Eva is full before and after losing weight. Personal life of Eva Polnaya. Correct mental attitude

Excess weight is a real "plague" of the XXI century. And not only the most ordinary girls, who are inclined to be overweight and love to eat sweets, are fighting with her, but also the stars, to whom the harsh laws of fashion and show business dictate their own rules. By the summer we all want to reset overweight and boast of a chiseled figure on the beach. Editorial website I decided to tell you the story of one famous chic woman who managed without any plastic surgery cope with your excess weight and prove to the world that anything is possible.

The gorgeous singer Eva Polna, whom you all know, has never been able to boast of her perfect figure. The weight charming singer passed over 90 kg with her height of 172 cm. Eternal tour, moving, night receptions, performances, lack of sleep had a strong effect on the health and appearance of a woman. But unbeknownst to everyone, she took up herself and changed!

According to the 41-year-old artist, it was very difficult for her to lose weight! She set a goal for herself: change her schedule, improve her diet, exercise, and eventually lose weight. excess weight and improve your overall health.

The first achievements were not long in coming! She lost 10 kg by eliminating harmful foods from her diet and began to move more: go to the gym several times a week and arrange for herself as many walks as possible.

After such a shake-up of the body at her age, she immediately began to look younger and more attractive. In an interview, she even said that she feels much better: energy, cheerfulness, lightness and pride in her result have appeared, which does not allow her to give up her positions and stop there.

She encourages her fans to join her: switch to health food and start going to the gym. And in no case do not relax and do not quit what you started, otherwise everything will return. “This is the only way you will not let the young body feel old age and will be able to correct your figure,” says Russian singer.

Change habits and start a new one healthy life- hard, but possible. The main thing to have desire, goal and like-minded bod sideways that won't let you stop.

Fans are incredibly happy about the new thinner pop singer Eva and are ready to take an example from the mentor for transformation. Let the cherished dream of the star about perfect figure soon come true. We wish her good luck in this difficult path to perfection!

The ex-soloist of the group "Guests from the Future" radically changed her image and Eva Polna lost 15 kilograms! Photos of 2015 once again prove that the star has noticeably prettier, cut her hair and dyed her hair in a copper shade. The actress in the new image looks much younger.

Fitness is power

Star fans rejoice - for many, Eva has become an example for inspiration and guidance. And there is something to be inspired by: the artist, who was never shy of magnificent forms, wore bright and seductive outfits, and never got carried away sports training. What made her gather her will "into a fist" and literally register on the fitness site? Why does the star encourage readers of his microblog to actively train in the open air?

"Only forward! To battle!!! Workout on the street rules! I'm thinking about what I should buy for the autumn-winter season to run, walk? I'm betting on shoes!!!" Eva propagates.

Fans showered the singer with compliments:

“Sports training amazingly rejuvenates the human body! Eva, you are a prime example of this. Look charming, new. Hairstyle is great! It's like you just turned 18! Great motivation for the fans!”.

It's tasty and healthy

This summer, photos of interesting dietary dishes were updated daily on Instagram, and thinner Eva Polna kept a report on the work done in the comments. Photo 2015 impressed with impressive weight loss results in April, when, after another merciless criticism of fans, the singer took the first step towards her dream - an ideal figure. She adjusted her diet, giving preference to dietary and healthy food, and also made friends with sports. Eva literally fell in love with a vegetable smoothie, and her best drink was a cappuccino made from ... juicy peas.

Eva is sure that it is not enough to lose weight all day long in the gym, it is important to eat right. During breakfast in front of the pool, Eva enjoys oatmeal with pecans and blueberries.

How to overcome the bar?

Polna was actively engaged in swimming, Workout and tried in practice a simple, but effective exercise- bar:

“The first thing I do in the morning, after drinking a glass of water and washing my face, is getting up in the bar. I love to soak up in bed, but I consider it my duty to do my favorite exercise! How do you wake up in the morning?" - the thinner singer encourages subscribers.

The actress convinces that losing extra pounds and looking younger is easy! And there is no need to quickly carry your money to the gym and perform exercises in a stuffy space. Possibly the lessons outdoors more useful. And in the form of a projectile, Polna adapted an ordinary rubber band.

“The best friend of donuts is a rubber band! Mini gym in your pocket! Eva says. - Who is lazy in the morning? Who sits out their ass after work and grows "cams of love"? BUT??? I'm in a hurry to report on my achievements! Only 50 min. simple exercises on the playground! And that's it! Post passed! In which case, this post is not for super fitness gurus! This is to raise the tone - sloths, koalas and pandas!

In addition to exercises on simulators, the girl enthusiastically spends time on the squash court and goes in for walking with the use of weights, in general, she has joined the ranks of fitness girls. Monotonous exercises are not Eva's style. And in order not to get bored, Polna circles in the evenings in a charming tango. It must be said that such efforts are not in vain. For 4 months, the girls became slimmer almost twice.

In the nearest plans of the actress - classes in the martial art of Jujutsu. According to the performer of the hit "Run from me", she can not wait to "fight a little." Before Eva was engaged in boxing, so she has experience in this area.

A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle

It's terribly interesting to find out what secrets lie in the diet that the star adhered to in 40 years. The extravagant Eva Polna became a mother twice and gained a little weight, while looking very appetizing and liked to appear in public in seductive outfits. In response to sharp comments, the girl reported: “a thin cow is not a gazelle yet,” so she does not intend to engage in exhausting diets.

With a height of 163 cm, the actress is now ready to boast of a weight of 65 kg. The singer lost 15 kg in a few months and modestly states that she did not adhere to special diets, the main restrictions were on the diet. What's the secret? The actress lifts the veil of secrecy:

  • Eva categorically refused harmful high-calorie foods: sweet, smoked, fried, flour and pickled dishes are under the "barn lock".
  • The list of harmful products includes salt and spices. Eva does not want to spoil the taste of her new menu with a variety of preservatives and additives.
  • Mega-tasty, healthy and varied food fills the star's diet 5 times a day.

The entire list of the recommended menu is filled with lean dishes of fish, meat, fruits, vegetables and herbs. According to Polna's fans, her recipes are really tasty and varied. And properly prepared green tea, dishes with low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheeses for breakfast will give a charge of vivacity and positive mood all day.

What are the rules?

Let's listen to the advice of the stars:

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Feel free to switch to fractional nutrition, that is, eat 200 g of food 5 times a day and do not deny yourself anything!

Don't forget to make friends with math! It is important to correctly calculate calories, their volume should not exceed more than 1200 Kcal during normal physical activity (using the main rule of the "bar").

Psychology and mind are the main factors right approach to diets. Before eating food, you need to wish yourself a pleasant appetite. This will allow you to direct calories not to the accumulation of fat, but to energy metabolism.

What do stars eat?

If there is a need to become slim and beautiful in a few months, use the elementary list of products of the famous beauty:

  • What's for breakfast? Bran porridge, freshly squeezed fresh juice and boiled egg.
  • We select the menu for lunch. Only 100 g of fruit and berry platter.
  • Diversify the dinner table with vegetable soups, salads and meats.
  • A light afternoon snack can be even more useful and enjoyable if you drink just a glass of kefir.
  • And for dinner, 200 g of juicy vegetables is enough.

A couple of recipes to uplift the spirit

Bright, tasty and incredibly healthy tomato soup:

  • Cut the pepper, onion and tomatoes with herbs into small pieces.
  • Place the tomatoes on a baking sheet and bake until the skin forms. Then we clean it and make tomato puree.
  • Give the onion a golden color by adding a little olive oil to the pan.
  • And we throw 300 g of rice with buckwheat into the water.
  • After 15 min. throw the remaining ingredients, put on a slow fire and throw the greens when ready.

Baked apples:

  • Cut out the center of the apples.
  • Fill with curd mixture with raisins.
  • Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Chicken meatballs:

  • Place slices of bread in 100 g of warmed cream.
  • Grind chicken meat, adding juicy bread.
  • Pepper the resulting mass and fry the cue balls with olive oil.

And what about the mood?

Eva Polna became a bright highlight of the next concert of the "Party Zona" band and earned the attention of many noble people. Of course, this is not 90/60/90, but the changes are noticeable at first sight.

Passions around the sensational image of the actress do not fade away, because many fans are 100% sure that the changes in appearance are caused by something very personal, for example, love.


Eva Polna is a Russian singer, composer, songwriter, ex-soloist of the group "Guests from the Future". Winner of 8 Golden Gramophone awards, including for her solo songs.

Childhood and youth

Eve ( real name- Polnaya) was born and raised in an intelligent Leningrad family. Her parents noticed early musical talent daughters and did their best to develop it.

Father with young years taught the girl to good music, jazz often sounded in the house, and the singer Ella Fitzgerald became Eve's idol and role model.

Another passion of little Eva was reading - she adored science fiction and often imagined myself in the cockpit spaceship. No wonder her musical group called "Guests from the Future".

Eva did not like school very much and went there reluctantly. She much more enjoyed doing music and choreography than cramming algebra and physics. Therefore, the girl chose a humanitarian university and entered the library department of the Institute of Arts, which she successfully graduated in 1996. But she did not have a chance to work in her specialty.

By the time she graduated from the university, Eva was already a member of the rather well-known rap group A-2 in St. Petersburg, where she performed as a vocalist and dancer. After staying in it for a year, Polna went to solo swimming, performing classic rock ballads in St. Petersburg clubs.

Musical career

In 1996, fate brought her to Yuri Usachev, who was looking for a vocalist for his musical project. Seeing the girl on stage, he was completely fascinated by her voice and energy, and after the performance he offered cooperation. So Polna became a soloist, as well as a songwriter, director and costume designer for the newly-minted group "Guests from the Future".

Eva Polna. "How it all began"

Their first album, recorded in the jungle style, did not arouse much interest from the public. Changing the concept towards pop music, they recorded several new songs and began to perform with them in clubs.

At one of these concerts, the “Guests” were heard by DJ Groove, who appreciated the composition “Time is Sand” from the album of the same name and offered it for broadcast on the radio. Unexpectedly, the single took the first lines in the charts, and they started talking about the group as a new one. musical event in domestic show business.

Guests from the Future - "The Best of You"

Soon "Guests from the Future" recorded the third album "Run from me", and a year later the fourth - "Winter in the Heart". The team celebrated its fifth anniversary with a big solo concert in the St. Petersburg Palace of Culture "Jubilee", after which "Guests from the Future" went on a big tour.

In the spring of 2006, their first solo concert took place in Moscow, and three years later, Yuri Usachev left the band. For some time he remained a co-author of Eva and a musical arranger of songs, but Polna was already alone on the stage.

Eva Polna - "Not Parting"

Over the next ten years, the singer recorded two studio albums, for six songs of which video clips were shot. For my solo activity the singer received several Golden Gramophones, Muz-TV and MusicAwards awards, and many other honorary music awards.

Since 2013, Polna has become frequent guest on TV. She showed herself perfectly in the show “Just Like It”, and a year later she was invited to the jury of the project “I Want to Meladze”. Then she became a guest of Yulia Menshova in the program “Alone with Everyone”.

Eva Polna. Alone with everyone

In 2016-17, Polna gave several major concerts, and in 2017 she released her second solo album"Phoenix".

Personal life of Eva Polna

The singer is not married and does not hide her bisexual orientation. At the same time, she is an exemplary and loving mother of her daughters Evelina (2005) and Amalia (2007).

Eva Polna (Elena Leonidovna Polnaya) is one of the most unusual singers in Russian show business. Her image is recognizable and inimitable. She is not afraid to be outrageous and at the same time has an outstanding talent.

Eva was born on May 19, 1975 in Leningrad. Her father is Polish by nationality, so she often spent her holidays in Poland. Eva's mother was Russian.

As a child, Polna dreamed of becoming an astronaut: she was attracted by distant stars and planets. She harmoniously combined her passion for space with a visit to music school. Eva also did choreography.

After successfully graduating from school, Eva entered the Institute of Culture. Five years later, she graduated from the university, but she was in no hurry to work in her specialty as a librarian-biographer. The girl decided to go back to educational institution. This time, Polna chose the College of Arts, after graduating from which she taught dance. However, she soon decided to devote herself entirely to music.

The beginning of a singing career

As a student, the girl began performing as part of the A-2 rap team. She was a dancer and backing vocalist. A year and a half later, the aspiring singer left the band and began performing in nightclubs. northern capital. She performed legendary rock hits.

Group "Guests from the Future"

In 1996, Polna met with Yuri Usachyov, who was looking for a soloist in a project called "Guests from the Future". The group's first jungle album was recorded in just one night, but the record did not gain popularity. For this reason, the group changed its direction and began to perform exclusively pop music. The first single "Run from me" broke records of popularity. From that moment on, the success of "Guests from the Future" rapidly began to gain momentum.

The group began to appear the first high-quality clips. "Guests from the Future" began to appear more and more often on television and actively tour. Albums were recorded, each of which at one time turned out to be at the top of popularity: “Winter in the Heart”, “It's Stronger than Me”, “Eva”, etc. In 2009, the group stopped touring, as Yuri Usachev left the project.

Solo career

After the collapse of the team, Eva presented solo tracks that took first place in the Russian-language charts: "Guys Don't Cry", "The Whole World", "Mirages", etc. In 2013, the singer arranged a grand tour of the cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Immediately after him, Polna released her first solo disc, Love Sings. The singer is the owner of prestigious awards: Golden Gramophone, Top Hit Music Awards, figurine "Red Star", etc.

Personal life

Personal life artist has always been actively discussed in the media. She was credited with novels with famous personalities both sexes. In 2001, Polna came out and confessed her bisexuality.

The press kept leaking information about love relationships outrageous artist with women, but at the same time she gave birth to two children. In 2005, a daughter, Evelyn, was born in an elite maternity hospital, whose father is singer Denis Klyaver. For a long time given fact was hiding from the press, since at the time of the birth of the girl Denis was married.

In 2007, Eva gave birth to a second daughter, whom it was decided to name Amalia. Her father is the owner of a network of fashionable restaurants, Sergei Pilgun, with whom the singer was officially married. The couple broke up two years later. Subsequently, strong family Polna never created it.


  • Height - 172 cm
  • Weight - 97 kg
  • www.instagram.com/polnaeva_official
  • www.evapolna.ru

For many years, the singer (and songwriter) Eva Polna, who has not descended from the starry Olympus, was known not only for her work, but also for her magnificent forms that distinguish her from other representatives of Russian show business.

Even at the dawn of her career, the singer did not have model parameters, but Eva Polna's main weight jump occurred after the birth of her two daughters - pregnancies followed one after another. However, the star not only did not take off her figure, but also emphasized it with extravagant outfits in bright colors. color solutions, thereby inspiring spectators to bold experiments.

Eva Polna's transformation

And suddenly a change in image followed - Eva Polna lost weight, dropping 15 kg. Why? It turns out that in 2015 the singer turned 40 years old, and she decided to meet this milestone renewed life, relying primarily on changes in appearance. And in order for them to happen, Eva Polna changed her diet and began to devote time to sports, which did not go unnoticed by her fans, because since the summer of 2015 they have constantly seen photos of her workouts and diet meals on the singer's Instagram.

Eva Polna on a golden gramophone

All this was accompanied by Eva's enthusiastic comments, in which she shared with her subscribers positive emotions from leading a new way of life. And so, over the course of several months, the singer’s weight gradually decreased, eventually stopping at a figure of 65 kg with a height of 163 cm. Already in 2016, when asked about changes in her appearance, Eva Polna replied that such a complexion more than suits her, and she does not intend to lose weight further, adding her favorite saying "A thin cow is not a gazelle yet."

Eve's Slimming Secrets

Naturally, everyone is primarily interested in what exactly did the singer do in order to lose these same 15 kg? And the thinner star does not make a secret of this, openly reporting the rules of her diet, so that after they can be used by everyone.

  • First of all, she refused junk food - fatty fried foods, smoked meats and marinades, all flour and sweet, and also excluded salt from her diet.
  • Then she switched to fractional nutrition, starting to eat small portions five times a day. The list of products allowed by Eva includes lean meat and fish, fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, bran, cereals, durum wheat pasta, low-fat cottage cheese, and cheese.
  • She also drinks a lot of properly brewed green tea, and at the same time does not adhere to any specific diet or nutritional methodology, forming her menu according to her mood and desire.
  • By the way, Eva Polna makes a special emphasis on the mood, not forgetting about a positive psychological approach: before each meal, she sincerely wishes herself a good appetite, referring to her body and redirecting energy in it.

Eva Polna at the beginning of the diet

Approximate diet of a star

Eva Polna lost weight, having lost 15 kg, distributing her meals approximately as follows (of course, this is only approximately the menu of just one day, and everything changes):

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, boiled egg, green tea.
  • Snack: 100 g of fruit or berries (or a mixture thereof).
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of boiled or baked meat, vegetable salad.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.
  • Dinner: baked or boiled vegetables.

In addition to food photos, the singer shared recipes for several dishes that have become her favorites during this time and significantly brightened up the transition to a healthy diet.

Tomato soup

To prepare this fragrant and healthy soup, you need to finely chop 1 bell pepper and an onion, cut a few tomatoes in half and chop your favorite greens. Then the tomatoes need to be sent to bake in the oven, and while this is happening, heat a little olive oil in a pan and fry the onion in it. You will need to remove the skin from the baked tomatoes and grind them with a blender in mashed potatoes, simultaneously boiling two liters of water and throwing 300 g of rice or buckwheat into them. After 15 minutes, it will be possible to send all the vegetables and herbs to this pan, and bring the tomato soup to its full readiness.

Physical exercise in tandem with diet gives incredible results

chicken meatballs

Very tasty and yet diet dish prepared like this - in 100 ml of warmed cream (low-fat, but especially stubborn in a diet can replace them with milk), you need to soak a couple of pieces of a loaf, and scroll them with a couple chicken breasts. It remains only to pepper the finished mass (salt, as already mentioned, Eva no longer uses salt), form neat meatballs from it and fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Baked apples

Proper nutrition does not mean a complete rejection of desserts - it means others, but no less delicious desserts. Eva's favorite delicacy is baked apples with cottage cheese - to prepare them, you need to cut out the cores in the apples and instead add a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese with raisins, and then bake everything in the oven until a golden crust appears. Sugar is not needed - apples and raisins themselves will give all the sweetness.

Eva Polna during tennis training

Sports for weight loss Eva Polna

In the photos generously posted by Eva on Instagram, frames periodically appeared from her workouts on fresh air or in the gym - although the singer herself insists that in summer time you need to do it in nature, for which she adapted a rubber band, which has become her favorite universal "simulator".

  • Also, Eva Polna no longer imagines her morning without the plank exercise, which she performs immediately after waking up and the traditional glass of water on an empty stomach. In addition, the singer liked squash and race walking with weights. And in the evenings tango classes. Here and there is no 15 kg!

From all of the above, it is easy to conclude that there is nothing supernatural or complicated about how Eva Polna lost weight. Changing the diet without losing tasty and hearty meals, adding physical activity, which brings first of all joy and pleasure, as well as a positive attitude and self-acceptance even without parameters 90/60/90. And after that, at the end of 2015, the singer also cut her hair, again boasting a photo.