Homemade caramel sorbet with peanuts. Sherbet at home How to make milk sorbet at home

Sherbet is quite easy to prepare at home. But in order for such a delicacy to turn out truly tasty and aromatic, you need to make every effort. It should be especially noted that the preparation of this sweet product requires a small amount of simple and affordable products.

Sherbet at home: photo and recipe

Required ingredients:

  • fresh cow's milk - from 1 to 3 glasses (the hardness of the future delicacy depends on the amount of milk drink);
  • granulated sugar - 3 full;
  • peeled peanuts - from 200 g;
  • fresh butter - 55 g.

Cooking process

In order for sherbet at home to turn out exactly the same as it is sold in stores, you must strictly follow all the steps described below.

Fresh cow's milk must be mixed with 2.5 cups in a metal pan. Next, the dishes should be placed on low heat and, stirring constantly, cook the contents until it thickens and the mass acquires a soft creamy hue.

In order for the preparation of sherbet at home to take a minimum of time, it is advisable not to waste it, and in the process of cooking milk with sugar, proceed to the next stage. To do this, you need to take the remaining 0.5 cups of sugar, put it in a bowl along with 1 large spoon of drinking water and melt it so that you end up with dark brown caramel. While the burnt sugar has not hardened, it should be quickly poured into the thickened milk mass. You also need to add 55 g of butter to the pan. These additional ingredients will give the finished treat a rich color and glossy shine.

Sherbet at home involves the use of not only the above-mentioned products, but also such an ingredient as peanuts. It must be thoroughly washed, peeled and lightly fried. If desired, the nuts can be lightly crushed, but they can also be used in their whole form. After the peanuts are completely ready, they must be immediately added to the main milk mass, and then everything must be mixed thoroughly.

The final stage in preparation

When the mixture of milk, sugar and butter becomes viscous, it must be poured hot into pre-prepared molds. This can be an ordinary kitchen container with low sides, or a mold for sweets, which are sold in boxes. In any case, it is recommended to lubricate the surface of such dishes with vegetable oil, because if this is not done, the sweet product may stick tightly to the bottom.

After the molds are filled to the brim, they must be immediately placed in the refrigerator and left to cool completely. Next, the delicacy must be removed from the dish and beautifully placed in a candy bowl.

Proper serving to the table

As you can see, making sherbet at home is surprisingly easy and quick. This sweet product can be consumed not only with tea, but also just like that, instead of the usual treats and caramels.

Sherbet is a favorite sweet of many from childhood, as well as kozinaki and halva. Every time you pass by a department where oriental sweets are sold, aren’t you tormented by the question: “What is sherbet made from?”

Sherbet is a fragrant colored fudge on a fruit-milk or milk-cream base with crushed halva-type nuts.

Fudge is boiled sugar syrup, quickly cooled to a temperature of 35-40° and stirred at high speed in a fondant whipping machine.

The process of making sherbet is quite simple:

  • Pour 2 cups of milk into a non-enamel bowl, adding 2.5 cups of sugar. We put all this on low heat and, stirring constantly, bring the mass until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • At the same time, prepare the sweet caramel. Pour half a glass of sugar into a hot frying pan and bring the mixture to brown. Don't forget to stir constantly.
  • Caramel and 50 grams of butter are added to the sweet milk mixture.

    Butter is necessary to make the resulting sweetness crumbly.

  • After this, add the filling (for example, 200 grams of peanuts) and mix.
  • Now all that remains is to cool the dish and enjoy its wonderful taste.

You can learn more clearly about sherbet by watching a fragment of the Galileo program:

I made my first sorbet a few years ago, 15 years ago. Back then, homemade sweets were especially popular, due to the lack of opportunity to buy them in the store (in sufficient quantities). Most often we made “cockerels” from burnt sugar. And when these caramels became somewhat boring, they added butter and nuts (cookies or even oatmeal) to the sugar and got sherbet.


  • peanuts (raw) – 250 g,
  • heavy cream (I use 20%) – 330 g,
  • butter – 50 g,
  • sugar – 2.5 tbsp.

How to make sherbet with peanuts at home

First you need to prepare the peanuts. Only toasted, peeled nuts are suitable for sherbet, so if you have just such, you can safely skip this step. If, like me, you have unshelled raw peanuts, pour them into a frying pan and fry until the nuts begin to crackle characteristically and the peanut husks begin to separate from the kernels.

On average, peanuts are fried in about 10 minutes. Remove them from the stove and, after waiting until they cool down, peel them.

At the same time, you can start preparing the caramel-cream mass - the basis of our sorbet. First we make caramel. This will be a kind of sherbet color.

Pour half a glass of sugar into a frying pan (dry, without oils), put it on the stove and heat, stirring, until the sugar has completely melted. The finished caramel acquires a characteristic golden-brown color.

While preparing the caramel, find a couple of free minutes and mix the cream with the remaining sugar.

To help the sugar dissolve better, I lightly beat the cream with a blender (using the whisk attachment). On the question of whether it is possible to use cream of higher or lower fat content, or even replace it with milk. Can. You can take milk, and cream can be of any fat content. The main thing is to boil the sherbet mass to the desired state. And sorbet made with cream tastes more tender than sorbet made with milk.

As soon as the caramel is ready, pour it into the saucepan with the cream and sugar. Immediately place the saucepan on the stove at maximum heat. There is no need to close the lid.

Don't worry, the caramel will harden at first, but will melt as it cooks. Boil the caramel mass until thick. On average, it's 40-45 minutes.

At this time, grind some of the peanuts into coarse crumbs. And we prepare the form for the future sherbet. I use a rectangular cake pan.

We cover it with baking paper - the bottom and sides. It is better not to cover it with cling film, because it simply will not withstand the weight of the sherbet and you will not be able to remove it from the mold.

As soon as the caramel mixture has thickened, add peanuts to it: both crumbs and the remaining whole nuts. Mix everything quickly, as the mass quickly cools and sets.

Once the nuts are mixed in, add the butter into the pan. Knead again. At this stage, the chipped mass should be liquid. If you didn’t have time to do everything quickly, dilute the mixture with a small amount of cream, milk or water if you don’t have anything dairy left.

Pour the mixture into the mold and leave to cool in the refrigerator.

After about an hour and a half, the sherbet can be taken out - it’s ready!

All that remains is to cut it into pieces...

Bon appetit!

Sweets are loved at any age. And no matter what they tell us about the dangers of sugar, we always buy sweets, cookies, marshmallows or other confectionery products for ourselves and our loved ones for tea. But it’s better to prepare sweets yourself. In this case, you will be protected from the ingestion of artificial additives, synthetic flavors and dyes from your food. One of the simple home recipes is boiled sugar with milk.

Boiled sugar is a great addition to freshly brewed tea. We will cook it with milk. It tastes like sherbet and Creamy Cow candies. True, the consistency of the homemade delicacy is harder. The recipe for making boiled sugar is quite simple, and you don’t need many ingredients: milk, sugar and a little butter. Additives in the form of peanuts, walnuts, seeds, raisins, pieces of dried apricots, cherries, and strawberries from homemade jam help to diversify the taste of homemade sherbet and make it more interesting.


  • 100 ml of milk (preference should be given to full-fat village or farm milk)
  • 400 ml sugar
  • 40 g butter
  • strawberry jam berries


1. Pour milk into a thick-walled bowl. When it boils, add 350 ml of sugar (the remaining 50 ml will be used later for coloring). Cook with constant stirring for about an hour. Cooking time depends on several factors: the strength of the flame, the diameter of the pan. Gradually the mass acquires a golden hue.

2. After about 30 minutes from the moment the milk and sugar are heated, the color is prepared, giving the delicacy a beautiful caramel color. Kohler is essentially burnt sugar, which is poured onto the bottom of a hot cast-iron frying pan and, stirring constantly, heated until it melts and darkens. The more sugar used for this, the darker the homemade sherbet will turn out.

3. Add color to the boiled milk-sugar mixture. Mix.

4. Put a piece of butter into the boiled sugar, which will make the mass more plastic and less hard.

Homemade oriental delicacy - Sherbet with peanuts

Prepare a container for the sugar to harden. Grease its bottom with butter.

6. If desired, add nuts, raisins, etc. to the prepared mass. In our case, place the strawberries evenly on the bottom of the dish to harden.

7. Pour boiled sugar into the prepared container. Smooth its surface with a spoon and apply marks if you want to get more even pieces of crushed sugar in the future, since frozen sugar is not cut, but pricked with a knife. Give the dish time to harden.

Turn the dish with boiled sugar upside down and remove the frozen contents. Divide into portions. On the eve of the New Year, boiled sugar can be turned into a gift or decoration for the Christmas tree with a little creativity. The photo shows a bright candy: a piece of homemade sherbet is wrapped in cling film, wrapped in gift paper and cellophane.

Another interesting recipe:

Pie with boiled condensed milk

Sherbet is one of those types of sweets that have more benefits than harm, but this is provided that they are prepared at home from high-quality products. The store-bought version of sherbet has nothing in common with its traditional recipe, so for the pleasure of enjoying this exquisite oriental sweetness, you should stock up on a minimum set of products and an hour of free time.

Main components of homemade sherbet

The classic version of sherbet consists of sugar syrup with milk and nuts. In France, a soft version of sherbet is very popular, which in its consistency resembles melted ice cream with nuts and fresh fruit with a scoop of ice cream.

Sherbet: composition and benefits. How to make sherbet at home

There is also a completely liquid sherbet, which is prepared from fresh fruit juice with various spicy additives.

For us, sherbet is more familiar in the form of candies with a light aroma of condensed milk.

Homemade sherbet can be prepared from:

  • any nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds),
  • dried fruits,
  • seeds,
  • crushed cookies,
  • raisins,
  • cranberries

To prepare milk sugar syrup, you can use regular, powdered or condensed milk, cream.

Little tricks for delicious homemade sherbet

One of the main components of these sweets is milk, the product is very tender and delicate, so as not to spoil all the syrup, it must be fresh and of high quality.

Ready-made sherbet cannot be stored for a long time, so do not immediately prepare a large portion that you cannot eat in a few days.

If you don’t like too sweet things and are watching your figure, then you can safely reduce the amount of sugar.

If you use fruits and berries as a filler, be sure to remove all the seeds.

The nuts must first be fried in a dry frying pan and peeled.

Dried fruits and raisins should be washed with warm water and dried slightly.

To diversify the taste of sherbet, you can add cinnamon, vanilla or liqueur to the syrup.

Recipe for tender sherbet with nuts

This recipe uses condensed milk instead of regular milk, so the amount of sugar can be reduced. If you want to enjoy the taste to the fullest, then you can add a couple of spoons of honey to the syrup.

Product set:

  • One can of high-quality condensed milk.
  • Two tablespoons of butter.
  • Two glasses of sugar.
  • Honey (optional).
  • A mixture of various nuts.
  • Raisins (optional).

Cooking steps:

  • In a convenient enamel saucepan (preferably with a long handle), mix condensed milk, sugar and butter. Place on low heat and simmer this mixture for half an hour until thickened. The syrup must be stirred constantly and not allowed to burn. If you also use honey, add it at the end of cooking.
  • Add dried and lightly crushed nuts to the finished milk syrup, mix everything well and pour into moistened molds. You can use one general form, and after the sherbet has hardened a little, cut it into portions.

If you decide to pamper your loved ones with a sweet treat for tea, then it is absolutely not necessary to buy a ready-made dessert. Homemade sherbet is prepared very simply and quite quickly.

  1. Dry the peanuts in a dry frying pan or baking sheet for 5-7 minutes. The heat should be low, otherwise the dessert filling may burn.
  2. Transfer the cooled nuts into a bag and crush them with a rolling pin.
  3. Pour sugar, cocoa and milk powder into a saucepan or saucepan. Pour in water and mix the ingredients.
  4. Place the bowl with the “dough” on the stove over medium heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cook the sherbet base for another 8 minutes. The sweet mass must be stirred constantly, otherwise it will stick to the walls of the dish.
  5. Remove the pan from the stove and let the contents sit undisturbed for 5-7 minutes. After this, add butter and peanuts, mix the ingredients again.
  6. Transfer the resulting mass into a plastic container and smooth the surface of the future dessert. When the mixture has cooled, put it in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours. After this, the treat can be cut into several pieces and served.

How many calories are in sorbet with peanuts? A treat prepared according to our recipe contains from 430 – 450 kcal per 100 g of product. This is almost 1/5 of the daily requirement, so the treat should not be overused.

Sherbet with peanuts, cookies and condensed milk

The sweet dessert will appeal to children and adults. The ingredients of sherbet with peanuts are easy to remember. It includes boiled condensed milk, any soft cookies, butter and nuts. The weight of each ingredient is 100 g.

The preparation of the treat is very simple:

  1. Beat condensed milk and butter with a blender.
  2. Chop the cookies and nuts with a knife.
  3. Mix the prepared products, form them into a sausage and wrap it in cling film.
  4. Place the preparation in the freezer overnight.

Before serving, cut the treat into 1 cm wide slices. Serve it with tea or coffee. It is better to store the treat in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add any dried fruits to the recipe.

The benefits of sherbet with peanuts depend on the composition of the dessert. If it does not contain sugar, preservatives and dyes, then such a treat can be safely recommended even to children.

Oriental sweets

sherbet recipe at home


1 hour

420 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Are you expecting a dear mother-in-law or a close friend with children to visit? Do you want to please your family with tea treats? Then it’s worth remembering your childhood - what delicacies did you ask your mother for in the confectionery department? I just loved the peanut sorbet, which was better than any candy; I recently found a recipe for this dessert and am preparing it at home – it tastes like the one from my childhood.

Today I will tell you how to make this dish, especially since it does not require expensive or exotic ingredients. Let's figure out how to make sherbet at home - I offer two recipes: one of them requires peanuts, and the second tastes better with hazelnuts or walnuts.

Homemade sorbet with peanuts

  • Cooking time: 4-8 hours for hardening.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, stewpan or metal mug, stirring spatula, baking container or frying pan, parchment. You will also need a stove, oven, and refrigerator.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • Be sure to check the milk for freshness: pour a couple of tablespoons into a separate pan and heat. If the protein curdles when boiling, the product has begun to sour. For this recipe, try to choose medium-fat milk; Homemade (cow) will also do.
  • It's best to take raw peanuts. The kernels should be the same size, smooth, not wrinkled, without dark spots. They should have a barely noticeable sweetish odor, without acid or bitterness.
  • Choose your oil carefully: Only a high-quality creamy product with a milky smell and a fat content of at least 82% is suitable. Spreads or margarine will ruin the dish. Homemade butter would be a good option for this recipe, but keep in mind that the product must be fresh and without bitterness.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of cold water into a small saucepan. Pour in 250 g of milk and place on low heat.

  2. Add 600 g of sugar, stir.

  3. Boil, stirring with a spatula, for half an hour.

  4. Pour 140-180 g of peanuts into a dry baking container and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 160-180 degrees.

  5. Let the nuts cool, then peel the husks.

  6. Pour 100 g of sugar into a saucepan or mug and place over medium heat. Stirring constantly, wait until the sugar melts to a caramel state.
  7. When the mixture turns brown and begins to boil, quickly pour it into the milk-sugar mixture. Mix well.

  8. Boil for 20-30 minutes.

  9. Add 80 g of butter to the sherbet mixture, let it melt and mix thoroughly until smooth.

  10. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and lightly grease it with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

  11. Distribute the nuts evenly over the pan.

  12. Pour the milk mixture into the mold in a thin stream, filling it. Try not to pour it all at once so that the nuts are evenly distributed throughout the dessert.

  13. Leave the dish overnight in a cool place. In extreme cases, you can wait about 4-5 hours.

  14. Carefully peel off the parchment and cut the treat into pieces.

Video recipe for making sherbet with peanuts at home

If you want to see how to make peanut sherbet at home using this recipe, watch the following video. The video demonstrates all stages of preparation.

Homemade sherbet for tea

How to make homemade sherbet, Peanut Kozinaki Oriental sweets made at home. Today we are making sorbet with peanuts. Tasty, aromatic and inexpensive.
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Homemade sorbet with nuts

  • Cooking time: 1 hour + at least 3 hours for hardening.
  • Number of servings: 6-8.
  • Calorie content (per 100 g): 394 kcal.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: baking sheet or baking dish, parchment paper, saucepan, stirring blade, mixer with dough attachments, sherbet mold, cling film, oven, stove, microwave.

Important! Freeze the ice in advance and chill a glass (ceramic, metal) bowl in the refrigerator.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Line a baking pan or baking sheet with parchment, pour in 150-200 g of nuts, and place in the oven at 160 degrees. Fry them for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  2. Remove the nuts, cool and peel them.

  3. Pour 30-40 ml of water into a saucepan and add 130-150 g of sugar. Stir and heat over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Stir the mixture.

  4. When the sugar has completely dissolved, scrape the sides of the saucepan with a spatula and add 25-30 g of honey or invert syrup to the mixture.

  5. Bring the syrup to a boil, simmer for 3 minutes. Reduce the heat so that the mixture barely simmers.

  6. Add 300 g of condensed milk, a pinch of salt.

  7. Mix the fudge thoroughly and bring to a boil over high heat.

  8. Reduce heat and cook mixture until light brown, stirring vigorously.

  9. After 10-12 minutes, when the caramel rises from the bottom, turn off the fudge.

  10. Cool the mass. To do this, take ice, place a chilled bowl on it and pour the mixture from the saucepan. Knead it.

  11. Beat the mixture with a mixer fitted with a dough hook. You need to beat until the consistency of the mass changes. The finished mixture should not stick to your hands.

  12. Place the lipstick on the table and knead it with your hands.

  13. Lightly heat the mixture to 50 degrees. It’s convenient to do this in the microwave: 2-3 passes for 15-20 seconds are enough. Power - about 700. Make sure that the mass does not melt or become liquid.

  14. When the mixture becomes soft, stir in the nuts. Mash thoroughly so that the nuts are distributed evenly.

  15. Cover the form for the future dessert with cling film, lay it out, compacting it tightly. Level the top.

  16. Cover the top with parchment and let cool for about 3 hours, preferably overnight.

Video recipe for making sorbet with nuts

Do you want to make sherbet with nuts at home, but a recipe with a photo is not enough for you? Watch the following video which shows how to make this dish and gives cooking tips.

EASTERN SWEETS 🍬 SHERBET (SHERBET) with nuts from childhood ○ GOST

Recipe for sherbet/sherbet with nuts according to GOST at home. It’s not at all difficult to prepare this oriental sweetness at home; besides, the recipe requires products that are found in almost every home.
Friends, subscribe to our channel https://goo.gl/kcMqcX here you will find recipes that always work out!

Recipe for homemade sorbet with peanuts or hazelnuts:
300 g condensed milk,
150 g sugar,
30-40 ml water,
25 g honey or invert syrup,
a pinch of salt,
150-200 g nuts.

Homemade sherbet recipe on the website https://vkusnajaeda.ru/sherbet-s-orexami-gost/

Check out recipes for other desserts and sweets:
Nougat with nuts https://youtu.be/UupQrsQIWZs
Confectionery lipstick https://youtu.be/9B5xsZIEGX0
Cake with lipstick https://youtu.be/TDOui0Ra0rQ
Chicago Cookies https://youtu.be/P6zmsWl8eM8
Coconut Brownie https://youtu.be/78ZXtlAsqMk
Chocolates https://youtu.be/oWsHeZuuCq4
Chocolate cake/pie https://youtu.be/LZuwgkYyGS8

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#Recipe #How to Cook #Sherbet #Sherbet #OrientalSweets #MilkLipstick #CreamyLipstick #SherbetRecipe #SherbetRecipeAtHome #SherbetComposition #WhatSherbetMade #OrientalSweetsRecipes #HowtoCookSherbet #HowtoCookSherbetAtHome #SherbetAtHome




How to serve and decorate a dish

  • This delicacy, like other oriental sweets, for example, is usually served with tea. You can offer dessert with cold milk, coffee, lemonade or sour juice (apple, orange).
  • Along with sherbet, you can serve homemade shortbread cookies and crackers. Please note that dessert is quite high in calories, so other dishes should be light.
  • This sweetness looks original in a bowl of ice cream - cut the sorbet into small pieces and place around the edges.

Decorating the dessert is simple. Cut it into squares or small bars and place on a flat plate. The edges of the dishes can be sprinkled with nut crumbs, decorated with a pattern of honey, mint leaves or cherry berries.

Did you know? To make the dessert look more original, you can make it into portions by placing it in shaped cookie molds to harden. This method is suitable for both the first and second recipes.

  • To shell roasted peanuts, place them in a metal bowl, cover with a lid or a second bowl, and shake well. The husk will come off on its own.
  • You can cook caramel in a frying pan, but it must have a thick bottom and walls.
  • The readiness of any nuts, except walnuts, can be checked by the husk: if it cracks or comes off easily, it’s time to turn off the heat.
  • Carefully monitor the readiness of the fudge - if it is overcooked, a burnt taste may appear, and it will be difficult to add “filler”. Liquid fondant will not set.
  • You can keep homemade nut sorbet in the refrigerator or just a cool place before serving.

Other preparation and filling options

  • Nuts are actively used in oriental sweets. Try making Turkish delight or delicious!
  • Another wonderful oriental delicacy is homemade marshmallow. It is made from fruits with or without the addition of nuts. The apple pastille turns out to be very delicate in taste.
  • You can add not only hazelnuts or peanuts to homemade sherbet, but also cashews and walnuts. Try also mixing them with raisins, chopped prunes or dried apricots. This will give the dish an original sourness.
  • Try using different types of nuts for the dish - it will be even more unusual.

Homemade nut sorbet is a delicious delicacy that both children and their parents will enjoy.. This is one of the simplest and fastest oriental dishes to prepare, which quickly satisfies hunger and contains healthy vitamins and fatty acids. Do you prepare such desserts? Share your recipes and cooking tips in the comments!

Having a huge craving for everything sweet, but not cloying (like), I can’t help but put in a word about such a wonderful dessert as sherbet, the recipes of which can easily be prepared at home. In our recipes, cooked sherbet will be a real oriental sweet, like fudge, although sometimes it can also be a drink. For those who like the word sherbet, At the same time, we will consider its preparation options.

General in preparation and process

We add crushed nuts of all kinds to each type of sweet, from peanuts and hazelnuts to cashews and walnuts. All of them must be crushed in a blender, and if desired, chopped with a knife.

But, for example, I generally use whole nuts that are not too large in sherbet. And technology can be overzealous.

And all this delight must be placed in our syrup, immediately after thickening, cooling it almost to the end and mixing well. We transfer the sorbet into a beautiful form, lined with cling film and, after cooling completely, place the form in the refrigerator. After cooling, freeing from the film, place on the table.

You can wash the nuts before chopping if you have the feeling that they were touched by not very clean hands, but do not forget to dry the nuts on a towel and finally dry them in a heated frying pan. By the way, if they are slightly fried, it’s not scary, and even better for the taste.

According to the viscous recipe, all sherbets are of the same type in execution. Therefore, we will consider one in detail, and the rest of the recipes will consist of ingredients and, if necessary, supplemented.



  • sugar - 1 kg,
  • strawberry juice - 1 glass,
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook

If you have real juice in your kitchen and not a diluted duplicate, great. Let's hope so. In another case, we take strawberries and squeeze the ripe and aromatic berries through fine gauze. Or we take ice cream out of the freezer, wait for it to melt, and make juice in the same way.

Place sugar in a cooking vessel and pour a glass of juice without sediment. Place on low heat until the sugar dissolves. Then we put it on high heat, skim off the dark foam and wipe the edges of the dish with a clean cloth soaked in cold water, removing the hardened sugar so that the sherbet does not become sugary in the future.

We test the readiness by dropping the syrup into cold water: if the syrup does not dissolve immediately and you can pick it up with your fingers, then the sorbet is ready, and immediately remove it from the heat. If not, continue cooking and try again. Sometimes you have to try several times before the desired result is achieved (sometimes I deliberately don’t complete some part, it goes well with homemade ones).

Cover the dish with a damp towel and let cool slightly. We begin to stir the sherbet, which is in a warm state. Mix in one direction until you get a color change and a thick paste. When the color changes, add lemon juice while continuing to stir.

This is where nuts come into play. By stirring and cooling until the end, we get an unforgettable taste of oriental sweetness. And exercise your brain!

Raspberry (cherry)


  • sugar - 1 kg each,
  • raspberry or cherry juice - 3/4 cup each.

How to cook

Squeeze ripe raspberries or cherries through fine cheesecloth until 3/4 cup of juice comes out. Fill the remaining quarter with water. Pour the juice into the sugar in a cooking bowl and place on low heat until the sugar dissolves. Place on high heat. Next are all the steps for strawberry sorbet.



  • sugar - 1.25 kg,
  • water - 4 glasses,
  • lemon - 1 piece,
  • vanillin - to taste.

How to cook

Dissolve sugar in water over very low heat. When it melts, put it on high heat and cook, removing the scum. The syrup should be thicker than for other sherbets. Don't forget to remove the hardened sugar from the edges. Test for doneness, add vanillin and remove from heat.

When the syrup has cooled a little, start stirring with a wooden spoon. When the paste begins to turn white, gradually pour in the strained lemon juice, adding a little grated lemon zest to taste.



  • sugar - 1.25 kg,
  • water - 4 glasses,
  • bitter chocolate (cocoa) - 50 g,
  • vanilla to taste.

How to cook

Cook as in the previous recipe. When the syrup is ready, add grated chocolate and vanillin. Remove the scum from time to time until the sherbet thickens. After removing from the stove, also knead until the color changes until it becomes a homogeneous paste. You can, if desired, stir it with your hand.



  • sugar - 1.25 kg,
  • water - 3 glasses,
  • strong coffee - 1 glass.

How to cook

First, dissolve the sugar in water, and then add a glass of strong real coffee. If the sherbet, having changed color, turns out to be very light and we get a light color, add another teaspoon of coffee.

From burnt sugar


  • 1.25 kg sugar,
  • 4 glasses of water.

How to cook

In a basin (saucepan) dissolve sugar in water (1 liter) over very low heat. Having dissolved, put on very high heat. Place 250 grams of sugar in a clean frying pan and set it on fire. Without letting it burn too much, add a glass of boiling water. Stir. When the sherbet syrup is almost ready, pour the burnt sugar solution into the pan. Cook until done, cover with a towel, let cool slightly and start stirring.

And this cannot be called the final recipe. There is rose petal sherbet. But where can I get 250 grams of selected petals in winter? We'll wait for summer.