How to draw a straight line in Photoshop: regular, broken or at an angle. Drawing a line in Photoshop Drawing how to draw straight lines on a sheet

Good day to all, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I would like to tell you how to draw a straight line in Photoshop or its online version. Of course, the segment looks much neater than something drawn with a trembling hand. Oh, that trembling hand)). Well, okay, let's not pull the cat by the rubber. Go!

The easiest way

First, let's look at the simplest drawing methods.

Draw lines horizontally and vertically

The easiest way to draw a straight line is to take any drawing tool (pencil or brush), hold down the key SHIFT and lead in the direction you need (up down or right-left). Be sure as long as you keep shift, there will be no trembling hand, everything will be fixed.

Draw lines at an angle

If you want to draw a line at an angle, in the same way select the brush tool (pencil) from the toolbar, then put a point in the place where you think the beginning should be.

Now hold down the key SHIFT and click where you want the end to be. After that, the line will instantly be drawn automatically from the start to the end point.

In addition, you can make a real broken line. To do this, just need to poke in those places where it should break. Just remember to do this with the shift key pressed.

Drawing straight lines with guides

Just yesterday I published an article about that, and today this topic will also be very useful to us. To do this, pull out the guides from the ruler area with the mouse button held down and put them in the places where you need it, and then take (pencil) again and draw on it. Due to its anchoring property, it will magnetize your drawing to itself.

Only unlike the previous method, you will not be able to move away a long distance, since all the same the guide really acts like a magnet. As long as you draw close, drawing is attracted, and as soon as you move away, your trembling hand comes into play again.


And of course, we must not forget about the main tool, namely the figure of the same name. In order to draw a straight line in Photoshop this way, you need to go to the "Shapes" tool and select the "Line" tool there.

Before you start drawing, go to the tool settings above and see what you can customize here:

And now just left-click anywhere on the sheet, after which you will have the beginning. It will be as if nailed down, and at this time you will be able to decide where the end will be. You end up with what we expected. It is noteworthy that with this tool you can draw lines at an angle, and not just vertically or horizontally.

Drawing lines with the pen tool

Previously, we used as one of the selection tools. But of course, this is far from all his abilities, and now we will draw an even segment with the help of him.

Now everything is displayed as it should, and you can make not only straight lines, but also broken ones. So this proves once again that Photoshop is just a universal program, and the same tool can perform different functions for different tasks.

Rectangular Selection Tool

Quite an unusual way to draw a straight line, but nevertheless, some Photoshop users really like to use it.

As a result, we have a black stripe that you can turn into a line. To do this, just go to transform mode ( CTRL+T) and simply increase or decrease the length and width by holding the left mouse button on the edges.

Well, if you want it to be at an angle, then use the same transformation to turn it over. To do this, place the mouse cursor next to the corners of the selection until the cursor changes to a curved arrow.

How to draw a line in Photoshop online

I know that not everyone is ready to install a bulky program on their computer, so we will try to get by with a special service. In fact, drawing a straight or broken line in Photoshop online is not difficult, just because this version is heavily castrated, there are very few ways.

The first way is that you will need to select the Brush or Pencil tool and poke anywhere on the canvas to create a starting point. Now press the key SHIFT and click the one where you would like to see the endpoint. After that, you will form a straight line. This method is similar to what we did in the program.

The second way is that we select the "Draw" tool, assign any color (or leave the default one), hold down the left mouse button and start drawing a black rectangle. You can control how thick or long it will be.

But it is important to remember that there is no Transform tool in Photoshop online, so the segment you draw cannot be changed, enlarged, reduced or rotated at an angle.

Well, that's basically all I wanted to say. I hope that now you understand how to draw a straight line in Photoshop in many ways and without any effort.

Well, if you do not know Photoshop or know it poorly, then I recommend that you look these amazing videos, where they will tell you and show you from A to Z how to work in Photoshop. All lessons are told in simple human language and with great interest. If you don't mess around, you can learn Photoshop in a couple of weeks. Highly recommend.

Well, this is where I finish my lesson, I hope you liked my today's article. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog, as well as share the materials of the article on social networks. I'm waiting for you again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Another way to draw is to use the Line Tool available from Photoshop's toolbar:

This line is a Vector Shape, so later you can easily change its shape, color and size without losing quality. You can also use the Shift key to draw horizontal, vertical, and 45° lines:

Polyline, straight and curved line with the help of "Pen" (Pen Tool)

The third ip common ways to create a line is to use the universal tool "Pen" (Pen Tool):

First you need to switch the "Pen" mode to "Contour" (Paths), this switch is located on the options bar in the upper left corner of the program window. Then click where the line should start, this will be the starting point, then add a second point, and so on.
The same rule applies when pressing the Shift key:

Let's do some simple practical work. First, select the Brush tool, set the diameter to 3px, hardness to 100%, color to black.
Then take the "Pen", select the "Outline" mode and draw a line using two points. You can see the created contour on the layers panel in the "Contour" (Path) tab, where our line will be added as a working contour (Work Path).

But the outline created by the "Pen" is just a helper object, and will not be displayed when the image is saved. In order to visualize the path, we need to stroke it.
With the pen tool active, right-click on the path in the document. A context menu will open, where click on the line Stroke path (Stroke Path):

A new window will open, where select the item "Brush" (Brush) and click OK. A 3 px thick stroke will appear:

This operation is best done on a new transparent layer.

Now you can delete the outline created by the pen, or change its geometry in some way, the stroke will repeat all the changes.

Drawing circles of various diameters is far from the most necessary skill in life. However, sooner or later, the need to draw a circle without a compass and other auxiliary objects of a round shape takes everyone by surprise. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance without a compass, regardless of its diameter.

How to draw an even circle without a compass

You can be a schoolboy who came to a geometry lesson, forgetting his drawing tools, a student, an adult who is forced to draw a perfectly even circle - different situations happen.

It will be useful for every person to know how to draw an even circle without a compass. We offer you several ways to solve this problem.

The compasses can easily be replaced by another tool that is in the pencil case of each student, namely, a protractor. Put it on paper, marking the center point on the straight part, this will be the center of the future circle. Trace the inside of the semicircle, then rotate the ruler about ninety degrees and draw a third of the circle. Rotate the protractor again and complete the circle.

If you're in a meeting or on the job and don't have the tool you need, just use the CD. Circle it from the outside or from the inside for a smaller figure.

In an office setting, you can also use a glass. To do this, take a glass of water, take a sip and put it on a piece of paper, circle the bottom with a slight movement. Have another drink and put it aside.

All of the above items can be found in any office, the protractor will be available to students as well. With the help of them, you can draw a circle evenly without a compass.

We draw circles of different sizes without auxiliary objects

What to do if you want to draw circles of different diameters?

It is not at all difficult to cope with this problem with only paper and a simple pencil at hand.

Take a pencil in one hand, put the other on a piece of paper. Place the little finger of the first hand on the sheet so that it is the center of the future circle. Fix this position well. With your other hand, start turning the paper around your little finger. You will see how an even circle is obtained, as when using a compass.

A larger circle is drawn in the same way, but in this case, bend the little finger, as if clenching all fingers into a fist. With your left hand, start turning the sheet until you see the resulting circle. It is advisable to use a pencil with a soft lead.

A circle with an even larger diameter can be drawn by repeating all the above tips, but now the right hand should touch the leaf with a protruding bone on the wrist.

These are the easiest methods on how to draw a circle without a compass. The most important thing in these methods is to learn to keep your right hand motionless (left if you are left-handed).

How to draw a perfect circle with a ruler

If you have a regular ruler at hand, then you can use one more tip on how to draw a circle without a compass. Take a ruler and put it on the paper, the "0" mark will be the center of the circle, so put it in the right place. Draw the second point near the digital value corresponding to the radius of the circle. Slightly shift the second edge of the ruler so that the middle remains at zero, and the third point is slightly higher than the second.

Do this procedure several times. As a result, you should get a circle drawn. The more dotted, the easier it will be to connect everything into a solid line.

This is perhaps the easiest, but at the same time the longest way to draw a circle without a compass.

Many people who do not know how to draw believe that it is simply not given. Once they tried to draw something, they saw a cruel discrepancy between what was so clearly presented in the head, and what a sloppy result turned out on paper. In fact, all beginners in drawing lack a sense of proportion, an eye. And few people think about the fact that this is, in fact, a skill. A skill that can be developed. And after some time of effort and effort, it suddenly turns out that your hand completely obeys your mind and draws what you imagined and the way you planned. Of course, no one canceled such things as talent, talent. But still, anyone can learn to draw decent drawings if they make special efforts.

Drawing lesson for beginners: exercises for the development of the eye

And so, in order to correctly depict objects on the surface, one must develop a sense of proportion. And for this it is necessary to develop an eye. Which, in turn, can be developed through simple exercises. Let's talk about them now.

The exercises are very simple and clear. They begin teaching drawing even in children's art schools. But how simple the exercises are, so boring. Everyone wants to immediately draw beautiful landscapes or similar portraits. But you don’t need to neglect these exercises, because they are basic, and then they will greatly facilitate your work. And it’s better to learn the basics right away, because then it will be more difficult to relearn.

So, a drawing lesson for beginners: exercises for the development of the eye.

1. We draw parallel lines (segments)

The first exercise can be performed on any convenient sheet of paper (even if only in a notebook). We draw by hand, without a ruler, straight parallel lines. The longer they are, the more difficult. If it is very difficult for you and your hand is not full at all, then start with a squared notebook. Just fill the sheet with parallel segments.

At first, your stripes will be crooked, wobbly, and not always even parallel. But with practice it will get better and better.

Do not try to draw long lines at once, start with segments of centimeters 8-10 in length. Use a convenient technique for performing this exercise. Mark with dots or dashes (as in the figure) the beginning and end of the segment. Then, in one motion, connect them with a horizontal line. These marks are very helpful in mentally charting the path that your hand will take. Namely obedience we achieve by hand.

Gradually lengthen the lines, make them without marking the beginning and end, and try to keep them the same and at the same distance from each other. It is difficult to say in advance how many such exercises will be needed. Practice until your hand can confidently draw straight lines.

2. We develop an eye: we learn to divide the segments into a different number of equal parts

It is boring to draw monotonous lines, so with a little “hands on” you can add a second exercise to develop your eye. A very important exercise! Our drawn segments will be divided into equal parts. To begin with, into an even number of parts: two, four, eight. First, we divide the strip in half. Then each formed part is also cut in half, and so on.

With an even number of parts, it's more or less clear. As it turns out evenly, we complicate the task for our eye and we will divide our lines into an odd number of pieces: 3, 5, 7.

We rely on even division. For example: to divide into three parts, you first need to divide the segment in half, then on both sides of the central mark we separate a small piece of such a size that in the end all 3 parts are of equal length. When divided into an odd number of segments, the middle of the middle part coincides with the middle of the entire line.

The division into five and seven parts is done according to the same principle: first we divide into an even number of parts. There will be 1 less of them than it is planned to get odd ones (that is, out of 4 we make 5, out of 6 we make 7). Dividing a line into five or seven parts is difficult, but only at first. Even a little practice makes noticeable progress.

3. Drawing geometric shapes and dividing them into parts

After we have become adept at drawing lines, we proceed to geometric shapes. The essence of the exercises is the same: we draw geometric shapes by hand and divide them into even parts. All by hand, all without a ruler. The ruler in these exercises for training the eye is used only to check your result: how accurately you managed to divide the line and in which direction to make the correction next time.

It is better to start working with figures from a square. We divide it horizontally, then vertically, then diagonally. We try to draw straight lines.

We divide the square in half in different ways: either diagonally, or by connecting the midpoints of opposite sides. Take different shapes, complicate and diversify your task: triangle, parallelogram, rectangle.

4. Drawing geometric ornaments

And now the culmination of our eye training - ornaments. As you can see, half of all ornaments are based on the repetition and alternation of various simple geometric shapes. On the ornaments there will be a place to turn around: there are even parallel lines, and division into equal and unequal segments, and equal gaps between the lines (which is also not unimportant), and there is where to apply your imagination.

Now that you know how to develop an eye, there is only one thing left - practice and more practice.

Real art. ELLE learned from Anna Merkusheva, Make Up For Ever Leading Makeup Artist, how to do it professionally - using eyeliner or improvised means, which, at first glance, are not intended for this at all.

All girls are divided into those who do not know how to draw arrows, and those who can do it literally on the go, without even looking in the mirror. If you belong to the first group, you should be patient and start exercising regularly to fill your hand. First, decide what you will draw - with a pencil or liner. Secondly, remember a few rules that will greatly facilitate the learning process:

1. Draw arrows in good light so that all errors are visible.

2. Display the arrows, looking directly into the mirror. Then the line will not be deformed with open eyes due to the crease of the eyelid.

3. If you are not sure about the shape of the arrow, try drawing it first with a light pencil. In case of failure, the line can be easily erased.

4. To make the ponytail more clear and neat, use a special brush with an even or oblique cut and eyeliner shadows from a jar. Errors can be corrected with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover.

5. Start drawing the arrow line from the middle of the eyelid to the place where the ciliary contour ends, and then from the inner corner of the eye to the center. The technique is more psychological, because it takes a certain amount of time to concentrate on such a painstaking process and draw a straight line. From the center of the eye, the arrow may begin to expand, and if the hand trembles, it's not scary, you can just slightly thicken the line.

6. Drawing arrows, stretch the eyelid to even out the skin relief, then the line will turn out to be even.

7. To make eye makeup last longer, degrease the eyelid before work by applying a base under the shadows.

There are also several non-standard ways to help you draw beautiful arrows:

To make the arrow a perfectly even tail, attach to the corner of the eye, for example, a business card, a piece of paper or the tip of a teaspoon. Make sure that the angle at which you apply these objects is the same for both the right and left eyes. And then you get absolutely symmetrical arrows.

You can also use a spoon to draw a thick or graphic arrow tip: just attach the round base to the edge of the eye. In a word, use a spoon as a ruler-pattern, which, by the way, can also be used.

An excellent assistant in drawing arrows can be ordinary tape. Stick a small piece of transparent tape, starting from the outer corner of the eye at the angle you need, on both eyes at once. Make sure everything is symmetrical. Then start drawing arrows. If you do this with a liner, let it dry and only then peel off the tape.