circle at arm's length from the driver, who is located in the center. The driver, at the signal of an adult, begins to salt those who did not have time to dive into the water. Those who have surfaced cannot be salted.

Get in the circle

The leader throws an inflatable circle into the water. The children are on the beach. They have small balls in their hands. Players take turns throwing them into the center of the circle, continuing to stand on the shore. Each player has 2 - 3 tries. The one who hits the target the most wins.

Playing with pebbles

Children love to collect stones. Collect stones of different colors and sizes in a bucket, pour them into a bowl of water and wash. When you have washed the pebbles, you can start playing with them. You can put stones in a bucket and carry them to some place, you can do it with a spatula or a cup. You can overlay a flower bed, or a tree with pebbles. You can draw some figure on the ground with a stick, and lay it out with stones along the contour.

A mobile game with a didactic focus.

A mobile game with a didactic orientation, in contrast to strictly regulated movements, is always associated with an initiative moment in solving motor and didactic tasks and proceeds against an emotional background that stimulates motor activity and mental performance, pushing back the onset of fatigue. In a mobile game with a didactic orientation, two principles are harmoniously combined: educational and cognitive and game motor.

In a mobile game with a didactic orientation, children learn to combine movement and disparate knowledge and facts obtained in the classroom and in everyday life, systematizing them into a single holistic view of the surrounding reality.

In fact, there are a lot of options for summer games with children, just connect your imagination, and every day of the summer will be a holiday for you and your children.

Such a vacation in the summer will strengthen the immune system and allow you to gain strength.


In summer, the likelihood of injury and poisoning increases dramatically. Pediatrician, Doctor of Medical Sciences V. M. Studenikin gives a number of recommendations that will help you avoid many troubles.

Dangerous statistics.

July is especially rich in childhood injuries and poisonings. In addition, according to international statistics, the most likely time for an accident is Sunday evening. As for the age "risk group", the most defenseless children are 1-2 years old.

For an inexplicable reason, babies are inexorably attracted to places and objects that are potentially dangerous to health, and sometimes life - ponds, ditches, thorny bushes, poisonous plants, fires, high stairs and highways with heavy traffic.

Given all this, parents need to be on the alert all the time, not to leave the child unattended. When you go on vacation with your baby, do not forget to take a first-aid kit and his medical insurance policy with you.

The sun is good and bad.

Longing for warmth and light, in the summer we spend too much time in direct sunlight, forgetting about the danger of burns and heat stroke. Even before the onset of heat, you should purchase a children's protective cream that protects the skin from excess ultraviolet radiation.

Sunburns are not as harmless as many people think. It has been proven that they can lead not only to premature skin aging and the development of photodermatitis (allergy to sunlight), but also to decreased vision and even to oncological diseases (skin cancer).

How to protect your child from sunburn and heat stroke:

When going out, be sure to wear a panama hat for your baby.

If the baby is not yet 6 months old, sunscreen cannot be used, just do not expose the baby to direct sunlight.

For children older than 6 months, a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15 units is required.

Protective cream should be applied to exposed skin every hour, and every time after swimming, even if the weather is cloudy.

In the period from 10.00 to 15.00, which accounts for the peak activity of ultraviolet rays A and B, it is better not to sunbathe at all, but to sit in the shade.

Even if the child is not burned in the first 5 days, the period of exposure to the open sun should not exceed 30 minutes.

The child should periodically cool in the shade - under an umbrella, awning or under trees.

Dress your baby in light cotton clothing.

In the heat, children should drink a lot.

If the child is still burned, wrap it in a towel soaked in cold water, and when you return home, wipe it with a solution consisting of water and vinegar in a ratio of 50 to 50.

In summer, the risk of thermal burns also increases. Sitting by the fire or stirring jam in a bowl, be extremely careful if there is a small child next to you.

If the size of the burn exceeds 2.5 centimeters, it is considered severe, and the child needs specialized medical care. Before being taken to a hospital or emergency room, care must be taken to cool the burn site. You can’t open blisters, put patches on the burn - it’s better to limit yourself to a free sterile bandage.

Insect bites.

With the onset of summer, a large number of different seasonal insects appear. If butterflies, dragonflies and grasshoppers are completely harmless, their "biting" counterparts - flies, horseflies, mosquitoes, some ants, ticks, etc. are much less pleasant.

You can deal with them indoors with the help of a fumigator. For a children's room, a mains-operated fumigator is preferable, since, unlike a smoldering spiral, it does not absorb oxygen. A mosquito net or even ordinary gauze placed on a window is an indispensable element in protecting a child from annoying insects.

During walks, the baby will be helped out by special repellent wipes impregnated with a special composition, the smell of which repels flying "aggressors" for several hours.

The stings of bees, wasps or bumblebees are not only painful, but sometimes lead to the development of serious allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock and an asthmatic attack. These conditions require immediate hospitalization of the child.

Many are afraid of the bites of forest ticks, which supposedly can cause encephalitis. However, the forests of the Central Russian Upland do not pose any danger. Another thing is the taiga regions of Russia, where ixodid ticks can live, transmitting the virus of a terrible disease. To protect the child from tick bites, it is necessary first of all to protect the hair and exposed skin - equip it with a headdress and wear long trousers instead of shorts, replace open sandals with closed shoes, and T-shirts and sleeveless jackets with a long-sleeved shirt.

Game-reincarnation "You are a small tree"


- develop empathy (sympathy), observation, dialogic speech, the ability to express judgment;

- to form ecological consciousness.

Educator. Recently, we were walking along the streets of the city and saw how many young trees were planted instead of sick old ones. Among them there are birches - thin, fragile. People tied them to pegs so that the wind would not break the thin trunk. Every day a special machine waters the trees so that they do not dry out and take root quickly.

Imagine that you are weak, thin little birch trees with delicate leaves and fragile twigs. Anyone can offend such a baby.

A strong wind blew and broke a small fragile branch. Does your toe hurt? Tell the mischievous wind about it.

The children are talking.

Let me take pity on your toes. (Strokes the fingers of the children, sentences.)

The gentle summer sun came out, warmed the birch trees. What is your mood? What would you like to say to the sun?

The children answer.

But what is? In summer, it suddenly became cold, gloomy clouds hung, and it began to rain so hard that all the leaves of the birch trees drooped, and some even fell to the ground. Tell me, birches, how do you feel at this time? How can you help?

The children answer.

Luckily the rain stopped and the sun came out again. It caressed the birches. And then a beautiful butterfly flew in and sat down to rest on the branches of a birch. Are you happy with such guests? What would you like to talk about with a butterfly?

The children answer.

A boy walked past young birch trees and plucked a twig to give to his mother. How will you react to this? Did the boy do the right thing? Tell him how you felt when he broke the twigs?

The children are talking.

But here's another problem! Voracious caterpillars have settled on your branches, which eat all the young leaves. How can you help?

The children answer.

Tell me, birches, please, what do you dream about, looking at the other side of the street, where big birches grow? Would you like to grow up somewhere else? Why did people drop you along the roads? What benefit do you bring to people? Animals? What would you like to ask all people?

The children are talking.

Let's all take care of our native nature together, protect young trees from breakdowns and diseases, drought, dust.

Birch Riddles

Task: develop logical thinking, the ability to highlight the characteristic features of a tree.

Russian beauty

Standing in the meadow

In a green blouse

In a white dress.

The beauty is worth:

Braids are green,

White dress,

combustible bark,

weeping branches,

Flying seed.

Not caring about the weather

He walks in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings.

Alena costs:

green scarf,

thin mill,

White sundress.

Game "Journey to the Forest"


- to consolidate knowledge about the flora and fauna of the forest;

- develop imagination, pantomimic and speech expressiveness, motor activity;

- to form an interest in the native nature.

Equipment: audio recording of the sounds of the forest.

caregiver. Guys, we have already traveled a lot to different places. But they haven't been to the summer forest yet. Do you want us to go there? What are we going to go there? (Listens to the children's options.) How many suggestions! Let's choose one of them.

Children imitate movement on the selected object to a place on the territory of the preschool educational institution where there is a forest area or trees.

Finally we got there! Did you lose anyone along the way? Take a look, listen. Can you hear the birds singing in the forest? “Coo-coo, coo-coo”, who sings like that? Of course, cuckoo. She is meeting us. Let's ask her: "Cuckoo, cuckoo, how long do I have to live?" How did the cuckoo answer us?

And what is this bird with a red cap that hammers at the bark of a pine tree? How does a woodpecker knock?

Children show.

Let's tell a quatrain with me about this. The beak will be the index finger of one hand, and the bark of the tree will be the palm of the other hand.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Woodpecker hammering a tree

Beak "d-d-d" knocks.

In the oak he looks for bugs,

The most harmful worms.

Let's go into the forest. What soft moss underfoot! We walk on the moss inaudibly, on toes. An impassable thicket lies ahead. Follow me one by one. Let's go down the narrow path. We ended up in a strip of spruce forest. What trees grow in a spruce forest? Is spruce a coniferous or deciduous tree?

The children answer.

Smells like pine and resin

The old forest is dense.

Bell daring

Hung over the steep.

How many fallen trees here after a strong wind! We will have to climb over them.

Children overcome imaginary obstacles.

Walk carefully, move apart the thorny branches, lift them up, do not prick yourself.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -

Prickly needle.

Oops, I hit something! But it's not a tree. Who is this?

Who is prickly, like a Christmas tree,

Does he wear needles on his back?

Of course, hedgehog. Show me what he is.

Finger gymnastics

A big tree grows in the forest Children spread their fingers with their palms away from themselves, connect their thumbs.

The tree has a prickly needle. Springy fingers connect with pads in pairs. A hedgehog lives in a hole under the tree, They cross their fingers.

You can't take it with your hands. Squeeze and unclench crossed fingers.

It's time for us to leave the spruce forest. Light ahead. This means that the deciduous forest begins. What trees grow in it?

The children answer.

But why does it seem to me that these are not trees, but girls in white sundresses?

The children answer.

We came to a birch grove. How bright and beautiful it is! Let's dance together with the birch trees.

Children perform a round dance "There was a birch in the field."

I don’t want to leave the birch grove at all. But ahead of the oak forest. What trees grow here?

It is covered with dark bark,

The sheet is beautiful, carved.

And at the ends of the branches

Lots and lots of acorns. (Oak)

The children answer.

That's right, oak trees grow in the oak forest. Here we will become oak trees.

The game "Journey to the forest swamp"


- to consolidate knowledge about the flora and fauna of the forest swamp;

- develop imagination, pantomimic and speech expressiveness, motor activity, orientation in space;

- develop an interest in nature.

preliminary work: reading, telling and looking at pictures, illustrations about the swamp.

caregiver. Guys, last time we traveled with you through the summer forest. But we have not visited all of its places. In the forests underfoot there can be not only moss and grass, but also water. Which of you has seen a forest swamp in the forest or on the edge of the forest? How is a swamp different from a lake, pond, river? What did your parents warn you about when you approached the swamp? Why is the swamp dangerous?

The children answer.

The swamp is not only dangerous, but also very interesting to explore. It contains many plants and animals, it retains the moisture necessary for all living things. When people drained the swamps, this led to a violation of the ecological balance in nature, ravines and dry winds began to appear in these areas. It turns out that there is nothing superfluous in nature, the earth also needs swamps.

I suggest you take a trip to one of the forest swamps. It is not easy to reach it, so we will become swan geese and fly. Where are your wings? Make your wings flap more vigorously in order to fly faster.

Children imitate the flight of swans, move around the entire site behind the teacher.

Let's scream like swans: "Kurly-kurly-kurly."

Children perform.

So we flew over a meadow, now over a river, a field, a small village, and, finally, a forest appeared in front, on the edge of which our swamp. Landing. I warn you to be very careful in the swamp. There are places with a quagmire from which it is impossible to get out. Let's sit down on the edge of the swamp, on solid ground. Now you can turn into children again. Look around, look around.

Guys, we recently went to a birch, traveled in a birch grove. And why are the birch trees near the swamp so thin, crooked, low?

The children answer.

When we showed a birch tree from the forest, we depicted it as a slender girl in a white sundress, and now show a birch tree near the swamp.

Children represent a birch.

You know, under such birch trees even boletus grows like a sponge filled with water. So much moisture. What other plants grow in the swamp?

The children answer.

You can only walk in the swamp with a stick. What is it for? The children answer.

Choose a stick that is stronger and more authentic. We will measure the depth in front of us. If the stick does not fall through, you can advance. Show me your sticks (imaginary). Is everyone ready? We follow each other, step by step, so as not to fail.

And who is so green in the swamp? Guess: “Rides like a ball; swims like a fish." Of course it's a frog. How many of them in the swamp! And we will become funny frogs. Sit like frogs. Let's make a real frog choir.

Now jump, frogs, over bumps, catch mosquitoes.

Like funny friends

Jumping, croaking frogs.

Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

We will sing until morning.

Poem with movements "Laughing Frogs"

Two laughing frogs Children show index and middle fingers.

They jumped. Depict jumping with your fingers.

With a paw - clap, with another - clap, They slap their feet.

Cheeks puffed up. Show the roundness of the cheeks with the fingers.

Saw a mosquito They show a mosquito with fingers folded into a pinch, trace the trajectory of its flight with their eyes.

They shouted: “Kwa-kva-kva!” Depict the mouth of a frog, opposing the thumb to the other fingers closed.

The mosquito flew away like the wind. Throw the hand forward sharply, putting out the index finger.

It's good to live in the world! Stroking palms on the chest, put the thumb forward.

caregiver. What kind of bird appeared ahead? Guess.

There is a sharp-nosed bird in the water,

Don't move, fool!

Standing on the left or on the right foot,

What is the real difference here? (Heron.)

G. Bukovskaya

That's right, it's a heron. Herons live in the swamp. Let's become herons. Show how they sleep on one leg. What do they eat?

The children answer.

That's right, frogs. Let's play an interesting game.

An outdoor game "Frogs and Heron" is held.

You were very dexterous frogs and herons. But it's time for us to move on. We still have a lot of interesting things to look forward to. See what those red beads are on the surface of the swamp moss? What is the name of this berry?

The children answer.

Cranberries grow only in swamps. It is harvested in late August - early September. This is a very healthy berry. We will collect it by jumping from bump to bump. Count how many cranberries you have collected.

We'll go to the swamp

We will collect a lot of cranberries.

And it grows on a hummock

And hangs on a thin leg,

Standing out in red

Pouring sour juice.

Carefully we step

Collect cranberries together.

I will put you a large basket, and you pour out all the cranberries that you have collected. Now in the winter we will have a lot of vitamins. We will cook fruit drinks, kissels. How many berries did each of you collect?

The children answer.

Let's go around the edge of the swamp. Get behind me, walk carefully, watch carefully. Ahead is a large pile of dry branches, and snakes, vipers, curled up on them. They may bite. Viper venom is deadly. Let's go around them quietly, carefully, on tiptoe so as not to disturb them.

Be careful in the swamp

And don't step on the snake.

It's not easy to see her here.

Go slowly, don't rush.

Like a stick, can stretch

A dangerous snake for us.

Then she curls up into a ball

Among the bushes lies, hissing.

Don't disturb her peace

And walk around carefully.

The swamp is her lawful home,

And you are a guest here

Here and look!

E. Alyabyeva

Finally got past the vipers! We didn't touch them, and they didn't sting us.

Some fabulous things are happening in our swamp! I hear the voice of the Waterman from the fairy tale "Flying Ship". Remember this? We will also become water. We sat on the bottom, and now we rise to the surface and sing the song of the Waterman, who complained about his life in the swamp.

I am Water, I am Water.

Someone would talk to me.

And then my girlfriends -

Leeches and frogs.

Fu, what a mess!

Oh, my life is a tin

Yes, well, into the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And I fly, and I fly

And I want to fly!

Y. Entin

I think that Vodyanoy is now happier, he has got so many friends.

Guys, here is another hero of the fairy tale. He catches leeches with a net, and his name is Duremar. What story is he from?

Children. From the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".

The game "Leech" is being played.

We have had an interesting journey! Did you like it? But it's time to go back to kindergarten. Well, swan geese, get ready, fly.

Riddles about insects

Task: develop logical thinking, evidence-based speech, the ability to highlight the characteristic features of an insect.

Will climb on a stump

And light his fire.

Shines on us at night,

So that we can find our way home. (Firefly.)

Looks very small

It rings annoyingly.

Flying again and again

To drink our blood. (Mosquito.)

Though I'm small, yes, I'm daring

Bitten a lot.

I sing a ringing song

I won't let you sleep at night. (Mosquito.)

He is a real builder

Busy, hardworking.

Under a pine tree in a dense forest

He builds a house from needles. (Ant.)

loves a sunny day

Carefree ... (moth).

We fly into windows, doors

And annoyingly buzzing.

People don't like us very much.

Because we hurt them. (Flies.)

She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow,

And big, big eyes.

They call her ... (dragonfly).

I am a furry worm

Striped barrel.

Soon I'll be a butterfly

I'll circle over the meadow. (Caterpillar.)

This little violinist

Emerald wears a cape.

He is also a sports champion

He can jump well. (Grasshopper.)

He is big, shaggy,

The vest is striped.

Lives in a mink underground

And drinking flower nectar. (Bumblebee.)

She is bright, beautiful

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

Drinks fragrant juice with a proboscis. (Butterfly.)

We build wax

Your own pantries,

We keep them for a whole year.

Golden sweet honey. (Bees, honeycombs.)

I'm always uninvited

I'm coming for jam.

Who's stopping me from eating

I can sting him.

I curl, I climb into my eyes,

And my name is ... (wasp).

Learning and using counting rhymes in games


- develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to combine the word and movement memory;

- Activate knowledge about insects.

The woodpecker sat on a branch

And knocks: “Knock, knock!

Open the doors, bug!"

And the bug -

To the teremok

And the lock on the door:

"Better, woodpecker, don't knock,

Look for the keys from the doors!

If you don't find the key

So you're going to drive."

Chok-chok, chok-chok

A bug sat on a branch -

Lost a shoe.

Wants to eat

The leaves sharpen.

Once - a leaf

Two - leaf,

And the third leaf

Get out the door.

Didactic exercise "Sequence of events"


- to teach to establish the correct sequence of events in the life of insects depending on the time of year, causal relationships;

- develop speech.

Equipment: cards depicting spring, late autumn, winter, flying insects, insects in the bark of a tree, insectivorous birds flying south.

Children show and tell why insects appear in spring and disappear in late autumn.

Didactic game "Collect a flower"

Task: develop logical thinking, the ability to generalize, classify, explain the principle of generalization.

Equipment: circles and petals to make a flower (according to the number of participants), each flower has objects on the petals that belong to the same general group (flowers, birds, fish, animals, insects, etc.)

Each player becomes a gardener, collecting and “planting” a flower consisting of petals with painted plants or animals, which can be combined into one group and called it with one word.

Didactic exercise "Connect the dots and find out what the caterpillar will turn into"


- fix the features of the appearance of the caterpillar and butterfly;

- develop the accuracy of hand movement, imagination.

The card has an image of a caterpillar and a dot image of a butterfly. The child must circle the bitmap and tell what the caterpillar turns into.

Didactic exercise "Make a story according to the stages of development of a butterfly"


- to consolidate knowledge about the stages of butterfly development;

- develop coherent speech.

The child is invited to sequentially decompose pictures depicting the stages of the transformation of a butterfly and talk about them.

Didactic game "Where does the insect live?"


- to consolidate knowledge about the habitats of various insects;

- develop memory, phrasal speech, replenish vocabulary.

Equipment: collective application depicting the habitats of various insects (mink, anthill, beehive, hollow, flower, hornet's nest, tree bark, etc.) and pictures with their image.

The child must “settle” the insect in its habitat and tell what it eats, what sounds it makes, how it differs from other insects. If there is no "house" for some insect, the child is invited to draw it.

Sedentary game "Flies - does not fly"


- develop speed of reaction, orientation in space.

The teacher names flying (bee, bumblebee, wasp, fly, dragonfly, butterfly, Maybug, mosquito, moth) and non-flying insects and animals, and children should raise their hands up only when the teacher names a flying insect. The one who made a mistake should name any other insect.

Insect Connoisseur Competition


- to activate knowledge about insects;

- develop the speed of reaction, memory, the ability to accurately answer the question, build a sentence with a detailed phrase.


♦ Which insect lives in large families?

♦ Which insect milks aphids?

♦ How do ants distinguish between "us" and "them"?

♦ How do ants find their way to the anthill?

♦ What insect can be called a night lantern?

♦ Which insect's nest walls resemble gray paper?

♦ Which of the insects dance tells other insects about in which direction and at what distance flowers with sweet nectar grow?

♦ Which team will quickly divide the cards with insects into groups: flying and non-flying; correctly build a chain of transformations of a butterfly; knows more poems, proverbs, sayings, songs about insects?

Find a brush!

The driver stands in the middle of the circle, and the rest of the participants in the game stand, closely clinging to each other.

In the hand of one of the children is a brush. On command, the children begin to pass the brush to each other, holding their hands behind their backs. From time to time, the players tease the one who drives: they imperceptibly touch the brush to his back.

The driver must indicate who has the brush in his hands. This requires special powers of observation, because the participants continually try to deceive him by pretending to pass the brush to each other, when it is on the other side of the circle. Here the driver pointed to someone, but at that moment another player runs it along his back. The driver instantly turns around, but someone else already has the brush.

As soon as he guesses, he is replaced by the one who found the brush

If someone drops it, the driver changes.

draw a ponytail

For this game you will need an easel and a piece of chalk (you can use a marker).

First, the teacher draws some animal on a sheet or board. Draws all the details except for the tail.

One of the players is blindfolded, brought to the board, and he must try to blindly finish the missing tail. Younger children can attach the finished ponytail with Velcro.

The teacher can draw a tail so that the children can imagine where it is. After that, the tail is erased.

The painter can be given a little hint where to draw the tail.

Draw an animal

The game is played similarly to the game "Draw a tail", but the children are divided into two subgroups. Each subgroup draws the same animal. The children take turns being blindfolded. Each of them draws only one part of the animal's body. Finished drawings are compared, funny features are highlighted.

No need to take animals that are difficult to depict.

Children can be helped with verbal prompts.

Ringer (Catch the bell)

Children hold hands, forming a not too small circle. Two or three participants in the game are blindfolded and one of them is given a bell in their hands. He calls them from time to time. The rest of the drivers are trying to catch the "ringer", focusing only on the sound. The "bell ringer" dodges those who catch him in every possible way - also blindly.

Whoever caught the "bell ringer" gets the bell.

blind man's blind man

The players form a circle. The driver - "blind man's blind man" sits in the center of the circle. He kneels in front of the sitting teacher and buries his face in his knees so that it is not visible what is happening behind him. At the same time, the "blind man's blind man" lays his hands behind his back.

The rest of the players take turns gently clapping the driver on one of the hands. He must guess by the nature of the touch which of the guys just touched him.

In addition, the blind man is allowed to immediately jump to his feet after touching, turn to the children and try to guess by their faces who touched his hand.

If two touches of the hand follow at once, the driver can guess one. If the blind man's guess is correct, the guesser becomes the driver.

The driver can stand blindfolded or cover his eyes with his hands. Children, on the other hand, can put their thumbs forward, teasing the “blind man's blind man”, saying in chorus: “This is me, this is me, this is my whole family.”


Option 1. The driver's eyes are closed. Someone from the group of players spins it in place to make orientation difficult. In this case, you can pronounce a tongue twister like:

- What are you standing on?

- On Bridge.

- What are you eating?

— Sausage.

— What are you drinking?

“Look for the mice, not us.

After that, the children run away. "Zhmurka" should walk around the site and catch them. The participants in the game run around, tease the "blind man's blind man", touch him to distract him, etc. "Zhmurka" must catch one of the children and guess by touch who it is.

Option 2. Bluffs with bells

The rules of the game basically remain the same. Children have bells in their hands. "Zhmurka" should catch, focusing on the sound of bells.

The presenter should recognize the caught child by voice. The voice can be changed.

Children can quietly move from place to place, while imitating various sounds (crying with a rooster, cuckoo, calling the driver by name, etc.).

Polonaise of chairs

The game will require two pot lids or a tambourine and chairs less than one less than the number of children.

Chairs are placed in one line so that the seats look in different directions.

Children stand around chairs with their hands behind their backs. At the command of the teacher, the children begin to walk around them with their hands behind their backs, singing a familiar song or marching. The distance between the children and the chairs is small, but they should not touch them.

Suddenly, the teacher hits the tambourine. At this signal, all children try to take a free chair. If the latter stands with a seat away from the player, he must run around the entire row of chairs in order to sit on it.

If two players sit on a chair at the same time, the teacher himself decides which of them should give way to the other.

Each time one of the players is eliminated and takes one chair to the side. This continues until only one child remains, who is considered the winner.

If the teacher uses an external musical instrument, a break in the melody will serve as a signal for the children.

The complication of the game is also the introduction of different tasks as the children move around in a circle.


There must be an odd number of players in the game. Chairs are placed in a circle. Their number corresponds to the number of children behind them. Inside the circle, children sit on all chairs except one. Children standing behind chairs have their hands behind their backs.

The “watchman” standing behind the empty chair starts the game. He imperceptibly winks at one of those sitting, urging him to deftly jump up, run over and sit down on an empty chair.

The "watchman" from behind the chair is trying to keep the dodger. To do this, it is enough to touch him. The "watchman", left without a pair, begins to wink.

The “watchmen” standing behind the chairs have the right to take their hands out from behind their backs, only to taunt those sitting. "Watchmen" must be very careful not to miss their partner.

If one of the guys does not know how to wink, you can use another sign, having agreed in advance.

Lirum, larum, spoon!

Participants in the game must pass the spoon in a circle. At the same time, everyone says some kind of “spell”. For example, German children use the traditional spell: "Lirum, larum, spoon - make no mistake!"

The task of each player is to pass the spoon to the next in exactly the same manner as he himself just received it.

Usually beginners or inattentive children miss some details: for example, whether the player received a spoon from his right or left hand; whether it is necessary to turn it over in the process of transmission; which side will it be up - a cutting or a scoop, etc.

If a spoon is handed over in error, everyone who notices it shouts: “Wrong, wrong!” - and the child who makes a mistake is out of the game.

With children, you can come up with different ways to transfer the spoon in advance.


Chairs are placed in a circle. All the children sit on them, except for one - the "porter". He walks inside the circle, on his back he has a soft bundle or knapsack on a stick.

As soon as the “porter” turns his back to someone, the children try to quietly change places with each other.

The "porter" closely monitors all those sitting and just a little - throws his load into the vacant seat.

If a knapsack or bundle falls on a chair, the "porter" has the right to take it. Left without a place, becomes a "porter".

If the knapsack flew past the target or fell off the chair, the "porter" continues to drive.

Express train

Chairs (according to the number of players) are placed without gaps in a circle. One of the players leads in the center of the circle. The rest sit on chairs.

On command, the children begin to move as quickly as possible to the alternately vacant chair.

The driver tries to sit on a chair that has just been vacated before the nearest player takes it. Movement in a circle is possible in any direction.

If the driver managed to "jump into the fast train" on the move, then the player who was supposed to take this place, but did not have time, becomes the driver.


The chairs on which the children sit are placed in a row with the seats alternately in different directions.

The driver takes a long stick (mop, brush) and begins to bypass the sitting children. If the leader hits the ground with a stick near someone, this child should get up from the chair and follow him. So the driver wanders around the chairs, knocking here and there on the ground. A whole retinue is lined up behind him.

The driver begins to move away from the chairs. Makes any movement on the site. The retinue repeats everything after him.

Suddenly, at a moment unexpected for everyone, the driver knocks twice on the ground: he gives a signal that everyone needs to immediately take their seats, and since the chairs look in different directions, this is not so easy.

The driver himself tries to take the chair one of the first. In the next round, the one who did not get a place leads.

Fire brigade

The chairs are in two rows, back to back. Children "firefighters" walk around the chairs, singing some song to the tambourine or other remote instrument.

As soon as the melody breaks off, the guys should put one of the pre-prepared phantoms (items of clothing) on ​​the chair closest to them.

When everyone took off two or three things, the presenter, breaking off the melody again, gives the command “Fire!”. Children should find their belongings as soon as possible and put them on.

The one who manages to do it the fastest wins.

Miracle drawing

The children are given colored crayons. You can divide the children into two teams and arrange a fun competition. The team creates a general pattern on the pavement. They draw someone's portrait from different flowers, vegetables, fruits, birds, butterflies, etc.

The team that created a similar portrait and worked together wins.

Is there or not?

The players stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center.

He explains the task: if the children agree with the statement, raise their hands up and shout: “Yes!”, If they do not agree, lower their hands and shout: “No!”

Are there fireflies in the field?

Are there fish in the sea?

Does a calf have wings?

Does a piglet have a beak?

Does the mountain have a ridge?

Does the burrow have doors?

Does a rooster have a tail?

Does the violin have a key?

Does the verse have a rhyme?

Does it have any errors?

show number

Children, together with the teacher, show by movement without using arms and legs pressed to the body the numbers in order from 1 to 10. At the same time, you can laugh, watching how others do it.

The Dragon

The players stand in a column (line), holding on to their shoulders. The first participant is the “head”, the last one is the “tail” of the dragon.

The "head" should reach out to the "tail" and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail".

The game continues until each participant has been in both roles.


Lots of small toys scattered around the area. The participants of the game are divided into groups of two or three and hold hands.

At the signal of the leader with two free hands, each trio must collect as many objects as possible. At the end, their number is counted.

The task of subgroups is not only to collect items, but also to maintain a cheerful mood.

palm to palm

Children are divided into pairs, press their palms to each other. In this way, they move around the site, overcoming various obstacles that should make children laugh. They must get into funny situations.

Capricious burden

For this fun attraction, you will need two racks and a cardboard cap, like Dunno's. The lower part of the cap can be made from a flat small hoop.

The cap is put on one of the racks installed at a distance from each other.

The player, taking a stick in each hand, must use them to remove the cap from the stand, carry it without dropping it to the second stand and put it on it (you cannot cross the sticks).

The awkward and clumsy actions of the player make the audience laugh.

Both carry one

Each pair of players receives two gymnastic sticks and a board 70-75 cm long with a flag attached to it.

Standing side by side, the players hold their sticks with both hands pointing forward. Planks are placed on the ends of the sticks. In this form, by joint efforts, they must bring their burden to a conditional place and return back.

If the plank falls, the players stop, pick it up and continue on their way.


Children bring with them any small items - forfeits and put them in some kind of bowl or hat, cover them with a scarf.

The teacher, taking out one of the objects, asks: “What should this phantom do?”

The driver stands with his back to the phantoms and does not see which one the teacher took out. The task of the driver is to assign a "fine", a task that must be completed in order to redeem the phantom.

Tasks can be very different:

- jump on one leg in a circle;

- talk about a real incident;

- blindfolded to find some object on the floor;

- bow to each of those present;

- sit on the ball without touching the floor with your hands;

- turn around yourself three times on one leg;

- sit on the floor and stand up again without the help of hands;

- go around the circle, taking three steps forward and two back;

- blindfolded, run your hand over the face of one of the guys and guess who it is;

- say an intricate saying three times in a row;

- in one corner to laugh, in another - to cry, in the third - to yawn, and in the fourth - to start dancing;

- sit for 2 minutes with a serious expression on your face, while the rest are laughing.

Option 1. "Four-corner"

The child, whose phantom was pointed out by the driver, leaves the site. The rest of the children agree on which corner of the playground each will be “assigned”.

When the departed child is called back, he is asked: “What will you do with this corner?” He can answer, for example, like this: “I want to dance with this corner, and the rest will sing a song for us.” After that, all the guys scatter to their corners and fulfill the wish of the driver.

Option 2. "Three questions at the door"

The driver leaves the playground, and the remaining children agree on what questions and in what order they will ask when he returns. Questions should be relevant to the missing person. For example, you can ask: “Do you already know how to dress yourself? Will you give me compote at dinner today?” and so on.

The driver is called back and asked three times: “Yes or no?” After the driver answers “yes” or “no”, he is asked questions.

Collect one by one

Three or four players stand at the starting line. A circle is outlined at the feet of each (you can dig holes). 8-10 stones are placed against each player. The first is at a distance of a meter from the line, all the rest are a meter away.

On a signal, the players run, take the first stone, return and put it in a circle or in a hole. Then they run after the second and subsequent ones.

The one who collects the stones first wins.

sand play

Two or three pairs of players can take part in the competition.

In front of them, a pile of sand is poured out on wooden shields. Three or four glass or plastic transparent jars are placed 10-15 steps from the shields.

In each pair, one of the players holds a bag, and the second fills it with sand. After the bag is filled, the first participant runs to the jars and fills them with sand. Then the children change places.

This continues until the jars are filled to the brim.

Get in the ring

A ring (hoop) is suspended from the horizontal bar. It is necessary to make 10-15 wooden sticks - "darts".

The players stand at some distance from the ring and take turns throwing darts, trying to make them go through the ring.

Rings can be taken of different diameters, increase the distance.

throwing rings

A rhombus is drawn on a durable plywood or wooden shield. Large nails or crutches are hammered in the corners of this figure, 10 points are put down, inside the figure - 15 points each.

The players move away from the shield by 6-8 steps. Each of the players receives 5-6 rings. They take turns throwing the rings one after the other to hang on the nails.

The total number of points is calculated.


Several gymnastic maces, reinforced with something, or plastic bottles with sand are installed on the ground. According to the number of maces, rods 1-1.5 m long are made and wire rings are tied to them on thin ropes.

The task of each player is to hold the rod in one hand and put the ring on the head of the mace or the neck of the bottle as many times as possible.

Carry it, don't spill it

A board 4-6 cm thick is placed on the edge and firmly fixed. Instead of a board, you can put a cord on the ground and pull it.

The players, one by one, taking a plastic mug of water in each hand, must walk along the board without splashing water. The one who lost his balance, stumbled or spilled water, is out.

between logs

7-8 pins or plastic bottles with sand are placed on the ground in a checkerboard pattern.

The player must remember the location of the pins. He is then blindfolded and must pass between them without hitting or knocking them over.

Who will pass?

A 2x8 m rectangle is drawn on the ground, which is divided into 16 squares (1x1 m).

The player stands at the edge of the rectangle. He is blindfolded and offered to go through all the squares, never stepping on the lines separating them.

Children should be given a trial run with their eyes open.


Five or six children take part in the game.

A line is drawn on the site, and a hole is dug 5-6 steps from it, two more holes are dug behind it at a distance of 1-2 m from one another.

The players stand at the line and take turns throwing pebbles or cones into the pits. If the beginner gets into the first hole the first time, then he throws it into the second, and so on. After each miss, the next player enters the game.

The one who without a miss gets into the first, second and third holes in a row is called a “student”. To become an "apprentice", you must follow this without a miss in all the holes in the reverse order. And finally, the title of “master” is given to the one who, after this, manages to get first into the second, then into the first and then into the third hole.

The pits can be exchanged for baskets. Before the game, you need to practice throwing pebbles.

Get into the hole

On the site it is necessary to dig one larger hole, around it in a radius of 50-70 cm another 3-4 smaller holes.

Five or six children can play. Each player receives 10 pebbles. Two of them each puts in the central fossa, one pebble in the rest.

Then, standing at the line 3-4 steps from the nearest hole, the players take turns throwing their pebbles, trying to get into one of the holes.

In the event of a hit, the player takes all the stones that were there. If he falls into a hole where the pebbles have already been taken out, his pebble remains there.

The one who misses picks up his pebble.

The game ends when there are no stones in the pits.

The winner is the one who collects the most stones by the end of the game.

The game of pebbles

Children play sitting at the table or on the ground, playground. Each player must have five pebbles.

First determine who to start. Each player takes his pebbles in his hand, throws them low up and, quickly turning his hand palm down, catches them with the back of his hand. At the same time, some of the pebbles fall to the ground. Whoever has more pebbles (handfuls of sand) on his hand, he starts the game. Then each player does the same in turn in a circle.

Sample Exercises

1. Take five pebbles in your hand, throw one up, quickly put the rest and have time to catch the tossed pebble with the same hand.

2. Throw up three pebbles in your hand in front of you and catch them, taking the remaining two pebbles from the table first.

3. Throw up five pebbles and catch them.

4. Holding five pebbles in your hand, hold one with your thumb, throw the rest up and catch it, after placing the fifth pebble on the table.

5. Again, throw four pebbles up and catch, after taking one from the table.

Think of other options with the children.


(Uzbek game)

All participants, cross-legged, squat in a circle. The driver stays outside the circle and starts running. Those sitting in a circle pass the ball to each other, then to the right, then to the left, as quickly as possible. The driver tries to catch the player playing with the ball before he has time to pass it to his neighbor.

The one who is caught becomes the leader. If he cannot catch the ball for a long time, he is given a fun punishment.

Dwarfs and giants

The players become in a circle. The teacher agrees with them that if he says: “Giants!”, Everyone should stand on their toes and raise their hands up; if he says: “Dwarfs!” Everyone should squat down and stretch their arms forward.

First, the teacher conducts a rehearsal, while he may not make movements. Then, while conducting the game, the teacher can from time to time show movements out of place. Whoever makes a mistake receives a penalty point.

Forbidden movement

The players form a circle. The teacher agrees with them in advance which movement cannot be done, for example, squat. Then he shows the children various movements (it is possible to the music), which the players must repeat exactly after him. The more varied and fun these movements, the more interesting the game.

Suddenly, the teacher shows a forbidden movement. One of the players who inadvertently repeats it will then have to dance, sing, read poetry.

Air, water, earth, wind

The players become in a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle.

Approaching one of the players, the leader says one of four words: “air”, “water”, “earth”, “wind” - and counts to five.

The player during this time, depending on the given word, must name a bird, fish, animal, or spin in place (wind). Who did not have time to answer, leaves the circle.

Suddenly, instead of the four indicated words, the driver says to someone: "Fire." At this word, all the players must change places, and the driver takes someone else's place in the circle. The last one, who did not have time to stand in a circle, becomes the leader.

You can complicate the game by the fact that the answering child not only names the bird, fish and beast, but also shows it.

Proteins, nuts, cones

Players count in threes. The first numbers are “squirrels”, the second are “nuts”, the third are “bumps”. Each trio join hands, forming a circle. The driver stands in the middle of the site.

The teacher shouts: "Squirrels!" - and all the players, called squirrels, should change places. The driver at this time tries to take any vacant seat. If he manages to do this, he becomes a “squirrel”, and the one left without a place becomes a driver. The same with cones and nuts.

In the midst of the game, you can give the command "Squirrels, nuts, cones!". Then all players must change places.

Traffic light

Two teams of 12-15 children line up in a semicircle, one to the left, the other to the right of the teacher. In the hands of the last traffic light there are two cardboard circles, one side of which is yellow, the other is different (red and green).

The teacher reminds children of the importance of following the rules of the road. Reads poetry by S. Mikhalkov. The missing words are suggested by the children in unison.

If the light turns red

So move... (dangerous).

Light green says:

"Come on, the way ... (open)."

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal for... (movement).

Then the educator explains the rules of the game: when he shows the green traffic light, everyone marches in place, starting with the left foot, when it is yellow they clap their hands, and when it is red they stand still. The one who confused the signal takes a step back.

Signals should change unexpectedly, at regular intervals. The team with the most members remaining at the end of the game wins.

Take your hand

Children become pairs in a circle. Two drivers are on the sidelines. One of them runs away and the other catches up. Couples move in a circle to music or a song. The one running away, fleeing from the one who is chasing, runs up to one of those walking in a pair and takes him by the arm. Then the one standing in this pair on the other side must run away.

If the pursuer succeeds in spotting the evader before he has time to take someone by the arm, they change roles. If not, the catcher remains the same.

Volleyball with balloons

A rope is stretched between two posts. The ball is two balloons tied together. A few drops of water are poured into each of them. This makes them a little heavier, and, most importantly, thanks to the shifting center of gravity, their flight becomes very fun.

On both sides of the rope are teams, each with three or four children. The players hit the ball, as in a normal game of volleyball, trying to overtake it to the opponent's side and not letting it fall to the floor on their side. This will result in a penalty point.

The team that has received fewer penalty points by the end of the game (after 5-7 minutes) wins.

Sit first

Two ribbons (or two pieces of cord) 4-5 m long are tied to the back of the chair. One ribbon is pulled to the right and the other to the left of the chair. Two players attach the ends of the ribbons to the belt. On a signal, they begin to circle, trying to wrap the tape around themselves as quickly as possible in order to be the first to approach and take a place on the chair.

The tape must be taut all the time, it can be lightly held by hand so that it is at the level of the belt. To prevent the chair from moving, someone should hold it from behind by the back.

Do not sit down until the tape is completely wrapped.

Where is the nose, where is the ear

The players become in a circle. The driver walks in a circle and stops in front of one of the children. He should touch some part of the body and name another at the same time, for example, touch his ear and say: “This is my nose.” The player must immediately point to his nose and say: "This is my ear." If he answers incorrectly, he changes the driver.


Children stand in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game. They should throw different objects to each other, immediately naming them. The one to whom it is thrown must catch in a certain way, depending on how the object is named: after all, a kitten must be caught differently than a snake. You can discuss with the children in advance the range of objects that can be thrown.

If the thrower catches the object incorrectly, he misses the hand.


Children take a cube (chair) and go "on the road." The teacher pre-determines the route around the site.

He sets the conditions:

Cubes are big, heavy boxes. Decide where you will carry them;

Cubes are expensive museum exhibits. You carry them from one hall of the museum to another;

- cubes - fragile glass flower vases;

- cubes - a pot of hot soup. It must be put on the table.

The teacher makes sure that the children fulfill the conditions of movement, comments on their actions.

simple stilts

Stilts are made from two cans of canned food or paint, ropes and sticks. To do this, two ropes high from the child's foot to the lowered arm are attached to the sides of the can parallel to each other. Where the child will hold the rope, a stick is attached for convenience (you can fasten it with tape).

On such stilts, you can organize a competition between teams. Small toys (any small objects) are placed on a surface at a level accessible to a child standing on stilts. Each child from the team reaches this surface, takes one object and returns with it. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins.


The teacher reads a poem in which birds and various objects are interspersed. If the teacher calls the bird, the children should clap their hands, and if something else, stamp their feet.

If I call a bird

You have to clap your hands.

And if something else -

You have to stomp your feet!

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts

Foxes, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta.

sparrows and seagulls,

Rooks and balalaikas.

Lapwings, walruses,

Falcons, siskins.

Bullfinches, cuckoos,

Geese and cheesecakes.

swans and owls,

Woodpeckers and cows.

Arrived at the end

Duck, pike and starling.


The driver stands in the center of the circle with his eyes closed and his hand extended forward. The players run in a circle with the words:



Aramia goose,

Show me.

At the last word, the circle stops. The players look at whom the driver's hand points to. The one he pointed to enters the circle and stands back to back with the leader. The children say in chorus: "And one, and two, and three." On the count of three, those in the center turn their heads at the same time. If they turn their heads to one side, they perform the task - they sing, dance, read poetry, hug, etc. If they turned their heads in different directions, then the first driver leaves, and the second one starts the game again.


Children hold hands and stand in a circle. The leader is in the circle. Together they walk in a circle in a clockwise direction and say the words:

Out of fear, I climbed a branch. (Two claps.)

And here I am, and my foot is there. (After each double clap, the hands move from the shoulders, chest, knees.)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus. (Two claps.)

I say: "Give me your leg!" (Two claps.)

And here I am, and my foot is there.

I was bitten by a hippopotamus (2 times). (Two claps.)

The teacher asks the children what an echo is, where it can be heard, how it answers questions. Invites children to become an echo. A trial move is used for children to understand how to play. The teacher asks to answer in unison and clap your hands.

Get it together, kids! (Ra-ra!)

The game starts! (Ra-ra!)

Don't feel sorry for the palms! (Lay-ley!)

Hit your hands more fun! (Lay-ley!)

What time is it? (Hour-hour!)

How much will it be in an hour? (Hour-hour!)

And it's not true: there will be two! (Two-two!)

Think, think, head! (Wah-wah!)

How does the rooster sing in the village? (Uh-uh!)

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! (Uh-uh!)

Are you sure it is? (So-so!)

But really how? (How how?)

If the children crowed here, they are given a penalty point, and the game continues.

How much is two and two? (Two-two.)

The head is spinning! (Wah-wah!)

Is it an ear or a nose? (Nose-nose!)

The leader is holding his ear.

Or maybe hay? (Who-who!)

Is it an elbow or an eye? (Eye-eye!)

The host points to the elbow.

But this is what we have? (Us-us!)

The host points to the nose. Whoever made a mistake gets a penalty point.

Are you always good? (Yes Yes!)

Or only sometimes? (Yes Yes!)

Tired of answering? (Chat-chat!)

If the answer is "no" - a penalty point.

Let me be quiet!

March 28th, 2011

Preschoolers 4-5 years old will play with pleasure not only outdoor games, but also those where you need to think. Emphasis in games is recommended to be done on the development of observation, memorization, logic, imagination and speech skills, and in outdoor games - on improving coordination, speed, dexterity and attentiveness.

Here are some suitable games:

  1. Cats and mice

Active play. Develops dexterity, speed, attentiveness. It can successfully pass among a company of different ages. Suitable for home and street.
There are two versions of this game.
First. All but three players join hands and stand in an open circle. A "mouse" and two "cats" run inside. "Cats" must catch up with the mouse, but it's not so easy, because. she can safely run between the players in a circle, but they cannot. After that, all three of them stand in a circle and new cats and mice are selected.
Second option. In one corner, the house of the cat is indicated, in the other - the mink of mice, in the third - the pantry, where there are small objects depicting supplies. The cat falls asleep in the house, and the mice run from the hole to the pantry. At the clap of the leader (or after the words of the rhyme), the cat wakes up and begins to catch mice that are trying to run to the mink. At first, the cat is played by one of the adults, who pretends to catch, but lets the mice run away. You can add verbal accompaniment to the game:
The cat guards the mice
He pretended to be asleep.
Here he hears - the mice came out,
Slowly, closer, closer
From all cracks creep.
Tsap - scratch! Catch it soon!

  1. Carousels

Calmly active round dance game. Develops coordination and synchronism of movements, dexterity, attentiveness. The ability to control the power of the voice. Suitable for home and street.
The leader, together with the children, stands in a circle and everyone begins to slowly and quietly pronounce the text:
Barely, barely, barely
The carousels spin.
(At the same time, the players begin to slowly move in a circle)
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
(The tempo and strength of the voice increase, while the speed of movement increases. The players start running) The next part is pronounced with a decrease in the tempo and strength of the voice:
Hush hush! Do not hurry!
Stop the carousel!
(With these words, everyone stops).

  1. Kangaroo

Active play. Develops dexterity, speed in movements. It can successfully pass among a company of different ages. Suitable for home and street.
Two teams compete. Holding a matchbox (or similar object) with your feet, you need to jump like a kangaroo to the opposite wall (or chair), stop and say loudly: "I am a kangaroo!" (This statement is also evaluated by the presenter). Then you need to jump back and pass the box to a teammate. The winning team gets prizes.

  1. Superfluous word

Calm game. Develops attention, logic, the ability to combine objects into groups and select generalizing words. Suitable for home and street.
Before the start of the game, the host explains that in Russian there are words similar in meaning. The facilitator lists 4 words to the children, and they name what is superfluous, and explain why they think so. You can play not only with nouns, but also with verbs and adjectives.

  1. sweets

Calm game. Teaches communication, the ability to formulate questions and answers. Suitable for home and street.
A good game to start the holiday, allowing children to be liberated. You will need any sweets or dragees. Each child is offered to take as many sweets as he wants. Then the plate with refreshments is passed around. Then the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must answer the number of questions from the others, equal to the number of candies he took.

  1. hot ball

Calm game. Develops agility, speed and attention. Suitable for home and street.
Gambling: everyone stands in a circle and passes the ball to each other to the music. When the music stops, the player who did not have time to pass the ball and remained with him in his hands is eliminated (you can put him in honorary spectators, you can take forfeits). The last player left without a ball wins.

  1. missing numbers

The facilitator counts up to 10, deliberately skipping some numbers (or making mistakes). Players should clap their hands when they hear an error and name the missing number.

  1. Fluffy

Calm game. Develops discipline. Suitable for home.
An old Russian game. The teams stand against each other, between them is a line that cannot be crossed (for example, a ribbon). The host tosses a feather (you can use a fluffy cotton swab) over the heads of the participants. Task: to blow it to the side of the enemy. Attention, the team that steps up the ribbon or touches the feather with their hands is counted as a defeat.

  1. Chamomile

Calm game. Lets loosen up. Suitable for home.
Suitable for the beginning of the holiday, if the guests feel constrained. For the game, a camomile is prepared in advance from paper. The number of petals should be equal to the number of guests. On the back of each, easy funny tasks are written, for example, crow, jump like a frog or on one leg, repeat a tongue twister, crawl on all fours, etc. Children tear off a petal and complete the task. If the children do not yet know how to read, the task can be depicted in the form of a picture or read to the facilitator.

  1. hedgehogs

Active play. Develops speed and fine motor skills. Suitable for street and home.
Team game. She needs a rope of 1.5 m and 30 multi-colored clothespins attached to it. Adults act as hedgehogs. The players run up to the stretched rope one at a time, as in a relay race, take off one clothespin, run to the “hedgehogs” sitting on chairs and attach it to any place of clothing or hairstyle. It’s good if the distance from the rope to the hedgehogs is 10 meters. The team whose hedgehog bristles better wins, i.e. which will have more clothespins - needles. The second team can be given a prize for the most original / cute / funny hedgehog (according to circumstances).

  1. I go, I go

Active play. Develops speed and attention. Suitable for home and street.
A fun, emotional game that gives young children a lot of fun. Children line up behind the leading chain. He goes and pronounces the following words: "I'm walking, walking, walking, I'm leading the children (an arbitrary number of times), and as soon as I turn around, I'll catch everyone at once." catches them (it's better for kids to pretend to let them run away). The game is well suited for the home, when the host leads from room to room, repeating the first lines. When the cherished “I will catch” is uttered, the children with a screech rush through the entire apartment to the saving place.

  1. Spider and flies

Flickering game. Teaches children to run in different directions without colliding, and freeze on a signal. Develops coordination and attention. Suitable for home and street.
In one corner of the room (platform) a web is indicated in which the "spider" sits. The rest of the children depict flies: they run, circle around the room, buzz. At the leader's signal: "Spider!" flies freeze in the place where they were caught by the signal. The spider emerges from the web and carefully watches who moves. The one who moved - takes him into his web.

  1. Who am I?

Calm game. Develops logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for home.
Good for starting a holiday. At the entrance, each child receives a new name - a bear, a fox, a wolf, etc. A picture with a new name is attached to his back, he does not know about it, until, with the help of leading questions, he finds out everything about himself from those around him. Alternatively, you can describe this animal only with adjectives (for example: cunning, red, fluffy ... - fox). The goal is to find out as quickly as possible who is involved.

  1. Seasons?

Calm game. Develops attention, logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The host chooses any time of the year and calls it to the players. Then he begins to list the phenomena and objects associated with this season. From time to time he says the wrong words. When they hear a word that is not related to this time of year, the children should clap their hands.

  1. Edible - inedible?

Calm game. Develops attention and logic. Suitable for home and street.
The leader throws the ball to one of the players and says a word. The player must catch the ball if the word denotes an edible item, or discard it if the item is inedible. The most attentive wins. From those who made a mistake, you can take forfeits, according to which funny tasks are then blindly assigned.

  1. Obedient Shadow or Mirror

Calm game. Develops attention. Suitable for home and street.
Two players are selected (for example, with the help of a counter), one is the shadow of the other. "Shadow" should repeat the actions of another player, if possible synchronously. If within a minute the player does not make a single mistake, he becomes the main player and chooses his shadow from among the other players.

  1. treasure hunt

Calm game. Develops the ability to navigate in space, logic, attention, the ability to compare parts, to assemble a mosaic. Suitable for home and street.
A map is drawn up in advance of the place where the treasures are hidden (apartments or streets), cut into pieces, each of which is obtained by the players in the form of a reward for correctly guessing a riddle or completing a task. Having made a map like a puzzle, all invitees are looking for treasure and discover something tasty or interesting. Before this game, it is better to practice and draw up a similar plan with the children, pronouncing how and what is indicated. It is important to draw the children's attention to the fact that the plan is, as it were, a view from above. In case of difficulty in finding the treasure, the leader prompts, directing the children in the right direction.

  1. hot-cold

Calm game. Develops logic. Suitable for home.
Suitable for the start of the holiday, if you hide various souvenirs-trinkets in advance in the room. The incoming guest begins to look for the hidden prize, and the rest tell him if he is walking right. If he approaches a hidden object, they shout "Heat", if it is very close - "Hot", if it moves away "Cool" or completely "Cold".

  1. missing numbers

Calm game. Develops attention and counting skills. Suitable for home and street.
The leader counts, deliberately making mistakes or skipping numbers. Players should clap their hands when they spot an error and correct it.

  1. Hurry up

Calm game. Develops attention, fine motor skills. Suitable for home.
Cubes (or skittles, etc.) are laid out on the floor according to the number of players minus one. Players walk around to the music, and as soon as it subsides, they must grab the cube. Whoever did not get the cube - drops out (or gives a phantom).

  1. Where we were, we won't tell you what we did - we'll show you

Calm game. Develops motor skills, imagination, attention, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The facilitator quietly tells the player the profession, so that the others do not hear. The player says "Where we were, we won't tell you what we did - we'll show you" and tries to show without words what people of this profession do. The rest guess. Guessed player - shows next.

  1. In an old closet

Calm game. Develops speech and the ability to distinguish parts of objects, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The facilitator together with the players says:
In the old closet, with Anna's grandmother,
Where did I go -
Many wonders...
But they are all "without" ...
Next, the host calls the item, and the player he points to must say what part of the item may be missing. For example: a table without a leg, a dress without a pocket, etc.