A fat swans flock flew from the cold. Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

Swans flew in herds from the cold side to the warm lands. They flew across the sea. They flew day and night, and another day and another night they flew over the water without rest. There was a full moon in the sky, and far below the swans saw blue water. All the swans are tired, flapping their wings; but they did not stop and flew on. Old, strong swans flew in front, those that were younger and weaker flew behind. One young swan flew behind everyone. His strength has weakened. He flapped his wings and could not fly further. Then he, spreading his wings, went down. He went down closer and closer to the water; and his comrades further and further whitened in the moonlight. The swan descended into the water and folded its wings. The sea stirred under him and rocked him. A flock of swans was barely visible as a white line in the bright sky. And it was barely audible in the silence how their wings rang. When they were completely out of sight, the swan bent his neck back and closed his eyes. He did not move, and only the sea, rising and falling in a wide strip, raised and lowered him. Before dawn, a light breeze began to stir the sea. And the water splashed into the white chest of the swan. The swan opened his eyes. In the east the dawn was reddening, and the moon and the stars became paler. The swan sighed, stretched out his neck and flapped his wings, rose and flew, catching his wings on the water. He climbed higher and higher and flew alone over the dark rippling waves.

swans flew in herds from the cold side to the warm lands. They flew across the sea. They flew day and night, and another day and another night they flew over the water without rest. There was a full moon in the sky, and far below the swans saw blue water. All the swans are tired, flapping their wings; but they did not stop and flew on. Old, strong swans flew in front, those that were younger and weaker flew behind. One young swan flew behind everyone. His strength has weakened. He flapped his wings and could not fly further. Then he, spreading his wings, went down. He descended closer and closer to the water; and his comrades further and further whitened in the moonlight. The swan descended into the water and folded its wings. The sea stirred under him and rocked him. A flock of swans was barely visible as a white line in the bright sky. And it was barely audible in the silence how their wings rang. When they were completely out of sight, the swan bent his neck back and closed his eyes. He did not move, and only the sea, rising and falling in a wide strip, raised and lowered him. Before dawn, a light breeze began to stir the sea. And the water splashed into the white chest of the swan. The swan opened his eyes. In the east the dawn was reddening, and the moon and the stars became paler. The swan sighed, stretched out his neck and flapped his wings, rose and flew, catching his wings on the water. He climbed higher and higher and flew alone over the dark rippling waves.

Lesson type: lesson - modeling

The actual task of the teacher in the framework of the presented lesson is to help children not only experience certain emotions together with the characters, but also reflect on what feelings these characters experience, why these feelings, how they react to life situations, how they would act readers (listeners), if they were in the place of the heroes.

Lesson Objectives

The educational goal is to teach to divide the text into parts, draw up a story plan, create conditions for the development of students' creative abilities when illustrating a literary work;

Developing goals - to contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of students' speech, the development of thinking, the improvement of the ability to generalize and systematize;

The educational goal is to contribute to the education of emotional culture (the ability to overcome fear, not to panic).

Health saving lesson tasks taking into account the age characteristics of students, creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom and conditions for their self-expression, ensure the strengthening and development of the mental and physical health of children.

The didacticism of this reading lesson lies in the developing potential of the story - the moral lesson in it is given not by general reasoning and teachings, but by vivid images and convincing actions. Particular attention should be paid to the completeness of the figurative perception of the work and to the analysis of its content. This is done so that the child has a holistic impression of the text, which enhances the emotionality and instructive experience.

For the best implementation of the triune goal of the lesson, a computer lesson was chosen, made using the Microsoft Power Point program. This made it possible, moreover, to use extensive didactic material: slides depicting swans, photos of nature, paintings, a recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s musical work “Swan Lake”,

"Swan" Camille Saint-Saens.

Org. moment.

Introduction to the topic.

Guys, today in the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with the work of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.

Please remember what works of this author we are familiar with?

Attention to the screen.

– What do you see on the screen?

- This painting by Rylov “In the blue expanse” is 1918.

Who are the characters in this picture?

In what literary work are these same characters the heroes?

Formulation of the problem.

- Who wants to tell the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Swans"? (having difficulty)

- Let's talk together.

- What type of texts can we attribute this work to?

Reading the text of the presentation in fragments

Where does it all begin?

Swans flew in herds from a cold country to warm lands.

They flew across the sea. They flew day and night and another

day and night they flew without rest over the water.

There was a full moon in the sky, and swans far below

saw blue water.

All the swans are tired, flapping their wings; but they didn't stop

those who were younger and weaker flew.

How do they fly?

How are they feeling at this time?

What time do they fly?

How can you title this section?

flock of swans

Flight to warm lands

- What event is happening?

What did the young swan decide to do?

One young swan flew behind everyone.

His strength has weakened.

Then he spread his wings and went down.

What did the swan feel?

What sounds surrounded the swan?

– When did this happen?

He descended closer and closer to the water, and his comrades farther and farther whitened in the moonlight.

The swan landed on the water and folded its wings. The sea stirred under him and rocked him. A flock of swans was barely visible as a white line in the bright sky.

And it was barely audible in the silence how their wings rang.

- What has changed in the behavior of the swan?

When they were completely out of sight, the swan bent his neck back and closed his eyes. He did not move, and only the sea, rising and falling in a wide strip, raised and lowered him.

What other changes are taking place?

P Before dawn, a light breeze began to stir the sea.

And the water splashed into the white chest of the swan. The swan opened his eyes, the dawn was reddening in the east, and the moon and the stars became paler.

lonely swan


- How does the story end?

The swan sighed, stretched out its neck and flapped its wings,

rose and flew, catching the wings on the water.

He climbed higher and higher and flew

alone above the secret rippling waves.

- What do you guys think, what did the swan overcome?

Work on the main micro-themes of the sample text

– What micro themes can we single out?


swan one

night and sea

Early morning

- What is the name of this part?

What type is this text?

Prove it.

Drawing up a symbolic plan. (The list of micro topics is being filled in)

Group work. Draw illustrations for each part of the story.

Work on the development of speech. Each group is looking for opposites in its part.

Cold - warm

Countries - lands

Day Night

(swans) in the sky (above) - (below) water (danger)

Tired - didn't stop

Old - young

Strong - Weak

Front - back

Swan - a flock of swans

Waved - could not (fly)

Went down - turned white (disappeared)

(swan) descended - (sea) stirred

(he) did not move - (the sea) rose

Red dawn - month, stars

Flew - clinging

One - all waves

The sea sways (at night) - (at dawn) quiet waves

Thank you. Who are the acting characters in Leo Tolstoy's story?

What two groups can they be divided into?

Witch powers

The sea - beckons to relax, soothes, enchants, lulls.

Night - fatigue, sleep.

Full month - full moon - blinding,

enchants, enchants.

forces of good

Dawn - Early morning, awakening, light.

Red dawn is good weather, the sun is near, red is the color of victory.

A light breeze - tenderness, affectionate awakening.

Retelling by illustrations.

Summary of the lesson.

- What do you guys think, can there be a continuation of the story?

Swans flew in herds from the cold side to the warm lands. They flew across the sea. They flew day and night, and another day and another night they flew over the water without rest. There was a full moon in the sky, and far below the swans saw blue water. All the swans are tired, flapping their wings; but they did not stop and flew on. Old, strong swans flew in front, those that were younger and weaker flew behind. One young swan flew behind everyone. His strength has weakened. He flapped his wings and could not fly further. Then he, spreading his wings, went down. He descended closer and closer to the water; and his comrades further and further whitened in the moonlight. The swan descended into the water and folded its wings. The sea stirred under him and rocked him. A flock of swans was barely visible as a white line in the bright sky. And it was barely audible in the silence how their wings rang. When they were completely out of sight, the swan bent his neck back and closed his eyes. He did not move, and only the sea, rising and falling in a wide strip, raised and lowered him. Before dawn, a light breeze began to stir the sea. And the water splashed into the white chest of the swan. The swan opened his eyes. In the east the dawn was reddening, and the moon and the stars became paler. The swan sighed, stretched out his neck and flapped his wings, rose and flew, catching his wings on the water. He climbed higher and higher and flew alone over the dark rippling waves.

Swans flew in herds from the cold side to the warm lands. They flew across the sea. They flew day and night, and another day and another night they flew over the water without rest. There was a full moon in the sky, and far below the swans saw blue water. All the swans are tired, flapping their wings; but they did not stop and flew on. Old, strong swans flew in front, those that were younger and weaker flew behind. One young swan flew behind everyone. His strength has weakened. He flapped his wings and could not fly further. Then he, spreading his wings, went down. He descended closer and closer to the water; and his comrades further and further whitened in the moonlight. The swan descended into the water and folded its wings. The sea stirred under him and rocked him. A flock of swans was barely visible as a white line in the bright sky. And it was barely audible in the silence how their wings rang. When they were completely out of sight, the swan bent his neck back and closed his eyes. He did not move, and only the sea, rising and falling in a wide strip, raised and lowered him. Before dawn, a light breeze began to stir the sea. And the water splashed into the white chest of the swan. The swan opened his eyes. In the east the dawn was reddening, and the moon and the stars became paler. The swan sighed, stretched out his neck and flapped his wings, rose and flew, catching his wings on the water.

He climbed higher and higher and flew alone over the dark rippling waves.