Chronic prostatitis, unspecified ICD code 10. Designation of prostate cancer in the international classification of diseases. Other diseases of the gland of an inflammatory nature

Using the classification of diseases, physicians around the world designate diagnoses using codes. Each disease, in particular inflammation of the prostate gland, has its own code. This disease has several encodings, since there are different forms of the disorder.

To make the treatment as fast and productive as possible, patients should find out the code of their disease, its causes and symptoms. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with information on methods for diagnosing and preventing relapse.

The International Classification of Diseases is a basic document that is the basis for making diagnoses, calculating statistical data, and developing approaches to treatment. Adjustments are made periodically under the guidance of WHO. At the moment, the association of doctors uses the classification of the 10th revision. The main task of the ICD is to turn generally accepted medical terms into codes, thanks to which you can store data on all ailments, compare them, track statistics. Systematized information simplifies bureaucratic work for physicians, speeds up the process of diagnosis.


Inflammation of the gland located around the neck of the bladder occurs most often in men over 40 years old, but can also occur at the age of 20-35 years. In the course of the disease, a significant increase in the prostate occurs, which makes it difficult to excrete urine and pain syndromes occur.

ICD disease code

The generally accepted classification of prostatitis includes two codes:

  • 0 - acute form;
  • 1 - chronic form.

There are a number of criteria that distinguish the acute form from the chronic form. Therefore, doctors can quickly determine the exact diagnosis by symptoms and tests.

Acute course

What specific reasons can provoke an acute form of the disorder:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • urethritis;
  • prostate stones;
  • pelvic congestion.

It is important for every man to control the health of his sexual partners, monitor his condition, lead an active lifestyle as much as possible, protect himself from the cold in order to avoid pelvic congestion. It is worth giving up bad habits.

Chronic form

The disease chronic prostatitis, the code of which according to microbial 10 is indicated by the code "41.1", may manifest itself due to poor-quality treatment of the acute form. But most often it is primary, that is, it occurs independently. Symptoms make you turn to doctors, as they are pronounced and negatively affect the quality of life:

  • constant pain syndrome in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, thigh;
  • sexual dysfunctions - erection problems, decreased libido;
  • pain when urinating.

The chronic form is dangerous in that it often does not make itself felt for many months or even years, manifesting itself in the later stages. Therefore, it is important to periodically take blood and urine tests, and do ultrasound.

The diagnosis can be quickly confirmed with the help of modern laboratory tests, after which doctors prescribe medication. Most often, these are antibiotics "Macropen" or "Vilprafen" along with probiotics. Dietary supplements are also popular, for example, the American "Vigrx Plus" or the Canadian "Vimax".

STI prostatitis code

In the international typology there is a section "Prostate lesions in diseases classified elsewhere". This includes problems arising from STDs, namely gonorrhea (code A54.2+) and trichomonas (code A59.0+).

Inflammation of the prostate with an abscess

An abscess of the prostate gland occurs as a result of an acute form of the disease or as a primary diagnosis. There is a sharp pain in the perineum, difficulty urinating, the temperature rises, chills may appear.

Probable causes of occurrence are previous urethritis, the presence of stones, unprofessional instrumental interventions, improper treatment, hypothermia.

To diagnose the disease, you need to contact a urologist who will prescribe a blood test, urine test, and make a palpation examination.

Prostatitis with cystitis

There are some cases when, simultaneously with the above symptoms, men are diagnosed with cystitis. There are such painful manifestations:

  • frequent urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate at night;
  • cutting pain;
  • blood, mucous secretions in the urine.

Mostly people from 40-45 years old face the problem. To make a diagnosis, you need to conduct a blood test, urine, secretion, and an ultrasound scan.

Other diseases of the gland of an inflammatory nature

There are other diseases of the same localization and of a similar nature:

  • benign formations or adenoma;
  • vesiculitis - inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  • fibrosis (or sclerosis of the prostate) - impaired urination function;
  • sarcoma - malignant formation;
  • stony inclusions or calculous prostatitis;
  • a pathological formation filled with fluid is a cyst.

If the primary disorder has not been completely cured, there is a risk of developing purulent processes. Poor or incomplete treatment can cause prostate cancer.

Unspecified pathologies with inflammation

If it is impossible to specify the type of pathology according to the ICD, 10 men are given a conclusion with the code mark 41.9. Doctors use this code to denote inflammation in the prostate gland, which requires additional diagnostics. The code is included in the XIV class according to the WHO typology, that is, in the section "Disorders of the genitourinary system".

Coding of malignant and benign formations in the prostate area

Unprofessional or untimely treatment, along with other factors, can lead to the appearance of benign or malignant formations, which are coded as follows:

  • malignant formation - p61;
  • benign education - p61.

The formations may not be dangerous, but often they require surgical intervention. The process of their growth is painful, but periodically it is asymptomatic. Therefore, it is so important to check with ultrasound, especially if the patient has already been treated for inflammation. A preventive examination should be done annually - it will help to identify any pathologies in the early stages and eliminate them without harm to health.

ICD classification of diseases associated with prostatitis

Against the background of the described problem or as a result of it, other disorders may occur:

  • vesiculitis - No. 49.0;
  • hyperplasia - No. 40;
  • urolithiasis (urolithiasis) - No. 20-23;
  • 2 - abscess;
  • 3 - prostatocystitis;
  • 9 - inflammatory disease of the prostate, unspecified;
  • 8 - other inflammatory diseases of the gland.

Inflammation of the prostate is a common problem, so doctors have already developed an effective therapeutic regimen to solve it. The main thing is not to self-medicate, as this is fraught with a chronic diagnosis and its transformation into more serious ailments. Timely medical care will minimize the chances of adverse development or death.

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The World Health Organization released a handbook, where a specific code was assigned to each disease. This allows doctors not to write long diagnoses, instead of which a code with numbers and letters is indicated.

This makes it possible for medical workers from different countries not to get confused in the spelling of the names of diseases, and has established mutual understanding between them. This article tells what prostatitis code for ICD 10 has.

ICD 10 is a document indicating the systematization of diseases. It is reviewed under the supervision of WHO once every 10 years. It has existed in Russia since 1999.

The reference book refers to regulatory documents, which ensures the unity of international methods, makes it possible to classify diseases, collect, analyze, and systematize data from different countries.

With its help, an analysis of the lethal outcome from a certain pathology is carried out.

Principles of classification

This classification is based on the alphanumeric coding system. The first character is an English letter. In place of the following characters are numbers. The fourth character is located after the decimal point.

The international directory consists of 21 classes, with incoming pathologies known to science. Each letter belongs to a specific disease. The letters H, D are an exception, since they are used to designate several classes. There are subsections with two or more letters.

Note! In total, the encoding from A00 to Z99 is used.

All classes of diseases consist of blocks that are combined according to a certain property. In total, there are 258 blocks in the directory, where there are three-digit sections, consisting of two numbers and one letter. The International Health Organization has allocated 2600 headings using the fourth character. It is necessary to indicate the location of the pathological process, its variety.

Statistical systematization consists of three volumes. The first volume contains lists of headings, subheadings with a four-digit number. The second volume contains instruction on the correct use of the handbook for subsequent coding of diagnoses, causes of death.

The third volume has an encrypted designation of pathologies in alphabetical order, which leads to a significant acceleration of the search for the necessary diagnosis.

Where applicable

Classification is of great importance for the study of pathologies and mortality from them. With its help you can:

  • compare the incidence rate, cause of death in different regions, countries;
  • study the dynamics of the disease;
  • plan the work of the health service, based on the type of pathology;
  • study the causes of illness, mortality from it;
  • to ensure the unity of medical methods.

ICD code 10 prostatitis

Many patients are interested in what prostatitis code for ICD 10 has.
The sample refers prostatitis to class 14, where pathological foci of the genitourinary system of men are indicated.

The male genital area has an ICD code in the block with numbers from 40 to 51. Diseases of the prostate are in the heading with numbers 41.

There are the following types of ICD 10 prostatitis coding:

  • 41.0 - sharp;
  • 41.1 - chronic prostatitis according to ICD 10;
  • 41.2 - abscess, purulent inflammation;
  • 41.3 - prostatocystitis;
  • 41.8 - other inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland;
  • 41.9 - unspecified diagnosis.

For your information, prostatitis is classified based on how the disease proceeds.

Acute course

Prostatitis of the acute stage occurs as a result of the formation of an inflammatory focus in the prostate gland. It can be caused by infection, fluid stagnation. This disease affects men over 25 years of age. There are different types of acute course:

  1. Catarrhal, in which pain occurs during the process of urination.
  2. Follicular, characterized by sensations of pain in the perineum, anus.
  3. characterized by sharp, pronounced pain.

Acute prostatitis ICD 10 has the number 41.0

chronic course

The species occurs with an already existing affected prostate against the background of irregular sexual contacts, reduced immunity, an infectious disease, and hypothermia. This form does not have such a bright symptomatology as acute.

But it is difficult to treat, characterized by regular relapses. Pathology usually occurs in men who have reached the age of 40.

Has the following features:

  • painful urination;
  • decreased erection;
  • painful discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • false urge to urinate.

For information, chronic prostatitis code according to the classification system is 41.1. The calculous type of pathology belongs to the same encoding.

Other diseases

In addition, there are the following pathologies of the prostate in adults:

  • 41.2 - which are characterized by purulent formations resulting from untimely started therapy;
  • 41.3 - prostatocystitis, characterized by simultaneous damage to the bladder and prostate gland.

non-infectious species

All complicated 10 chr., which have, belong to the rubric at number 42.

For example:

  • 42.0 - this code indicates the presence of stones in the organ;
  • 42.1 - this is how congestive prostatitis is designated;
  • 40.0 - belongs to neoplasms of a benign organ, which includes adenoma, fibroma, hypertrophy.


This disease is characterized by its aggressiveness, uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. As a result, the tumor grows rapidly, which passes to adjacent tissues.

Note! ICD code 10 for malignant tumor C 61.

Useful video


The ICD 10 code allows doctors not to write long names of diseases, not to get confused in diagnoses, and to control them in different parts of the world.

BPH code according to ICD-10 - N 40.0. It is under this code that the condition that every 6-7 men face after reaching the age of 50 is included in the worldwide registry of diseases. The pathology of the prostate gland includes a vast number of diseases, including malignant neoplasms and injuries. But the risk of their occurrence is much lower than the development of growth of the glandular tissue of the prostate. It is worth noting that this condition, although it appears among other diseases, cannot be unambiguously regarded as a pathology. There is a separate form of BPH, in which an increase in the size of the gland occurs towards the rectum. In this case, there are neither clinical manifestations nor laboratory changes. But the compilers of the ICD-10 refer this form to N 40.0.

The essence of the problem

Neoplasms in all organs can be both benign and malignant. Adenoma is, according to anatomy, a benign tumor, the growth of which depends on the hormonal background of the whole organism. Before understanding the classifications, pathogenesis, clinic and treatment, it is necessary to have basic information about the anatomy of the prostate gland. The following parts of the gland are distinguished: the right and left lobes, the isthmus. The isthmus is a section of the gland located between the lobes. In front, it is limited by the entry point of the bladder neck. Behind - the confluence of the ejaculatory ducts. The second name of the isthmus is "middle lobe". It is true only in older men, since this area of ​​the prostate increases greatly with age.

The gland is located in the pelvic cavity. Covers the upper parts of the urethra, which have just left the bladder. Posteriorly, the prostate fits snugly against the rectum.

Reasons for the development of the disease

As with most neoplasms, the question of the cause remains open. It became known that hyperplasia of the gland is closely related to age (as discussed above), the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) and the volume of the gland itself. Thus, it is necessary to understand that an increase in the size of the gland does not always describe the code N 40.0. If a malignant tumor is excluded and there are symptoms characteristic of diseases, only in this case it is possible to testify to BPH.

The theory of the effect of hormones on the growth of tissue inside the gland has the most harmonious structure and clarity of logic. With age, the intensity of the production of male sex hormones - testosterone and its derivatives - decreases. Normally, even in the body of a man, female sex hormones - estrogens - are synthesized. With a decrease in the concentration of testosterone, the relative concentration of estrogens increases, which cause an inadequate response from the cells of the gland, which leads to hyperplasia (growth) of the epithelium.

Manifestations of the disease

Only after any specific manifestations arise, one can speak of the disease. For a more accurate diagnosis, the so-called supporting symptoms were identified, which were grouped into the concept of "symptoms of the lower urinary tract". This concept includes:

  1. 1. Difficulty urinating, more often than usual, accompanied by pain (stranguria).
  2. 2. Imperative urges are extremely strong urges to urinate that cannot be controlled by a person.
  3. 3. Violation of the integrity of the urine stream during the act of urination.
  4. 4. Feeling of incomplete urination.
  5. 5. Predominantly nocturnal urges.

There have been attempts to link the severity of these symptoms with the size of the prostate gland, but none of them was successful. Therefore, to diagnose the severity, in addition to standard research methods, rather unusual methods were proposed, many of which are still used today. For example, measuring the maximum rate of urination.

BPH can be complicated by severe conditions. The most dangerous of them include the development of ureterohydronephrosis, which can lead to chronic renal failure.

Classification of symptoms of disease progression includes the following:

  1. 1. Decrease in the maximum rate of urination.
  2. 2. Increase in the total amount of residual urine after emptying the bladder.
  3. 3. An increase in the size of the prostate in dynamics.
  4. 4. Deterioration of the results of passing special testing (I-PSS).
  5. 5. Syndrome of acute urinary retention.
  6. 6. Increase in PSA.

Smoking and alcohol abuse somewhat worsens the course of the disease. But the degree of this deterioration is not so high. Interesting were the results of studies that compared groups of patients with adenoma and diabetes mellitus and simply pathology of the gland. It turned out that diabetes mellitus is much more common in combination with pathological growth of the glandular tissue of the prostate than on its own. It has not been possible to explain this yet.

How to detect and determine the severity of pathology?

According to the international recommendation, there is a strict distinction between persons who are assigned to one or another list of examinations. The standard diagnostic profile is for men over 50 years of age with no risk of lower urinary tract symptoms unrelated to BPH. After collecting basic information about the complaints and the history of the disease, the doctor may recommend special testing (I-PSS). It is a list of special questions and answers to them, with the help of which it is possible to determine the severity of manifestations of urinary tract symptoms without resorting to special examination methods.

The next step is a physical examination. As mentioned above, the prostate is in front of the rectum. Therefore, for the primary diagnosis of prostate cancer, a digital examination is performed through the anus. Despite some discomfort during its implementation, you should not refuse it. Since with the help of this technique it is possible to detect prostate cancer with high reliability. In addition, the doctor is required to conduct an elementary neurological examination to exclude the pathology of the nervous system, which can mimic the symptoms of BPH.

Prostate adenoma is a disease in men characterized by growth (benign hyperplasia) of the glandular tissue of the prostate, followed by squeezing of the urethra.

Currently, for the convenience of classifying diseases and in order to comply with the standards of treatment, the international classification of diseases - ICD, its latest edition - ICD 10, is used.

It refers diseases of various organs and systems by type of disease to the corresponding sections, which are coded in Roman numerals. The letter coding refers to organ systems, while the digital coding details organs and diseases.


In the international classification, prostate adenoma has an ICD code 10, and belongs to the group of prostate diseases. This group is coded with the letter N and numbers from 40 to 51, belongs to the XIV class of diseases of the male reproductive system.

Among these diseases, prostate adenoma receives the ICD 10 N40 code, which includes variants of the name of this disease:

  • adenomatous prostatic hypertrophy;
  • benign enlargement of the gland;
  • fibroadenoma;
  • adenoma of the median lobe of the prostate;
  • blockage of the prostate duct.

Prostate cancer is not included in this list, since all these names are grouped together on the basis of benign enlargement of the paraurethral glands, glandular and fibrous tissue of the prostate, which can lead to difficulty urinating. Often this is the main symptom of the disease.

Worth noting

This code does not include other benign tumors of the prostate that are classified under a different code and belong to a different group. These different names were formed in the process of studying the disease of the prostate gland on the basis of morphological and histological data.

According to statistics, prostate adenoma is often found in older men, in men older than 80 years, prostate adenoma occurs in 95% of cases. It can also be said that the incidence of prostate adenoma increases with age.

Prostate adenoma according to ICD 10: how to correctly diagnose

The ICD 10 prostate adenoma code includes various stages and names of the process and does not reflect the entire clinical picture of the disease.

According to the classification of prostate adenoma, ICD 10 belongs to the same group of diseases, which includes all diseases of the urinary and reproductive organs in men and is coded by the letter N and numbers from 40 to 51.

Inflammatory diseases of the prostate, stones, congestion in the prostate, prostate stones, as well as diseases of the testicles and penis, variants of male infertility, for example, bilateral varicocele, and diseases of the male genital organs, classified in other headings, are included in this group.

ICD 10 codes for prostate adenoma disease separately from diseases such as prostatitis, including its chronic form, sexually transmitted diseases, stones in the prostate ducts, and other inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland.


When formulating such a diagnosis as prostate adenoma, the ICD 10 code does not include other benign prostate tissue growths, tumors such as myoma and fibroma, which are also characterized by dysuric phenomena.

The disease, coded as prostate adenoma, is differentiated by ICD with malignant tumors, cancer, prostate adenocarcinoma, which also have similar symptoms in the early stages.

For the disease of prostate adenoma, the ICD code 10 is set on the basis of an anamnesis, the results of an instrumental and physical study.

Also, to clarify the diagnosis, instrumental and laboratory methods of research, ultrasound methods of research are used, data of histological studies are taken into account based on the material obtained during a biopsy or after operations on the gland.


For the diagnosis of prostate adenoma, the ICD does not provide for the allocation of individual variants or stages of the development of the disease, all stages and degrees are marked with one alphanumeric combination, regardless of the severity and severity of the process. Also, the patient's age and prognosis are not taken into account.

The exposed ICD code for prostate adenoma is the basis for the appointment of appropriate treatment. The range of treatment methods for prostate adenoma is wide and includes therapeutic methods in the form of medication, physiotherapy, including massage and appropriate procedures.

The choice of method and the preferred method of treatment is influenced by the age of the patient, the severity of symptoms and the degree of increase in the volume of glandular tissue. In complex cases, for good reasons and at the discretion of the doctor, surgical treatment is recommended, which can be performed in various ways.

Currently, one of the most common male pathologies diagnosed in representatives of the stronger sex of all ages is prostate adenoma. ICD-10 code -N40. The reference book encodes all officially existing ailments and pathologies. This cipher is designed so that doctors can diagnose a person and prescribe treatment anywhere, regardless of the country in which the patient is located.

The Statistical Classification of Diseases is a huge document that describes in detail all the ailments known to date. In this document, all diseases are divided into groups and types, the causes, symptoms, stages of all diseases are described in detail. In addition, the document records the statistics of mortality from a particular disease.

This most important international medical document is reviewed by the World Health Organization every 10 years, and, if necessary, amendments and changes are made to it.

The regulation makes it easier to compare diseases in all countries of the world, thanks to it, doctors in any country can quickly determine what kind of illness a person has encountered and, if necessary, provide competent treatment. For the first time, attempts to create such an act were carried out as early as 1706. Today, doctors use ICD-10 codes to determine diseases.

It consists of 3 main volumes:

  1. Classification. This volume describes in detail the data on statistical developments, the main concepts and rules.
  2. Detailed instructions for use.
  3. Alphabetical index.

The international classification includes 21 classes. Regardless of the type of disease, the letter always comes first, and then the number.

Currently, the act is freely available on the Internet, so that not only doctors, but also patients can quickly find all the necessary information.

All diseases of the genitourinary system and organs in the ICD-10 are denoted by the letter N. This class is one of the largest, since it contains 11 subsections.

Sexual dysfunctions and diseases in the representatives of the stronger sex are described in it under codes N40-50. In addition to lesions of the prostate, diseases of the penis, testicles and other important organs are described there.

This class of diagnoses includes the following sections:

  • benign prostatic hyperplasia (ICD-10 code - N40);
  • prostate pathologies of inflammatory origin (N41);
  • third-party negative changes in the organ (N42);
  • dropsy (N43);
  • testicular torsion (N44);
  • inflammation of the testicles in the stronger sex (N45);
  • inability to conceive due to problems with sperm (N46);
  • disorders of the foreskin (union, increased tissue growth, edema) (N47);
  • foreign pathologies of the genital organ (N48);
  • inflammations not elsewhere specified (N49);
  • other ailments of the reproductive system in men (N50);
  • lesions of the sexual type in males in the conditions described in other subsections (N51).

Prostate adenoma (ICD-10 code) is indicated by code N40. Hyperplasia, the formation of tumors of benign origin, cysts, fibromas and other pathologies also fall into this category. But this cipher does not include diseases of a non-cancerous nature.

After 40 years, every man needs to undergo a preventive examination at least once a year in order to be able to detect the disease in time and prevent its progression.

Prostate adenoma (ICD-10 code N40) in professional language is also often called hyperplasia. The main characteristic of this disease is the formation of a tumor, which is based on the glandular cells of the organ.

Absolutely all deviations that can be attributed to this group are indicated in the international classification by the code N40.

It also includes such pathologies:

  1. organ hypertrophy.
  2. Adenoma of the middle area.
  3. Adenofibrous hypertrophy.
  4. Enlargement and size of the prostate.
  5. Blockage of organ channels.

Each of these clinical diagnoses has one common symptom - the organ grows and gradually increases, which leads to the appearance of an adenoma. It is this violation that is the main one in making a diagnosis. Doctors assure that each of these pathologies are very similar to each other and often have the same cause of origin. Most often, the difference lies only in the structure of tissues.

Anatomically, the prostate consists of 3 lobes. As medical practice shows, adenoma most often develops in the first two. If, during the diagnosis, the physician detects hyperplasia in the neck, an adenoma of the middle lobe is placed.

As statistics show, the percentage of diagnosing these diseases is growing almost every year. Among adult men (55-60 years old), it is diagnosed in 65%.

In the course of numerous clinical studies, it was found that prostatitis is most often diagnosed in men over 50 years old. Usually, the onset of the disease is due to the fact that hormone production is disturbed during this period, which may cause hormonal imbalance.

Also, constant smoking and alcohol abuse often act as a provoking factor.

To prevent the development of the disease, a man needs not only to be examined periodically, but also to change his lifestyle and strictly adhere to medical recommendations, otherwise prostatitis cannot be avoided.

Although prostatitis is considered a benign pathology according to ICD-10, its symptoms may vary slightly depending on where exactly the tumor has formed.

Currently, doctors distinguish between the following stages of the disease:

  • compensated. At this stage, the man has problems with urination. The jet will come out late, and its pressure will be insufficient. This symptom will be especially pronounced at night;
  • subcompensated. Due to the strong increase in the size of the tumor, there are problems with the emptying and functioning of the urinary canal. As a result of the fact that the bladder will never be completely emptied, its walls will become denser. At the same time, the man will run to the toilet more often, and the excretion of urine will be minimal. Also at this stage, blood clots and slight clouding may appear in the excreted urine;
  • decompensated. The walls of the bladder stretch even more, when emptying the man experiences severe discomfort.

With diffuse changes in the prostate, many men experience problems with potency, and against the background of such deviations, sleep problems almost always appear.

If the disease goes into an advanced stage, it can cause very serious consequences and even cause kidney failure.

Methods of treatment

The treatment regimen is selected taking into account when the disease was detected and how strongly it developed. Most often, adenoma is treated with drug therapy, usually the patient is prescribed adrenoblockers and inhibitors.

If a few months after the start of therapy, there is still no improvement, the only way out is to perform a surgical intervention (excision of the deformed tissues of the organ or its complete removal).

The choice of the method of operation depends on the stage of the pathology.

If the pathology is detected at the initial stage, the following procedures will help prevent its development:

  • warming up the body;
  • regular massage (it is desirable that manual exposure is carried out by an experienced specialist);
  • exposure to nitrogen;
  • microwave coagulation.

The method of treatment should be selected exclusively by the attending physician, taking into account the stage of the disease and whether any complications have developed against it.

Patients need to remember that it is impossible to prescribe treatment on their own, as this will only aggravate the situation and provoke the progression of the disease.