If you are jinxed about money, what should you do? Damage to poverty and misery: when it is used and how to quickly remove it. How to rid yourself of money damage

White magic will help remove damage caused by lack of money. Prayers, conspiracies and a simple appeal to God will help you avoid poverty and failure.

Many people constantly do not have enough money, not only for vacations and some entertainment, but also to live until their salary. Such preoccupation with lack of money and tomorrow prevents you from fully enjoying life. Why is this happening?

Since childhood, every person has accumulated various mental garbage, which prevents them from living to the fullest, earning big money. People not only do not know how, but are also lazy to find a way out of a difficult situation.

The reasons for lack of money lie in the following factors:

  1. Beliefs and attitudes, which are in our head, laid down by educators, teachers and parents. Moreover, all this was done with the best intentions for each child.
  2. First failures leave their mark on the human psyche. He is afraid to act if he has failed, tries not to change jobs, receiving a small salary, or is embarrassed to ask his boss for a raise.
  3. Laziness and fear of not being able to complete the task. Lack of motivation and initiative in the future leads a person to undesirable consequences: he does not take responsibility, sits at work from morning to evening, not wanting to move to a new position
  4. Misuse of time- this is one of the reasons for its shortage. A person tends to constantly engage in routine activities with a loss of sense of time. Labor potential is not eternal, so he plunges headlong into some hobby or business, losing the opportunity to find a new job with a high salary
  5. Spending. Many people spend money on things and services that are not urgently needed. But you can pamper yourself, if as people say. "the holes have been patched." Pay off your loans, make repairs in your apartment, and only then can you buy yourself some expensive, but not very necessary thing
  6. Savings that don't exist. Promotions, discounts, sales - all this is zombie advertising. In fact, this is pseudo-economy. People try to buy goods for future use and spend money that was put aside for a rainy day. At the same time, food spoils and clothes go out of fashion.
  7. Debts. Take loans only for essentials. Constant debts leave such a mark on a person’s energy that over time he turns into a chronic debtor

Important: Children are afraid of not conforming to accepted patterns and not meeting their expectations. Therefore, a loser complex is formed in the child, who has his own requests, but cannot fulfill them.

Remember: You need to praise your child not for a good grade, but for the work he did to get this grade. This way you can raise a hardworking and confident person.

  • If lack of money has become chronic and it gives you a lot of difficulties, and for some time you lived normally and were rich, then you have been damaged by lack of money
  • This kind of magic is called attack magic. People often use it if a certain person is greedy and other people suffer from it
  • This type of magical influence can be used if a person does not repay debts for a long time or when it is necessary to eliminate competitors

Damage due to lack of money is not a death sentence, and you can get rid of it.

Important: Start by cleansing your energy: repay debts, ask for forgiveness for deception and financially compensate for your action to the person who suffered.

If there is no sin behind you, then just engage in charity or do some good deed.

How to relieve lack of money using White magic: general rules

White magic will help every person who turns to it, but some rules must be followed. The magic of money allows you to stabilize your financial condition, and significantly.

How to relieve lack of money using White magic? General rules:

  1. Buy a large Guardian Angel icon
  2. Go to church on Wednesday afternoon and buy 3 large church candles
  3. Light candles only with matches - this is important
  4. The ritual to remove the damage of lack of money is carried out at 3 am. Women perform the ceremony on women's days (Friday or Wednesday), men on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
  5. Set the table with a new tablecloth purchased the day before. It should be green
  6. Candles are placed in the middle of the table, an icon is placed on the left, and a wallet is placed on the right

White magic - remove the damage of lack of money

When you have prepared everything, you can begin the ritual.

Important: The wallet should only contain paper bills - not small change!

Light the candles using a burning match with your left hand. Place your left hand on the icon, and let your right hand rest on the wallet. Read these words (12 times):

“Hello dark night!

I am your adopted daughter!

My wallet is a vegetable garden.

No one will take my fruits!

Who took my luck, who took my wealth,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

I passed it back through the candles.

On Monday I took a shovel.

On Tuesday I plowed the ground.

On Wednesday I bought grain.

On Thursday I planted the grain.

On Friday I watered it.

On Saturday I collected grain.

There are so many grains in the field, and how many you can’t count them,

And how can you not eat them all at once?

So there would be a lot and a lot of money in my wallet.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you know how to get rid of lack of money. There are also different rites and rituals. Don't use everything. Let time pass and the ritual will definitely work. If you see that there is no effect, then you should read conspiracies or prayers.

Conspiracies are considered a powerful remedy against damage or for attracting money. The conspiracy against lack of money is read with lit church candles, which should stand on a table covered with a tablecloth (see above for how to do it correctly).

You can remove damage to lack of money with these words:

A strong conspiracy against lack of money

Remember: Church candles and prayers are the best amulet against lack of money. Read prayers more often and light the candles you brought home from church.

Any prayer must be said standing in front of the icon or mentally turning to God, turning your gaze to heaven. Prayer against lack of money protects against poverty.

“I appeal to you, angel of Christ. He also protected me and protected me and kept me, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So respond now, come down on me and help me. I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked. So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that labor will be rewarded. Reward me according to my labors, holy one, so that my hand, weary with labor, may be filled, and I may live comfortably and serve God. Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen".

Every icon of a Saint purchased in a church contains his prayer. The words are pronounced clearly and slowly. To protect against lack of money, you can read the following prayers:

  • Prayer to Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria
  • Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
  • Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, helping to find a serene and comfortable existence
  • Prayer to Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk for sending down a rich life and deliverance from poverty

Rituals for the waning moon for lack of money

During the phase of the waning moon in magic it is customary to get rid of negativity and everything bad. Rituals for the waning moon against lack of money will help improve your financial situation and even save money.

The ritual begins with the fact that you must collect coins of the lowest denomination for 7 days in a row. This is done before the date of the magical ceremony. Once the coins have been collected and the designated night has arrived, follow these steps:

  1. You go out to a deserted intersection at night. You should not have fear - go boldly
  2. Stand in the center and begin to scatter coins to different parts of the world one by one, saying the words: “I’m not throwing away small change, but driving away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go, lack of money, into the distant distance, to a place from which you will never return. Amen"
  3. After that, quickly go home. Don't talk to random people you meet. If everything is done correctly, you will notice the first results within 30 days.

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. Usually it is the weak side that we hide from people and prying eyes that helps us achieve success. There is no need to be afraid of changes in life.

Important: Thinking outside the box will help you achieve great results. But you need to learn how to quickly earn a lot of money on your own, making mistakes and gaining your own unique experience.

Many people ask how to learn to earn more? It is important to enjoy an activity that generates income.

Advice: Teach yourself to think first and then make decisions. Thanks to this, you will learn to earn more and will even be able to help people solve their problems, and they, in turn, will thank you for it.

As mentioned above, debts prevent you from earning big money. They attract a person’s energy to a less successful past, and it seems that there is no way out of this vicious circle.

Important: Get rid of debts and don’t let them accumulate new ones!

  1. Learn to save money. Set aside 10% of your budget with the idea that by taking a little away today, you will improve your well-being in the future.
  2. Look for unusual ways to make money. Often you don’t even need an education or an advanced degree to do this.
  3. Many people make money by donating sperm or blood. You can also take part in a medical study. If there is a disease, then professors may ask to try a new treatment method with side effects or do physical exercises and test the effectiveness of such a healing method
  4. Registration for a focus group. This kind of extra income can be found on the Internet.
  5. Earning money from stock photos X. If you know how to take photographs and have a good digital camera, then this activity is right for you. Try to photograph more than just nature or the walls of a room with a fire extinguisher placed on them. Photos with the emotions of people talking or laughing are in demand.
  6. If you know the basics of programming, then learn how to create websites with beautiful artwork. Thanks to this, you can create custom websites and earn good money
  7. Marketing research. Anyone can become a secret shopper or write product reviews

There are many ways to earn extra money. Fantasize, come up with something of your own. But beware of offers to get rich instantly - this is how you can fall into the tricks of scammers.

Money can do a lot for a person, but do not forget about health, because it is priceless. Properly combine work and rest to truly enjoy life.

Video: Ritual for wealth. Performed on a full moon.

In this article:

Damage or a negative program for poverty is a powerful magical ritual, under the influence of which the victim will face major financial problems. This ritual is often used by businessmen to eliminate competitors, and by men in love to harm a rival in love.

In addition, this type of damage is very popular among people who are driven by envy and a desire for revenge. Regardless of the actions of the implementer, the poverty program in all cases acts the same way - it causes problems with money. Under the influence of such a ritual, the victim will constantly lose finances, as well as all his property. If the negativity is not removed in time, it can lead to a person losing everything he has, including his job, home, and will no longer be able to support his family.

What you need to know about the curse of poverty

Such negative programs can only be directed at one specific person. The effectiveness of such magic largely depends on the strength of the performer, his experience and the competence of his actions. If the ritual is performed by a professional sorcerer, then in the near future the victim will feel a powerful blow of negativity, which will manifest itself in large financial losses.

As a result of casting a spell on poverty, the victim of the ritual can lose everything overnight. A successful businessman can inexplicably turn into a beggar in just a few weeks. Previously, such rituals were carried out against rich people who made their fortune dishonestly, robbed someone, or took something valuable. According to some practitioners, in such a situation the performer should not even be afraid of a rebound and any negative consequences for himself, because in reality he is not committing a big sin.

How to remove the curse of poverty

If you have become a victim of a poverty ritual, then the first question you should ask yourself is why? Why did an unknown enemy spoil you, why did he choose this particular type of negativity? If you are truly an innocent victim and did not commit any actions that could cause righteous indignation and a desire for revenge, then it will be quite easy to remove the negative energy.

If the damage is caused by your wrong actions, if you yourself stole from someone, took something that does not belong to you, then it will not be very easy to fight righteous damage.

First of all, you will have to make amends to those people whom you have greatly harmed, for whom you have caused financial losses.

Only after this can you proceed to cleaning and hope for a successful result.

Usually, the first signs of poverty damage appear a week after the corresponding ritual. If you are engaged in business, then under the influence of negativity your relationships with business partners will sharply deteriorate, for no apparent reason. In addition, you will increasingly be faced with various fines, inspections, losses of large sums of money and breakdowns of expensive items and equipment. As soon as you notice that major business failures have begun to haunt you, it is worth carrying out one of the diagnostic rituals as soon as possible in order to accurately identify the damage.

Most poverty rituals are performed using banknotes or coins. In such rituals, magic begins to work only after you touch the enchanted object. Just one touch creates a powerful energy channel between your well-being and the will of the magician who wishes you harm.

Ritual against corruption

To carry out this ritual, you will need a personalized icon (sold in all church shops), three church candles and your own wallet with several banknotes of any denomination. At three o'clock in the morning, place the prepared candles on the table, light them and turn off the other light sources in the room. Now place your right hand on the open wallet, and your left palm on the personalized icon and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Hello, black night, I, the servant of God (name), your adopted daughter. My wallet is your big garden, no one will take your fruits. Whoever took my luck and wealth gave them back through these candles. On Monday I will take a shovel, on Tuesday I will plow the land, on Wednesday I bought grain, on Thursday I planted the grain, on Friday I watered it with spring water, and on Saturday I harvested the harvest. Just as you can’t count the number of grains in a field, you can’t count my money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need to put out the candles and hide them with your wallet in a secluded place for three days. After this time, take the candles, twist them into one and burn them in this form until the end. The candles will smoke a lot, so place them near the window and open the window so that the smoke goes outside. You can pick up your wallet and use it as usual.

The loan payment is due, and low income marks the approach of dire poverty. But before everything was completely different. Is the financial crisis alone to blame? Esotericists see the reason in corruption. You can cope with this misfortune at home. How to determine from an energy phenomenon that it is damage to money (signs), and? Usually these are directed negative thoughts and ritual actions on the part of enemies who have turned to dark forces for help.

The main signs of damage to money

A financial curse is fairly easy to identify. Before understanding the situation, plunge into a meditative state. Talking with the subconscious will help you look at the situation from the outside. Think about the presence of damage if you find the following signs.

  1. Relatives often quarrel over money. The husband reprimands his wife for every purchase, and she, in turn, cannot resist purchasing the desired trinket.
  2. No matter how much people work, the amounts received slip through their fingers like water.
  3. Any successful business collapses. New beginnings also lead to bankruptcy.
  4. The southeastern part of the apartment, where the zone of wealth is located according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is subconsciously filled by the owners with various rubbish. They themselves do not notice how they are blocking the cash flow in the house.

How to remove damage yourself for money

To get rid of a financial curse, it is not necessary to turn to magicians and psychics. Cleansing rituals are easy to perform on your own.

  1. On Maundy Thursday during Holy Week, perform a ritual to get rid of damage to money. You will need small coins and a bowl of water. Throw pennies into the container and read the spell 33 times in a row: ask for forgiveness, and then say that there will be as much money as there is water in the world. Wash the table, windows, doors, and then the floor with the liquid processed by the energy of words. If there are cats or dogs in the house, then remove them from the house while cleaning.
  2. There is an old ritual that was used by the ancient Slavs. Go into the forest and find an anthill. Read the magic words sincerely and fervently. Their essence boils down to the fact that money will be found in the same quantity as ants.

Poverty is not a death sentence. Energy practices and rituals destroy mental barriers that stop financial flows and wealth in the home. Any person who is worried about their failures in business and achieving prosperity can determine whether there is damage to money, signs and how to remove such a curse.

The topic of this article: black damage to poverty. This is a serious matter, such financial damage can not only complicate life, but even completely reshape your fate. Therefore, we need to get rid of the magical curse of poverty. And the sooner this is done, the better. At the first signs, it is necessary to make a diagnosis and take further measures. Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about just this: how to recognize damage on a person due to lack of money? And how, having recognized it, can you get rid of the negativity induced by the sorcerer? Be careful today, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how you can remove the spell of poverty through a knife.

Get rid of the curse of lack of money yourself - what is a magical curse?

Some types of poverty spells can be removed very successfully on their own at home. And if you already have some experience in witchcraft, then, most likely, you can easily cope with the induced magical negativity. To get rid of damage due to lack of money yourself, you need to know something about curses. What kind of influences are these, and why do magicians use them?

In the tradition of black magic there are different categories of damage:

  • generational
  • black damage to death,
  • there are such types of negativity as dark rituals for slavery,
  • slave seals,
  • weakening and suppression of the will of the object of influence.
  • there is damage to loneliness,
  • to break up a family,
  • damage to punish the offender
  • and terrible influences for revenge on enemies.
  • There is such a category of black damage that complicates the life of the victim,
  • deprived of freedom and joy,
  • initiate internal discomfort.
  • What are insomnia and nightmares worth, for example?
  • obesity, flatulence and diarrhea,
  • loss of voice or lice that are impossible to get rid of!

Any of the magical curses, even if they are not aimed at the sphere of money, still strike this sphere. And there is a special category of damage: damage to closing roads, financial failures, ruin and poverty. These are very powerful magical rituals performed in a cemetery or with the help of Dark Forces.

You can bring a person to ruin through black rituals of corruption.

For example, if your victim’s only source of income is work, you can use complex magical rituals to fire him from his job. You can make a quarrel with colleagues or spoil the dislike of others, you can arrange a series of troubles for the victim, which will ultimately lead to dismissal from work. You can make a strong curse on theft (add the larva of theft), you can also achieve your goal with the help of runic magic. Outwardly, this does not look like witchcraft, but rather like a series of unfortunate absurdities that occur through the fault of the person himself. But in fact it really works black damage to poverty, the goal of which is to deprive a person of money, but not directly, but in a roundabout way. So, in order to independently remove damage due to lack of money, it must be correctly diagnosed. If you yourself are not strong in diagnostics, contact a sorcerer.

A person may have several, or may have a good, developed business. To ruin it with the help of black magic rituals, you also need to work comprehensively. The complex may include quarrels and love spells and, of course, it is necessary to include powerful damage to lack of money, or the ruin and elimination of a competitor. How exactly you will work, what witchcraft rituals you will perform, depends on the specific situation.

But how to make a strong curse on poverty?

Here is one example of how they independently cause damage to poverty and misfortune. The peculiarity of this mirror damage is that it leaves an imprint not only on the sphere of money, fate as a whole is spoiled, luck is taken away, and with it everything else.

Strong damage to lack of money and failure through broken mirrors

Magical damage to poverty works well on the personal strength of a novice magician. But if you make a call on the Forces, the magic ritual will work more powerfully. If you work through the Forces, payment for the crossroads is obligatory.

To bring monetary damage to the complete poverty and failures of the enemy, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • wax candle
  • 2 mirrors
  • 2 photos of the object
  • spool of black thread
  • hammer

They independently cause strong damage to poverty during the waning moon, or during the new moon, with a burning wax candle. Take 2 mirrors of the same size, print 2 photos of the enemy according to the size of the mirrors. Fold the photo with the white sides facing each other and stitch with a cross diagonally. While sewing, read the words of the poverty spell:

“I sew a cross, I sew with a cross (name) grief and misfortune, misfortune and destiny, and in all matters I sew bad luck. Let it be so".

When finished, tie 3 knots, saying a spell for the enemy’s poverty:

Next, powerful damage to lack of money is done like this: cover the stitched photos in the mirrors. It is clear that you should not look into these mirrors yourself and do not reflect in them. This is a very bad sign. This means that you have closed the stitched photos in the mirrors, take the spool, wrap the thread around the mirror and, without tearing off the thread, tie the free end of the thread and the thread going to the spool with 3 knots.

For each node, read the words of the magic spell of corruption for permanent lack of money:

“I tie what has been said to your destiny, (name), I will tie everything said in knots. Let it be so".

After which 7 times you are reading the text of a spell of damage to complete lack of money and failures in life, while wrapping the mirrors with a cross:

“I laid a cross on your destiny, covered your destiny with a cross, from now on you will have to bear a heavy cross, you cannot get rid of the cross, you cannot find another way. Cover your undertakings with the cross, and become one with misfortune and misfortune. Just as a mirror reflects everything in itself, your destiny (name), so the mirror of your destiny will crack, scatter into pieces, and will not unite itself, so your destiny will crack. Luck won't find you from now on. You (name) will not see any luck in anything, you will not finish your work, you will not know the profit. Everything that has been started falls apart, everything desired will fall into pieces. Your fate will deal with cracks and broken reflections, (name) will cut you with fragments, you (name) will have no luck in anything until these mirrors come together again, grow together into a single whole. Let it be so".

After this, tie the free end of the thread into 3 knots with the words:

“I tied what was said, tied it to fate (name). Let it be so".

And secure the knots with candle wax. Then place this structure on the floor (I recommend putting it in a bag first) and break it with a hammer. Say:

“I break the mirror of your luck, I reflect your fate in broken mirrors.”

At the end of the powerful ritual of severe damage to eternal lack of money, the structure is drowned in a public toilet, thrown into a landfill, or into a rotten swamp.

How to determine the damage to poverty and financial failures

You can determine whether there is magical damage to poverty in your field by turning to prediction systems. By using magical diagnostic rituals, you will know for sure whether a person is damaged due to lack of money, and if so, of what nature. Diagnostics on Runes and Tarot cards are widely used; wax castings are popular. These home methods provide comprehensive information and help recognize a person's damage due to lack of money, as well as black curses aimed at other areas of life.

However, any magical negative leaves marks. The so-called signs. And it is they, these very signs, that will let an observant person know that something bad is happening around him.

How can you find out the damage to poverty yourself?

One of the most striking signs of the presence of monetary damage on a person: money came freely into life, but suddenly it was gone. And everything seems to be the same, and there are sources of income, but no money. A series of troubles, the so-called “black streak”, is also a sign of damage caused to eternal poverty.

Illnesses, injuries, accidents, a depressed, depressed state of mind - all this speaks of induced negativity; by these signs it is easy to recognize damage to lack of money, to the closure of paths, to financial failures and personal failure. The first alarm bell will give you. Listen to him and trust him. Intuition does not fail people of fine spiritual organization.

The next stage of establishing the truth is a magical diagnosis of the damage to poverty and misery. Fortune telling on Tarot cards or the ancient system of Runes will give you clear information on a specific case and help you on your own find out if there is damage to lack of money, either casting an evil eye on money, or aimed at destroying other areas of life. Having established the presence of damage to poverty and eternal lack of money on the family, it needs to be removed. This is why there are many rituals in the practices of black magic. Don't grab the first one you come across. How to remove the curse of poverty from a person and eliminate its consequences, witchcraft intuition and, of course, your personal experience will tell you.

How you can remove damage yourself due to lack of money - about the power of the ritual of magical cleansing

So, each of you will be able to independently determine the damage to a life without money if you are careful, and even more so if you have any experience of witchcraft. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, offer a good ritual of magical cleansing from the damage caused to complete poverty. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say right away that cleaning is very harsh and can cause weakness, drowsiness, deterioration of physical condition, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. However, side effects may not occur. Sometimes a person feels bad when a completely fresh curse on begging or a negative spell with other characteristics is removed. But, much more often this happens when old, long-standing damage to constant lack of money and failure is removed; when it has taken root in a person, and suddenly it is removed.

Although I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, I repeat, it happens in different ways, but uncomfortable sensations during a good effective cleansing from the money curse are a common case. Especially if we are not talking about a banal evil eye (so that remove the evil eye of lack of money, sometimes it’s enough to wash it off with an independent conspiracy, and the negativity goes away; salt cleansing works great in this regard), but about magical damage to a beggarly life of medium strength or strong.

In my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom thinks it is necessary remove old damage to a poor life completely, knowing in advance what the result will be. Freeing yourself from monetary damage to poverty, putting up strong protections, and doing magical rituals for the positive - this is the right direction for the work of an experienced practicing magician. And now about the independent ritual of removing damage to poverty through a knife.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

How to remove damage due to lack of money - universal cleaning of a knife

A magical ritual of getting rid of damage due to lack of money should be performed on men's days for men (in magic this is: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). And on women's days - for women (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). The remaining days are simply skipped. On the first day you choose, go and buy a knife with a black handle. Give money with your left hand, do not take change, silently read the words of a magical spell to cure damage to permanent lack of money:

“You have to trade, and I have to conjure, money and goods come to you, strength and help come to me. Amen".

Pick up the knife with your right hand. Don't talk to anyone on the way home. Silently give to three beggars if you meet them on the road (think in advance about the path to meet, but don’t specifically look for them). Although, as some sorcerers write, everything works great even without this condition, and removing the spell of poverty goes very successfully (but I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would not advise relying on this, you are still a beginner magician, so it’s better with beggars).

What you will need to remove damage to lack of money and financial failures:

  • new knife
  • wax candle (not from church)
  • photo of the person we are cleaning (if you are cleaning, then take your photo)

In the evening of this day, after sunset, light a candle, take the knife by the handle with your right hand, turn the blade towards you, pointing the tip down. Look at the candle flame, read the text of an independent conspiracy three times to remove beggarly damage:

On the next selected three days, also after sunset, with the same candle, take the knife in your right hand and hold the photo in your left. The photo needs to be scraped with a knife from top to bottom and 12 times read the words of the conspiracy to remove damage to a beggarly lot:

“I don’t cut, I don’t stab, but (the name of the person from whom you are removing the negative, if from yourself, say your name) I clean, I treat. What is not his - (“what is not mine - get away from me”). I drive out with a knife, pierce with the edge of illness, sadness, pain, dryness, blackness from (name) or “from myself”)). From (name) to hot metal. I want the knife to turn black, and (name) to get healthy and rich.”

Two days after the witchcraft ritual you need to go to bed. But, on the third day, having completed the magical ritual of cleansing from damage to the poor and bad luck, you should go to the cemetery. Take the knife with you. Do not approach the gate, but go to the fence, stand with your back to it and say:

“Black to black, dead to dead, living to living.”

Then, with your right hand, throw this knife over your left shoulder into the cemetery territory. Silently, and without turning around, leave.

This is a black ritual getting rid of damage to eternal lack of money, and therefore you can use it, having magical ritual protection. There will be no conflict of forces here. However, there is a possibility that a person’s witchcraft protection will be weakened. There is nothing wrong with this, this is a normal process. In any case, after treatment for damage to poverty and a miserable life, you need to update and strengthen amulets and talismans.

Damage is not done for anything: even death. But not many people are faced with this type of magical effect, such as damage to money. After all, most often, quite wealthy people who have envious people or successful businessmen who are tried to harm by their competitors suffer from this.

With such damage, a person literally feels how the money channel is blocked and financial success turns away from him. Unplanned expenses appear all the time, income decreases sharply, and regular customers leave. But ordinary people should not think that this cannot affect them. After all, there will always be someone who can envy your level of well-being and success. And this envy may push someone to go to black magicians.

There is also a fairly simple way to “catch” money damage. Since childhood, many of us cannot pass by small coins lying on the ground. And if the bill is large, perhaps 99 percent of people will not be able to pass through here calmly. But it’s not always that someone accidentally lost this money. Some people use magical techniques to transfer damage. When using these methods, damage to money will be transferred to the person who picked it up. Of course, this is not at all an ethical way of removing negativity from oneself, but many out of desperation decide to do it, believing that God will judge further... Many magicians say that damage can be removed only by transferring it to another person or animal. Well, most often they return it back to the one who sent it. Therefore, you should not be surprised that after some time the damage may return again to the one who used the technique and gave it to a random person. We can advise you not to take the money, but if you just can’t resist, pick it up after praying and try to immediately spend it on something or exchange it.

How is damage to money removed?

Try to remove it yourself, but if all else fails, contact a knowledgeable magician.

One of the simple rituals for removing money damage is as follows. At night, before going to bed, take a glass in your right hand and read the spell three times:

The water of God, the water of the well, was the water of death, become the water of life! Lord, if you are true water, sanctify this water, wash away curses, lessons, ghosts, the evil eye, black words, envy, hatred, reckless fun, bribes, frustration, all damage, all damage from the servant of God (name). Evil, go to your parent, and God is our father. I wash with water and bless with the holy cross. Amen (3 times).

Now you can wash your face with this water and go to bed. It is advisable to repeat this ritual three times.

How do you know that the ritual worked? Of course, you shouldn’t expect that material wealth will immediately fall on you after the damage to money is removed. You will just clearly feel that some barriers have disappeared. If suddenly someone in your circle or a familiar competitor in business begins to suffer losses at the same moment, then you can assume that this person was the one. Of course, this is just one, albeit serious, clue, and it could be just a coincidence. Only a psychic can say for sure.